Contactless Donations Survey

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Contactless Donations Survey

1. How satisfied were you with our performance during this project?

Very Dissatisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Extremely Satisfied

2. How well does our product meet your needs?




Very Well

3. How easy is it to navigate our website?

Very Difficult




Very Easy

4. How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?

A lot of effort

A usual amount of effort

A small amount of effort

5. How did this effort compare to your expectations?

6. How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns about our product?


Usually Responsive

Very Responsive

7. Which 3 features are the most valuable to you?

8. What are the 3 more important features we’re missing?

9. If you could change just one thing about our product, what would it be?
10. On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our team to a friend or

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. What else would you like us to know?

Finish Survey

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