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Factors Influencing First-time Mothers Infant Formula Buying Decisions in

Borongan City

A Market Research Submitted to the

College of Business Management and Accountancy

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree Program of

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Acusar, Allysa T.

Arre, Arjant Chyla Jean D.

Briones, Marc Glend B.

Coles, Claressa A.

Escalante, John Mark M.

Ibayan, Jamilla M.

Nalla, Nasly Jane A

Paca-ol, Antonio

Ramirez, Isabelle A.

Sarmiento, Nildine Mae B.

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Chapter I


Background of the study

This study embarks on an exploratory journey, aiming to unravel the multifaceted

nature of infant formula purchasing decisions within Borongan City. Through a systematic

analysis of key objectives and research questions, we strive to uncover the underlying

factors that influence these choices. These factors include the role of marketing and

advertising in shaping purchasing decisions (Kotler & Armstrong, 2017), nutritional content

and health benefits (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2020), the impact of social influence

from friends and family, the significance of price and brand reputation (Keller, 2008),

personal beliefs, and the influence of TV advertisements and word-of-mouth

recommendations. The Philippines, with its rich cultural diversity and varied social

landscapes, prioritizes the well-being of its youngest citizens. Ensuring the proper

nourishment and care of infants has consistently garnered attention from healthcare,

government, and society. Among the factors influencing the health and nutrition of infants,

the choice of infant formula by first-time mothers holds paramount importance.

In Borongan City, located in the Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines, the factors

influencing the purchasing decisions of first-time mothers regarding infant formula are

shaped by a unique blend of cultural traditions, economic conditions, and healthcare

practices. As the capital of Eastern Samar, Borongan City embodies the distinct cultural

identity of the Waray people, influenced by regional trade and commerce.

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Globally, infant nutrition is often marked by a preference for breastfeeding,

recognized for its numerous health benefits (World Health Organization, 2021). However, the

demands of contemporary life often necessitate alternative means of infant nourishment.

Infant formula becomes an indispensable resource, ensuring infants receive the necessary

nutrition for optimal growth and development (UNICEF, 2020).

Borongan City's infant formula market is vibrant, characterized by a multitude of

choices offered by various brands, each competing for the attention of first-time mothers.

These choices are influenced by a variety of factors, including marketing and advertising

strategies that portray specific formula milk brands as superior (Kotler & Armstrong, 2017),

nutritional content and health benefits essential for infant well-being (American Academy of

Pediatrics, 2020), varying price points, and brand reputations that foster trust and reliability

(Keller, 2008).

To date, the precise interplay of these factors in influencing the purchasing decisions

of first-time mothers in Borongan City remains largely uncharted. This study aims to bridge

this critical knowledge gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of these factors and

their impact on the decision-making process. In doing so, we hope to shed light on the

unique dynamics of infant formula choices in Borongan City and contribute to the broader

discourse on infant nutrition and consumer behavior. As we embark on this research

endeavor, our goal is to provide insights that can enhance the well-being of infants and the

decision-making processes of first-time mothers in this dynamic and culturally rich locality.

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the factors influencing first-time mothers' buying

decisions for infant formula milk in Borongan City. The research addresses the following


1. What is the demographic characteristics of first-time mothers in Borongan City, in

terms of ?

a. Age

b. Income Level

c. Educational Level

2. Which factors influence first-time mothers when purchasing formula milk in

Borongan City?

a. Price

b. brand awareness

c. personal beliefs

d. nutritional content

e. health benefits

f. promotions, and

g. perceived quality.

3. What is the buying decisions of first-time mothers towards purchasing formula milk

in Borongan City?

4. Is there any significant relationship between respondent’s demographic profile and

the factors that influence them when purchasing formula milk?

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5. Is there any significant relationship between relationship between the perceived

factors that influence first-time mothers when purchasing formula milk and their buying


Significance of the study

This research holds substantial importance for diverse stakeholders within Borongan

City, encompassing first-time mothers, healthcare professionals, marketers, and

policymakers. By thoroughly investigating the factors that shape purchasing decisions

related to formula milk, this study stands to make valuable contributions in the following


First-time mothers. Empowering them with the knowledge and insights necessary

to make well-informed choices, safeguarding the health and well-being of their infants.

Healthcare professionals. Equipping them with targeted and evidence-based

guidance, enabling them to offer more effective advice to mothers concerning infant nutrition.

Marketers. Enabling them to tailor their strategies to the specific needs and

preferences of their target audience, leading to more resonant and impactful marketing


Policymakers. Providing them with a solid foundation to formulate regulations and

guidelines that promote infant health and consumer protection within the community.

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Scope & Delimitation of the Study

This research is dedicated to studying first-time mothers who are residents of

Borongan City. The study's primary goal is to explore the demographics characteristics and

factors that influence their purchasing decisions regarding formula milk, with a particular

focus on variables such as Age, income level, educational level, price, brand awareness,

personal beliefs, nutritional content, health benefits, promotions, and perceived quality. The

study will be conducted within the specified demographic of first-time mothers in Borongan

City and will not encompass other demographic groups or geographic regions.

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Definition of Terms

Infant Formula Milk. Infant formula milk refers to commercially prepared and

nutritionally balanced products designed for feeding infants, serving as an alternative or

supplement to breastfeeding. These products come in various brands and types, each

offering specific nutritional content and health benefits.

Borongan City. Borongan City, located in the Eastern Visayas region of the

Philippines, serves as the geographical focus of this study. It is characterized by unique

sociocultural characteristics and economic dynamics that influence the factors surrounding

the purchasing decisions of first-time mothers.

First-Time Mothers. First-time mothers are women who have given birth to their first

child and are residing in Borongan City. They represent the specific demographic under

investigation in this study.

Age: This refers to the chronological age of the first-time mothers participating in

your study.

Income Level: This demographic focuses on the financial resources available to the

first-time mothers.

Educational Level: This refers to the educational attainment of the first-time


Price. It refers to the cost associated with purchasing infant formula milk. Price is a

significant factor influencing consumer choices, particularly among first-time mothers who

may have budget constraints.

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Brand Awareness. Pertains to how well first-time mothers in Borongan City know

and recognize different formula milk brands. It reflects the impact of brand reputation and

marketing efforts on consumer choices.

Personal Beliefs. Encompass a range of cultural, religious, or ethical considerations

that may influence first-time mothers' choices regarding infant formula milk.

Nutritional Content. Refers to the composition of infant formula milk and how it

aligns with the dietary needs of infants. It explores the importance mothers place on the

nutritional value of the formula they choose.

Health Benefits. Refer to the perceived advantages associated with a particular

formula milk, such as supporting the growth and immune system of infants.

Promotions. Include strategies like discounts, special offers, or advertising

campaigns that may impact the decisions of first-time mothers when choosing formula milk.

Perceived Quality. Reflects how first-time mothers evaluate the quality of formula

milk brands based on factors like packaging, presentation, and reputation.

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Review of Related Literature's

This chapter presents the literature and research that have influenced the current

direction of the study, aiming to establish a foundation and framework upon which this

specific study will be built.

Buying Decision

The consumer buying decision is the decision-making processes begin by the

consumer to buy the goods or services in exchange of money in the market before, during

and after the purchase of goods or services (Lumen, n.d.). It helps the seller/marketer for

selling its goods or services in the market. If the marketer successful to understand the

consumer behavior according to the consumer buying decision process towards the goods

or services, then it may successful for selling its goods or services. The consumer buying

decision process consists of five stages Problem recognition, Information search, Evaluation

of alternatives, Purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior. It shows that how a

consumer start thinks before to buy a product. The buyer can use all five stages during

decision making process towards a product. Perhaps, the buyer can also skip the one or

more stages, it’s all depends on consumer mind (Kotler at el. 2017). Every human has

different mind to other humans. For instance; A person buying his/her regular brand of milk

every day when the need arises. So, the chances of skipping information and evaluation are

more as compare to the highly involvement products. Basically, it depends on the human

nature. But in case of buying a car where involvement is high. When the consumer going to

buy a car, then the customer can’t skip any step out of five. (Kotler at el. 2017) This process

works especially for new purchase or highly involvement of consumer purchase. Some

companies focus on understand the consumer experience in learning, choosing, using and

disposing of the product (Kotler & Keller 2016).

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Problem Recognition

The concept of problem recognition, as highlighted by Smith and Jones (2020), is a

crucial starting point in the consumer decision-making process. Problem recognition occurs

when a consumer perceives a significant gap between their current state (comprising needs,

desires, or preferences) and the desired state. This awareness serves as a trigger,

prompting individuals to embark on the consumer decision-making process with the goal of

actively seeking solutions and making informed choices. When consumers recognize a

problem or a need, it sets in motion a sequence of cognitive and behavioral processes. The

perceived gap between their current situation and the desired situation creates a form of

tension or dissatisfaction, motivating individuals to address and resolve the issue. This

problem recognition stage is pivotal because it initiates the consumer's journey toward

finding a suitable solution. Lee (2019), underscores the direct correlation between problem

recognition and decision outcomes in the consumer decision-making process. Their

perspective highlights that the clarity and accuracy of problem recognition play a pivotal role

in shaping subsequent decision-making stages, ultimately influencing the evaluation of

alternatives and the ultimate choice of a solution.When consumers accurately identify and

clearly understand a problem or need, it sets the foundation for effective decision-making.

The clarity of problem recognition allows individuals to articulate their requirements,

preferences, and constraints more precisely. This, in turn, facilitates a more informed and

targeted search for potential solutions.

Information Search

The process of information search in consumer decision-making, as emphasized by

Smith (2021), is a systematic and iterative journey wherein individuals actively seek to fulfill

their information needs related to a specific purchase. This crucial stage involves the

utilization of both internal (memory-based) and external (environmental) sources to gather

relevant information, with the ultimate goal of making well-informed decisions. The iterative

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nature of information search suggests that consumers often revisit and refine their search

process as they progress through different stages of decision-making. This iterative

approach allows individuals to continuously gather, reassess, and update information based

on evolving preferences, changing priorities, or new insights gained during the decision-

making journey.Internal sources of information include the consumer's own memory and

past experiences. Individuals draw upon their knowledge and recollections of previous

interactions with products, brands, or similar purchases. This internal information serves as a

foundation for decision-making, influencing preferences, and providing a baseline against

which external information can be compared. External sources encompass a wide array of

channels and platforms where consumers seek information beyond their own memories.

This includes product reviews, expert opinions, recommendations from friends and family,

advertising, and online research. Consumers actively engage with these external sources to

gain a comprehensive understanding of product features, benefits, and potential

drawbacks.The literature, as discussed by James and Peter (2019), delves into the cognitive

and psychological dimensions that form the foundation of information search, shedding light

on the intricate factors that influence how consumers engage in this crucial stage of

decision-making. These dimensions include perception, motivation, and cognitive

processing. Consumer perception plays a pivotal role in shaping information search

behavior. Individuals interpret and evaluate information based on their perceptions of a

product, brand, or the overall decision-making context. Positive perceptions may lead

consumers to actively seek information that reinforces these views, while negative

perceptions may trigger searches for reassurance or alternative options. Marketers need to

be attuned to the power of perception and strategically manage how their products are

perceived in the eyes of consumers. Consumer motivation is a driving force behind the

initiation and continuation of information search. Motivation stems from individual needs,

desires, or problems that prompt individuals to actively seek solutions. Higher motivation

levels lead to more extensive and thorough searches, as individuals are driven by a strong

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desire to find products or information that align with their specific motivations. Understanding

and tapping into consumer motivations is crucial for businesses to tailor their messaging and

offerings effectively. The cognitive processes involved in information search, including

attention, interpretation, and memory, significantly influence how consumers engage with

information. Attention determines which information consumers focus on, interpretation

shapes how they understand and interpret that information, and memory influences the

retention of relevant details. Cognitive processing plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of

marketing messages, the impact of product reviews, and the overall decision-making


Evaluation of Alternatives

The evaluation of alternatives, as highlighted by Albert (2017), represents a crucial

phase in the consumer decision-making process. During this stage, consumers

systematically assess different products or services to determine the most suitable option for

their needs. The evaluation involves a thorough comparison of attributes, features, and

benefits, while also taking into consideration individual preferences and needs.Consumers

engage in a detailed analysis of the attributes and characteristics of the available

alternatives. This may include factors such as product specifications, quality, performance,

durability, and any other relevant features. The goal is to understand the distinct advantages

and disadvantages of each alternative.The evaluation process entails a careful examination

of the features and benefits offered by each alternative. Consumers seek to identify how well

these features align with their requirements and preferences. The perceived value derived

from the features and benefits heavily influences the decision-making process. Individual

preferences and needs play a significant role in the evaluation of alternatives. Consumers

assess how well each option meets their specific requirements and aligns with their

preferences. This involves a subjective evaluation based on personal tastes, lifestyle

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considerations, and unique preferences.Consumers often establish decision criteria or

benchmarks to guide their evaluation. These criteria may be informed by the importance

assigned to certain features, the budget constraints of the consumer, or other specific

considerations. The criteria act as a framework for comparing alternatives and determining

their relative suitability.

Purchase Decision

The purchase decision, as emphasized by Balor et al. (2018), represents the

conclusive stage in the consumer decision-making journey. At this point, individuals

transition from considering various alternatives to making a definitive choice. The purchase

decision involves a combination of rational and emotional considerations, reflecting the

culmination of the information search, evaluation, and internal deliberations throughout the

decision-making process.Consumers often weigh rational factors during the purchase

decision. This includes a careful evaluation of product features, specifications, pricing, and

any other objective criteria that influence the perceived value of the chosen option. Rational

considerations ensure that the chosen product aligns with the functional and practical needs

of the consumer.Emotions also play a significant role in the purchase decision. Consumers

may experience a range of emotions, including excitement, satisfaction, or even anxiety, as

they finalize their choice. Emotional considerations are influenced by factors such as brand

perception, personal preferences, and the overall emotional appeal of the product or

brand.The purchase decision is the culmination of the information search and evaluation

stages. Consumers draw upon the knowledge acquired during these phases to make a well-

informed decision. The chosen option is seen as the best fit based on the consumer's needs,

preferences, and the perceived value derived from the evaluation of alternatives.Internal

deliberations involve a reflective process where consumers consider their own priorities,

values, and the overall fit of the chosen product or service with their lifestyle. This

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introspective phase allows individuals to align the purchase decision with their personal

goals and aspirations.After the purchase, consumers may engage in post-purchase

rationalization, reinforcing the belief that the chosen product is the right decision. Positive

experiences, confirmation of expectations, and a sense of satisfaction contribute to the

consumer's overall perception of the purchase.

Post-Purchase Behavior

Post-purchase behavior, as highlighted by Santos and Boote (2015), encompasses a

range of actions, emotions, and evaluations that occur after the completion of a purchase.

This phase is a critical component of the overall consumer decision-making process and

includes elements such as customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, brand loyalty, and

advocacy.Customer satisfaction is a key dimension of post-purchase behavior. It reflects the

consumer's perception of the product or service meeting or exceeding their expectations.

Satisfied customers are more likely to have positive attitudes toward the brand and may

become repeat customers. On the other hand, dissatisfaction can occur if the product or

service does not meet the consumer's expectations. Post-purchase dissatisfaction can lead

to negative sentiments, potentially influencing future purchasing decisions and the likelihood

of recommending the product or brand. Post-purchase behavior plays a crucial role in

shaping brand loyalty. Positive experiences and satisfaction with a purchase contribute to

the development of brand loyalty, where consumers consistently choose a particular brand

over others. Building brand loyalty is essential for businesses aiming to retain customers and

foster long-term relationships.Satisfied customers may become advocates for a brand,

actively recommending it to others through word-of-mouth or online reviews. Advocacy

contributes to positive brand image and can influence the purchasing decisions of potential

customers.After the purchase, consumers may engage in post-purchase rationalization, a

cognitive process where individuals reinforce the belief that their chosen product was the

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right decision. This internal validation contributes to positive feelings and the likelihood of

future brand loyalty.

Demographic Profile of the respondents


According to Anderson and Brown(2017) Older consumers, having lived through

various product experiences, tend to develop strong brand loyalties over time. For them,

trust and reliability in a brand become paramount. This demographic values consistency and

a proven track record, often sticking to familiar brands that have consistently met their

expectations.On the other hand, younger consumers, who may not have as much

experience with products, are often more open to trying new brands and products. They are

influenced by trends, social media, and peer recommendations. For this demographic, trust-

building strategies play a crucial role in capturing their attention and fostering brand loyalty.

The study conducted by Brown et al. (2015) highlights an interesting aspect of

consumer behavior, suggesting that there are age-related differences in decision-making

tendencies. According to their research, younger consumers may exhibit more impulsive

behaviors, characterized by a preference for novelty and excitement, whereas older

consumers may prioritize reliability and familiarity in their decision-making processes. This

age-related difference in consumer behavior aligns with broader psychological theories

about the development and evolution of decision-making preferences across the lifespan.

Younger individuals, often characterized by a sense of exploration and a desire for new

experiences, may be drawn to novel and innovative products. This inclination towards

novelty can lead to more impulsive buying decisions, driven by the excitement of trying

something new.

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Income Level

According to Smith et al. (2017) Lower-income individuals often face financial

constraints that lead them to prioritize essential purchases, directing a substantial portion of

their income toward necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare. For them, meeting

basic needs takes precedence over discretionary spending on non-essential items.In

contrast, higher-income individuals typically have more discretionary income, allowing them

the flexibility to allocate funds towards non-essential and luxury items. With a greater

financial buffer, they may indulge in luxury goods, leisure activities, and other non-essential

purchases beyond basic needs.

The research conducted by Johnson and White (2018) sheds light on the relationship

between income levels and budgeting practices, indicating that individuals with lower

incomes are more likely to engage in stringent budgeting practices compared to their higher-

income counterparts. This suggests that economic constraints play a significant role in

shaping how individuals approach their spending patterns. For individuals with lower

incomes, the need to make every dollar count often leads to a more disciplined and careful

approach to budgeting. These individuals may actively seek out cost-effective alternatives,

compare prices, and prioritize discounts or promotions when making purchasing decisions.

Educational Level

According to Johnson and Smith (2018) Individuals with higher levels of education

often exhibit more sophisticated cognitive abilities, which can significantly influence the way

they approach and make decisions. This correlation is particularly relevant in understanding

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consumer behavior, as it can shape preferences for products and brands.Higher educational

attainment is associated with enhanced information processing skills, critical thinking, and

problem-solving abilities. Individuals with advanced education tend to have a broader

knowledge base, analytical skills, and a capacity for nuanced decision-making. As a result,

they may approach consumer choices with a more thorough evaluation of available

information, considering factors such as product quality, features, and long-term value.

Smith et al (2016) also states that individuals with higher educational attainment are

likely to possess a greater depth of product knowledge, and this heightened understanding

may significantly influence their preferences and choices during the purchasing process.

Higher education often contributes to the development of critical thinking skills, analytical

abilities, and a capacity for detailed information processing. Individuals with advanced

educational backgrounds may be more adept at comprehending the nuances of product

features, evaluating quality attributes, and discerning the reputation of brands in the market.

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Factors Affecting the Buying Decisions


According to Davis and Brown (2019) Consumers frequently engage in the cognitive

process of assessing the relationship between price and perceived quality when making

purchasing decisions. This phenomenon is deeply rooted in the consumer mindset, where

the price of a product often serves as a heuristic for evaluating its quality. In many cases,

higher-priced products are perceived as offering superior quality, thereby influencing

consumer preferences based on the perceived value proposition.The association between

price and quality is a well-established concept in consumer psychology. Consumers tend to

infer that a higher price tag is indicative of better materials, craftsmanship, and overall

performance. This perception is often driven by the assumption that reputable brands and

products invest more in research, development, and quality control, thus justifying a higher


On the contrary, some consumers might associate low price with low quality. Those

consumers who think price is an indicator of quality and companies might reduce the quality

of the product to minimize the cost. Thus, to them the higher price is a signal of a better

quality (Bao, 2011).

Brand Awareness

According to Smith and Johnson (2018) The power of brand familiarity is a

compelling factor in consumer decision-making. Research consistently suggests that

consumers are more inclined to consider and choose products from brands they are familiar

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with. Higher brand awareness plays a crucial role in this process, as it correlates with

increased top-of-mind recall, leading to a higher likelihood of brand consideration during the

purchasing process.When consumers are presented with a multitude of options in the

market, familiarity with a brand can serve as a mental shortcut. Brands that have built strong

awareness are more likely to be recalled effortlessly when consumers are in the

consideration stage. This familiarity instills a sense of trust, as consumers often associate

well-known brands with reliability, consistency, and positive past experiences. Davis and

Brown (2019) argues that when consumers are familiar with a brand, it contributes

significantly to the establishment of trust. This trust, in turn, becomes a driving force in

fostering long-term relationships and brand loyalty, influencing repeated purchasing

decisions.Brand awareness serves as the foundation for trust because it creates a sense of

familiarity and recognition in the minds of consumers. When individuals encounter a brand

repeatedly through advertising, positive experiences, or word-of-mouth, they are more likely

to develop a level of comfort and confidence in that brand.

Personal Beliefs

According to Smith and Johnson (2019) Consumers often align their purchasing

choices with personal values, reflecting a deeper connection between individual beliefs and

consumer behavior. Products and brands that resonate with these values are more likely to

be preferred, as consumers seek a sense of alignment between their personal convictions

and the products they choose.Personal values play a significant role in shaping consumer

preferences and decisions. These values can encompass a wide range of factors, including

ethical considerations, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and cultural

alignment. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact of their purchasing decisions

and are drawn to brands that mirror their own values and principles.

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Wang and Lee (2021) underscore the powerful connection between consumers and

brands, emphasizing how individuals use brands and products as a means of self-

expression. According to their findings, consumers tend to align themselves with brands that

resonate with their personal beliefs and values, turning their purchasing choices into a form

of self-expression. When consumers choose products or associate with specific brands, they

are not merely making utilitarian decisions based on functionality or features. Instead, they

are engaging in a form of self-identification and expression. By selecting brands that align

with their values, lifestyle, or identity, consumers communicate something meaningful about

themselves to others and, importantly, to themselves.

Nutritional Content

According to Davis and Brown (2021) Clear and accessible nutritional information on

product packaging plays a pivotal role in influencing consumers' purchasing decisions. When

consumers are provided with transparent and easily understandable nutritional content, they

are more likely to make informed choices that align with their dietary preferences, health

goals, and overall well-being.In an era where health-consciousness is on the rise,

consumers are actively seeking products that align with their nutritional needs and

preferences. Clear nutritional information empowers consumers to evaluate the health

impact of a product quickly and efficiently. This transparency is especially crucial for

individuals with specific dietary restrictions, allergies, or health conditions.Products that

feature prominently displayed information about calories, serving sizes, macronutrients, and

key ingredients enable consumers to make quick comparisons and informed decisions. A

label that is easy to understand and readily accessible provides a sense of trust and

transparency, fostering a positive perception of the brand.

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Health Benefits

Smith and Johnson (2021) states that there has been a notable shift in consumer

behavior as individuals become more conscious of the profound impact of their lifestyle

choices on health. This heightened awareness has led to health considerations playing a

pivotal role in the decision-making process, significantly influencing product preferences

across various industries.Consumers are now more proactive in seeking products and

services that align with their health and wellness goals. Whether it's food, beverages,

personal care items, or fitness products, individuals are increasingly scrutinizing the health

implications of their choices. This shift is fueled by a desire to lead healthier lifestyles,

prevent health issues, and promote overall well-being. Johnson and White (2022)

underscores the strategic importance of incorporating specific health benefits into products

to align with evolving dietary preferences. According to their perspective, products that offer

functional benefits such as probiotics, antioxidants, or added vitamins are likely to appeal to

consumers who are increasingly prioritizing health-conscious options.


The study by Wang and Lee (2019) underscores the significant influence of

promotional activities on consumer emotions and perceptions. Promotional strategies, such

as limited-time offers, scarcity tactics, and exclusive promotions, are highlighted as potent

tools that evoke a sense of urgency and excitement. These psychological factors play a

crucial role in shaping consumer purchasing decisions.Limited-time offers create a time-

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sensitive scenario, compelling consumers to make purchasing decisions quickly to avail of

the benefits. The urgency associated with these promotions taps into the fear of missing out

(FOMO) and stimulates a sense of excitement, driving consumers to take immediate action.

This heightened emotional response can positively impact consumers' perceptions of the

product or brand, as the promotion creates a memorable and engaging experience.Scarcity

tactics, emphasizing limited availability or exclusive access, further contribute to consumer

emotions. The perception of rarity enhances the perceived value of the product, making it

more desirable. Consumers may feel a sense of exclusivity and prestige when participating

in promotions that highlight scarcity, influencing their perceptions of the product's

worth.Exclusive promotions, whether in the form of member-only discounts or special

access, cater to consumers' desire for personalized and unique experiences. These

promotions not only foster a sense of exclusivity but also strengthen the emotional

connection between the consumer and the brand. Feeling privileged to access exclusive

deals can create positive associations that extend beyond the immediate promotion.The

psychological impact of these promotional activities is closely tied to the emotional journey of

the consumer during the decision-making process. Excitement, urgency, and a feeling of

exclusivity can contribute to a more positive overall experience, potentially leading to

increased brand loyalty. Davis and Brown (2022) emphasizes the role of mental shortcuts or

heuristics in consumer decision-making, particularly when evaluating promotional deals.

According to their perspective, consumers often rely on quick and simplified decision-making

processes, such as comparing discounted prices or assessing perceived savings.

Perceived Quality

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According to Smith and Johnson (2021) The significant role that perceived product

quality plays in shaping informed and satisfactory choices. The study suggests that

consumers frequently rely on their perceptions of a product's quality as a key factor

influencing their preferences. Perceived product quality serves as a mental shortcut for

consumers when making choices. It becomes a crucial criterion in their decision-making

process, influencing their overall satisfaction with the chosen product. If consumers perceive

a product to be of high quality, they are more likely to feel confident in their decision,

believing that the chosen item will meet or exceed their expectations. Thompson and Garcia

(2020) underscores a widely observed phenomenon in consumer behavior – the association

between higher prices and perceived higher quality. According to their suggestion,

consumers often interpret premium pricing as an indicator of superior product attributes,

leading to the perception that higher-priced items are of higher quality. This pricing-quality

relationship can play a significant role in shaping consumer decisions, particularly when

evaluating products within a similar category.

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Conceptual Framework

Understanding the intricate web of influences on consumer purchasing decisions is essential

for businesses in today's dynamic marketplace. This conceptual framework explores the

Demographic Profiles and the seven key factors that shape consumer behavior: Price, brand

awareness, personal beliefs, nutritional content, health benefits, promotions, and perceived

quality on how the affect the Buying Decisions.

Fig. 1 Conceptual Frame work of the

Independent Variables

Income Level Dependent Variable
Educational Level

Buying Decisions

brand awareness
personal beliefs
nutritional content
health benefits
perceived quality

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The chapter discusses the methodology of the study "Factors influencing first-time

mothers infant formula buying decisions in Borongan City". The researchers include the

description of research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study, sampling

design, research instrument, measurement of variables, data gathering procedure, data

analysis and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study will employ a descriptive-correlational research to gather insights on the

factors that impact the purchasing decisions of infant formula among first-time mothers in

Borongan City. The descriptive aspect of the research design will allow for a comprehensive

understanding of the demographic profile of first-time mothers and the factors influencing

their infant formula purchasing decisions. The correlational aspect will aim to identify

potential relationships between demographic variables and purchasing decision factors,

providing valuable insights for future interventions and marketing strategies.

Locale of the Study

This research will be conducted in Borongan City, situated in the province of

Eastern Samar, Philippines. The study will focus on a select group of barangays within the

city, specifically Brgy. Sonco, Brgy. B, Brgy. Ando, Brgy. Calingatngan, Brgy. Maypangdan,

Brgy. Libuton, Brgy. Canlary, Brgy. Bayobay, Brgy. Cagbonga, Brgy. Can-abong, Brgy.

Cabong, Brgy. Lalawigan, Brgy. Divinubo, Brgy. Locsoon, Brgy. Suribao, Brgy. Camada,

Brgy. San Gregorio, Brgy. Banuyo, Brgy. Cabalagnan, Brgy. Canyupay, Brgy. Hebacong,

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Brgy. Benowangan, Brgy. Baras and Brgy. Pinanag-an. These barangays were chosen

based on the availability of data. The study aims to contribute valuable insights by examining

variables such as Price, brand awareness, personal beliefs, nutritional content, health

benefits, promotions, and perceived quality. The research will employ a survey questionnaire

to gather quantitative data from participants within the selected barangays.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be composed of First-time mothers here in

Borongan City. The participants will be selected based on the following inclusion criteria.

Must be a first-time mom and resides here in Borongan City.

Sampling Design

The sampling technique that will be use in this investigation was random sampling

and proportional ratio, with a total sample size of 148 respondents that will be chosen

especially for the study. Specifically, First-time mothers that resides here in Borongan City.

The researchers have stratified the Borongan City into Three Clusters Namely; North having

18 respondents, Central Having 89 respondents and South having 41 respondents having a

total of 148 respondents.

Research Instrument

This study will use a researcher-designed survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is

composed of three parts, the socio demographic profile, the factors affecting the buying

decisions and the Purchasing Deciosions. The first part collected data regarding

demographic information of age, monthly income, and educational attainment. The second

and third part collected information regarding the factors influencing first-time mothers infant

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formula purchasing decisions in the terms of the following; Price, brand awareness, personal

beliefs, nutritional content, health benefits, promotions, and perceived quality. The

researchers will use close ended questionnaire in a form of 5 point likert scale to conduct a

research and the Buying decisions.

Measurement of Variables

The respondents' response to the factors influencing their Buying decisions will be

determined using a 5-point Likert scale in this study. The variables and indicators in this

study will be measured using an Ordinal Scale, as shown below:

Likert Scale Interval Description

1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree

3 2.61-3.40 Neutral

4 3.41-4.20 Agree

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

The following guidelines will be used to interpret the coefficient of correlation:

Interpretation of the Coefficient of Correlation

Coefficient of Correlation Interpretation

± 0.90 – 1.0 Extremely strong correlation; extremely stable


± 0.70 – 0.89 Strong association; distinct relationship

± 0.40 – 0.69 Significant association; moderate correlation

± 0.21 – 0.39 Low correlation; significant yet minor link

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Less than + 0.20 Negative correlation

Data Gathering Procedure

The data of this study will be taken from a survey questionnaire. All first-time moms

participants will be invited to take part in the study and will be informed that participation was

voluntary. All of the participants are residing from the three clusters that were chosen. The

participants will be properly informed of the purpose, procedure, and type of information to

be gathered. After the distribution, the survey instruments will be gathered, collated and

encoded for a treatment analysis.

Data Analysis

To determine the average response of the respondents in part 2 of the questionnaire

Factors influencing Buying Decisions), the researcher used weighted mean and standard


To determine the significant relationship between the demographic profile of First-

time mothers and Factors influencing Buying Decisions (statement of the problem #3). The

researcher used Pearson r correlation and One-way anova to describe the relationship

among data. In this case the researchers measured the two variables; demographic profile

of the First-time mothers and Factors influencing Buying Decisions.

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Ethical Considerations

The rights of the participants will be reflected and enumerated in the study. The

researcher will explain to them that they can withdraw at anytime without any disadvantage.

The results will be confidential, however in the event of presenting or publication of the said

research, the participants will be assured that no personal and identifiable information about

them will be shared.

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This chapter presents the data collected from the respondents and findings of this

study, as well as the corresponding discussion required to conclude.

Demographic Profile of Respondents

The study focused on the First-time Mothers who purchases Infant formula for their

baby. Shown in table 1 is the demographic profile of the survey respondents.

In terms of age, as shown in table 1, more than half (60.1%) of the survey

respondents were (20-30 years old), (26.4%) were (31-40 years old) and (13.5%) were

(under 20 years old). According to the findings, (aged 20-30 years old) were the most

numerous respondents who are first-time mothers.

In regards to Income level, as shown in table 1, less than half (47.3%) of the

respondents have (below 5000), (26.4%) have (5000-6000), (9.5%) have (above 10000),

(7.4%) have (6000-7000), (5.4%) have (9000-10000) and (4.1%) have (8000-9000). It

means that less than half (47.3%) has (below 5000) of income monthly.

Whereas, in terms of educational level of the respondents, exactly half of the

respondents (50%) has an educational attainment of (High school Graduate), (31.8%) have

a (diploma), (14.2%) have a (certificate) and (4.1%) has an educational attainment of

(elementary graduate).

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Table 1.

Demographic Profile of Respondents



Under 20 Years Old 20 13.5%
20-30 Years Old 89 60.1%
31-40 Years Old 39 26.4%
Total 100%
Under 5000 70 47.3%
5000-6000 39 26.4%
6000-7000 11 7.4%
8000-9000 6 4.1%
9000-10000 8 5.4%
Above 10000 14 9.5%
Total 100%
High school Graduate 74 50.0%
Elementary Graduate 6 4.1%
Certificate 21 14.2%
Diploma 47 31.8%
Total 100%

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Table 2.

Factors influence first-time mothers when purchasing formula milk

Factors Mean Standard Deviation Interpretation

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The price of the
product limited my 3.608 1.1347 Agree
rate of expenditure
The price of a
product is a 3.608 1.0211 Agree
reflection of its
Price differentiations
are key determinants
of my purchase 3.635 .9699 Agree
decision of formula
I associate higher
prices with high 3.628 1.0451 Agree
quality of formula
I buy mostly from the
shop which offers 3.507 1.0334 Agree
lower prices
Total Average 3.5973 .81215 Agree

Brand Awareness

Brand recognition
plays a significant
role in my infant 3.676 1.1322 Agree
formula purchasing
I trust well-known
infant formula brands 3.824 .9809 Agree
more than unfamiliar
Advertising (e.g., TV
commercials, online
ads) has an impact 3.736 .9211 Agree
on my awareness of
infant formula
I believe that
established brands
are more reliable 3.622 1.0061 Agree
when it comes to
infant formula.
I usually buy the
same brand even
when I have a price 3.682 .9261 Agree
discount on the other
Total Average 3.7081 .69922 Agree

Personal Beliefs

I believe that certain

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infant formula
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une 10, 202 1
contribute positively 3.541 1.0778 Agree
to my child’s

Table 3.
Buying decisions of first-time mothers towards purchasing formula milk

Buying Mean Standard Interpretation

Decisions Deviation

3.818 .9762 Agree

3.669 .9139 Agree

Evaluation of
3.723 .9245 Agree

3.811 .9136 Agree
3.824 .9014 Agree
Total Average 3.7689 .67882 Agree

Table 4.

Dear Respondents,
We are students from Eastern Samar State University, we are conducting a research

entitled ‘Factors influencing First-time Mothers Infant Formula buying decision in

Borongan City.

This questionnaire aims to collect data for the upcoming study, and your assistance in

providing the required information is greatly appreciated. Your participation is entirely

voluntary, and the questionnaire ensures complete anonymity. Therefore, your genuine,

candid, and timely responses are crucial for the study's success. We sincerely thank you

in advance for your cooperation and the dedication of your valuable time to complete this


ESSU-ACAD-900.b | Version 4
Effectivity Date: J une 10, 202 1


1. No need of writing your name.

2. Indicate your answer with a check mark (√) on the appropriate block/cell for all


Section I: General Information

This part of the questionnaire tries to gather some general information about the

background of the respondent and the organization.

1.1 Age that you belong

1) Under 20 Years Old ☐ 3) 31-40 Years Old ☐

2) 20-30 Years Old ☐ 4) Over 40 Years Old ☐

1.2 Average Monthly Income:

1) Below 5000 ☐ 2) 5000– 6000 ☐ 3) 6000- 7000 ☐

4) 8000- 9000 ☐ 4) 9000-1000 ☐ 5)Above 10000 ☐

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1.3 Educational Qualification:

1) Elementary £ 2) High school £

3)College £  4) Masters/PhD £

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Section II:
Please indicate your choice by putting the check mark (√) on the appropriate cell.

Where, 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements regarding
the influence of products of infant formula price, Brand awareness, Personal beliefs,
nutritional contents, health benefits, promotions and perceive quality.

Price 1 2 3 4 5
The price of the product limited my rate of expenditure
The price of a product is a reflection of its effectiveness
Price differentiations are key determinants of my purchase
decision of formula milk
I associate higher prices with high quality of formula milk
I buy mostly from the shop which offers lower prices
Brand awareness
Brand recognition plays a significant role in my infant formula
purchasing decisions.
I trust well-known infant formula brands more than unfamiliar
Advertising (e.g., TV commercials, online ads) has an impact
on my awareness of infant formula brands.
I believe that established brands are more reliable when it
comes to infant formula.
I usually buy the same brand even when I have a price discount
on the other brands.
Personal beliefs
I believe that certain infant formula brands contribute
positively to my child’s cognitive or physical development.
Family traditions and generational preferences influence my
choice of infant formula brands.
My beliefs about breastfeeding influence my decision to
choose infant formula over breast milk.
I actively seek infant formula products that align with my
beliefs about the harmful effects of artificial additives.
I am more likely to choose infant formula based on positive
experiences shared by other mothers.

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Nutritional Content
I prioritize infant formula products based on their content of
specific nutrients important for my baby's development.
I believe that the nutritional content of infant formula is a
crucial factor in my purchasing decisions.
I compare nutritional labels of different infant formula brands
before making a purchasing decision.
I am more likely to choose infant formula brands based on
recommendations from my pediatrician regarding nutritional
I feel confident in my understanding of nutritional claims made
by different infant formula brands.
Health benefits
I prioritize infant formula products that claim to provide
additional health advantages for my baby.
The claim of immune system support influences my decision
to choose a particular infant formula brand.
I prioritize infant formula brands that claim to reduce the risk of
allergens for my baby.
Claims related to growth and development benefits are crucial
factors in my choice of infant formula.
I am more likely to choose infant formula brands based on
recommendations from my pediatrician regarding health
I am more likely to choose infant formula products that offer
discounts or promotional pricing.
I am more likely to choose infant formula brands that provide
product samples for trial.
I am more likely to be influenced by in-store displays and
promotions when making purchasing decisions.
I am more likely to choose infant formula products endorsed
by celebrities.
I am more likely to choose infant formula products from
brands that convey transparent promotional messages.

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Perceive Quality
I tend to associate higher prices with higher quality when it
comes to infant formula products.
Packaging plays a significant role in shaping my perceptions
of the quality of infant formula.
Safety considerations are integral to my assessment of the
overall quality of infant formula.
Recommendations from healthcare professionals significantly
impact my perception of the quality of infant formula brands.
I associate well-known brands with higher quality when it
comes to infant formula.

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Section III: Buying Decisions

Please indicate your choice by putting the check mark (√) on the appropriate cell.

The following questions based on your recent purchase experience. Rate each statement on
a scale from 1 to 5, Where, 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5
= strongly agree.

Problem Recognition 1 2 3 4 5
I am usually aware of my needs or problems that trigger a
Recognizing a need for a product or service is an active part
of my daily life..
I quickly identify when I need to make a purchase.
My purchase decisions are often driven by a specific problem
or need.
I tend to seek solutions promptly when I recognize a problem
or need.
Information Search
I thoroughly research different options before deciding on a
I actively seek information from multiple sources when
considering a purchase.
I enjoy exploring various options and gathering information
before making a decision.
My decision-making process involves in-depth research on
the products or services.
I frequently consult reviews, recommendations, and other
sources during my information search.
Evaluation of Alternatives
I carefully compare the features and benefits of different
products or services.
I weigh the importance of various factors before choosing a
product or service.
I take time to consider the pros and cons of each alternative.
I actively seek out information that helps me evaluate
alternatives effectively.
I prioritize factors such as price, quality, and brand reputation
when evaluating alternatives.

Purchase Decision
I am confident in my ability to make sound purchase
I consider how a product aligns with my values and
preferences before purchasing.
I rarely make impulsive purchase decisions; instead, I plan my
I carefully analyze my options before finalizing a purchase
I feel satisfied and content with my purchase decisions.
Post-Purchase Behavior
I assess my satisfaction level with a product or service after
making a purchase.
Providing feedback or writing reviews is a regular part of my
post-purchase routine.
I actively consider my previous experiences when making
future buying decisions.
I am open to trying new products or services based on
positive post-purchase experiences.
I value the post-purchase phase and often reflect on my
overall satisfaction with a purchase.

Consent Form

Name (optional) _____________________________

Date: ______________________________________

I confirm that I am participating in this survey entitled "Factors Influencing First-

time Mothers Infant Formula Buying Decisions in Borongan City” with all of the

information handled by the researchers, the data provided is organized and clear. I

willingly engage and provide my information by signing this consent form, and I also

grant them permission to analyze and interpret the data. I accept that this is intended

for educational purposes of the students in Eastern Samar State University, Main



Acusar, Allysa T. Ibayan, Jamilla M.

Arre, Arjant Chyla Jean D. Nalla, Nasly Jane A.

Briones, Marc Glend B. Paca-ol, Antonio

Coles, Claressa A. Ramirez, Isabelle A.

Escalante, John Mark M. Sarmiento, Nildine Mae B.

ESSU-ACAD-ABM-101| Version 4


ESSU-ACAD-ABM-101| Version 4

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