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1 1)most common type of stern used ....

a)counter stern
b)elliptical stern
c)transom stern
d)none of the above

5)ballast carried in wing tank and topside tank in bulk and ore carriers aid in
2 making the ship.....a)less stiff
b)less tender
c)ressiet rolling
d)resist pitching

3 8)in longitudinal corrugated bULKHEAD corrugation are

a)either horiz or vertical
b)only horizontal
c)only vertical
d)neither horizontal nor vertical

9. Plating on bulkheads are generally fitted ____________ for better

4 graduation of thickness.
A. Vertically in all bulkheads
B. Horizontally in all bulkheads
C. Vertically in transverse bulkheads only
D. Horizontally in transverse bulkheads only

5 10. Position of center of buoyancy of a box shaped barge is at

A. Half of the draught;
B. Half of the depth of the hull
C. All of the above
D. None of the above;

6 14.Which of the following statements is False?

A. A collision bulkhead must be fitted on all types of ships.
B. An after peak bulkhead must be fitted on all types of ships.
C. One bulkhead at each end of machinery spaces must be fitted on all types of
D. The aft peak bulkhead must extend to the upper deck

17. Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel's side plating are called
7 __________.
A) stringers
B) side frames
C) side stiffeners
D) intercostals

19. In a transversely framed ship, the transverse frames are supported by all of
8 the following EXCEPT __________.
A) girders
B) longitudinals
C) side stringers
D) web plates

20. In a longitudinally-framed ship, the longitudinal frames are held in place

9 and
supported by athwartship members called __________.
A) floors
B) margin plates
C) stringers
D) web frames

21. When the longitudinal strength members of a vessel are continuous and
10 closely
spaced, the vessel is __________.
A) transversely framed
B) longitudinally framed
C) intermittently framed
D) web framed

22. A vessel having continuous closely spaced transverse strength members is

11 __________.
A) longitudinally framed
B) transversely framed
C) cellular framed
D) web framed

12 23. In ship construction, frame spacing is __________.

A) greater at the bow and stern
B) reduced at the bow and stern
C) uniform over the length of the vessel
D) uniform over the length of the vessel, with the exception of the machinery
spaces, where it is reduced due to increased stresses

13 24. The lower and the upper stools are provided for bulk carriers: -
A. with plate type of transverse watertight bulkheads and they normally
extend athwartship from ship side to ship side
B. with corrugated type of transverse watertight bulkheads and they normally
extend athwartship from ship side to ship side
C. with plate type of transverse watertight bulkheads and they normally
extend athwartship from one side lower hopper to other side lower hopper

D. with corrugated type of transverse watertight bulkheads and they normally

extend athwartship from one side lower hopper to other side lower hopper

14 28. kg of ship increases with...

a) adding weight above on present kg
b)balasting db tank
c)moving weight in transverse direction
d)moving weight in frwd direction

15 29. the gm of the ship will change with..

a)shifting of weight longitudinally
b)shifting of weight transverselly
c)shifting of weight vertically
d)all of the above

31. Modern medium size single size skin bulk carrier are provided with _____
framing within double bottom, __________ framing within hopper tanks
16 _________ framing on the side shell within the cargo hold
a. L,L,L
b. T,T,L
c. L,T,L
d. L,L,T

33. As per conditions of assignments, the minimum height of air pipe openings
17 must be ________ on the freeboard deck
A. 380 mm
B. 450 mm
C. 600 mm
D. 760 mm

18 34. TPC not constant for ships like structure along the draft.
a. Length between the perpendicular changes as draft changes
b. AWP of water plane varies along the draft of the ship
c. TPC remains constant for ships like structure
d. Draft for any floating structure does not influence the values of TPC

36. Minimum possible no. of watertight bulkheads in ships with machinery

19 space amidships is
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5

37. Horizontal web plates which support the part of stern formed by radiused
20 plates, between deck, is known as
a) panting stringer
b) breast stringer
c) breast hook
d) breast stiffener

38. Minimum no. of intercoastal girder in transversely framed double bottom

21 of ship whose breadth is more than 10m but less than 20m.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

39. Modern medium to large size single side skin bulk carriers have long
framing within double bottoms, within hopper tanks & decks while side shell is
22 transversely framed. Why?
Ans: This is required for transverse strength. (I chose this option)

23 40. The usual depth of a beam bracket is __________.

A) 2 1/2 times the depth of the beam
B) 5 times the depth of the beam
C) 10 times the depth of the beam
D) same depth as the beam

24 41. A deck beam does NOT __________.

A) act as a beam to support vertical deck loads
B) lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vessel
C) act as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in place
D) act as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel

42. The deck beam brackets of a transversely framed vessel resist __________.
A) hogging stresses
B) sagging stresses
C) racking stresses
D) shearing stresses

26 43. Beams are cambered to __________.

A) increase their strength
B) provide drainage from the decks
C) relieve deck stress
D) All of the above

27 44. Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?

A) Deadrise
B) Camber
C) Freeboard
D) Flare

47. The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions
28 of the surface of the free liquids and the __________.
A) volume of liquid in the tank
B) volume of displacement of the vessel
C) location of the tank in the vessel
D) height of the center of gravity of the vessel

29 49. GM of ship will change with

a) Shifting of weight longitudinally
b) Shifting of weight transversely
c) Shifting of weight vertically
d) All of the above

30 52. What is bulk carrier ?

a) single deck, upper lower hopper
b) single deck upper lower stool
c) multideck crane grab
d) multideck hatchcover crane

31 54. cyclic up and down movement of a vessel along the vertical axis....

32 55. maximum transverse spacing in double bottom space....


33 56. when a weight is moved transversely in ship the ship will....

57. in ship con beam bracket are are triangular plate joining the deck beam to
34 a.....
d)deck longitudinal

35 60. Rise of floor Purpose…?

RISE OF FLOOR is the rise of the bottom shell plating above the horizontal base
measured at the ship's side. The object is to provide for the drainage of liquids
to the
ship's centrelie.
A. Drainage of water to the ships center line

36 61. Why TPC is not same for all drafts?...

Waterplane Area is not same for all drafts!

62. Extra Strengthening done where... for pounding region+ 40 % of mid ship…!

38 63. Engine room transverse framing…Every frame, alternate etc!

39 67. Hatch Coaming Minimum height…

a. 600,
b. 800,
c. 1000,
d. 1100
40 74. vertical support member used to strengthen bulkheads are called
a stiffner
b panels
c brackets
d stanchions

75. the welded joint located between two plates in the same strake of a hull
41 plating is called as
1 butt
2 lap
3 scarf
4 brackets

79. The mass of a ship without cargo, fuel, stores, water, crew etc that a ship
42 carries is known as:
A. Deadweight
B. Lightweight
C. Displacement
D. Tonnage

43 82. In a shell expansion plan, plate D5 refers to:

A. Fourth plate from aft and fifth strake from keel
B. Fifth plate from aft and fourth strake from the keel
C. Fourth plate from forward and fifth strake from keel
D. Fifth plate from forward and fourth strake from keelTop of Form

44 85. Location of Collision Bulkhead?

5-8 % Length of the Ship

45 87. Definition Of DISPLACEMENT of Ship…

Mass of the Displaced Volume of Water
The mass of the ship and everything it contains. A ship has different values of
displacement at different draught.

46 88. IDEAL Location of AIR PIPE

a. At the Lowest Point Of the Tank
b. At the Filling Connection
c. At the Highest Point of the Tank
d. Opposite to the Filling Connection

47 89. panting arrangement – 15%

48 90. pounding arrangement – 25%
49 91. Main Purpose Of Bulbous Bow
a) To Decrease the Specific Fuel Consumption!
b) Increase buoyancy fwd and hence reduce the pitching of the ship to small
c)increase the velocity of the ship
92. What is The Effect on RESERVE BUOYANCY when the ship is in Fresh Water
(for same Displacement)
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains same

95. Thickness of strakes of bottom plating is increased in which of the

50 following regions of the ship?
A. Pounding region
B. Over 40% of ship???s length amidships
C. Over 40% of ships length forward
D. Both A and B
100. Transverse frames are more widely spaced on a ship that is designed with
51 the __________.
A) centerline system of framing
B) isometric system of framing
C) longitudinal system of framing
D) transverse system of framing

101. Longitudinally framed double bottom, in frame spaces where there are no
solid floors the bracket on the sides & center of girder should not be more
52 than _____ apart
a) 2.5m
b) 3.7m
c) 3.8m
d) 1.25m
Reeds 44

101 A. In longitudinally framed double bottoms, the maximum spacing

53 between solid floors should not exceed ______________ in any region.
A. 2.5m
B. 3.0m
C. 3.7m
D. 3.8m

101B. In transversely framed double bottoms, the maximum spacing between

54 solid floors should not exceed ______________ in any region.
A. 2.5m
B. 3.0m
C. 3.7m
D. 3.8m

102. Transverse Framing…how support is given in Engine Room, or Pounding

55 Region…
Alternate Framing or Every Framing…fill in the blanks

56 110. At all angles of inclination the meta centre is located

a] Vertically above centre of buoyancy
b] Vertically above centre of centre
c] At the intersection of the upright vertical centreline and the line of action of
the buoyant force
d] Geometric centre of underwater volume

57 111. The "margin plate" is the __________.

A) outboard strake of plating on each side of an inner bottom
B) outer strake of plating on each side of the main deck of a vessel
C) plate which sits atop the center vertical keel
D) uppermost continuous strake of plating on the shell of a vessel

114. When displacement increases, the free surface moments of slack tanks
58 __________.
A) increase
B) decrease
C) are inversely proportional
D) remain unchanged

115. The pillar shape that gives the greatest strength for the least weight is the
59 __________.
A) octagonal pillar
B) "H" Beam pillar
C) "I" Beam pillar
D) circular type pillar
116. The existence of liquids in partially full tanks or compartments of a Ship
60 causes a virtual rise in the height of the _______________.
(a) metacenter
(b) center of buoyancy
(c) center of flotation
(d) center of gravity

118. The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions
61 of the surface of the free liquids and the __________.
A) volume of liquid in the tank
B) volume of displacement of the vessel
C) location of the tank in the vessel
D) height of the center of gravity of the vessel

121. If a vessel rolls to the starboard side, and there are no movable or moving
62 weights onboard, the center of gravity will ____________.
(A) move to port
(B) move to starboard
(C) move directly down
(D) stay in the same position

63 122. The average of the observed drafts is known as ____________.

(A) mean draft
(B) true mean draft
(C) mean of the calculated drafts
(D) draft at the center of flotation
123. The vertical distance between "G" and "M" of a vessel is used as a
64 measure of __________.
(A) stability at all angles of inclination
(B) initial stability
(C) stability at angles less than the limit of positive stability
(D) stability at angle less than the downflooding angle

124. "GM" cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of inclination

65 because ______________.
(a) "M" is not fixed at large angles
(b) there is no "M" at large angles
(c) "G" is not fixed at large angles
(d) there is no "G" at large angles

126. On a Vessel, the deck stringer is the outboard most deck

66 ________________.
(A) plating
(B) beam
(C) stiffener
(D) stanchion

129. The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is

67 indicated by the _____________.
(a) Load Line mark
(b) Certificate of Inspection
(c) Plimsoll line
(d) Tonnage mark

130. When flooding occurs in a damaged vessel, reserve buoyancy

68 ______________.
(A) decreases
(B) remains the same
(C) increases
(D) shifts to the low side

131. You can generally improve the vessel's stability in a hazardous situation
69 by _______________.
(A) pumping double bottoms to the forepeak
(B) ballasting deep tanks
(C) transferring ballast athwartships
(D) deballasting double bottoms
70 132. Reserve buoyancy is the _____________.
(A) unoccupied space below the waterline
(B) volume of intact space above the waterline
(C) excess of the buoyant force over gravitational force
(D) difference between buoyancy in salt and fresh waters

133. A vessel should normally behave as if all of its weight is acting downward
through the center of gravity and all of its support is acting upward through
71 the _____________.
(A) keel
(B) center of buoyancy
(C) tipping center
(D) amidships section

135. In the event of a collision, watertight integrity may be lost if

72 _____________.
(A) the sounding tube cap from a damaged tank is missing
(B) the dogs on a manhole cover are secure
(C) you have recently replaced a gasket in a watertight door
(D) you operate the dewatering system from a flooded compartment

19.Which of the following conditions will occur to the ship's center of gravity if
200 tons of steel is transferred to the ships cargo hold from shore side?
(A) The reserve buoyancy will rise.
(B) The center of gravity will remain in the same position.
(C) The center of gravity will be lowered.
(D) The reserve buoyancy will remain the same

74 138. Hull plating strakes are generally numbered as

Ans: from keel to deck alphabetically up & aft to forward numerically up

139. The curvature of the deck in fore and aft direction rising from amidships
75 to a maximum at the ends is known as:
A. Camber
B. Rise of the floor
C. Sheer *
D. Tumble home

140. Under machinery spaces, cellular double bottoms must have plate floors
76 at:
A. Every alternate frame space
B. Every frame space *
C. Not more than 3.05m apart
D. Not more than 3.7m apart

77 141. A vessel is defined as stable if:

A. GM is positive; *
B. GM is negative;
C. GM is zero;
D. GM is either negative or positive

142. Plating on bulkheads are generally fitted ____________ for better

78 graduation of thickness.
A. Vertically in all bulkheads
B. Horizontally in all bulkheads
C. Vertically in transverse bulkheads only
D. Horizontally in transverse bulkheads only

143. In transversely framed double bottoms, frame spaces between the solid
79 floors are:
A. Left unsupported
B. Fitted with bracket floors
C. Fitted with brackets at tank sides and center girder
D. None of the above

80 144. The primary purpose of fitting a bulbous bow is to:

A. Improve the appearance of the ship.
B. Strengthen the bow
C. Improve propulsive efficiency *
D. Improve resistance to pounding

81 145. Plates used to connect stern frames to flat plate keel are called:
A. Shoe plates
B. Coffin plates
C. Stealer plates
D. Boss plates
82 146. Air pipes in tanks are generally located:
A. Near filling pipes
B. Near pump suctions
C. At the opposite end of filling pipes and/or the highest point in the tank *
D. At the lowest point in the tank

83 149. Stability of a vessel is defined as:

A. Vessel will come not back to its initial position when external disturbance is
B. Vessel will come back to its initial position when external disturbance is
withdrawn and by suitably shifting of weights;
C. Vessel will float at different position when external disturbance is
D. Vessel will come back to its initial position when external disturbance is

84 151. The purpose of providing tumble home is to:

A. Improve the appearance of the ship
B. Help drain off water from deck easily
C. Reduce the volume of water coming on deck
D. Help drain tanks to bilges

152. At the ends of the ships, to prevent making plates too narrow, pair of
85 adjacent of straks are made to run into one strake with the help of
a, coffin plate
b. shoe plate
c. stealer plate
d. oxter plate

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