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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar


Name of Work Immersion Student: DAN ANTHONY C. COLICO

School: Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School Grade and Section: 12-STEM E
Immersion Site: City Veterinarian Office

Date and Activities to be NARATIVE REPORT MOVS

Actual performed or to be
Time logs accomplished
03/04/202 On the 1st day, Dr. Venny, one of the veterinarians at CVO, tasked us to
4 clean the floor of the cool storage. We used a mop, brush, and soap to
 Clean The clean the floor. It was tiring because the area was wide, but we managed
7:30AM- Cool to finish it. One of the agriculturists helped us, which made the work
12:00PM Storage faster.
 Observe
1:00PM- In the afternoon, we observed the entire slaughterhouse. And we learned
the how to weigh a pig and how they put a mark on each pig. We also
slaughter- observed where the pigs are stored and where they are slaughtered. Cleaning The Cool Storage
house (Pictures not allowed in the slaughterhouse)
 Recitaion Moreover, Dr. Leah gave us books to review for our recitation. The books
covered topics such as the gestation of animals, different breeds of pigs,
and the reproductive organs of cows. We also researched why the
birthdays of horses from the northern hemisphere are set as January 1st.
Afterward, we had an oral recitation.

On the second day of our work immersion, our day began with an early

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
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03/05/202 morning request from a concerned dog owner who sought castration Review For The Recitation
4 services for her pet. Dr. Leah promptly assigned us the crucial task of
assisting her during the procedure. As the procedure commenced, I took
7:30AM- on the responsibility of ensuring that Dr. Leah had all the necessary
 Assist dog
materials at hand, while others assisted in holding the dog steady and
castration providing support. Throughout the castration process, we carefully
1:00PM-  Clean collecting the used materials and preparing the room for cleaning
5:00PM meat afterward.
Following the completion of the procedure, we promptly cleaned the
room and disposed of any waste materials, adhering to strict hygiene

Later in the day, we were assigned the task of lifting and cleaning the
crates used for storing and transporting meat products. Guided by one of
the agriculturists, we learned the proper techniques for cleaning the crates
effectively and efficiently. Picture of the dog after castration

On the third day of our work immersion, our schedule took an unexpected
turn with an animal health mission scheduled in barangay Cana-bong, an
area beyond our current reach. Regrettably, without a means of Cleaning the meat crates
transportation to access the mission site, we were unable to participate.
Despite this initial setback, the morning unfolded with a sense of
anticipation as we awaited further instructions. With no doctors in the
03/06/202 officey, our time was momentarily free.
In the afternoon, our attention shifted to the chicken house, where we
7:30AM- eagerly awaited a lesson in poultry care. Under the agriculturist guidance
12:00PM  Inject we embarked on a hands-on exploration of chicken health management.
vitamins to From learning how to administer essential vitamins to mastering the art of
1:00PM- chickens safely restraining the chicken.
 Learn Furthermore, we accompanied the driver on a journey to Barangay
proper Tabunan to collect water for the slaughterhouse. Witnessing the process
restrain in of water procurement firsthand proved to be an eye-opening experience..
 Fetch

Injecting vitamins to chicken

On the fourth day of our work immersion program, Dr. Fernando,

assigned us with a significant task at the start of the day. He assigned us to
encode the data collected from recent rabies vaccinations conducted in
both Barangay Taboc and Barangay Can-abong.

As the day progressed, Dr. Fernando taught us the proper usage of the
office printer. Understanding the significance of effective communication
and practical skills, he patiently guided us through the process of scanning
and making copies, ensuring that we grasped each step thoroughly. Fetching water


12:00PM  Encode the
5:00PM n data
 Print

Encoding the rabies vaccination data

On the fifth day of our work immersion, in the morning we went to

Barangay Cagbonga for a pig castration. The doctor informed us that each
of us would castrate one pig. However, I could not perform the castration,
so I participated by withdrawing the iron and amoxicillin that would be
injected into the pig. I also injected the iron and amoxicillin into the pig
after it was castrated.

Dr. Fernando introduced us to the different breeds of chickens in their

chicken house. He taught us how the weight of a particular chicken would
downgrade and upgrade. He also taught us the process of egg incubation
and the exact days for each process. Afterwards dr. Venny tasked us to
chop napier grass but he first demonstrated us on how to chop napier
grass properly


12:00PM  Piglet
1:00PM-  Learn
5:00PM different
types of
breed the
process of
 Chop
napier On the sixth day of our work immersion, in the afternoon Dr. Venny
grass taught us the proper techniques for restraining and administering vitamins Injecting Iron and Amoxicillin to the
to chickens and goats. Under his patient guidance, we observed and then piglets
practiced injecting vitamins into both chickens and goats, gaining
practical experience in this essential aspect of animal care.

In addition to teaching us about vitamin administration, Dr. Venny also

took the time to educate us on the importance of trimming the claws of
goats. With clear explanations, he highlighted the importance of this
procedure for maintaining the health and well-being of the animals. We
also attempted to trim the claws of the goats, although we found it
challenging due to the hardness of their claws, but dr. Venny let the work

 Inject
1:00PM- vitamins to
5:00PM chickens
and goats Chopping napier grass
 Learn new
on On the seventh day of our work immersion, in the afternoon Dr. Fernando
restraining led us on an educational excursion to a local farm, where we had the
chickens opportunity to participate in various animal care activities. Under Dr.
and goats Fernando's guidance, we embarked on a hands-on learning experience
 Trim the focused on administering essential vitamins and supplements to a diverse
range of animals.
claw of the
goats Our day began with the administration of oral and injectable vitamins to
carabaos, large water buffalo commonly used for farming in our area.
With Dr. Fernando's expert instruction, we learned the proper techniques
for administering these vital nutrients to ensure the health and well-being
of these majestic animals.

Continuing our journey through the farm, we turned our attention to the
care of goats. With Dr. Fernando's guidance, we administered vitamins to
adult goats, recognizing the importance of maintaining their health and
vitality. Additionally, we were tasked with administering iron Injecting multivitamins to chickens
supplements to baby goats, a crucial step in supporting their growth and

As the day progressed, we shifted our focus to poultry care, observing

different breeds of chickens under the supervision of Dr. Fernando. We
learned about the specific nutritional needs of baby chickens and the
importance of providing them with essential vitamins for optimal growth
03/12/202 and development. We administered oral vitamins to the chickens,
4 ensuring their well-being in their stages of life.
 Oral and
7:30AM- Inject
12:00PM multi-
On the eighth day of our immersion, we delved deeper into agricultural
vitamins to
1:00PM- practices with the agriculturists at the chicken house. They generously
carabao shared their expertise with us, starting with the essential task of grinding
and goats napier grass using a chopper machine. This grass serves as a crucial
 Give oral component in animal feed production. With careful instruction, we
multi- learned the proper techniques for operating the chopper machine, ensuring Trimming claws
viramins to that the grass was finely ground to create nutritious feed for the animals
chickens under our care. Additionally, the agriculturists guided us through the
entire process of feed production, from sourcing the raw materials to
mixing and preparing the feed. It was a valuable learning experience that
highlighted the importance of sustainable and efficient feed management
in livestock farming.

Later in the afternoon, we joined Dr. Fernando on an animal health

mission, venturing into different barangays to provide essential veterinary
care. Our first stop was Barangay Maybancong, where we aimed to
administer rabies vaccinations to dogs. However, due to low participation,
we were only able to vaccinate three dogs. Despite this setback, we
remained committed to promoting animal health and welfare in the

Afterwards, we proceeded to Barangay Balud, where we do on

administering oral vitamins to puppies and providing injectable vitamins Injecting
and iron supplements to adult and baby goats, respectively. Under Dr. multivitamins to
Fernando's guidance, we carried out these tasks with care and precision, carabao and goat
recognizing the importance of preventive healthcare measures in ensuring
the well-being of animals.

On the ninth day of our work immersion, we eagerly accompanied the

doctors from the City Veterinary Office (CVO) on another crucial animal
03/13/202  Grind health mission, this time in Barangay Surok. It was heartening to see a
4 napier significant turnout of community members eager to ensure the well-being
 Animal of their pets through vaccination.
7:30AM- health
12:00PM Upon arrival, the doctors swiftly organized us, the work immersion
mission students, assigning each of us specific tasks aligned with the mission's
1:00PM- objectives. I was assigned in withdrawing the rabies vaccine to be
5:00PM administered to the animals. With focus and determination, I carefully
prepared the vaccines, ensuring accuracy and sterility to uphold the Giving oral
highest standards of animal healthcare.

As the vaccination process commenced, I worked diligently alongside the

doctors, readying the vaccines and assisting in administering them to the
waiting animals. It was a hands-on experience that not only honed my
technical skills but also deepened my understanding of the importance of
preventive measures in safeguarding animal health and preventing the
multivitamins to chicken
spread of diseases like rabies.
On the tenth day of our work immersion, we had the opportunity to
observe a crucial veterinary procedure: the spaying of a dog. Under the
guidance of the experienced doctors, we witnessed firsthand the surgical
process involved in spaying, which is an important measure for
controlling pet populations and ensuring their health and well-being.
Although the procedure itself was intricate and delicate, the doctors
demonstrated professionalism and expertise, highlighting the importance
of proper technique and care in veterinary surgery.
 Animal Following the spaying procedure, we were assigned a task that played a
03/14/202 health vital role in post-operative care. Our responsibility was to dab blood to
4 mission clean the area where the spaying was performed, ensuring that the wound
remained clean and free from infection. With meticulous attention to
7:30AM- detail, we carried out this task, recognizing its significance in promoting
12:00PM the successful recovery of the dog undergoing surgery.

1:00PM- Later in the day, we transitioned from practical experiences to academic

5:00PM assessment as we prepared for our essay examination. This examination
served as a comprehensive evaluation of the knowledge and skills we had
acquired throughout the duration of our immersion. Drawing upon the
lessons learned from our interactions with veterinarians, agriculturists, Grinding Napier
and other professionals, we approached the examination with confidence
and diligence.

deworming to

 Dog
spaying Injecting multivitamin to goat
 Examinati


Animal health mission

After the dog spaying

Result of examination

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