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T H U R S DAY, M A RC H 7 , 2 0 2 4 t h e e d g e m a l ay s i a . c o m
ISSUE 729/2024

CEOMorningBrief HOME: ANZ to sell 16.5% in AMMB in upsized RM2.1 bil deal p6
Khazanah names Hisham Hamdan as investment chief with immediate effect p6
Property sales hit fresh record RM196.8 bil in 2023; Johor sees highest price jump p9
Manulife and Public Mutual the biggest winners at LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024 p10
WORLD: Powell reiterates Fed needs more confidence on inflation to cut p19

PNB values four highways at RM1.05 bil

for trust IPO, expects 6.7% yield
Report on Page 5.

AG flags going-concern
issues at Felda, PR1MA
PR1MA may struggle to repay a RM1.75 bil sukuk in October,
while Felda’s deficit of RM1.01 bil is now the highest
among federal agencies.
See reports on pages 3&4.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 2 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

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Appellate Court acquits Isa Samad

of graft charges
PUTRAJAYA (March 6): A three member by Hafiz Yatim In this case, Vazeer said the evidence
Court of Appeal bench on Wednesday has shows that the Felda Investment Corpo-
allowed former Federal Land Development ration Sdn Bhd (FICSB) board, of which
Authority (Felda) chairman Tan Sri Mohd Suhaimi Yusuf/The Edge Mohd Isa is also a director, had approved
Isa Abdul Samad’s appeal over his convic- the acquisition, and the management had
tion and sentence on nine counts of graft asked to negotiate the sum, and the deci-
with regard to the acquisition of a hotel in sion was done collectively.
Kuching, Sarawak, 10 years ago. Vazeer said the High Court should look
The bench, led by Datuk Vazeer Alam at Ikhwan’s evidence in his first meeting
Mydin Meera, that also comprised Datuk with Mohd Isa, who said that any approval
Ahmad Zaidi Ibrahim and Datuk SM Kom- to the acquisition of the hotel depends on
athy Suppiah, unanimously allowed the for- the decision by the FICSB board and that
mer Negeri Sembilan menteri besar’s appeal. Zahid was not present then.
“The High Court judge had misdirect- “(Mohd) Isa also said to Ikhwan that
ed himself with regard to the decision and he (Mohd Isa) can only assist but cannot
hence, the conviction is unsafe. make any promises, as it depended on the
Vazeer said there are two versions of the board,” Vazeer said.
purported money being given, and the benefit The appellate court noted that the pur-
of the doubt should be given to the appellant. ported bribes were allegedly given after the
“Hence, the conviction is unsafe and Former Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul approval of the FICSB board but in this case,
the conviction and sentence is set-aside,” Samad seen at the Palace of Justice on Wednesday, there is no credible evidence produced that
Vazeer said. March 6, 2024 for his graft trial appeal. Mohd Isa instructed Zahid to seek the bribe
Mohd Isa, 73, was found guilty by the from Ikhwan following approval of the pur-
High Court on Feb 3, 2021 on nine brib- The prosecution has 14 days from chase of the hotel for RM160 million, as the
ery charges amounting to RM3.09 million Wednesday to file the appeal. event (approval) was already gained.
in Felda’s acquisition of the Merdeka Pal- Vazeer added that in this case, Zahid testi-
ace Hotel & Suites in Kuching, Sarawak Three elements of graft have to be fying that Mohd Isa told him “whatever they
between July 21, 2014 and Dec 11, 2015, proven (Ikhwan) give, you receive it” cannot be con-
where the offence took place on the 49th Vazeer, in his grounds, said there are three strued as a directive to demand for a bribe.
floor of Menara Felda, Platinum Park, No elements to be proven under Section 16 “Zahid also testified that he had used the
11, Persiaran KLCC, Kuala Lumpur. of the MACC Act in a graft case, name- word salam (greetings) from (Mohd) Isa to
Following this, he was sentenced by then ly the accused or through others had re- Ikhwan, which had triggered the payments
High Court judge Datuk Mohd Nazlan ceived gratification from Ikhwan Zaidel, a made to the appellant (Mohd Isa). Howev-
Mohd Ghazali (now Court of Appeal judge) director of Gegasan Abadi Properties Sdn er, there is no credible evidence [that] there
to a six-year jail sentence and RM15.45 mil- Bhd (GAPSB) that owned the hotel; the was such an understanding between (Mohd)
lion fine, or in default, another 18 years’ jail, acceptance by Mohd Isa of the said bribes Isa and Zahid, and Zahid gave contradictory
for being found guilty of nine counts of graft. for his assistance; and that the acceptance evidence in this,” Vazeer said.
When met after the decision, Mohd Isa of bribes by Mohd Isa is corrupt. “Zahid, during the cross-examination,
thanked God for the appellate court de- Hence, Vazeer said it was incumbent admitted that (Mohd) Isa did not give
cision after a six-year struggle with this for the prosecution to prove that Mohd Isa salam greetings to denote (the greetings)
case and said he may consider returning directed his former aide Zahid Md Arip as a signal before any transactions (bribe).
back to politics. to ask for the bribe and that he received The appellate bench noted that the mate-
Deputy Public Prosecutor Afzainizam it from Ikhwan. rial contradictions regarding this crucial
Abdul Aziz said he would brief the Attor- It is to be noted that Zahid had contested issue were not properly evaluated by the
ney General over Wednesday’s decision and against former prime minister Datuk Seri trial judge,” Vazeer said.
decide on whether to file an appeal. Mohd Najib Razak in Pekan in 2018 under the Par-
Isa was represented by Datuk Salehuddin ti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia ticket but lost,
Saidin and Siti Sarah Khalil. although he was later appointed a senator. Read the full story


AG’s Report 2022

AG flags going-
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Malaysia’s RM484 million, due to a decline in reve-
auditor general on Wednesday flagged go- nue from the sale of second-hand goods

concern issues at
ing-concern issues at two federal government amounting to RM162 million in 2022.
agencies Federal Land Development Au- For KWAN, its expenses in 2022 to-

Felda, PR1MA
thority (Felda) and PR1MA Corp Malaysia. talled RM922 million, surpassing income
Both Felda and PR1MA face “going of RM569 million, resulting in a current defi-
concern” issues — an accounting par- cit of RM353 million.This occurred due to
lance that casts doubt on an organisa- expenses related to the acquisition of Cov-
tion’s resources and income to stay afloat BY CHOY NYEN YIAU, JASON NG id-19 vaccines amounting to RM896 million.
— based on levels of debt and reliance on & ISABELLE FRANCIS DBKL, meanwhile, experienced ex-
government aid, the auditor general said penses of RM2.792 billion surpassing
in a statement following the release of the income of RM2.51 billion, resulting in a
2022 Auditor General Report. cits in 2022, highlighted in the AG’s Report, current deficit of RM283 million. This was
were the Electric Industry Fund (KWIE), attributed to an increase in service and
Felda tops federal agencies with the Railway Assets Corporation (RAC), the supply expenses amounting to RM267 mil-
highest deficit of RM1.01 bil National Trust Fund Group (KWAN), and lion for the maintenance of facilities and
Felda is now the federal agency reporting Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL). public housing, as well as city cleaning.
T A B the
L Ehighest
S A M deficit
P L atE RM1.01
F O N Tbillion,
/ C Oac-
L O U R KWIE incurred expenses totalling The AG’s report also indicated that the
cording to Auditor General Wan Suraya RM1.015 billion, surpassing its income Employees Provident Fund (EPF) had a
Wan Mohd Radzi in the report. of RM25 million, leading to a current defi- surplus income of RM35.72 billion, lead-
Felda’s expenditures in 2022 amounted cit of RM990 million in 2022. ing the government agencies with a surplus
to RM1.947 billion, surpassing its income The deficit was due to KWIE not re- in 2022, followed by Bank Negara Malaysia
of RM942 million, which was further off- ceiving any revenue from excess electricity (RM6.99 billion), the Public Sector Home
set by an increased impairment of RM742 tariff rebates or charges due to increased Financing Board (LPPSA; RM2.6 billion),
million, resulting in a current deficit of fuel costs. Additionally, KWIE’s funds Lembaga Tabung Haji (RM1.93 billion),
RM1.005 billion. were utilised to cover rebate expenses as and Bank Rakyat (RM1.8 billion).
The heightened impairment was attrib- a mitigation plan to minimise the impact
uted to the devaluation of investment value of electricity tariffs on consumers, as re- PR1MA may struggle to repay
by RM380 million, outstanding amounts ported in the AG’s Report. RM1.75b sukuk in October
from subsidiary companies totalling RM193 The RAC reported expenses of RM641 The Ministry of Housing and Local Gov-
million, and settler debts of RM147 million. million exceeding income of RM157 ernment’s PR1MA, meanwhile, may strug-
Four other agencies with the highest defi- million, resulting in a current deficit of gle to repay the second tranche of its sukuk,
amounting to some RM1.75 billion, ma-
Federal agencies that report the highest deficits in 2022 turing in October this year.
According to the AG’s report, PR1MA
Agency Deficit (RM bil) Percentage (%) has an Islamic medium term note loan re-
Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) 1.01 32.3 payment, with balances which amounted to
Electric Industry Fund (KWIE) 0.99 31.8 RM3.792 billion (2021: RM4.542 billion).
Railway Assets Corporation (RAC) 0.48 15.5 “PR1MA needs to pay the debts by
National Trust Fund (KWAN) 0.35 11.3 the year 2027, including Sukuk Tranche
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) 0.28 9.1 2 amounting to RM1.750 billion, which
Source: Auditor General’s Report 2022
will mature in October 2024.

AG flags Felda’s loan defaults, urges reducing

reliance on government grants
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6):The Fed- BY CHOY NYEN YIAU ment for financial assistance.
eral Land Development Authority (Fel- The report recommended Felda to
da), which posted a net loss of RM1.01 establish a clear operational direction,
billion in 2022, almost double of the balance of RM808 million as at end- ensuring robust financial performance
amount it bled in 2021, faces financial 2022. without over-reliance on federal govern-
challenges to meet its debt obligations, “Felda is unable to fulfill commit- ment assistance.
according to the Auditor-General’s Re- ments amounting to RM753 million,” Additionally, Felda is advised to close-
port on Federal Agencies for 2022. the report said ly monitor the operations and financial
The annual net loss of RM1.01 billion “Felda relies on the government and performance of its subsidiary companies,
was sharply higher than the RM545 mil- financial institutions for operational costs ensuring sustainability, viability, and pro-
lion net loss it suffered in 2021, despite and liabilities, highlighting potential chal- viding appropriate returns without relying
strong crude palm oil prices. lenges in meeting these financial obliga- heavily on the parent agency.
The AG highlighted that Felda’s loan tions,” said AG in the report.
repayment commitment amounted to The Auditor-General urges Felda to
RM1.561 billion compared to its cash reduce its reliance on the federal govern- Read the full story


AG’s Report 2022

LTAT reserves in Boustead Holdings and RM44 million

in Pharmaniaga. EC’s KWIE fund
in deficit “LTAT did not provide impairment
for investments in Boustead Holdings logged RM990m
since 2020 and Pharmaniaga, resulting in an over-
statement of net profit and subsidiary in-
vestments by RM0.812 billion,” stated the
loss in 2022 on
AG’s Report.
Additionally, the report found that
tariff rebate
BY CHOY NYEN YIAU LTAT divested its holdings in Peruma-
han Kinrara Bhd and Tanah Sutera De-
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6):The Armed velopment Sdn Bhd, selling them for a
Forces Fund Board (LTAT) has consistently total of RM43 million to Perbadanan Per- BY IZZUL IKRAM
reported a deficit in its reserves since 2020, wira Harta Sdn Bhd (PPHSB). In return,
according to the Auditor General’s Report on LTAT received PPHSB shares valued at
Federal Agencies for 2022. RM232 million. KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): The
As outlined in the AG’s Report, LTAT’s From this transaction, LTAT recorded Electricity Industry Fund (KWIE)
reserve stood at a negative RM376 million in a non-cash profit of RM189 million, form- found itself among the top five loss-mak-
2020, RM258 million in 2021, and RM338 ing the basis for dividend payment in 2022. ing federal agencies in 2022, with a loss
million in 2022. In light of these findings, LTAT is ad- of RM990 million, on the back of hefty
Notably, the report highlighted 41 old vised to reassess and revamp its investment electricity tariff rebate expenses, accord-
stock portfolios with an unrealised loss of strategy by diversifying its portfolio, avoiding ing to the Auditory General’s Report on
RM662 million as of Dec 31, 2022, con- excessive reliance on subsidiaries to mitigate federal agencies for 2022.
tributing to the deficit. risk and income dependence. KWIE, a fund under the Energy Com-
The AG’s Report also disclosed that The AG’s Report also recommends im- mission to support the Imbalance Cost
LTAT’s 2022 investment in 13 subsidiar- proving the governance of investment man- Past-Through (ICPT) mechanism and
ies amounted to RM5.29 billion, including agement, refining policies to address shares cushion the impact of electricity tariffs
investments of RM2.55 billion in Boustead with prolonged losses. on consumers, logged RM1.02 billion in
Holdings Bhd and RM106 million in Phar- Additionally, it suggests basing dividend expenses and RM25 million in revenue.
maniaga Bhd. declarations on realised gains to ensure the “This occurred because KWIE did
However, the report revealed impairment ability to distribute payouts to eligible con- not receive any revenue on excess elec-
of investments amounting to RM768 million tributors in the future. tricity tariff rebates/surcharges due to an
increase in fuel costs,” the AG’s Report
disclosed. “In addition, KWIE’s funds
were used to cover rebate expenses as
FROM PAGE 3 The AG issued unmodified opinions — mitigation to reduce the impact of elec-
Based on cash and cash equivalent which generally means that auditors saw no tricity tariffs on consumers.”
amounting to RM428 million as at Dec 31, issues with the statements presented — for Established in 2016, KWIE gathers
2022, PR1MA “will encounter difficulties to 116 of the agencies. However, 14 of the fed- excess tariff collections when fuel costs
repay the Sukuk Tranche 2,” said the report. eral agencies were given modified opinions are low, and disburses them when costs
PR1MA incurred a net loss amounting comprising 13 qualified opinions and one are high to keep tariffs stable.
to RM257 million and recorded liabilities adverse opinion. However, due to tariff discounts in
amounting to RM5.746 billion in In 2022. Of the 130 audited statements, the AG 2020, and prolonged rebates in 2021
The audit recommends that PR1MA said special attention should be given for fi- and 2022, KWIE experienced a period
re-evaluate their development strategy of nancial performance of federal agencies for of under-recovery with excess ICPT be-
residential and commercial projects based current surplus or deficit, asset and liabili- ing a rarity.
on current needs and market conditions, ties, federal government grants, borrowings It is unclear how much KWIE current-
to ensure marketability of completed res- and investments in subsidies. ly has in its coffers, but as at end-Decem-
idential and commercial units to be able The AG noted that 10 agencies had the ber 2021, the fund had RM1.62 billion in
to achieve PR1MA’s project development highest borrowings totalling RM122.39 short-term investments, RM178.77 mil-
objectives. billion, of which four still owed the federal lion in cash and cash equivalents, while
The audit also suggested for PR1MA to government RM5.34 billion though three of current liabilities stood at RM266.5 mil-
ensure that cash projections from the sales the four have rescheduled their repayments. lion, according to the fund’s 2021 an-
of residential and commercial units can be The one with the most borrowings nual report.
achieved to fund operational activities, be- among them is Public Sector Home Financ- KWIE recorded a net profit of
sides settling the Sukuk Tranche 2 amount. ing Board (LPPSA) with RM62.08 billion RM996.73 million for 2021 on revenue
borrowings, followed by the National High- of RM1.52 billion, mainly thanks to ex-
10 agencies had total borrowings of er Education Fund or PTPTN (RM41.5 cess ICPT of RM1.11 billion received
RM122.39 bil billion), Felda (RM8.66 billion), PR1MA from Tenaga Nasional Bhd for the first
The report tabled to the Parliament on (RM3.79 billion), Port Klang Authority half of 2021 (1H2021).
Wednesday covers 130 financial statements (RM3.47 billion), Malaysian Highway Au- While fuel prices remained largely be-
by government agencies for the year 2022 thority (RM767 million), Social Security low benchmark coal and gas prices —
out of 140 submitted for audit. Four federal Organisation or Socso (RM708 million), which are used to calculate base elec-
agencies have yet to submit their statements Malaysian Timber Industry Board (RM694 tricity tariffs — in 1H2021, they later
due to “financial system network disruption” million), RAC (RM420 million) and Bank exceeded benchmark prices in 2H2021
and delay in appointment of board chairman. Simpanan Nasional (RM300 million). and stayed elevated in 2022 and 2023.


PNB values four highways at RM1.05 bil

for trust IPO, expects 6.7% yield
BY EMIR ZAINUL Top 10 Malaysian REITs in terms of distribution yield
Company Distribution Unit price Distribution
per unit for as at Mar 6 yield
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Permoda- FY2023
lan Nasional Bhd’s (PNB) wholly owned (sen) (RM) (%)
unit Projek Lintasan Kota Holdings Sdn AmFIRST Real Estate Investment Trust 2.70 0.315 8.57
Bhd (Prolintas) is listing its four highway Sentral REIT 6.68 0.8 8.35
concessions via a business trust to raise Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust 5.02 0.62 8.10
RM445.3 million. IGB Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust 3.49 0.49 7.12
The initial public offer (IPO) of Prolin-
Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust 9.01 1.28 7.04
tas Infra Business Trust, the first of its kind
UOA Real Estate Investment Trust 7.82 1.12 6.98
being listed on Bursa Malaysia, is priced at
95 sen per unit. There is only an offer for KIP REIT 6.20 0.89 6.97
sale of 468.7 million units to the public and Capitaland Malaysia Trust 4.17 0.64 6.52
institutional investors. The trust does not Al-’Aqar Healthcare REIT 7.90 1.26 6.27
issue any new units for the listing exercise. YTL Hospitality REIT 7.44 1.2 6.20
The four toll highways — Ampang-Kua- Source: Bloomberg
la Lumpur Elevated Highway (Akleh),
Guthrie Corridor Expressway (GCE), Leb-
uhraya Kemuning-Shah Alam (LKSA), For comparison, AmFIRST Real Estate ing to RM32.86 million had contributed
and Sistem Lingkaran Lebuhraya Kajang Investment Trust (REIT) had a distribu- to the trust’s losses. In addition, it incurred
(Silk) — are valued at RM1.05 billion tion yield of 8.6% for FY2023 — the high- finance costs of RM107.45 million and in-
based on unit base of 1.1 billion units. est distribution yield among REITs listed come expenses of RM171.35 million for
Prolintas Infra, which is set to be listed on Bursa Malaysia — followed by Sentral 9MFY2023.
on March 25, intends to distribute yearly REIT at 8.4%, Hektar REIT at 8.1% and As at Sep 30, 2023, the four high-
distributions of at least 90% of the business IGB Commercial REIT at 7.1%. (see table) ways’ combined cash balances totalled
trust’s distributable amount, according to It is worth noting that the four high- RM348.47 million, while its net debts
Prolintas chief executive officer Datuk Mo- ways collectively recorded a net loss stood at RM1.83 billion.
hammad Azlan Abdullah. of RM256.95 million on revenue of The sizable impairment on HDE of
For the current financial year ending RM228.57 million for the nine-month Akleh and LKSA as well as the reversal
Dec 31, 2024 (FY2024), Prolintas Infra is financial period ended Sept 30, 2023 of deferred tax assets from both Projek
targeting to distribute RM70 million. The (9MFY2023). The loss was wider than Lintasan Shah Alam Sdn Bhd and Sistem
payout translates into a 6.4 sen distribu- in the previous year’s corresponding pe- Lingkaran-Lebuhraya Kajang Sdn Bhd,
tion per unit based on 1.1 billion units in riod of RM9.6 million on the back of resulted in the business trust recording a
the business trust. RM285.32 million in revenue then. negative total equity of RM13.6 million
Based on the IPO price of 95 sen per The impairment of highway develop- as at Sept 30, 2023, the IPO prospectus
unit, the implied distribution yield is about ment expenditures (HDE) of RM124.24 stated.
6.7% for FY2024. million and amortisation of HDE amount- CO N TI N UES O N PAGE 6


(From left) AmInvestment Bank Bhd deputy CEO Christopher Ng Kok Wai, Prolintas Managers Sdn Bhd CEO Malik Parvez Ahmad Nazir
Ahmad, Prolintas Group of Companies chairman Datuk Idris Kechot, Prolintas Managers chairman Datuk Ikmal Hijaz Hashim and Projek
Lintasan Kota Holdings Sdn Bhd group CEO Datuk Mohammad Azlan Abdullah at the Prolintas IPO prospectus launch on Wednesday.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 6 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

ANZ to sell ing the sale, ANZ will continue to have one f ro m Pag e 5
nominated director on the AmBank board.” In view of the accounting losses, Mo-

16.5% in AMMB
The Edge reported on Tuesday after re- hammad Azlan explained that Prolintas
viewing a term sheet that ANZ was mar- has opted to undertake the IPO via a

in upsized keting up to 297.72 million shares in Am- business trust structure to enable the
Bank at an indicative price of RM3.80 to company to pay distributions out of cash

RM2.1 bil deal

RM3.85 per share. The accelerated book- flow without being constrained by ac-
building process was set to close on Tuesday counting profits. As such, Prolintas Infra
night, followed by settlement on Friday. will still be able to pay out distributions
Currently, foreign shareholding in Ma- despite incurring accounting losses.
by Jason Ng laysian commercial banks is capped at “The reason why we set this up in the 30%, and ANZ has long made known its business trust structure is purely for the cash
intention to let go of its block of shares, flow. Dividends will be paid out from the op-
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Australia & but there has been no buyers for its stake erating cash flow, which is revenue after op-
New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) — the single largest in AmBank. erating cost rather than conventionally where
said on Wednesday it has agreed to sell a AmBank founder Tan Sri Azman it is paid out from the retained earnings.
16.5% stake in Malaysia’s sixth largest lend- Hashim is the second largest shareholder “The focus for the trust is to ensure
er by assets AMMB Holdings Bhd, in a with an 11.8% stake, followed by the Em- capability to pay out an attractive div-
block trade worth over RM2.1 billion. ployees Provident Fund’s 9.6%. idend yield.
The share sale, priced at RM3.85 per ANZ said the proceeds from the sale “As we have already targeted a pay-
share, has been upsized from its initial will increase its Common Equity Tier 1, out of RM70 million for the first year,
plan to sell a 9% stake in the company a measure of a bank’s capital strength, by it comes down to a yield of 6.7%. With
also known as AmBank previously reported about 16 basis points but would not have this, we hope we can attract interest from
by The Edge. Once completed, the sale will a material impact on profit. investors,” he said at the launch of the
reduce its shareholding in AmBank to 5.2% “Capital management considerations IPO prospectus on Wednesday.
from 21.7%, ANZ said in a statement. will include the capital release from this Business trust is an asset class introduced
The deal is “in line with ANZ’s strategy sale, subject to regulatory approvals,” it in the Malaysian capital market following
of simplifying the bank”, ANZ said. “Follow- added. the release of the Securities Commission
Malaysia’s Business Trusts Guidelines
which came into force on Dec 28, 2012.
Conventional companies are restricted to

Khazanah names
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Khazanah paying dividends out of accounting profits,
Nasional Bhd on Wednesday named Datuk while business trusts can pay distributions

Hisham Hamdan
Hisham Hamdan as its new chief invest- to investors out of operating cash flows.
ment officer effective immediately, filling This structure is suitable for busi-

as investment
the vacancy left over a year ago, following nesses which are capital-intensive with
the departure of Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil stable cash flow but may be affected by

chief with
Zahruddin Raja Abdul Aziz. high depreciation charges, much like a
Hisham is currently Khazanah’s ex- highway concessionaire.

immediate effect
ecutive director of public markets. His One of the benefits of a business trust
appointment allows for greater focus on structure is that it allows investors to have
building the sovereign wealth fund’s capa- a direct exposure to cash flow-generating
bilities as an investment institution while assets.The structure breaks down big tick-
creating new capacity and competencies, by Chester Tay et assets into liquid and affordable units
Khazanah said in a statement. which are traded on the exchange, giving
“We are confident that his vast expe- investors a new alternative to existing yield.
rience and knowledge will be an asset to There are eight cornerstone investors
Khazanah’s ongoing efforts in gearing led by PNB’s investment funds, Yayasan
up the organisation to build the required Pelaburan Bumiputera, Lembaga Tabung
capacity, as well as institutionalise talent Haji, AIIMAN Asset Management,
development, part of our overall strate- AHAM Asset Management, Maybank As-
gy in developing a winning team,” said set Management, and Kenanga Investors.
managing director Datuk Amirul Feisal PNB will hold a 51% stake in the busi-
Wan Zahir. ness trust upon completion of the IPO.
“This, along with our long-term strategy The concession periods for GCE,
of Advancing Malaysia, would further al- LKSA and Silk will all expire in 2062,
low us to strengthen our position in facing and management has indicated that
the challenging global market condition,” there will be two scheduled toll hikes
he added. during this period. Meanwhile, the con-
Hisham joined Khazanah in April 2011 cession period for Akleh will expire in
from Sime Darby Bhd, and held various Bhd and the board of trustees of the Khaz- 2037 and there will be no planned toll
senior positions in strategy and business anah Research Institute. hikes during the period.
development spanning healthcare, energy, He was the previous chairman of UDA Prolintas’ IPO is the largest listing,
and utilities sectors. Holdings Bhd, a past director of Iskandar in terms of amount raised, since CTOS
He is also the current chairman of Investment Bhd, and a former board mem- Digital Bhd raised RM1.21 billion in
Khazanah’s 69.6%-owned UEM Sunrise ber of ValueCap. July 2021.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 7 TheEdge CEO morning brief


Invest in Women:
Accelerate Progress

t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 8 TheEdge CEO morning brief

On average, women constitute 50% of any population and yet, systemic disparities
and discrimination persist. Find out what can be done to promote parity and
empower individuals interested in investing in women to close the global gender gap
as well as drive economic growth and social progress.

MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024

11.30AM – 5.00PM


12.00pm LUNCH

1.00pm Welcome Address

YBhg Dato’ Ho Kay Tat
Publisher & Group Chief Executive Officer, The Edge Media Group

1.05pm Keynote Address

YB Puan Hannah Yeoh
Minister of Youth and Sports

1.20pm YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Prof Emerita Dr Mazlan Othman
Executive Director, Tropical Science Foundation

1.50pm Ms Lina Tan

Founder and Chief Content Officer,
Red Communications Sdn Bhd

2.20pm Ms Madhusmita Bora

Co-Founder, Sattriya Dance Company


Barrier Breakers +
The Road Ahead for
Creative Women
Ms Beh Gaik Lean Ms Nadirah Zakariya Dr Anita Ratnam
Co-Founder & Chef-Owner, Founder, Founder,
Auntie Gaik Lean’s Old School Eatery Layar Lucida


3.50pm Ms Mint Lim

Founder, School of Concepts


Nurturing Female Talent:

The Key Role Managers
Play in Creating Equal
Opportunity and Fostering YBhg Dato’ Ho Kay Tat Ms Amanda Zhang Ms Wendy Ting
CEO & President, Managing Director, Group International
Growth Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Business & Group Corporate Banking,
& Head of Region SEA II RHB Banking Group


Ms Freda Liu
Emcee & Moderator for Panel Discussion I & II


t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 9 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Mohd Izwan Mohd Nazam/The Edge

KAJANG (March 6): Malaysia’s property

transaction value hit RM196.83 billion in
2023 — the highest ever recorded by the Na- (From left): Director
tional Property Information Centre (Napic). General of Valuation
The figure was a 9.91% year-on-year and Property Services
Department Sr Abdul
(y-o-y) rise from the previous all-time high Razak Yusak, Finance
of RM179.07 billion logged in 2022, Napic Minister II Datuk Seri
said in a statement in conjunction with Amir Hamzah Azizan
the release of its Property Market Report and Director of Napic
Sr Norhisham Shafie
2023 on Wednesday (March 6). during the launch of
As for the number of transactions, it was the property report.
largely flat at 399,008 in 2023, a 2.54%
increase from 389,107 in 2022, with the
bulk 62.8% or 250,586 units coming from

Property sales
the residential subsector. Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Amir
Likewise, the residential sub-sector con- Hamzah Azizan, who officiated the report’s

hit fresh record

tributed the majority or 51.3% of 2023’s launch, said that the property sector in 2024
transaction value at RM100.93 billion, fol- is expected to continue its recovery momen-

RM196.8 bil in
lowed by commercial (19.5%), industrial tum supported by government initiatives set
(12.2%), agricultural (9.5%) and devel- out in Budget 2024, although the domestic

2023; Johor sees

opment land and others (7.5%). economy is facing global challenges.
“This positive growth trend is driven Outlining relevant initiatives, Amir

highest price
by a higher increase in transaction value Hamzah mentioned the RM2.47 billion
in all subsectors, namely residential (up allocation for affordable housing develop-

7.1%), commercial (up 17.5%), industri- ment, RM10 billion allocation to the Hous-
al (up 13.1%), agriculture (up 4.6%) and ing Credit Guarantee Scheme (SKJP),
development land and others (up 13.8%) stamp duty exemption for first-time home-
compared wit 2022,” Napic said. buyers who purchase a home valued up to
The Malaysian House Price Index (MHPI) by Izzul Ikram RM500,000, and more relaxed conditions
— a measure of Malaysian home prices — for Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)
stood at 216.5 points (RM467,144 per unit) in programme.
2023 with a moderate annual growth of 3.2%. Cautiously optimistic property market “Accommodative policies, well-executed
“All major states recorded positive an- in 2024 measures outlined in Budget 2024 and prop-
nual growth in [MHPI] led by Johor (up Napic said that with the national econo- er implementation of strategies and initia-
6.2%), Penang (up 3.8%), Selangor (up my expected to expand by 4% to 5% in tives under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP)
2.9%) and Kuala Lumpur (up 1.8%) re- 2024, the property market’s performance are expected to catalyse further growth in
spectively,” Napic said. is expected to remain cautiously optimistic. the property sector,” Amir Hamzah said.

Overhang residential units down 7% in 2023, affordable housing the largest category
KAJANG (March 6): The number of by Izzul Ikram As for unsold incomplete residential
completed residential properties that re- units, comprising both those still under con-
mained unsold for nine months continued struction and yet to begin construction, a
to decline in 2023, extending the improve- or below at 29.4%, closely followed by total of 59,058 units were recorded in 2023.
ment seen a year before. RM500,001 to RM1 million (29.1%), then There were 51,132 unsold units still un-
According to the National Property RM300,001 to RM500,000 (25.3%), and der construction in 2023, with the bulk of
Information Centre’s (Napic) Property above RM1 million (16.2%). 45.4% or 23,231 units being those priced at
Market Report 2023, the number of over- RM300,000 or below — or in other words,
hang residential units fell 7% year-on-year Perak overtakes Johor in the affordable housing range.
(y-o-y) to 25,816 in 2023, versus 27,746 By state, Perak overtook Johor as the num- Meanwhile, another 7,926 unsold units
units in 2022. ber of overhang residential units in the silver had yet to begin construction, likewise
Value of overhang residential units also state spiked worryingly by 98.9% to 4,598 being led by units priced at RM300,000
declined 4% to RM17.68 billion in 2023, units in 2023, versus 2,312 units a year ago, or below at 38.3% or 3,039 units.
from RM18.41 billion a year earlier. while Johor’s fell 19.6% to 4,228 in 2023, In 2023, new launches in the residential
“The residential overhang shows encour- from 5,258 previously. subsector stood at 56,526 units, 4.4% high-
aging momentum, as the numbers contin- Other states that Napic deemed to have er than the 54,118 units logged in 2022.
ued to decline as compared to 2022,” Napic a high number of overhang residential units Of the total, 36,793 units were landed
said in a statement on Wednesday. were Kuala Lumpur with 3,535 units, and properties, while the other 19,733 were
In 2022, the number of overhang resi- Selangor with 3,405 units. high-rise units.
dential units declined 24.7% y-o-y, com- The number rose 3.1% in Kuala Lum-
pared with 36,863 units in 2021. pur from 3,429 in 2022, while in Selangor, Read also: Shopping complex occu-
Last year, the residential overhang there was a decline of 7.9% from 3,698 pancy rises slightly y-o-y in 2023, office
was led by units priced at RM300,000 units in 2022. space remains flat
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 10 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Manulife and Public Mutual

the biggest winners at
LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024
From left: Chue Kwok Yan, CEO
and CIO of KAF Investment
Funds Berhad; Gan Kong Yik,
senior director and Head of
Equity of Manulife Investment
Management (Malaysia)
Berhad; Xav Feng, Director of
Lipper Asia Pacific Research
of LSEG; Lim Suet Ling, CEO
of UOB Asset Management
(Malaysia) Berhad; Goh
Wee Peng, CEO of AmFunds
Management Berhad; Shyiful
Zamri, CIO of Maybank Asset
Management Sdn Bhd; Riduan
Hasmi, CIO of Maybank Islamic
Asset Management Sdn Bhd,
and Kuek Ser Kwang Zhe,
Editor of Wealth, The Edge

KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Manulife by Grace Yap Ern Hui How about the Malaysian market? Feng
Investment Management (M) Bhd was the pointed out that real estate received the
biggest group awards winner and Public highest inflows of US$344.4 million. That
Mutual Bhd was the biggest individual opolitical tensions, expectations of higher was followed by equity (US$182.01 mil-
awards winner at the LSEG Lipper Fund interest rates as inflation continues to stay lion), bonds (US$180.07 billion), mon-
Awards 2024 on Wednesday. elevated and technology disruption. ey market (US$23.52 million) and others
Manulife took home three group “Additionally, sustainability and ESG (US$17.1 million).
awards, alongside eight individual awards, will increasingly be an important factor Alternative asset classes in Malaysia
while Public Mutual won 21 individu- to consider for all fund managers moving experienced the highest net outflow of
al awards. Other big winners included forward. Let us hope that 2024 turns out US$35.31 million, followed by commod-
KAF Investment Funds Bhd, which won to be a better and more exciting year for ity (US$7.54 million) and mixed assets
a group award and 10 individual awards, all of us here today,” she said. (US$7.46 million).
and Maybank Asset Management Sdn “For Malaysia, after a huge US$3 bil-
Bhd, which grabbed a group award and US dollar money market received the lion net outflows in 2022, there was a total
7 individual awards. largest net inflows in 2023 of nearly US$700 million net inflow into
A total of 96 awards were given to 18 Xav Feng, LSEG Lipper Asia Pacific Head Malaysia in 2023,” said Feng.
fund management companies at the awards of Research, said 2023 turned out to be As for the winners, Gan Kong Yik, sen-
ceremony held at the Mandarin Oriental a better year than 2022, as global equity ior director and head of equity of Manu-
Hotel here. markets provided investors with significant life Investment Management (M) Bhd, is
2023 was another challenging year for returns on the back of the booming arti- proud that the firm emerged as one of the
fund managers. Still, despite all the un- ficial intelligence (AI) trend and cooling biggest winners at the awards.
certainties, fund managers were able to inflation globally. “As you know, 2023 was a very challeng-
cut through the noise and turn in a good He said the global fund industry had ing and volatile year. How we try to do bet-
performance, said Anna Taing, managing enjoyed net inflows of US$1,236 billion, ter than the rest is that we have to be more
editor of The Edge Malaysia, in her open- which was a significant turnaround com- reactive and, at the same time, always try
ing speech. pared to 2022 with net outflows of more to take the market condition and readjust
“They might not necessarily have made than US$2,500 billion. our portfolio to suit the market condition.”
the right calls all the time, but the key was Interestingly, most investors’ money Public Mutual Bhd won the greatest
in delivering consistent and positive returns went into money market USD last year number of individual awards. Its CEO
to their clients,” said Taing. The Edge Ma- (US$1,015 billion), which was among the Chiang Kang Pey attributed the achieve-
laysia is the official presenter of the LSEG safest of all asset classes. That was followed ment to team effort.
Lipper Fund Awards 2024 in Malaysia. by bond USD medium term (US$130 bil- “We have a very strong team who has
A new award category was added to lion), money market EUR (US$113 billion), enabled us to continue to perform over
the list this year, which is the best equity money market CNY (US$86 billion) and the years. Of course, the direction from
sector real estate Asia Pacific fund award. bond USD government (US$82 billion). the board of directors is very important, as
Taing expressed that it is encouraging to According to Feng, funds that expe- well as the support from the unit trusts, in-
see that a broader variety of investment rienced the largest net outflows last year vestors and unit trust consultants,” he said.
products is being offered to the markets. were bond USD short term, money market A total of seven group and 89 individual
She added that the key developments GBP, equity US small and mid-cap, equity awards were given out during the ceremony.
that will define 2024 would be rising ge- US income and mixed asset BRL flexible. co n tin ues on Page 11
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 11 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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from Pag e 1 0

Winners of the LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024


Bond Group (Malaysia) AmFunds Management Bhd
Bond Group (Islamic) Maybank Asset Management Sdn Bhd
Equity (Malaysia) Manulife Investment Management (M) Bhd
Equity (Islamic) Manulife Investment Management (M) Bhd
Equity (Provident) KAF Investment Funds Bhd
Mixed Assets (Malaysia) UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Bhd
Mixed Assets (Provident) Manulife Investment Management (M) Bhd


Award fund
Bond MYR (Malaysia) KAF Bond Fund
Bond MYR (Islamic) AmanahRaya Syariah Fund Trust
Bond MYR (Provident) RHB Bond Fund
Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Maybank Malaysia Growth Fund
Equity Malaysia (Islamic) KAF Dana Adib
Equity Malaysia (Provident) KAF Tactical Fund
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Cap (Malaysia) Public SmallCap Fund
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Cap (Islamic) Manulife Investment Shariah Progress Plus Fund
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Cap (Provident) KAF Vision Fund
Equity Malaysia Income (Malaysia) RHB Malaysia Dividend Fund
Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) PMB Dana Bestari
Equity Malaysia Income (Provident) KAF Core Income Fund
Equity Malaysia Diversified (Malaysia) Maybank Malaysia Ethical Dividend Fund
Equity Malaysia Diversified (Islamic) PMB Shariah Equity Fund
Equity Malaysia Diversified (Provident) PMB Shariah Equity Fund
Equity ASEAN (Malaysia) Public South-East Asia Select Fund
Equity ASEAN (Islamic) Saturna ASEAN Equity Fund
Equity Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Public Regional Sector Fund
Equity Sector Real Estate Asia Pacific (Malaysia) TA Asia Pacific REITs Income Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan (Malaysia) PB Asia Pacific Dividend Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan (Islamic) Maybank Asiapac Ex-Japan Equity I-Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan (Provident) Manulife Investment Shariah Asia-Pacific ex Japan Fund
Equity Greater China (Malaysia) Public China Titans Fund
Equity Global (Malaysia) Principal Global Titans Fund- Class MYR
Equity Global (Islamic) Public e-Islamic Sustainable Milennial Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia (Malaysia) Maybank Malaysia Balanced Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia (Islamic) Manulife Investment Al-Umran
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia (Provident) Principal Dynamic Enhanced Malaysia Income Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Global (Malaysia) PB Australia Dynamic Balanced Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Conservative (Malaysia) PB Mixed Asset Conservative Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Malaysia) Manulife Investment- CM Flexi Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Islamic) PMB Shariah Tactical Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible (Provident) Manulife Investment- ML Flexi Fund
conti nu e s on Pag e 1 2
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 12 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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from Pag e 1 1


Award fund Award fund
Bond MYR (Malaysia) AmanahRaya Unit Trust Fund Bond MYR (Malaysia) AmanahRaya Unit
Bond MYR (Islamic) AmanahRaya Syariah Fund Trust Trust Fund
Bond MYR (Provident) RHB Bond Fund Bond MYR (Islamic) AmanahRaya Syariah
Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Areca equityTRUST Fund Fund Trust
Equity Malaysia (Islamic) TA Dana Fokus Bond MYR (Provident) AmDyanmic Bond
Equity Malaysia (Provident) KAF Tactical Fund Equity Malaysia (Malaysia) Areca equityTRUST
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Public Emerging Opportunities
Caps (Malaysia) Fund Equity Malaysia (Islamic) Hong Leong Dana
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Manulife Investment Shariah
Caps (Islamic) Progress Plus Fund Equity Malaysia (Provident) AmMalaysia Equity
Equity Malaysia Small & Mid KAF Vision Fund Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Caps Manulife Investment
Caps (Provident) (Malaysia) Progress Fund
Equity Malaysia Income RHB Malaysia Dividend Fund Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Caps Public Islamic
(Malaysia) (Islamic) Opportunities Fund
Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) PMB Dana Bestari Equity Malaysia Small & Mid Caps KAF Vision Fund
Equity Malaysia Income KAF Core Income Fund (Provident)
(Provident) Equity Malaysia Income Eastspring Investments
Equity Malaysia Diversified Maybank Malaysia Value Fund (Malaysia) Equity Income Fund
(Malaysia) Class A-MYR Equity Malaysia Income (Islamic) Manulife Investment
Equity Malaysia Diversified PMB Shariah Equity Fund Al-Fauzan
(Islamic) Equity Malaysia Income KAF Core Income Fund
Equity Malaysia Diversified PMB Shariah Equity Fund (Provident)
(Provident) Equity Malaysia Diversified Maybank Malaysia
Equity ASEAN (Malaysia) Public ASEAN Growth Fund (Malaysia) Dividend Fund
Equity ASEAN (Islamic) Public Islamic ASEAN Growth Fund Equity Malaysia Diversified Kenanga Malaysia Inc
(Provident) Fund
Equity Asia Pacific (Malaysia) PB Asia Equity Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan PB China Australia
Equity Sector Real Estate Asia Maybank Singapore REITs Fund
(Malaysia) Equity Fund
Pacific (Malaysia) SGD Class
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan Principal Islamic Asia
(Islamic) Pacific Dynamic Equity
Fund- Class MYR
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan Principal Islamic Asia Pacific
(Islamic) Dynamic Equity Fund— Class MYR Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan Principal Asia Titans
(Provident) Fund
Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan Principal Islamic Asia Pacific
(Provident) Dynamic Equity Fund — Class MYR Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — PB Balanced Fund
Malaysia (Malaysia)
Equity Global (Malaysia) Principal Global Titans Fund— Class
MYR Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Hong Leong Dana
Malaysia (Islamic) Maa'rof
Equity Global (Islamic) RHB Islamic Global Developed
Markets Fund RM Class Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Hong Leong Dana
Malaysia (Provident) Maa'rof
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Public Growth Balanced Fund
Malaysia (Malaysia) Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Eastspring Investment
Global (Malaysia) Asia Select Income
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Hong Leong Dana Maa'rof
Malaysia (Islamic)
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible PB Dynamic Allocation
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Hong Leong Dana Maa'rof
(Malaysia) Fund
Malaysia (Provident)
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible Public Islamic Asia
Mixed Asset MYR Balanced — Public Strategies Balanced Fund
(Islamic) Tactical Allocation
Global (Malaysia)
Mixed Asset MYR Conservative PB Mixed Asset Conservative Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible Kenanga OneAnswer
(Provident) Investment Funds-
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible Public e-Flexi Allocation Fund Kenanga Diversified
(Malaysia) Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible PMB Shariah Tactical Fund
Mixed Asset MYR Flexible AHAM Tactical Fund
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 13 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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hectares but still way below requirements.
This is far too less and less than half of High palm oil prices
must speed up
the recommended replanting of 250,000
to 280,000 hectares per year,” he told the not sustainable; drop
replanting amid
audience at the Palm & Lauric Oils Price
Outlook Conference & Exhibition. forecast in 2H2024
alarming drop
“So there is a risk that by the year 2025,
35% or two million hectares of oil palm
— Palm Oil Analytics
in palm oil yield
trees shall [be] older than 19 years.This is a
problem which has to be solved,” he added. by Syafiqah Salim

— Mielke
Meanwhile, he commended the pro-
posal put forward by Minister of Planta-
tion and Commodities Datuk Seri Johari KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Fast-
Abdul Ghani to consolidate independent markets Palm Oil Analytics manag-
by Hee En Qi & Syafiqah Salim smallholders to increase palm oil yield, as ing editor Dr Sathia Varqa said the part of the efforts to reverse the ageing oil current high cost of crude palm oil
palm structure in Malaysia. (CPO) isn’t sustainable and an-
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Malaysia Mielke reiterated that palm oil production ticipates a price drop to between
must accelerate its replanting exercise to re- had lost its growth dynamics, as production RM3,500 and RM3,700 in the sec-
verse the ageing oil palm structure or risk the has slowed down significantly since 2019. ond half of 2024.
market turning to other alternatives in the fu- Looking ahead, he expected the annual This is because the high phase of
ture, according to ISTA Mielke GmbH (Oil palm oil production in major countries — palm oil output from March onwards
World) executive director Thomas Mielke. including Malaysia and Indonesia — to slow coupled with high stocks in China
“[If the situation is not reversed], it will to 1.5 million tonnes or less in the 10 years and India will keep CPO prices un-
be reflected in comparatively higher prices to 2030 from an average annual growth of der pressure, he said on Wednesday at
because the world needs rising quantities of 2.9 million tonnes in the 10 years to 2020, the Palm & Lauric Oils Price Outlook
oil. The market will decide who is going to he added. Conference & Exhibition.
cover this.The market will react, if necessary, “For the current year, we expect a stag- “After witnessing RM4,000 MT
[with] increased plantings and production nation or slight decline in Indonesia’s pro- (metric tons) in [the] first quarter
of rapeseed, sunflower seed, or soybeans in duction. For Malaysia, we expect produc- (1Q2024), high prices will not be sus-
other parts of the world,” he cautioned. tion to remain virtually unchanged at 18.6 tained otherwise competitiveness and
According to Mielke, there are over 1.7 million tonnes,” he noted. demand will suffer. Prices are bullish
million hectares of oil palms aged 19 years for the first quarter, but palm oil is
or older but the rate of replanting in the expected to trade lower in the second
country remains low. Read also: Expansion of pure biodies- quarter,” said Sathia.
“The rate of replanting improved a little el could lift palm oil prices, says analyst Meanwhile, CIMB Investment
bit last year at around 130,000 to 140,000 Mistry Bank’s head of Malaysia research
and regional head of agribusiness
research Ivy Ng Lee Fang said that
Indonesia’s Gapki sees lower 2024 palm oil the B35 mandate implemented by the
Indonesian government will lead to a
exports, possible B40 mandate decline in palm exports, subsequently
tightening the global supply of palm
oil and supporting the CPO price.
by Bernadette Christina Munthe “There is a possibility of the new in- She said that the global palm oil
& Danial Azhar coming government increasing B35 to supply growth is projected to slow
Reuters B40,” Fadhil said, referring to Indonesia’s to 1.8% in 2024, compared with the
mandatory bio-content mix that currently historical compound annual growth
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Indo- stands at 35% of biodiesel.This could take rate of 3.8%, due to the impact of El
nesia’s 2024 palm oil exports are seen at place in the second half this year, he said. Nino, replanting activities and age-
29.50 million metric tonnes, down from “One of the programmes by the can- ing estates.
30.25 million tonnes last year, the Indone- didate likely to be elected is intention Nevertheless, the impact of El
sia Palm Oil Association (Gapki) said at an to raise to B50, but that is maybe after Nino was minimal in the Malaysian
industry conference here on Wednesday. 2025,” he added. plantation sector but higher in the
Meanwhile, palm oil output in Indo- Pollsters have said that Defence Min- Indonesian counterpart, she said,
nesia, the world’s biggest producer of the ister Prabowo Subianto is the likely win- noting that this impact will be ob-
edible oil, is expected to rise by 2.26% ner of the Feb 14 general election. The served particularly in the third quar-
to 54.4 million tonnes, while domestic election committee has until March 20 ter of 2024.
consumption is seen higher due to de- to verify votes. Overall, CIMB forecasts CPO
mand for biodiesel feedstock, Gapki of- Meanwhile, the impact of El Nino dry to average marginally higher at
ficial Fadhil Hasan said at the Palm & weather pattern last year has turned out RM3,900 in 2024 compared with
Lauric Oils Price Outlook Conference to be insignificant on 2024’s production, RM3,809 in 2023. For the long term,
& Exhibition. as it hit mostly Java and southern regions the research house expects CPO to
Indonesia’s end-2024 palm oil stock of Sumatra, which are not palm oil pro- average RM3,500 due to increased
is estimated at 5.25 million tonnes. ducing centres, Fadhil said. production costs over the years.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Malaysia to
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Malaysia if necessary, Plantations and Commodities
said on Wednesday it will closely monitor Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani

monitor changes
how the European Union (EU) responds said in a statement on Wednesday.
to a WTO ruling that supported the bloc’s Malaysia, the world’s second largest

in EU curbs on
stance that biofuels causing deforestation producer of palm oil, has described the
cannot be regarded as renewables, but EU’s renewable energy directive as dis-

palm biofuel after

sought changes in how it implemented criminatory, and in 2021 asked the WTO
that decision. to examine the rules restricting the bloc’s

WTO ruling
A World Trade Organization (WTO) ad- use of palm oil-based biofuels.
judicating panel, in its first ruling related Under the regulations, palm oil-based
to deforestation, on Tuesday rejected many fuels can no longer be considered as renew-
of Malaysia’s claims against EU measures able transport fuel and are to be phased
that led it to rule out palm oil-based bio- by Rozanna Latiff out by 2030, as the EU has determined
fuel as a renewable fuel. Reuters that palm oil cultivation leads to excessive
However, the panel accepted Malay- deforestation.
sia’s complaints over how the measures Low Yen Yeing/The Edge Johari said the WTO report found fault
had been prepared, published and admin- with the EU’s rules on indirect land use
istered. The EU will need to make adjust- change to ban palm oil biofuels, and with
ments, but need not withdraw its measures, the bloc’s approach to notifying and con-
following the WTO ruling. sulting with other economies when intro-
The European Commission said it wel- ducing new trade measures.
comed that the WTO panel report allowed “This ruling from the WTO demon-
the EU to preserve its legal framework on strates that Malaysia’s claims of discrimi-
renewable energy and biofuels broadly in- nation are indeed justified,” he said, add-
tact, and confirmed it had the right to take ing that the government would continue
action to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. to defend the interests of palm oil biofu-
It said it was analysing the report but els industry players against trade barriers.
believed it would need to issue a report on
the most recent scientific data to determine
whether crops have a high risk of contrib-
uting to deforestation, and amend an act
to change certain criteria for certification
for crops of low risk.
It would do so in the coming months.
The Malaysian government will mon-
itor any changes to the EU’s regulations Plantations and Commodities Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani said the government will
to bring it into line with the WTO’s find- monitor any changes to the EU's regulations to bring it into line with the WTO's findings and pursue
compliance proceedings if necessary.
ings and pursue compliance proceedings

KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Top Glove and lower energy costs, although this re-
Corp Bhd’s credit rating has been down- mains substantially below the pre-pandem-

graded to AA- from AA by MARC Rating, ic level in FY2019 (the financial year end-
which also revised the RM3 billion Per- ed Aug 31, 2019),” MARC Rating added.

Top Glove’s credit

petual Sukuk Wakalah Programme of the For the first quarter ended Nov 30, 2023
glove maker’s wholly owned funding vehicle (1QFY2024), Top Glove’s earnings before

rating and
TG Excellence to AIS(cg) from A+IS(cg), interest, taxes, depreciation and amorti-
amid a slower-than-expected recovery in sation (Ebitda) turned positive, reaching

RM3 bil sukuk,

the group’s business and financial profile. RM21.3 million, compared to a loss of
But on a more positive note, MARC RM61.6 million for the previous corre-

but revises
Rating has revised Top Glove’s outlook sponding period.
from negative to stable, on the back of a However, its Ebitda margin remained

outlook to stable
healthy liquidity position, with cash bal- low at 4.3%, significantly lower than the
ances of RM1 billion that would support 14% recorded in FY2019. MARC Rating
operational and financial obligations. said the narrow margin leaves little buffer
In a statement on Wednesday, MARC against potential fluctuations in raw ma-
Rating noted that “Top Glove continues to by Luqman Amin terial and energy costs.
contend with the lingering headwinds in the On Top Glove’s healthy liquidity po-
global glove industry from overcapacity, and sition, MARC said its leverage ratios re-
the suppressed selling price of gloves”, adding agement initiatives that include decommis- main low with an adjusted debt-to-equity
that competition from manufacturers in Chi- sioning old production lines, temporary fac- (DE) ratio of 0.33 times and a net DE ratio
na remains stiff, and will continue to weigh tory shutdowns, and workforce streamlining. of 0.12 times, adding that the group has
on sales volumes and industry margins. “There has been some improvement in an outstanding RM1.18 billion perpetu-
Nevertheless, the rating agency anticipates profitability among Malaysian glove manu- al sukuk of which the first call date is on
that Top Glove will benefit from its cost man- facturers, following capacity rationalisation Feb 27, 2025, and is likely to be refinanced.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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January to February, the bank noted.

StanChart expects StanChart’s prediction dovetails with
the consensus among economists. A survey Proton continues
BNM to keep of 19 economists by Bloomberg unanimous-
positive growth
ly called for the central bank to stand pat
policy rate at 3% in its second of six scheduled monetary with 13,602 units
policy reviews for this year.
on Thursday Last week, the central bank’s Financial sold in February
Markets Committee highlighted “coordi-
nation with government-linked companies
by Jason Ng and investment companies to encourage Bernama them to repatriate foreign investment in-
come, and convert that income into ringgit KUALA LUMPUR (March 6):
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Bank Ne- more consistently”. Proton Holdings Bhd extend-
gara Malaysia (BNM) will likely maintain “This coordination is likely preferred ed its positive growth trajectory
the overnight policy rate (OPR) at 3%, over a tweak to monetary policy by BNM with sales of 13,602 units, both
when its Monetary Policy Committee an- to address foreign exchange weakness, as it domestic and export, in February,
nounces its decision on Thursday, Stand- is not seen as affecting the growth and in- marking sales of 26,484 units in
ard Chartered (StanChart) said. flation outlook at present,” StanChart said. the first two months of 2024, an
Both economic growth and inflation The ringgit’s persistent weakness will like- increase of 3% from the same pe-
are moderating, making it unlikely that the ly limit the central bank’s room to cut rates to riod last year.
central bank will raise rates to support the support growth, StanChart flagged, citing a In a statement on Wednesday, it
ringgit, StanChart said in a preview note. 2.1% quarter-on-quarter contraction in the said Proton’s market share is fore-
Further, the currency weakness isn’t affect- final three months of 2023, and core inflation cast to be at 20.5%, placing it com-
ing the growth and inflation outlook, it said. which eased to 1.8% year-on-year in January. fortably in the second position in
“We expect the central bank to keep the overall national automotive sales
the OPR unchanged,” StanChart said.The rankings.
ringgit also has had some reprieve since Read also: BNM says better external de- “After the first two months of
the start of March following a decline in mand boosting exports, supporting growth 2024, total industry volume is es-
timated to have grown by 13.8%
year-to-date to 129,353 units, as
an influx of new brands launching
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): The both traditional and electric vehicle
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Foreign worker models generated a lot of buyer in-
(FMM) said it was caught by surprise on
the latest changes to foreign worker policy. intake deadline terest,” it said.
Proton Edar chief executive
In a statement onWednesday, FMM pres-
ident Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai said the sudden
changes will leave officer Roslan Abdullah said the
company continued its positive
decision to cut short the quota validity peri-
od for those still having active quota balance
manufacturers in trajectory in February 2024, with
sales underpinned by consistent
with just one month’s notice and to cancel
all active quotas after March 31, 2024 would
the lurch, says FMM domestic demand and increasing
export growth.
be most damaging as the sector has shown “Therefore, our export markets
signs of business recovery in the second half by Surin Murugiah will be an important area of growth
of 2023 and is anticipated to gain momen- in 2024, and we also have high ex-
tum in the first half of 2024. pectations for the Proton S70 to
Soh said the sudden policy change will “The industry finds that the timelines dominate its segment, as deliveries
leave many manufacturers in the lurch in announced under the policy change where continue to ramp up in the coming
meeting their manpower requirements, employers have to apply for the Calling months.
especially those who have planned their Visa/Visa Dengan Rujukan (VDR) by “Having extended our footprint
worker intake in stages according to their March 31, 2024 and ensure entry of the across many countries, we will con-
job order schedule. workers by May 31, 2024 as very restrictive tinue to work diligently to bring
He said many of those with active quota and were decided hastily without any con- Proton models to greater heights in
balance had either delayed the process of sultation and understanding of the actual these export markets, as we see them
bringing in the workers earlier due to the time frame it takes in reality for employers as having the potential to grow our
softening of the market or had staggered to mobilise the workers,” he said. sales significantly in the long term,”
the worker intake over the 18-month quota Soh said that allowing only one month for he said.
validity period to coincide with their peak employers to get the calling visa issued would Proton highlighted that its export
production period. be a near impossible timeline as there is a business leapfrogged by 223% to 346
“Industries will now find themselves be- long process involved, starting with the job units in February, as compared to
ing unable to cope with their job orders order approval at the source country, worker January this year, while year-to-date
due to the inability to bring in workers as interview and selection, passport issuance export growth stood at 50.5%, with
planned, which may lead to having to can- and medical check-up before the employer 453 units sold to overseas markets
cel job orders or be subjected to financial can apply for the Calling Visa. this far.
penalties for late delivery or failure to meet “The process on average can easily take co n ti n ues o n Page 16
confirmed orders. up to more than 2.5 months,” he said.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

zantat holdings bhd

Lim Seong Hai

Capital proposes
RM168 mil
share sale for (L-R): M & A Securities head of corporate finance Gary Ting, M & A Equity Holdings Bhd managing

listing transfer director (MD) Datuk Bill Tan, Zantat Holdings Bhd deputy chairman Chan Hup Ooi, Zantat MD
Ivan Chan, Zantat chairman Yap Yoon Kong and Zantat executive director Chan Jee Chet at Zantat
Holdings Bhd’s prospectus launch.

Zantat starts
by Jason Ng pansion plan, according to its managing director Ivan Chan.

taking orders for

“With the upgraded R&D facility and
KUALA LUMPUR: Construction com- enhanced testing capabilities, we will be fo-

RM18.20 mil IPO

pany Lim Seong Hai Capital Bhd (LSH) cusing on our in-house product development
said on Wednesday it is proposing a pub- and enhancement including testing of our
lic offering which could potentially raise products as well as for new and existing cus-
RM168.08 million as part of its listing tomers pertaining to our calcium carbonate
transfer to the ACE Market from the by Jason Ng products and bioplastic compounds.
LEAP Market. “As part of our strategy to expand our
The share sale involves the issuance of product range, we intend to develop three
132 million new shares and an offer for KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Calcium new bioplastic compounds and enhance
sale of up to 59 million existing shares, carbonate producer Zantat Holdings Bhd our ultrafine grade ground calcium car-
the company said in an exchange filing. began taking orders from investors for its bonate namely “Zanelite” series and pro-
The retail tranche consists of 29.3 initial public offering (IPO) on Wednesday, duce more varieties to generate new rev-
million shares for the public and eligible to raise up to RM18.20 million. enue stream,” Chan said in a statement.
persons while the institutional portion The IPO, priced at 25 sen per share, in- The remainder of the IPO proceeds will be
will have 102.66 million new shares and volves a public issue of 56.0 million new shares, set aside for repayment of bank borrowings,
59 million existing shares. representing 20% of the enlarged share capital working capital, and to defray listing expenses.
Based on an illustrative price of 88 of Zantat and an offer for sale of 16.8 million Meanwhile, the offer-for-sale of existing
sen per share, LSH will raise RM116.16 existing shares by way of private placement to shares will gross RM4.20 million, which will
million which will go towards construc- selected investors, according to its prospectus. accrue entirely to the existing shareholders of
tion projects and repayment of debt, it The offering will close on March 13, and Zantat, including deputy chairman Chan Hup
said. The company, which also develops the listing is scheduled for March 27. Zantat Ooi and managing director Chan Bin Iuan.
properties, has three projects worth near- produces ground calcium carbonate and calci- Out of 56.0 million issued shares, 14.0
ly RM1.7 billion in gross development um carbonate dispersions that are mainly used million will be made available to the Ma-
value, LSH noted. in the manufacturing of plastic masterbatch, laysian public via balloting, 11.2 million
Further, LSH has an outstanding or- rubber gloves, PVC pipes and cables, and in issue shares for its eligible directors, em-
der book of about RM501.26 million other products such as paints and coatings. ployees and persons who have contributed
across nine infrastructure construction The sale of new shares is expected to to the success of the Zantat under pink
and civil engineering projects. Cash from raise total proceeds of RM14.00 million, of form allocations, while the remaining 30.8
the public offering will ease the com- which 27% will be used for upgrading its million issued shares are reserved for pri-
pany’s cash flow when carrying out its research-and-development facilities. The vate placement to selected investors.
construction activities, it said. company has also earmarked 7.2% to up- M&A Securities will underwrite a total of
The offer for sale meanwhile will raise grade its Calrock Perak plant’s infrastruc- 25.2 million issued shares made available to the
gross proceeds of up to RM51.92 million ture and 9.6% for investment in machine Malaysian public and pink form allocations.
which will accrue entirely to the selling components and industrial automation. M&A Securities is the adviser, sponsor,
shareholders, including independent The upgrading of R&D facilities is cru- underwriter and placement agent for the
director Tan Sri Lim Keng Cheng and cial to facilitate the company’s product ex- IPO exercise.
executive chairman Datuk Lim Keng
LSH did not raise any proceeds dur-
ing its listing on the LEAP Market on f ro m Pag e 1 5 healthy level of sales with 1,816 units,
July 30, 2021. The company however Meanwhile, Proton said the S70 mod- and X70 saw an uptick of 19.6% to 445
raised over RM4.6 million from the el had unlocked pent-up demand and units, while Iriz added 3.8% to close at
pre-listing investors through the issuance interest from buyers in both domestic 543 units.
of 35.86 million shares at 13 sen apiece. and international markets, with sales “Although production has ended for
The proposed public offering is ex- increasing by 60.5% to 2,314 units in the Exora, 39 units were sold in Febru-
pected to be completed in the fourth February, while the Saga recorded a sale ary, and to date, over 194,250 units of
quarter of 2024 alongside the transfer of 6,212 units during the month. the model had been sold, making it the
of listing, LSH said. “The X50 ended February in the sec- most successful C-segment multipurpose
AmInvestment Bank Bhd is the prin- ond place for B-segment sport utility vehicle (MPV) in Malaysia’s automotive
cipal adviser and sponsor to the compa- vehicles (SUVs), but still maintained a history,” Proton added.
ny for its ACE Market listing transfer.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 17 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Ex-BSI banker The banker said he raised his suspicions

to his direct superior and this was tendered Johari Ghani’s
says he was not
as evidence in the 1Malaysia Development
Bhd (1MDB)-Tanore trial where Swampillai son Amir Nashrin
aware where
was also a witness.
“I was concerned because we did not appointed
SRC funds went
know where the money was going, and had
no visibility on where they would end up. director of CI
My concerns were raised because the SRC
transactions would be frequent, but no ac- Holdings, KUB
by Timothy Achariam & Tarani Palani tion was taken by senior management of the bank,” he said.
He said had the transactions been clear- by Anis Hazim
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Former er or had the bank been in the know about
BSI banker Kevin Swampillai told the the source of the funds and the ultimate
High Court on Wednesday that he was beneficiary, which was Najib, they would KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Amir
not aware about funds from SRC Inter- not have gone through with the transac- Nashrin Johari has been appointed as an
national Sdn Bhd which were transferred tions as Najib was a “politically exposed executive director of CI Holdings Bhd,
to a fiduciary fund. person” at that time. and a non-independent and non-exec-
Testifying in a civil lawsuit brought by SRC Swampillai and Harvinderjit got a little utive director of KUB Malaysia Bhd, ef-
against former prime minister Datuk Seri Na- tense with one another as the cross-exam- fective from Wednesday.
jib Razak and several others, Swampillai said ination wore on, after the witness said he Amir, 30, is the son of Plantation In-
he had only dealt with the documentation of did not understand the lawyer’s questions. dustries and Commodities Minister Da-
the transfer from SRC to the fiduciary fund, “It’s hard to follow the vagueness of your tuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani.
but had no idea what happened to the amount questions and it’s difficult for me to follow. Johari, through his investment vehicle
(US$864.5 million) after that. If you could just be more succinct with JAG Capital Holdings Sdn Bhd, holds
The banker, who was under cross-ex- your questions,” Swampillai told the lawyer. stakes of 32.96% in CI Holdings and
amination by Najib’s lawyer Harvinderjit Harvinderjit then snapped back: “Let’s not 33.28% in KUB, according to bourse
Singh, explained that clients using fiduci- beat around the bush. I’m trying to establish filings by the two listed companies.
ary funds have virtually limitless flexibility how [fugitive] Jho Low worked with crooked Amir, meanwhile, is also a director
to decide on the structure of transactions bankers to misappropriate the funds. With- of JAG and several other companies, in-
placed through such funds. out them he won’t be able to do it. Let’s not cluding Central Cables Bhd (an 86.65%
For example, they will choose the target beat around the bush I’m not being vague,” stake in which JAG wants to inject into
destinations where the money will even- Harvinderjit then asked Swampillai about KUB), Continental Resources Sdn Bhd
tually end up, he said. the nearly US$6 million in commissions from and Palmtop Vegeoil Products Sdn Bhd.
They will also decide on the instru- his previous employer BSI Bank for his role Johari in December last year relin-
ments (such as equity shares or loans in in carrying out deals for SRC and 1MDB. quished his chairman’s post at KUB and
the form of lending agreements like prom- Harvinderjit asked him if he had earned CI Holdings, following his appointment
issory notes) used to optically legalise the it or was entitled to it, to which the bank- to the Cabinet.
flow of money from the fund to target com- er said “no”. Amir, who holds a degree in accounting
panies or assets intended to be acquired. SRC filed the US$1.18 billion suit and finance from Oxford Brookes Univer-
The clients are also in control of the against Najib and former SRC chief ex- sity, has previously worked in the financial
timing and amounts channelled through ecutive officer and managing director Nik assurance departments of EY Malaysia
such fiduciary structures, said Sawmpillai. Faisal Ariff Kamil in May 2021. and KPMG Malaysia from 2014 to 2017.
The witness said that while he did not It had obtained a judgement in default “He has spent the past nine years in
know what happened, he had his suspicions against Nik Faisal, who was named as Na- various management and executive roles
about the money and told his superiors jib’s proxy. in different industries and companies, in-
about the fraudulent transactions done by In the opening statement for the trial on cluding audit and management consulting,
SRC International (Malaysia) Ltd total- Tuesday, lead co-counsel Datuk Lim Chee various technology-based start-ups, private
ling US$864.5 million between November Wee said that out of the total KWAP loan investment companies, and a public cable
2011 and April 2012. of RM4 billion, a sum of US$120 million manufacturing company in Melaka.
Swampillai said that suspicious made its way to Najib’s bank account. “His roles covered corporate finance,
transactions did not fall on his The civil suit continues before judge strategy management, asset manage-
department at the bank, and Datuk Ahmad Fairuz Ahmad Zainol on ment, credit control, business develop-
were part of the compliance Thursday. ment, accounting, treasury and infor-
department and the Client mation systems,” said CI Holdings and
Acceptance Committee KUB in their respective filings.
(CAC). Former BSI banker Kevin Swampillai told the CI Holdings shares finished down
He said that the com- High Court on Wednesday that he was not four sen or 1.43% at RM2.75 on Wednes-
aware about funds from SRC International
pliance department and day, valuing the group at RM445.5 mil-
Sdn Bhd which were transferred to a fiduciary
CAC were supposed fund. He said that clients using fiduciary lion. The stock has fallen 26.67% over
to monitor these funds have virtually limitless the past one year.
transactions. flexibility to decide on the Meanwhile, KUB fell half a sen or
structure of transactions 0.83% to 59.5 sen, with a market capi-
placed through such funds.
Zahid Izzani/ talisation of RM331.1 million. The stock
The Edge has gained 16.67% over the past one year.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Penang govt to
pliance with technical issues in the LTAPP
expansion project.

go over airport
“With the approval from the Cabinet,
MAHB will proceed with the tender for
PN’s Selat Klang
the appointment of a contractor to com-
mence the project, expected to start this
declares support
year, possibly in the third quarter.
“The discussions and the LTAPP ex- for Selangor MB
technical issues pansion project can proceed concurrently.
We will manage and expedite it,” he told Amirudin Shari’s
with MAHB
reporters after officiating the 45th World
Congress of the International Advertising
Association at the Setia Spice Convention
Centre here on Wednesday.
Bernama A total of 1,000 participants from 30 Bernama
countries are attending the three-day con-
GEORGE TOWN (March 6):The Penang gress from Wednesday, the first to be held SHAH ALAM (March 6): Perikatan
government will continue discussions with in Southeast Asia. Nasional’s (PN) assemblyman for
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) Chow was responding to Transport Selat Klang, Datuk Abdul Rashid
regarding the expansion of the Penang In- Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook’s state- Asari, on Wednesday declared his
ternational Airport (LTAPP), Chief Min- ment recently that the LTAPP expansion support for the leadership of Se-
ister Chow Kon Yeow said. effort, costing over RM1 billion, had re- langor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri
He said talks will revolve around com- ceived Cabinet approval. Amirudin Shari.
The former chairman of Selan-
gor Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malay-
sia (Bersatu) said the decision was
KUALA LUMPUR (March 6): Rapid bus made after considering the speech
and rail service users in Klang Valley will Prasarana to of the Sultan of Selangor Sul-
soon have the option to pay fares using tan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, who
methods other than Touch ‘n Go (TNG), expand cashless praised the state government’s ad-
as the government aims to expand cashless ministration for being on the right
payment options. payment options track for the progress and wellbeing
Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew of the people.
Fook announced that Prasarana Malaysia for Rapid KL buses He said the move was also taken
Bhd has committed to implementing the in view of several PN’s actions, es-
open payment system for its services, start- and rail services pecially Selangor PN, which he saw
ing with Rapid KL buses, as the integration as remaining silent against criticisms
for rail services, including LRT and MRT directed at the Malay rulers, which
stations, requires additional time. by Choy Nyen Yiau he deemed contrary to the principles
Currently, these buses only accept of Malay Muslims.
Touch ‘n Go cards as a payment meth- “I also made this decision to en-
od, whereas rail stations offer alternatives sure the wellbeing of the people of
like tokens. Selangor, especially the residents of
“We recognise that this limitation af- the N44 Selat Klang constituency,
fects both tourists and locals. We aim to who will benefit from a stable and
transition toward an open payment sys- united government,” he said in a
tem, allowing the use of credit cards, deb- statement here.
it cards and other methods,” said Loke Abdul Rashid said, however, that
in a news conference in Parliament on he remained committed as a mem-
Wednesday. ber of Bersatu.
Loke added that Prasarana has already Loke added that Meanwhile, Selangor State Leg-
initiated a tender process for this, and he Prasarana has already islative Assembly Speaker Lau Weng
anticipates the tender process to conclude initiated a tender San, when approached by reporters
within the next two months. process for this, and at the lobby of the Selangor State
“Ideally, the open payment system will he anticipates the Assembly Building, stated that he
be implemented in the next three to six had not yet received any notification
months. We hope to have it in place by
tender process to regarding Abdul Rashid’s move as
the end of this year, at least for Rapid KL
conclude within the of 1.50pm.
buses,” Loke said. next two months. “As for his seating position in the
Additionally, Loke announced that Selangor State Assembly, I will dis-
a Cabinet committee has approved the cuss it further before making any de-
construction of 344 bus stations and In another development, Loke an- cisions, and considering the state-
over 7,000 metres of covered pedestri- nounced that the ministry will publish ment of support from Selat Klang,
an walkways in seven local authorities real-time statistics on death cases due to the position of PN in the Selangor
in the Klang Valley, with an allocation accidents every day, to raise awareness State Assembly is 21 seats,” he said.
of RM48.6 million. among road users and the public.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 19 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Powell reiterates Fed needs more

confidence on inflation to cut
(March 6): US Federal Reserve (Fed) chair by Craig Torres fuel a pickup in economic activity that keeps
Jerome Powell reiterated to lawmakers that inflation above 2% — the rate they see as ap-
the US central bank is in no rush to cut in- propriate for a healthy economy. Keep borrow-
terest rates until policymakers are convinced ing costs elevated for too long and they risk
they have won their battle over inflation. tipping the economy into a recession.
In prepared testimony to a House panel “We believe that our policy rate is likely
on Wednesday, the Fed chief said it will like- at its peak for this tightening cycle,” Pow-
ly be appropriate to begin lower borrowing We believe that our policy ell said in his prepared remarks, repeating
costs “at some point this year”, but made rate is likely at its peak for language used at his last press conference
clear they are not ready yet. this tightening cycle. If the on Jan 31. “If the economy evolves broadly
The remarks echoed a consistent message economy evolves broadly as expected, it will likely be appropriate to
from nearly every Fed official in recent weeks: as expected, it will likely be begin dialling back policy restraint at some
The economy and labour market are strong, point this year. But the economic outlook
meaning policymakers have time to wait for
appropriate to begin dialling is uncertain, and ongoing progress towards
more evidence that inflation is headed back to
back policy restraint at some our 2% inflation objective is not assured.”
their goal before cutting interest rates. point this year. But the Inflation slowed to a 2.4% rate for the 12
“The committee does not expect that it will economic outlook is uncertain, months ending in January, down from a peak
be appropriate to reduce the target range until and ongoing progress of 7.1% in June 2022. But price pressures
it has gained greater confidence that inflation towards our 2% inflation accelerated from December, and an underly-
is moving sustainably towards 2%,” Powell objective is not assured.” ing measure often cited by Powell — services
said in brief prepared remarks to the House prices excluding shelter and energy — is still
Financial Services Committee, where he is tracking higher than its pre-pandemic trend.
set to testify at 10am on Wednesday. At the same time, demand for workers
The Fed chief is on Capitol Hill for the first has remained strong, with employers adding
of two days of his semiannual monetary policy 353,000 jobs in January and economists fore-
testimony, and is scheduled to appear before casting another 200,000 added in February.
the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday. Fed officials have said high interest rates
Treasury yields remained mostly lower should continue to ripple through the econ-
on the day after the remarks were released, omy and eventually slow growth, which has
and S&P 500 index futures held gains while been surprisingly robust over the past year.
the dollar was lower. Still, some forecasters have lifted their esti-
Fed officials are in the last rounds of an mates for economic output in the first quar-
aggressive fight to contain inflation. After ter, due to expectations for higher consumer
raising their benchmark federal funds rate spending.
more than five percentage points starting Policymakers have responded to the
in March 2022, they have held rates steady economy’s surprising strength by indicat-
since July amid easing price pressures. ing that they’ll hold rates at a high level and,
Central bankers are now grappling with once they begin cutting, will probably lower
how soon and how far they should lower rates. bloomberg them at a slower and potentially less regular
Cut too early, and officials worry they could pace than in the past.
Since their January meeting, officials have
pushed back aggressively on expectations that
they will cut rates when they meet on March
19 and 20. Investors are now betting the first
rate cut will come in June. They also expect
between three and four rate cuts this year,
in line with Fed officials’ median forecast in
December. Policymakers will release updated
rate projections in the meeting this month.
Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers are
growing impatient with the US central bank
ahead of the November elections. Sherrod
Brown, the Senate Banking Committee
chair who is in a tough re-election battle
in Ohio, urged the Fed to cut rates “early
this year” in a Jan 30 letter to Powell, argu-
ing that high rates are hurting small busi-
nesses and putting homeownership out of
reach for many Americans.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 20 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

US regulators
than US$100 billion in assets calculate the
cash they must set aside to absorb poten- Banks with heavy
expected to tial losses.
The agencies said it would increase commercial
aggregate capital by around 16% for the
roughly three dozen affected lenders. That property
reduce Basel
figure is expected to fall sharply as regula-
tors embark on a sweeping rewrite of the exposure see
capital burden,
draft, the people said.
The regulatory discussions are in their bonds get hit
sources say
early stages and no decisions have been
made, the people said. The agencies have
said they are analyzing hundreds of public by Allison Nicole Smith
comments and data from banks on the im- Bloomberg
by Pete Schroeder pact of the proposal.
Reuters The biggest capital savings will come (March 6): Bond investors have pun-
from changes to how banks will have to cal- ished banks with heavy exposure to
WASHINGTON (March 6): US regulators culate potential losses from operational risks, commercial real estate, potentially
are expected to significantly reduce the extra which is the costliest plank of the proposal, adding even more pressure to the lend-
capital banks must hold under a proposed three people said. In that section, banks had ers’ profits as Wall Street scrambles to
rule that has drawn aggressive pushback been pushing regulators to reduce the risk assess how widely pain in property
from Wall Street, said eight industry exec- weights for fee income associated with lend- debt will spread through the financial
utives in regular contact with the agencies ing services, such as investment banking. system.
and regulatory officials. Officials are also expected to scrap or Banks with high levels of commercial
Bank regulators led by the Federal Re- reduce higher risk weights on mortgages real estate exposure tend to have bonds
serve in July unveiled the “Basel III” pro- to low-income borrowers and on renewable that trade at relatively wider spreads,
posal to overhaul how banks with more energy tax credits, the people said. according to an analysis by Barclays plc
credit strategists led by Dominique Tou-
blan. In some cases, spreads on those
reuters bonds have been widening, even as in-
vestors have broadly piled into finan-
cial industry bonds in pursuit of high-
er-yielding securities.
Barclays’ Toublan wrote in an email
that commercial real estate-related
angst explains about 80% of issuer-lev-
el spreads in the US investment-grade
debt market, with lenders with lower
exposure generally trading tighter. The
differentiation in pricing underscores
how investors are being selective as they
snatch up bonds, a factor that could lift
LONDON (March 5): US manufacturers funding costs for banks already under
are struggling to regain momentum as the US manufacturers pressure from setting aside money for
sector tries to pull out of the prolonged but potential real estate losses.
shallow downturn, with any help from low- struggle to grow “At first, ever ybody just sold
er interest rates delayed due to continuing everything and asked questions later,”
inflation in the service sector. again without Invesco’s head of North America invest-
The desultory state of factory and freight ment grade and senior portfolio man-
activity has limited diesel consumption, interest rate cuts ager Matt Brill said, citing last March
postponed the anticipated depletion of when the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
fuel inventories, and caused refining mar- triggered a selloff, widening bank bond
gins to soften. by John Kemp spreads. “Now, they’re finding out that
The Institute for Supply Management Reuters there are some regionals that are better
(ISM)’s purchasing index slipped to 47.8 positioned than others.”
(18th percentile for all months since 1980) cle-ending recessions rather than mid-cy- Some of the regional lenders with
in February down from 49.1 (25th percen- cle slowdowns, characterised by a far more portfolios weighted toward underper-
tile) in January. severe contraction in activity. forming commercial real estate markets
The index has been below the 50-point By contrast, in the current slowdown include Bank OZK,Valley National Ban-
threshold dividing expanding activity from manufacturing output has declined less corp and Webster Financial Corp, ac-
a contraction for 16 months running since than 2%, according to data from the US cording to Morgan Stanley. None of the
November 2022. Federal Reserve. trio of banks responded to requests for
The manufacturing downturn has been The worst of the current downturn was comment from Bloomberg News.
the most prolonged since the slowdown over by the second and third quarters of
of 2000-2002 and before that 1981-1983. 2023, but manufacturers have since strug-
Both of those downturns were cy- gled to regain momentum. Read the full story
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 21 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Nikki Haley to end 2024 bid, setting up

Trump-Biden rematch
(March 6): Republican presidential candi- by Justin Sink, Jordan Fabian Trump’s political efforts must compete
date Nikki Haley is ending her campaign & Nancy Cook for his time, resources, and attention as
after overwhelming losses in a string of Bloomberg he mounts a defence against 91 criminal
primary contests, ceding the nomination charges in four separate cases. He is just
to Donald Trump and setting up a rematch four years younger than Biden, but re-
of the 2020 election against President Joe The dominant cently has made verbal stumbles on the
Biden. performances by both campaign trail that are making it some-
Haley is due to speak in her home state what harder to strike a contrast with the
of South Carolina at 10am, where she will
Biden and Trump president on the question of whether they
concede that Trump is her party’s choice, disguise deep anxiety are too old to effectively do the job.
according to a person familiar with the and reservations Trump, casting himself as a de facto
matter. among the electorate. incumbent despite losing in 2020, con-
Both Biden and Trump prevailed in solidated GOP support following his in-
almost every Super Tuesday nominat- dictments, with the party’s drift towards
ing contest, including victories in Virgin- populism leaving little room for Haley to
ia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Utah Yet the dominant performances by both get traction. Florida governor Ron De-
that demonstrate their respective holds Biden and Trump disguise deep anxiety Santis, Trump’s other main challenger,
over their political parties. and reservations among the electorate. stumbled before he even started.
Haley will not, however, immediately For Democrats, the choice of Biden is Democrats rallied around Biden, with
endorse Trump and will instead push him a risky gamble that voters in November no big-name politicians willing to chal-
to pivot on some issues in order to court will put aside their concerns about the lenge a sitting president even as party fig-
her voters, another person familiar with ability of an 81-year-old man to continue ures whispered fears about his age.
her plans said. to lead the country for another four years,
Haley managed only a token victory in particularly at a time when foreign wars Divergent approaches
Vermont — a deeply liberal state Republi- are raging and economic angst persists In foreign capitals, the prospect of a re-
cans haven’t carried in 36 years — despite despite a strong post-pandemic recovery. match between the two men has already
backing from billionaires including Stan On the Republican side, Trump’s myr- sown disbelief that the US refuses to move
Druckenmiller and Charles Koch. iad legal woes, inflammatory statements on to a new generation of leaders, and
And a viable alternative to Biden never about minorities and immigrants and what leaves bureaucrats to gird for two wildly
emerged: Primary opponent Dean Phil- his critics say are his authoritarian plans divergent approaches to diplomacy, eco-
lips didn’t stand a chance, no matter how for a second term threaten to alienate nomics, and governance.
many times investor Bill Ackman said he moderate voters key to recapturing the The vision of a second Trump term is
did. White House. clear: substantial new trade protections,
a sharp crackdown on immigration, lower
taxes, an isolationist foreign policy bent,
and a campaign of retribution targeting
progressives, federal bureaucracy and a
news media he blames for alienating his
base against the ruling class.
An extension of Biden’s presidency
would guarantee the implementation of
his first-term legislative achievements
aimed at reviving domestic manufactur-
ing, improving infrastructure, and battling
climate change. Biden would also aim to
raise taxes on the wealthy and strength-
en foreign alliances, though his subdued,
technocratic approach has done little to
inspire the electorate.
“We’re going to win this election be-
cause we have to win,” Trump said on
Tuesday night, casting the stakes of the
Biden rematch as existential. “If we lose
the election we’re not going to have a
country left.”

Read also: Kremlin says Russia will not

meddle in the US presidential election
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 22 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


(March 6): Smaller cryptocurrencies are across the derivatives sector, evidenced by
starting to pull ahead of record-setting bit- metrics such as elevated costs for perpetual
coin, as traders bet the tokens are next in futures and unprecedented levels of open
line to test all-time peaks. interest — or outstanding contracts — at
An index tracking the bottom half of the Chicago-based CME Group’s bitcoin fu-
largest 100 digital assets is up about 60% tures market.
over the past month, beating the 56% ad-
vance in bitcoin. During the same period, Futures appetite
the overall value of tokens jumped by more That too is a positive backdrop for small-
than US$800 billion (RM3.79 trillion), ac- Crypto’s US$800 er digital assets, according to Jag Kooner,
cording to data tracker CoinGecko. the head of derivatives at crypto exchange
Market observers contend there are bil rally widens Bitfinex.
growing such signs of speculators rotat- “It’s anticipated that the surge in open
ing away from the largest digital asset into beyond record- interest will eventually redistribute towards
smaller rivals that have lagged in the bit- altcoins, as the market’s focus shifts away
coin-led crypto recovery that began last setting bitcoin from bitcoin, further out on the risk curve
year. towards meme tokens, which accounted for
“Our desk has been seeing strong flows a third of the volume on major exchanges
and more excitement on non-bitcoin assets by Sidhartha Shukla last week,” Kooner wrote in a note.
recently,” said David Lawant, the head of Bloomberg Meme coins Shiba Inu, Floki, dogwifhat,
research at crypto prime broker FalconX. Pepe and Bonk sat atop the seven-day per-
At one point five times as much investment the token, as well as an upcoming reduc- formance charts at CoinGecko, with gains
was flowing into bitcoin, compared to sec- tion in its supply growth. of about 150% or more as of 9.20am on
ond-ranked Ether, but that has dropped to “Bitcoin’s market dominance typically Wednesday in London. Bitcoin changed
two times, he said. tops out in the weeks following an all-time hands at US$67,250, a little shy of the re-
high breakout,” Vetle Lunde, a senior ana- cord US$69,192 reached on Tuesday in
Bitcoin dominance lyst at K33 Research, wrote in a note. He US trading.
Coins like Ether remain some way off hit- added that ramped-up bets on altcoins are While crypto veterans might rationalise
ting all-time highs, a reflection of the in- a typical feature of an “all gas, no brakes the meme trend as part of the pivot beyond
tense focus on bitcoin amid the launch of stage of the market”. bitcoin, others could well see it as mindless
landmark US exchange-traded funds for Frothy wagers on bitcoin have washed speculation.

(March 6): Inc’s cloud servic- Commission asked for public comments on
es division is halting fees it has long charged Amazon cancels a variety of cloud concerns.
customers that switch to a rival provider — Amazon has said the fees help cover the
following in the steps of Google, which re- fees for customers costs of networking and other infrastructure.
cently announced it was ending the practice. AWS is the world’s largest provider of
Amazon Web Services (AWS) will no moving to rival rented computing power, followed by Mi-
longer charge customers who want to ex- crosoft Corp and Alphabet Inc’s Google.
tract all of their data from the company’s cloud services Competition among the three companies
servers and move them to another service, heated up recently with the advent of gener-
AWS vice-president Robert Kennedy said ative artificial intelligence, which mines vast
in a blog post on Tuesday. by Matt Day quantities of data to generate text or images.
“Beginning today (Tuesday), customers Bloomberg All three are looking to bake the technology
globally are now entitled to free data trans- into their cloud offerings.
fers out to the internet if they want to move cloud services by regulators and lawmakers.
to another information technology provid- UK antitrust authorities launched a probe
er,” Kennedy said. into such penalties, and the fees emerged Read also: Elon Musk’s X escapes most of
The move follows intensifying scrutiny of as a key issue when the US Federal Trade lawsuit over copyrighted songs
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 23 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


Investors in China
stick to bargains
as fiscal bazooka
proves elusive
by Ankur Banerjee & Tom Westbrook

SINGAPORE (March 6): Foreign in-

vestors returning to China’s recuperat-
ing stock markets say spending plans an-
nounced on Tuesday are not enough to
turn battered sentiment around, and the
main reason to keep buying shares for now
is because they are cheap.
Money managers hunting for bargains
have been trickling back into mainland
stocks since February, after China re-
placed its stock market regulator and foreign investors’ net selling of 112 billion sectors such as electric vehicles and tech-
tightened rules around speculation, lead- yuan (RM73.6 billion) over the period nology, says Winnie Chiu, senior director
ing to a sharp but fragile recovery in the drawing down exposures of global money and investment adviser at Indosuez Wealth
market. managers to the lowest levels for years. Management.
Few had held out hopes the National They have since bought stocks worth These sectors lie at the heart of China’s
People’s Congress (NPC) would unleash 48.3 billion yuan and China’s blue-chip quest for self-sufficiency.
a torrent of cash big enough to buoy mar- CSI300 Index has bounced nearly 15% Mainland markets are also cheap. The
kets and the mood right away. off the five-year lows it hit last month. 12-month forward price-to-earnings ratio,
But those expecting solid spending But where global investors were once a widely used valuation measure, is just
plans to reach a growth target of 5%, as happy to park slabs of their portfolios in around 10 for the CSI 300, half the levels
authorities stuck to a familiar script about China for the long term, many are running for S&P 500 and Japan’s Nikkei.
managing risks in the property sector and smaller and nimbler “tactical” books offer- Enough has been done to at least stop
municipal debt. ing exposure to short-term bounces while the carnage, analysts say and Steve Law-
China plans to run a budget deficit holding back on larger strategic stakes. rence, chief investment officer at Balfour
of 3% of economic output, down from a “There is a degree of anticipation as to Capital, who manages US$300 million
revised 3.8% last year, belying the fiscal when all of these collective measures will across different funds, sees money flowing
shot-in-the-arm some had hoped for to start making a lot of sense and moving back into Chinese stocks.
fuel a recovery. markets and moving asset prices,” said “The reality is when there’s fear, or
“Investors need to see policies that Niraj Athavle, J.P. Morgan’s head of sales there’s a sense of fear, the smart money,
could improve governance and final de- and marketing in Singapore. the real money, always buys. If you take
mand, but neither seem to be on offer so “I wish I could tell you what exactly a step back, China is still growing, it will
far at the NPC,” Ken Peng, head of in- would be the single point that triggers it ... continue to grow,” Lawrence said.
vestment strategy in Asia at Citi Global but I don’t think any such trigger exists.” “It’s just the beginning of a massive
Wealth, said in an email to Reuters. biblical move. When you have such a di-
Mainland China stockmarkets lost Finding a footing vergence — the Nasdaq at all-time highs
about US$2 trillion (RM9.47 trillion) in Investors, both foreign and domestic, are and where the Hang Seng is — there will
market value in the year to Jan. 31, with being selective buying stocks but only in be a teeter-totter.”

HONG KONG (March 6): Morgan Stan- This would be the first time Morgan
ley has laid off about 9% of its staff at its Morgan Stanley cuts Stanley has cut staff at the China fund unit
asset management business unit in China, since it bought out its local partner’s 36%
two people with direct knowledge of the 9% of China fund unit stake in the loss-making business for about
matter said, as the country’s spiralling stock
market dampens prospects for its US$3.8
staff amid market rout, US$54 million in 2023. It rebranded the
unit as a wholly owned subsidiary in June.
trillion (RM17.97 trillion) fund sector. sources say Morgan Stanley declined to comment.
Morgan Stanley Investment Manage- The downsizing underscores the chal-
ment China started reducing headcount lenges that global financial firms, includ-
in December and the move has impacted by Selena Li & Xie Yu ing JPMorgan and BlackRock, face in the
about 15 employees, the people said on Reuters world’s second-biggest economy as a pro-
condition of anonymity as they were not tracted economic malaise batters markets
authorised to speak to the media. there.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 24 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


China’s Li vows
more support for
property market
stuck in the
by Liangping Gao & Ryan Woo

BEIJING (March 5): China will try to stabi-

lise a property sector with targeted measures
while providing financing to “justified” pro- a long series of incremental steps to revive past and have raised the risk of deflation,”
jects, Premier Li Qiang said on Tuesday, as the sector. said Chil Lo, Senior Market Strategist, Asia
Beijing looks to resolve a glut of unfinished The government will “meet justified fi- Pacific, at BNP Paribas Asset Management
properties that have worried homebuyers. nancing demands of real estate enterprises in Hong Kong.
The policy message in Li’s annual report under various forms of ownership on an “To counter the deflation risk so that
to China’s parliament reinforced the view equal basis, so as to promote the steady and structural reforms and debt reduction can
that the world’s second-largest economy healthy development of the real estate mar- proceed, Beijing needs to pump-prime the
is still working through a combination of ket,” said Li. system by aggressive easing to protect eco-
half-completed projects as well as unsold Investors remain underwhelmed by the nomic growth with determination.”
homes that will take years to remedy and government’s plans for the property mar- ANZ estimates China’s unsold residential
remain a brake on economic growth. ket, with the mainland CSI 300 Real Estate property had surpassed three billion square
The property sector has lurched from Index down 42% in the past year. metres by the end of 203, a glut that would
one crisis to another since 2021 after a reg- Some analysts are drawing comparisons take 3.6 years to clear.
ulatory crackdown on high leverage among with Japan’s lost decades of stagnation and New home prices could decline 0.9% in
developers triggered a liquidity crisis. So far, deflation. 2024, according to a Reuters poll of econo-
authorities have not rolled out massive stim- “The property market has yet to stabi- mists last month, versus 1.1% growth tipped
ulus to support developers, instead adopting lise. Its woes reflect insufficient easing in the in a previous poll in November.

China’s 5%
BEIJING (March 6): China’s 2024 growth “Comprehensive analysis shows that
target of around 5% is in line with the the economy can be expected to have a

growth target
country’s economic potential, the head good first quarter,” Zheng said, referring
of the state economic planner said on to February manufacturing and services

for 2024 is
Wednesday while announcing plans to step sector data.
up policy adjustments and issue special Zheng also said that China’s exports for

achievable, says
treasury bonds. the January-February period increased by
Speaking at a rare joint briefing on the 10%, but did not state whether that was

state planner
sidelines of the annual parliament meet- in yuan or US dollar terms. Economists
ing in Beijing with China’s finance minis- recently polled by Reuters expected out-
ter, commerce minister, central bank chief bound shipments in the first two months
and head of the securities regulator, Zheng grew just 1.9% year-on-year, slowing from
Shanjie said he expected the world’s sec- by Kevin Yao & Albee Zhang December.
ond-largest economy to have a good first Reuters China’s central bank governor said the
quarter. bank would keep the yuan basically stable
“The target is in line with the annual reuters and that it had “rich monetary policy tools
requirements of the Fourteenth Five-Year at its disposal”.
Plan and matches the potential for eco- Pan Gongsheng, governor of the Peo-
nomic growth, making it a positive and ple’s Bank of China (PBOC), added there
achievable target,” said Zheng, chair of was still room for cutting bank’s reserve
the National Development and Reform ratio requirement, following a 50-basis
Commission (NDRC). points cut in January, which was the big-
On Tuesday, Premier Li Qiang in his gest in two years.
maiden work report to the National Peo- China’s disappointing post-Covid re-
ple’s Congress announced this year’s covery has cast doubts about the foun-
growth target would be around 5%, which dations of its economic model, raising
many analysts said was ambitious unless the stakes for government action at the
the government rolls out much more stim- week-long parliament meeting of senior
ulus. policymakers.
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 25 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d


DBS cuts CEO’s Unilever sets

pay package in new climate
record year hit goals despite
by glitches growing ESG
by Chanyaporn Chanjaroen
by Dasha Afanasieva
& Akshat Rathi
DBS CEO Piyush Gupta is one of the highest-paid banking bosses in Asia. Bloomberg

(March 6): DBS Group Holdings Ltd cut The higher returns came as the lender’s (March 6): Unilever plc is announc-
chief executive officer Piyush Gupta’s var- record profit exceeded S$10 billion. ing more ambitious emissions-cut-
iable pay components in a year which saw “Despite record 2023 profits and out- ting goals, targeting suppliers and
disruptions in the bank’s digital services performance in many years, the gaps in even the shops that stock its brands,
rub some shine off its record profit. technology resiliency resulted in a lower despite concerns from investors that
Gupta, one of the highest-paid bank- scorecard appraisal by the board compared non-financial objectives have be-
ing bosses in Asia, received a total com- to the previous year,” the bank said in come a distraction for the company.
pensation of S$11.2 million (RM39.54 the report. In its latest climate plan released
million) for 2023, down from S$15.4 Gupta’s retention pay, which is not in- on Wednesday, the maker of Ben &
million a year ago, Singapore’s largest cluded in the total compensation, dropped Jerry’s ice cream and Lynx deodor-
lender said in its annual report published to S$832,650 from S$1.21 million in the ant said it’s aiming to cut green-
Wednesday. That brought his total pay preceding year. house gas emissions associated with
lower by 27%. Meanwhile, overall compensation for the retailing and consumption of
The cut came despite DBS notching an the bank’s senior management excluding its goods by the end of the decade.
18% return-on-equity, among the highest Gupta dropped to S$63.5 million from For example, Unilever wants
for banks in Asia’s developed markets, ac- S$73.8 million to reflect their accounta- emissions from indirect sources,
cording to data tracked by Bloomberg News. bility for the digital disruptions. including ice cream refrigerators in
shops and the recycling of the prod-
ucts it sells, to decline 42% from
2021 levels. It also seeks emissions

(March 6): The Starbucks operator in the from forest, land and agriculture —
Middle East and North Africa has cut which includes growing commod-

thousands of jobs as it faces tough eco- ities such as palm oil — to drop by
nomic conditions and calls to boycott the 30% in the same period.

slashes jobs amid

US coffee chain over its response to the The new approach comes at a chal-
Israel-Hamas war. lenging time for Unilever. The com-

Alshaya Group, which has been the li- pany has been riddled by financial
censed partner for the chain in the region underperformance and falling mar-

war boycotts
for over a decade with 1,300 locations, ket share, which some investors have
eliminated 2,000 jobs, the company con- blamed on its fixation on sustainability.
firmed to Bloomberg News. That reduces its At the same time, Republican-led
regional Starbucks workforce by around backlash in the US against envi-
20%. A spokesperson cited “challenging by Leen Al-Rashdan & Nicolas Parasie ronmental, social and governance
trading conditions” as the reason for the Bloomberg (ESG) investing threatens to make
layoffs. companies more timid in setting
Earlier this year, the company said bloomberg their climate priorities. Executives
it saw significant impact on traffic and are under increasing pressure to re-
sales in the Middle East, and a hit to assure investors that environmental
US business due to the Israel-Hamas programmes won’t be detrimental
war. The coffee chain has faced back- to the bottom line.
lash from customers accusing it of not Thomas Lingard, the global head
doing enough to pressure Israel to end of sustainability — environment at
its offensive in Gaza. Unilever, said in an interview that
The Seattle based coffee chain has is- the company’s climate plans were
sued public statements to emphasise its built into its financial-growth model.
political neutrality. Yet the boycott move-
ment has has spread rapidly since the war
began, with calls to avoid Starbucks still Read the full story
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 26 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Hunt says UK
(March 6): Jeremy Hunt said UK growth Hunt has been under pressure from
is due to be stronger than previously Tory lawmakers to deliver eye-catching

growth better-
forecast by the budget watchdog, a boost tax cuts even as he’s constrained by fragile
for the ruling Conservative Party ahead public finances. The UK entered recession

than-expected in
of an election expected later this year. last year and the chancellor went into his
Delivering his annual budget, the budget with just £13 billion (RM77.85

boost for Tories

Chancellor of the Exchequer said billion) of breathing space against his key
growth is forecast at 0.8% in 2024, com- fiscal rule, a margin near historic lows.
pared with the Office for Budget Re- The budget is one of the few remaining
sponsibility’s previous estimate of 0.7%. so-called political set-pieces the Conserv-
The watchdog is now predicting 1.9% by Joe Mayes & Alex Wickham atives have left to try to boost their poll
growth for 2025, compared to a previ- Bloomberg standing ahead of the UK vote, which
ous reading of 1.4%, and 2% growth in Prime Minister Rishi Sunak must call by
2026, equal to the prior prediction of Bloomberg Jan 25 at the latest.
2%, Hunt said. Conservative strategists have said they
“We are delivering the prime min- want to fight the election on an improv-
ister’s economic priorities,” Hunt said ing economy and Britons getting past an
in the House of Commons on Wednes- historic squeeze on living standards. Tax
day. “We can now help families not just cuts are a key part of the Tory messaging
with temporary cost of living support — even though the overall tax burden has
but with permanent cuts in taxation.” risen to the highest level since World War
The rosier growth forecast is a wel- II and polls show voters want repaired
come lift for Hunt and the Tories as public services more than pre-election
they seek to close a 20 percentage-point The Conservatives giveaways.
polling gap versus the opposition La- are seeking to close a Still, senior Tories say a campaign built
bour Party. Hunt is set to announce per- 20 percentage-point around tax cuts would create a clear divid-
sonal tax cuts in his budget in a bid for polling gap versus the ing line with Labour and claw back votes
a pre-election boost, including a two opposition Labour Party. from typical Tory voters who are consid-
percentage point reduction in national ering either staying at home on polling
insurance, a payroll tax. day or backing a different party.

SYDNEY (March 6): Australia’s econo- purchases and clothing and footwear.
my grew at a snail’s pace in the December “Australian consumers are suffering

economy slows
quarter as a punishing squeeze on house- from higher interest rates and cost of liv-
hold incomes brought consumer spending ing pressures, while the rate of housing

to a crawl,
to a standstill, reinforcing market bets that investment remains in the doldrums,” said
the next move in interest rates will be down. Deloitte Access Economics partner Ste-

The slowdown confirmed high borrow- phen Smith.
ing costs were working all too well to curb “There is simply not enough demand

case for rate cuts

demand, prompting treasurer Jim Chal- in the Australian economy to justify the
mers to declare that the balance of risks RBA’s (Reserve Bank of Australia) claim
in the economy is shifting from inflation about ‘homegrown’ inflation.... Monetary
to growth. and fiscal policy need to pivot away from
Data from the Australian Bureau of Sta- by Stella Qiu containing inflation to stimulating eco-
tistics on Wednesday showed real gross do- Reuters nomic growth.”
mestic product (GDP) rose 0.2% in the
fourth quarter, under forecasts of 0.3%. reuters

That compared with a upwardly revised

0.3% expansion in the prior quarter.
Annual growth slowed to 1.5%, down
from 2.1% the previous quarter and the
lowest since early 2021, when the econo-
my was emerging from a pandemic-driv-
en recession.
In a telling sign of the softness in do-
mestic demand, household spending did
not add to economic growth at all in the
fourth quarter, as a 0.7% rise in spending
on essentials was offset by a 0.9% fall in
discretionary spending.
ABS data showed households are spend-
ing more on electricity, rent, food and health
while cutting back on hotels, cafes and res-
taurants as well as things like new vehicle
t h u r s d ay m a r c h 7 , 2 0 2 4 27 TheEdge CEO morning brief


CPO RM 4,081.00 95.00 OIL US$ 82.53 0.49 RM/USD 4.7323 RM/SGD 3.5290 RM/AUD 3.0873 RM/GBP 6.0249 RM/EUR 5.1470

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
Harvest Miracle Capital Bhd 111.70 -0.015 0.120 0.00 147.1
Velesto Energy Bhd 81.00 -0.020 0.270 17.39 2,218.2
Widad Group Bhd 76.40 0.000 0.095 -80.41 294.2
Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd 57.00 -0.005 0.010 -60.00 51.1
Minetech Resources Bhd 48.20 0.005 0.150 3.45 267.6
Notion VTEC Bhd 46.80 0.010 0.525 64.06 270.8
Powerwell Holdings Bhd 42.40 0.010 0.310 31.91 180.0
AMMB Holdings Bhd 40.10 -0.210 3.990 -0.50 13,199.1
YTL Corp Bhd 39.10 -0.040 2.580 36.51 28,290.7
TWL Holdings Bhd 38.60 0.000 0.035 16.67 192.3 World equity indices
TDM Bhd 35.70 0.010 0.260 44.44 447.9 CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE
Genting Bhd 34.50 -0.070 4.820 4.33 18,559.8 (%) (%)
YTL Power International Bhd 31.60 -0.110 3.840 51.18 31,116.1 DJIA * 38,585.19 -404.64 -1.04 INDONESIA 7,329.80 82.34 1.14
Malayan United Industries Bhd 27.80 0.000 0.055 -8.33 177.4 S&P 500 * 5,078.65 -52.30 -1.02 JAPAN 40,090.78 -6.85 -0.02
My EG Services Bhd 26.70 -0.005 0.795 -2.45 5,930.3 NASDAQ 100 * 17,897.87 -328.61 -1.80 KOREA 2,641.49 -7.91 -0.30
Dialog Group Bhd 26.00 0.010 2.140 3.38 12,075.1 FTSE 100 * 7,646.16 22.30 0.29 PHILIPPINES 6,878.54 -26.92 -0.39
Evergreen Max Cash Capital Bhd 25.90 -0.005 0.425 3.66 473.8 AUSTRALIA 7,733.54 9.34 0.12 SINGAPORE 3,136.14 29.04 0.93
Malaysia Building Society Bhd 22.80 -0.005 0.775 9.15 6,372.3 CHINA 3,039.93 -7.86 -0.26 TAIWAN 19,499.45 112.53 0.58
MASTER TEC GROUP BHD 22.70 0.015 0.815 0.00 831.3 HONG KONG 16,438.09 275.45 1.70 THAILAND 1,370.55 11.29 0.83
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 22.30 -0.020 6.510 11.28 69,429.8 INDIA 74,085.99 408.86 0.55 VIETNAM 1,262.73 -7.25 -0.57
Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg * Based on previous day’s closing
Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
Pegasus Heights Bhd 0.010 100.00 1,436.0 100.00 108.2 Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd 0.010 -33.33 56,964.9 -60.00 51.1
Focus Dynamics Group Bhd 0.015 50.00 332.5 0.00 95.6 TECHNA-X Bhd 0.010 -33.33 571.5 -33.33 22.1
Mlabs Systems Bhd 0.015 50.00 4,195.2 0.00 21.7 SC Estate Builder Bhd 0.010 -33.33 1,194.4 -35.71 32.2
XOX BHD 0.015 50.00 1,431.0 0.00 77.9 MQ Technology Bhd 0.015 -25.00 1,270.1 -40.00 22.8
EVD Bhd 0.145 26.09 1,809.5 26.09 61.5 Metronic Global Bhd 0.015 -25.00 3,913.5 0.00 23.0
Saudee Group Bhd 0.025 25.00 474.6 0.00 39.0 Sapura Resources Bhd 0.250 -24.24 0.1 -33.33 34.9
WMG Holdings Bhd 0.240 23.08 8,925.7 140.00 106.7 G3 Global Bhd 0.020 -20.00 119.6 -20.00 75.5
Theta Edge BHD 1.140 19.37 16,871.5 66.42 134.5 Xidelang Holdings Ltd 0.025 -16.67 281.0 0.00 52.9
Ta Win Holdings BHD 0.035 16.67 1,176.5 -12.50 120.2 XOX Networks Bhd 0.025 -16.67 260.0 -28.57 28.4
Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd 0.355 16.39 5,834.3 -69.13 79.0 Sinaran Advance Group Bhd 0.060 -14.29 5.0 -29.41 54.9
HB Global Ltd 0.080 14.29 5.0 -11.11 62.6 Harvest Miracle Capital Bhd 0.120 -11.11 111,687.7 0.00 147.1
ARB Bhd 0.045 12.50 1,670.8 -30.61 56.2 Classita Holdings Bhd 0.040 -11.11 1,770.0 -11.11 49.3
Sapura Energy Bhd 0.050 11.11 8,638.2 11.11 918.8 Country Heights Holdings BHD 0.205 -10.87 9,233.3 -36.92 60.2
Transocean Holdings BHD 1.700 10.39 2.7 0.00 110.7 Fitters Diversified Bhd 0.045 -10.00 1,287.0 -10.00 105.4
Eksons Corp BHD 0.540 10.20 5.0 -3.57 86.3 Hiap Huat Holdings Bhd 0.135 -10.00 1,356.5 -6.90 53.3
Tanco Holdings Bhd 0.770 10.00 8,778.4 30.51 1,597.4 SMTrack Bhd 0.045 -10.00 16,139.2 -10.00 55.0
Rekatech Capital Bhd 0.055 10.00 35.0 -15.38 32.6 ASTEEL Group Bhd 0.090 -10.00 660.0 -14.29 43.6
Techbase Industries BHD 0.220 10.00 7,621.4 103.44 60.70 mTouche Technology Bhd 0.045 -10.00 495.2 -10.00 41.7
OCR Group Bhd 0.060 9.09 2,789.5 0.00 83.2 PESTECH International Bhd 0.205 -8.89 6,330.0 -36.92 201.8
Innity Corp Bhd 0.450 8.43 0.1 -6.25 62.7 Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd 0.165 -8.33 561.6 -34.00 85.5
Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
Nestle Malaysia Bhd 121.000 1.500 198.3 2.89 28,374.5 Malaysian Pacific Industries Bhd28.600 -0.300 256.5 1.42 5,689.4
Ajinomoto Malaysia Bhd 18.660 0.400 76.7 17.36 1,134.5 ViTrox Corp Bhd 7.080 -0.260 154.3 -2.88 6,693.6
Amway Malaysia Holdings Bhd 7.900 0.320 98.6 34.35 1,298.6 AMMB Holdings Bhd 3.990 -0.210 40,085.8 -0.50 13,199.1
Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd 28.920 0.300 223.1 3.31 10,607.2 Petronas Dagangan Bhd 22.060 -0.200 503.5 1.01 21,915.6
United Plantations BHD 23.500 0.240 633.8 32.02 9,747.4 Hume Cement Industries Bhd 2.680 -0.170 1,444.3 19.11 1,681.0
Theta Edge BHD 1.140 0.185 16,871.5 66.42 134.5 AEON Credit Service M Bhd 6.170 -0.150 450.7 10.77 3,150.5
Kotra Industries Bhd 4.980 0.170 0.3 3.11 738.6 Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd18.580 -0.140 226.7 -3.63 5,680.8
Transocean Holdings BHD 1.700 0.160 2.7 0.00 110.7 Bintulu Port Holdings Bhd 5.760 -0.120 4.6 12.06 2,649.6
Sarawak Oil Palms Bhd 3.070 0.110 495.6 18.53 2,733.4 Petronas Gas Bhd 17.880 -0.120 604.8 2.76 35,379.7
PPB Group Bhd 15.400 0.100 698.3 6.35 21,908.0 Paragon Union BHD 3.770 -0.120 104.5 35.13 316.0
Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd 6.960 0.100 2,446.3 -2.79 55,680.0 Dutch Lady Milk Industries BHD 23.880 -0.120 231.5 3.11 1,528.3
Jaya Tiasa Holdings BHD 1.390 0.090 11,474.1 52.75 1,345.5 YTL Power International Bhd 3.840 -0.110 31,573.7 51.18 31,116.1
Zhulian Corp Bhd 1.370 0.080 402.9 -14.87 630.2 Harrisons Holdings Malaysia Bhd8.590 -0.090 2.7 -0.35 588.2
Deleum Bhd 1.350 0.080 1,586.8 41.36 542.1 D&O Green Technologies Bhd 3.110 -0.090 3,772.4 -14.09 3,851.1
HeiTech Padu Bhd 1.990 0.070 4,327.4 126.14 201.4 Malayan Cement Bhd 5.030 -0.090 414.4 18.91 6,595.3
Edaran Bhd 1.180 0.070 3,646.1 35.63 68.3 AirAsia X Bhd 1.290 -0.090 7,451.1 -31.02 576.7
Tanco Holdings Bhd 0.770 0.070 8,778.4 30.51 1,597.4 CELCOMDIGI BHD 4.180 -0.080 2,252.6 2.45 49,037.7
Hong Leong Industries Bhd 10.220 0.060 43.1 10.97 3,265.0 Teck Guan Perdana BHD 1.600 -0.080 1.0 -6.98 64.2
TH Plantations Bhd 0.745 0.055 10,801.0 53.61 658.5 Sapura Resources Bhd 0.250 -0.080 0.1 -33.33 34.9
Unisem M Bhd 3.380 0.050 356.2 2.11 5,452.2 IHH Healthcare Bhd 5.960 -0.080 3,631.2 -1.16 52,489.7
Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Mar 6, 2024 Source: Bloomberg

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