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Garlic Bread IDR. 45 K
Toasted open baguette with garlic
Roti bakar bawang putih
Chef Salad IDR. 81 K
Set on crispy greens with chicken, beef pastrami and cheddar cheese sour dressing
Selada sayur dengan irisan daging ayam, daging sapi pastrami dan keju cheddar
dengan saus cuka
Gado - Gado IDR. 63 K
Traditional mixed of boiled vegetable, bean curd, boiled egg served with peanut
sauce and crackers
Campuran sayuran segar, tahu, tempe, irisan telur rebus disajikan dengan
saus kacang dan kerupuk

Zuppa IDR. 81 K
Choice of creamy soup with mushroom/ corn/ asparagus served with garlic bread
Sup krim dengan pilihan jamur/ jagung/ asparagus disajikan dengan roti panggang
Tom Yam IDR. 81 K
Spicy Thai prawn soup avored with lemongrass
Sop khas Thailand dengan udang dan bumbu aromatic

Side Dishes & Snack

Steam Rice IDR. 27 K
Nasi putih
French Fries IDR. 54 K
Kentang goreng
Potato Wedges IDR. 63 K
Kentang goreng gurih
Spring Roll IDR. 63 K
Vegetables spring roll with peanut sauce
Lumpia goreng sayuran dengan saus kacang
Samosa IDR. 72 K
Chicken curry samosa with sweet spicy chili sauce
Samosa kari ayam dengan saos pedas manis

Double Decker
éL Burger IDR.108 K
Soft bun thick patty with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and grilled onions
Roti isi daging patties bakar dengan keju cheddar, salada dan bawang Bombay
éL Sandwich IDR.117 K
Chicken sandwich with iceberg lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, onion and celery
with mayonnaise served with French fries
Roti isi ayam dengan selada, tomat, paprika, irisan bawang bombay dan daun seledri
serta mayones disajikan dengan kentang goreng

éL Pasta and Noodle

Any Kind of Spaghetti, Fettucine or Penne IDR. 81 K
Choise of sauce Carbonara, Bolognase or Aglio Olio
Mie Goreng / Rebus IDR. 81 K
Noodle served with choice of chicken, seafood or vegetables
Mie disajikan dengan pilihan ayam, seafood atau sayuran
Kwai Teow Goreng / Rebus IDR. 81 K
Kwai Teow served with choice of chicken, seafood or vegetables
Mie Kwai Teow disajikan dengan pilihan ayam, seafood atau sayuran
Bihun Goreng / Rebus IDR. 81 K
Rice Noodle served with choice of chicken, seafood or vegetables
Bihun disajikan dengan pilihan ayam, seafood atau sayuran

Vegetarian Dish Contains Chilli Chef Recommendation Available on Supper

All prices are in thousand rupiah and including to 21% government tax and service
éL Signature
Soto Iga Betawi IDR. 90 K
Braised beef ribs served with steam rice
Sup tradisional iga daging sapi disajikan dengan nasi putih
Iga Bakar Rica Rica IDR. 135K
Grilled beef ribs served with steamed rice, fresh vegetables and homemade chilly
Iga bakar disajikan dengan nasi putih, lalapan dan sambal
Sop Buntut Rebus IDR.180 K
Oxtail soup served with steamed rice
Sup buntut rebus disajikan dengan nasi putih
Bebek Silep IDR.108 K
Fried marinated duck served with steamed rice, fresh vegetables and green chilly
Bebek goreng ungkep sambal ijo dipsajikan dengan nasi putih, lalapan dan sambal ijo
Soto Ayam Lamongan IDR. 81 K
Glazed noodles, boiled egg and crispy shallot with chicken broth served with
steamed rice
Soto ayam Lamongan di sajikan dengan soun, telur rebus dan nasi putih

éL Nusantara
Ayam Goreng / Panggang IDR.117 K
Grilled or deep fried chicken served with steamed rice, fresh vegetables and
homemade chili
Ayam panggang atau goreng disajikan dengan nasi putih,sayuran segar dan sambal
Ayam Brongkos Ijo IDR. 90 K
Stirred fried boneless chicken in green chili secret recipe served with steamed rice
Tumis ayam masak cabe ijo disajikan dengan nasi putih
Nasi Goreng Buntut IDR.126 K
Traditional fried rice with beef oxtail
Nasi goreng dengan daging buntut sapi
Nasi Goreng Ikan Teri IDR.108 K
Traditional fried rice with dry salty anchovy, bean sprout, shredded thin slice omelet,
Chicken skewer and shrimp cracker
Nasi goreng dengan ikan teri medan, tauge, telur dadar iris, sate ayam dan
krupuk udang
Nasi Goreng Seafood IDR.108 K
Traditional fried rice with seafood, shredded thin slice omelet,
chicken skewer and shrimp crackers
Nasi goreng dengan aneka ikan laut, telur dadar iris, sate ayam dan krupuk udang
Nasi Goreng Kampung IDR. 75 K
Traditional Fried Rice with fried egg, chicken skewer & shrimp crackers
Nasi goreng dengan telur mata sapi, sate ayam dan kerupuk udang

Nasi Goreng Mawut IDR.126 K

Traditional fried rice mixed with noodles, chicken, shredded thin slice omelet,
chicken skewer and shrimp crackers
Nasi goreng di campur dengan mie, ayam, telur dadar iris, sate ayam dan
krupuk udang
Nasi Goreng Prabu IDR.108 K
Authentic Indonesian vegetables and chicken fried rice
Nasi goreng kampung dengan ayam dan sayuran
Sop Ikan Kakap IDR. 81 K
Traditional red snapper sour and spicy sh broth served with steamed rice
Sup ikan kakap asam pedas disajikan dengan nasi putih
Sop Iga Rawon IDR. 90 K
Blackened beef ribs style beef broth served with salty duck egg, baby sprout
and steamed rice
Iga rawon disajikan dengan nasi putih
Sop Buntut Goreng / Bakar IDR.180 K
Oxtail soup fried or grilled served with steamed rice
Sup buntut goreng atau bakar disajikan dengan nasi putih
Sate Ayam IDR. 90 K
Traditional grilled chicken skewer in peanut sauce served with steamed rice
Sate ayam disajikan dengan nasi putih
Tumis Sayuran IDR. 63 K
Stirfried mixed vegetables served with steamed rice
Tumisan aneka sayuran disajikan dengan nasi putih

Vegetarian Dish Contains Chilli Chef Recommendation Available on Supper

All prices are in thousand rupiah and including to 21% government tax and service


All prices are in thousand rupiah and including to 21% government tax and service
All prices are in thousand rupiah and including to 21% government tax and service

All prices are in thousand rupiah and including to 21% government tax and service

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