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 Hy Adwaith, How are you? How do you feel now?

 Just relax and feel free. You can open up your problems to me. Problem
sharing to someone is always better than keeping all in mind.
 You know its all about destiny. Don’t think that the incident was
happened only because of you.
 Do you think suicide can solve your problems, is that the only solution
you have?
 People who harm themselves for silly matters or attempts suicide are
cowards. They don’t think of the people around them. Are you such a
 Don’t ruin your life, just move on. You have a good family & a very well
future a head.
 You just leave the things in your mind & think of positive things which
makes your life better & just move on with that, did you get me?
 Please think of your parents they are also suffering for you. So for them
you have to change.
 Just live for today, don’t ruin your happiness for the things happened
 Try to be engaged always to avoid unwanted memories, spend more
time with friends & family. Do you have many friends? Just rock with
 What are your future plans? You are just 18, don’t quit your studies its
most important for life so pursue your degree.
 Adwaith, please think of your future & try to change yourself. It will take
time I know, but you have to move on. And remember you shouldn’t
think of another attempt.
 Remember if you are in need of help feel free to call me I will be there
always with you. Will see you next time. Be happy always. Take care.

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