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Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

1.Human 21 days 1st May 2024 21st May 2024

Identification of 4 days 1st May 2024 4th May 2024
Development of 3 days 5th May 2024 7th May 2024
job description
Determination 3 days 8th May 2024 10th May 2024
of workforce
Inviting 3 days 11th May 2024 13th May 2024
Hiring skilled 3 days 14th May 2024 16th May 2024
Creating a 5 days 17th May 2024 21st May 2024 

Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

2.Finances 20 days 22nd May 2024 11th June 2024
Contacting 5 days 22nd May 2024 26th May 2024
Make grant 5 days 27th May 2024 31st May 2024
Setup ticket 2 days 1st June 2024 2nd June 2024
sale points
Budget 3 days 3rd June 2024 5th June 2024
Layout and 5 days 6th June 2024 11th June 2024 
audit plan

Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

3.Promotion 21 days 12th June 2024 2nd July 2024
Designing 5 days 12th June 2024 16th July 2024
Contacting 3 days 17th June 2024 19th June 2024
Selecting 1 day 20th June 2024 20th June 2024
Printing posters 8 days 21st June 2024 28th June 2024
Distributing 3 days 29th June 2024 1st July 2024
Marketing 1 day 2nd July 2024 2nd July 2024 
through Social

Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

4.Tickets 21 days 3rd July 2024 24th July 2024
Designing 3 days 3rd July 2024 5th July 2024
Contacting 3 days 6th July 2024 8th July 2024
Selecting a 1 day 9th July 2024 9th July 2024
Printing tickets 10 days 10th July 2024 19th July 2024
Contacting 1 day 20th July 2024 20th July 2024
Distributing 3 days 21st July 2024 24th July 2024 

Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

5.The venue 14 days 25th July 2024 27th July 2024
Selecting a site 3 days 25th July 2024 27th July 2024
Environmental 3 days 28th July 2024 30th July 2024
Neighbor 2 days 31st July 2024 1st August
engagement 2024
Amenities 3 days 2nd August 4th August
2024 2024
Access 1 day 5th August 5th August
2024 2024
Power and 1 day 6th August 6th August
utilities 2024 2024
Emergency 1 day 7th August 7th August
plan 2024 2024
Task Duration Start date End date Milestone
6.Staging 20 days 8th August 27th August
2024 2024
Contacting 5 days 8th August 12th August
companies 2024 2024
Negotiating 10 days 13th August 22nd August
2024 2024
Getting staging 3 days 23rd August 25th August
samples and 2024 2024
Testing 1 day 23rd August 25th August
equipment 2024 2024
Selecting 1 day 27th August 30th August 
2024 2024

Task Duration Start date End date Milestone

7.Performers 3 days 27th August 30th August
2024 2024
Contacting 1 day 27th August 27th August
performers 2024 2024
Negotiating 1 day 28th August 28th August
voluntary 2024 2024
Planning the - 29th August
arrival of 2024
Planning the 1 day 30th August 30th August
schedule of 2024 2024
Planning - 31st August
transport and 2024

 Milestones are marked with a checkmark

A rough layout plan for our ‘HarmonyFest’ event.




An event layout plan is an art of making a visual for an event with an aim of appealing
attendees, enhancing the ambience and leaving an everlasting impression. This
process involves various elements that is visuals, audios and overall experience which
will create a melodious experience. The goal for us to design this event is to get the
attention of the guests and differentiate the event from the rest. We have decided to
keep very many professionals which will help us keep up the momentum and lead us to
having a successful event. (Sharma, 2023) The event layout will be designed to have
very many different activities and facilities for a successful execution of the plan.
1. Entrance area
 Welcoming and engaging area with security checkpoint where there will
be banners to promote the event.
 There will be registration desk right after the entrance for the people who
didn’t manage to get their tickets can buy it from there.
 There will also be an information desk next to the registration desk where
we will be able to assist with inquiries, provide event schedules, maps and
any other general assistance needed.
2. Main event area
 This is where all our activities, performances and attractions will take
 We will have an open space where all performers will be able to perform
with good sound and lighting systems for an amazing experience.
 Seating arrangements will be provided for the audience where they will be
able to comfortably sit and watch the event take place by ensuring great
viewing from all angles.
 There will also be a back stage where performers can sit, be guided and
wait for their turn.
3. Vendor and exhibition places
 This will be the areas that will be dedicated for the vendors, sponsors and
exhibitors where they can show their products, services and initiatives.
 We will try to attract attendees to come and interact with exhibitors.
 Branding opportunities will be available as well.
4. Hospitality and amenities
 Hospitality lounges will be set up for the VIP guests, sponsors and
stakeholders so that they can relax and have a nice time.
 Refreshment stations are going to be placed throughout the venue where we
will offer variety of food and beverage selections which can suit different
tastes and dietary preferences.
 Restroom facilities will also be provided for both male and females ensuring
comfort and we will make sure that after every person uses it our maid
cleans it immediately before the next person enters ensuring hygiene.
 Green spaces and benches will also be allocated in the layout for the
attendees to relax, network and socialize amidst the event hustle.
 A play area will also be included for the kids to enjoy their time.
5. Target audience
We wish to invite individuals from all ages, backgrounds and interest
having a diverse audience.
 Families, young adults, professionals and supporters are all welcomed to
come and join our event by either participating, attending or just enjoying
the experiences for their enjoyment purposes.
 We will consider special attention for the people with disabilities to
ensure best and comfortable accommodation for them.
6. Accessibility and safety
 The venue is designed to have full accessibility of designated parking
spaces just right next to the venue.
 There will be guides available at every point to direct attendees
throughout the venue and ensure a smooth navigation.
 We will have emergency exits which is a broad safety measure.
 There will be first aid stations just near the exhibition and on-site security
included because safety is necessary.

Roles and responsibilities

Event manager Will oversee the entire event planning and
execute the plan making sure all the tasks are
complete on time and within the budget. Will
also ensuring the message of the event highly
spreads and reaches the audience and is actively
engaged and already demanding for pre booking
tickets. The event manager will be deeply
involved in every aspect of the project from
planning to executing the event successfully.
(prospects, n.d.)
Human resource manager Will be accountable for identifying the tasks,
develop job descriptions, determine workforce
requirements, invite volunteers as well as hire
skilled people for different tasks. They will also
ensure that the event team Is well equipped and
handles their respective roles. (redstone, n.d.)
Finance manager Will assist in the preparation for budgeting for
the HarmonyFest event to ensure an effective
financial management. The manager will review
regularly the event nominal ledger with the
directors to ensure it meets the budget
expectations. Also handle the invoicing, making
sure all revenues are accounted properly. Event
management accounts shall also be prepared for
decision making processes. Month end accruals
and prepayments shall be prepared and the
event file audit will be managed summarizing all
the events expenses for external audit
submission. Lastly a file for local VAT shall be
prepared and submitted. (performance54)
Promotions team Event promotion is vital for the success of the
HarmonyFest event because it will ensure that
people are attracted towards the event. The
promotions team will focus on generating
interest and attendance for the event. They will
design the advertisements, print and distribute
posters as well as handle and manage the social
media marketing to promote the event.
(eventacademy, n.d.)
Venue coordinator They will ensure if amenities are available and
will ensure good access to power, utilities and
Logistics coordinator They will oversee the planning and execute
transport and accommodation arrangements for
the attendees, performers and staff.

Budget for the project

Category May June July August Total
Stages £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £10,000 £40,000
Amenities £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £20,000
Artist expenses £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £20,000
Licensing and £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £4000

Marketing and £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £8,000

Hospitality £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £4,000
Security £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000 £8,000
Miscellaneous £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £4,000
Total £27,000 £27,000 £27,000 £27,000 £108,000

Some reasons why budgeting is important

1. Financial control: Budgeting helps event planners to maintain control over
expenditures, reduce overspending as well as financial difficulties throughout the
planning period.
2. Resource allocation: it provides a structural framework for efficient distribution of
resources making sure sufficient funding is reached to each part of the event.
3. Positive return on investment (ROI): Effective budget management helps to
demonstrate a favorable return on investment to key stakeholders.
4. Event goals and objectives are achieved by setting them up and are attainable
within the available financial means.
5. Quality of event: This enables investments in premium services, entertainment,
and amenities if adequate budgeting is used, therefore the overall experience of
the attendees will be enhanced. (iccbeltfast,n.d.)
Project budget is basically the total expenses which are required to execute a plan
successfully within a specific time. It covers the estimated costs with each phase of the
project. Developing a budget for a project is an important part of planning it because it
assists in estimating and allocating the resources throughout the lifecycle of the project.
(Bridges, 2023) For our project HarmonyFest our charge per day is estimated based on
the complexity and resources needed for each task. Additional expenses cover items
like printing, distribution, amenities, transportation and basic costs. Our overall budget is
expected to be around £108,000 which is subject to change by 10% less or more
depending on the suppliers, various departments like location, scale of event, vendor
pricing and basic requirements. We will be regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget
throughout the planning process making sure we bring in more and more sponsors and
selling very many tickets so as we do not exceed the limit.
1. Cost-effective contracting: We will use external contractors and project team
members at the lowest rates which will be 250 pounds per day for external
contractors and 100 pounds per day for project team members therefore we will
be minimizing labour costs.
2. Goodwill charge for performers: we will implement a goodwill charge of 1000
pounds per performer or group which will cover expenses without suffering from
additional fees aligning with the charity event’s ethos and minimizing of costs.
3. The budget is billed prudently across crucial categories to make sure that each
feature of the event is funded and so the expenses can be minimized.
4. Contingency consideration: Due to unexpected expenses and changes we will
ensure financial stability throughout the project.
Sharma, R. (2023) Event designing: A guide to perfect your next event! [Online] Available at: (Accessed 9th March 2024)

Bridges, J. (2023) How to make a project budget: Project budgeting basics [Online] Available at:
%20a%20Project%20Budget,of%20the%20project%20planning%20process. (Accessed 10th March 2024)

Prospects (n.d.) Event manager [online] Available at:

%20properly. (Accessed 11th March 2024)

Redstone (n.d.) Human resource management tips for the event management industry [Online] Available
at: (Accessed 11th March 2024)

Performance54 (n.d.) Events finance manager [Online} Available at:
%20%26%20RESPONSIBILITIES%3A,in%20line%20with%20budget%20expectations (Accessed 11th March
Eventacademy (n.d.) Your guide to event promotion [Online] Available at:
%20has%20the,concentrates%20on%20the%20event%20itself. (Accessed 11th March 2024)

Iccbeltfast (n.d.) Event budgeting 101 [Online] Available at:

budgeting-guide#hy-is-budget-important-for-event-delivery (Accessed 11th March 2024

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