Mid Assignment 02 CO2 241

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American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB) Marks

Faculty of Engineering (EEE)

Course Name: Introduction to Electrical Circuits Course Code: COE 2101

Semester: Fall 23-24
Faculty: Term: Mid
Marks: 15 Assignment Name: Assignment 02 [CO2]
CO Number CO2 POI Number P.a.2.C3 Knowledge Profile: K2

Student Name: Student ID: Section:

Submission Date: March 08, 2024 Department: CSE

Instructions Related to Use Variables:

Note that this problem uses the variables a, b, c, d, and e, which are the digits of middle (5 digits) of your
student ID (22−abcde−3).
Fill up the following Table According to you Student ID:
a b c d e

Marking Rubrics (to be filled by Faculty):

Solve the problem Solve the most parts of Solve the few parts of No solution
Problems correctly the problem correctly the problem correctly

[3] [2] [1] [0]

Total Marks:


1. Use this page as a cover page for this assignment submission. Different cover page or without cover page,
assignment submission will not be acceptable.
2. Solve the problem in A4 size paper.
3. After completion the answer take pictures of all pages and make a PDF file by including all pages
4. Save your file as a PDF File by using the middle five digits of your ID
5. Finally upload your file to VUES System
6. 2 Marks will be reduced for each day late submission.
7. Copied/identical submissions will be graded as 0 for all parties concerned.
Problem 01:
For the networks of Fig. 1: Using superposition
theorem, determine the magnitude and direction of
current I1 through R1.

E = 16 V; I = 15 mA;
R1 = 2 kΩ; R2 = 6 kΩ; R3 = 4 kΩ; R4 = 8 kΩ
Fig. 1: Figure for Problem 01

Problem 02: For the networks of Fig. 2:

(i) Prepare the Norton equivalent circuit for the network
external to the resistor R.
(ii) Determine the current passing through the R when R is 2 kΩ,
4 kΩ and 8 kΩ.

E = 30 V; I = 12 mA;
R1 = 8 kΩ; R2 = 4 kΩ; R3 = 6 kΩ
Fig. 2: Figure for Problem 02

Problem 03: For the networks of Fig. 3:

(i) Prepare the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the
network external to the resistor R.
(ii) Determine the value of R for maximum power to R.
(iii) Determine the maximum power to R for each

E = 60 V; I = 5 A; R1 = 16 Ω; R2 = 8 Ω
Fig. 3: Figure for Problem 03

Problem 04:
For the electrical networks of Fig. 4:
(i) Prepare the mesh equations for circuit of Fig. 4.
(ii) Using determinants, solve for the mesh currents.
(iii) Determine the magnitude of voltage V3 and I4.

E = 20 V; I = 3 A;
R1 = 24 Ω; R2 = 8 Ω; R3 = 20 Ω; R4 = 12 Ω
Fig. 4: Figure for Problem 04

Problem 05:
For the electrical networks of Fig. 5:
(i) Prepare the node equations for circuit of Fig. 5.
(ii) Using determinants, solve for the node voltages.
(iii) Determine the magnitude of voltage V2 and I3.

E = 50 V; I1 = 2 A; I2 = 6 A;
R1 = 4 Ω; R2 = 16 Ω; R3 = 8 Ω
Fig. 5: Figure for Problem 05

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