MCQ On Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra 5eea6a0d39140f30f369e1ed

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Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Questions Latest Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra MCQ Objective Questions Fr. India’s #1 Learning Platform Re Re ect See Ce Chun ey Tiel) reo ocd ares OS rcolns Creer cag & Quizzes B Download App Question 1: is also known as Inverter. 1. NOT Gate 2. OR Gate 3. NAND Gate 4. AND Gate terol: India's Super Teachers for all govt. exams Under One Roof Cees Answer (De Option 1: NOT Gate With hundreds of Questions based on Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra, we help you gain expertise on Digital Electronics. All for free. Explore Testbook Leam to attain the subject expertise with us. Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 1 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 1):(NOT Gate) Concept: + NOT Gate is also known as Inverter * + The 7404 is a high-speed CMOS Logic Qiiad NOT Gate. + The 7404 is also known as Hexsiayerter. + The contains Six independent ates in one package. T + The NOT gate consists of only uutand one output. + A NOT gate is used to output the Boolean inverse of the applied input. + Hence the name ‘Digital Inverter’ or ‘Inverting buffer’. The most commonly used NOT gate IC is 7404. + The symbol and truth table of NOT gate and a buffer given as YES NOT Taput Tnput_] i an Output A Output 0 0 {9 7 7 a Kk ie Rig Tee aur parton) Start Complete Exam Preparation Re an oe ost rs ayes Fa) wees aie tes PCS erer ny Cree ead Download App Question 2: View this Question Online > The symbol for two - input OR- gate in negative logic is: oon we > 7.) XNOR Gate: India’s #1 Learning Platform Slam erly) Ce Led) oe 2 a US} MasterClasses Cres ea ra ear Download App Question 3: View this Question Online > Choose the correct option for the following three statements given below: ‘A: NAND and NOR are universal gates but it is not possible to realize all Boolean functions using these gates. B: NOR and XOR are universal gates that can be used to realize all Boolean functions. C: NAND and NOR are universal gates, that can be used to realize all Boolean functions. 1. 1. False; 2. True; 3. False 2. 1. True; 2. False; 3. False 3. 1. False, 2. False; 3. True 4, Allof these are False Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: 1. False, 2. False; 3. True Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 3 Detailed Solution The Correct Answer is option (3) Explanation: AUniversal Gate is a gate by which every other gate can be realized. AND, OR, NOT, etc. are basic gates. NAND & NOR, are the universal gates. NAND realization to all gates available: NAND Gate Symbol s—{_ >a a A +B R NOR Gate a [ = 8 ce B Pe NOT Gate iT (Inverter) Buffer a Ao+ Bo De N ie -OR oe i Exclusive - NOR Be NOR gate realization to all gates available: NOR Gate Symbol o> o> Q=AtB B = NOT Gate A “Tt (Inverter) Buffer Exclusive-OR . — Q : i @. AB © Additional Information Logic gates: + A logic gate is an idealized or physical electronic device implementing a Boolean function + A logical operation is performed on one or more binary inputs that produce a single binary output. ‘The minimum number of universal gates (NAND or NOR) gates required to realize the logic functions: Number of universal gates required Logic Function NAND | NOR NOT 1 1 AND 2 3 OR 3 2 Ex-OR 4 5 Ex-NOR 5 4 IfA and B are given as input then: LosicGATE | | OUTPUT OR A+B AND AB NAND AB NOR A+B XOR AB+ AB xnor | A.B+ A.B ad eee ec ey ce ee Start Complete Exam Preparation Pe pais aise & Quizzes Download App Question 4: View this Question Online > PO cierey reser Select the Boolean function(s) equivalent to x + yz, where x, y, and z are Boolean variables, and + denotes logical OR operation. 1 tt2ty 2 (K+y)K+2) ei 3 xtnytyz me ete A xteztxy jer (Detailed Solution Below) ption : Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 4 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 2 and option 3. Concept: Boolean function: The variables used in Boolean Algebra only have one of two possible values, a logic “0” and a logic “1” but an expression can have an infinite number of variables all labeled individually to represent inputs to the expression. For example, variables A, 8, C, eto, give us a logical expression of A+ B = C, but each variable can ONLY bea Qorat. Explanation The given expression is = x + yz the equivalent expression is, Option 1:x+z+xy =K+Z+KY =x(l4y)+z (1 4%=x+1=%) =x +zitis not equivalent x + yz. Option 2: (x + y)(x+z) = (x+y) +2) FXHIZH+YK + YZ ex(1+zty) +yz (1 +x=x41=x) =x +yz itis equivalent x + yz. Option 3: x + xy + yz =Ktxy+yz =x(1+y) 42 =x+yz itis equivalent x + yz Option 4: x +xz+xy =X+xZ + XY = x(1#zty) (-1 +x =x +1 =x) = x itis not equivalent x + yz. Hence the correct answer is option 2 and option 3 “& e Dear CL Ric Ree ester Start Complete Exam Preparation Peo fared Sees Dele Cresta Exons Download App Question 5: View this Question Online > : Consider a Boolean gate (D) where the output Y is related to the inputs A and B as, Y=A + B, where + denotes logical OR operation. The Boolean inputs ‘0’ and ‘1’ are also available separately. Using instances of only D gates and inputs ‘0’ and ‘1’, ____ (select the correct option(s) 1. NAND logic can be implemented 2. OR logic eanhot be implemented % A. can be implemented 4, AND logic cannot be implemented Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option : Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 5 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 1 and option 3. Concept: ) The given function is, : y=AtB' = (AB) £(A.B)= A+B" As 0 and 1 are available. ( f(A.B')= A+(B')' = A+B= OR Gate. ~ f(0,f(A,B))=0 +(A+B)'= NOR Gate, {(8,B}=A+B'= (A.B) =NAND Gate. {(0,f(A,B)) = 0+((A.8)')= AB= AND Gate. With the combination of OR and NOT, NOR gate can be implemented. Since NOR gate is universal logic gate, so all the functions can be implemented. Hence, we can implement NOT Gate we can also implement OR, AND, NOR and NAND Gate. Hence the correct answer is option 1 and option 3. Top Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra MCQ Objective Questions x ¢ rs eee eric AS Elam eLl) cy Pra oud Mock Tests liad Core cy eres pactiraes Download App Question 6 < » View this Question Online > Four statements are given below. Identify the correct statement. 1. XORIs universal gate a wl. gate 3. XORis derived gate 4. XORis.a basic gate Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3 : XOR is derived gate _Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 6 Detailed Solution + AND, OR, NOT oe basic gates. + The logic gates whi derived from the basic gates like AND, OR, NOT gates are known as derived gates. NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR are the derived gates. + Auniversal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need to use any other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. Cal eee anew parla) SS Elem eCey ni) Clu Le LiCl) feenies Mock Tests Creer eao parc eee Dare st Download App Question 7 View this Question Online > The Boolean equation X = [(A + B) (B + C)] Bcan be simplified to —" Solution Below) Opt X= AB Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 7 Detailed Solution X=[(A+8)(B+O)]8 =(AB+AC+0+ BO)B = AB + ABC = AB(1+C) =AB important Point Name AND Form ‘OR Form Identitylaw] —1.A=A O+A=A \ Null Law 0.A=0 THA=1 idempotent = ¥: a J Law AAA AtAsA ry Inverse Law} AA=0 AtA'=1 ou Comtrauative AB=BA oA Associative (A4B)4C= At law Gps (B+C) Distributive! A+BC=(A+B) Law (atc) |A(B+C)=AB+Al Absorption Law A(A+B)=A, A+AB=A, Pe Morgan's) (agy=aa' | (a+B)=A'8 Teen eu paren) Start Complete Exam Preparation Teen Aes Pea eed aad Pcie oreo Pao Download App Question 8 View this Question Online Write the simplified equation for the given K-Map. B,By ByB2 00 04] 1 10 Y = B,By+ BB, Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: ¥ = B1B2+ BoBy Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Question 8 Detailed Solution Concept: Kmap: + K-map (Karnaugh Map) is a pictorial method used to minimize Boolean expression without haying to use Boolean Algebra theorems and equation manipulation + K-map can be thought of as a special version of a truth table. + Using K-map, expression with two to four variables are easily minimized + K-maps are also referred to as 2D truth tables as each K-map is nothing but a different format of representing the values present in a one-dimensional truth table. * To simplify a logic expression with two inputs, we require a K-mep with 4 cells (= 2) * Similarly, a logic expression with four inputs we require a Kmap with 16 cells (= 24) + Each cell within K-map has a definite place value which is obtained by using on encoding technique known as Gray code. * For n-Variable K-map, with 2” cells, try to group 2" cells first, then for 2"! cells, next for 2" cells, and so on until the croup contains only 2° celis ie. Isolated bits (if any) + Also remember, the number of cells in a group must be equal to an integer power to 2i.e 1,2, oO s vS Calculation: BB, B,B, ‘8,8, BBY oo or itt tol BB, 00] 0 | o fia | 1 -+ There are no 16 bits group, no 8-bits group, but there are 2-four bits group — Eliminate the variables for which the corresponding hit appears within the group as both 0 and 1. + Group 1 ~ B, By + Group 2 ~ By Bz _. Therefore in SOP form (oum of products) output » = B,B, + B,B, India’s #1 Learning Platform ey eas Start Complete Exam Preparation reo Pboc fe] Pay as ecole Ore ecg puna Download App Question 9 View this Question Online > Identify the number of prime implicants and essential prime implicants for the function (A,B, C,D) = Zm(0, 1,4, 6,7,8, 10, 14, 15) (where m represents min terms) 1. 72 Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: 7,2 Es eee arco Roe) Start Complete Exam Preparation rao Practice a a cit Bere Etter (oreo D>» Download App Question 10 In Boolean algebra, (A.A) + A =? 3 ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: A Cea Seas is Question Online > India's #41 Learning Platform eer Start Complete Exam Preparation Prue ra ( era) a MasterClasses Cision ap eter Download App Question 17 View this Question Online > The basic gates are: 1. AND, NOR and NOT gate 2. AND, OR and NOT gate 3. AND and NOT gate 4. OR and NOT gate ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2 : AND, OR and NOT gate Tee ea arin Start Complete Exam Preparation Tied ea mac MasterClasses peo or D> Download Anp Question 12 View this Question Online > Find the output Boolean function for the logic circuit. eT 1, X= ABC 2. X=ABC Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: X = ABC Pg India's #41 Learning Platform Ree yo Start Complete Exam Preparation Pec pt Question B Download App cyirees Question 13 View this Question Online > The output Y of the logic circuit given below is Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1:1 cM India’s #1 Learning Platform PS Elam Orel) (0 > Clue ellie) rie ea a kaa reece Question Bank Brot Download App Question 14 ‘The output of logic circuit given below represents gate. 2. NOR 3. AND 4. NAND Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: NAND Bean oe ost View this Question Online > & eee ary Start Complete Exam Preparation Pears feed ey Peace eas ecole (ree ecg pina D> Download App Peo Question 15 View this Question Online Ifthe Boolean expression PQ + QR + PR is minimized, the expression becomes: 1. PQ+OR 2. PQ+PR 3. QR+PR 4, PQ+QR+PR Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: PQ+PR

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