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Chapter 7.

(Changing Culturals Traditions)

XI- History
Developed Reading Material
By- Dr. Sandeep Paul, PGT (History)
JNV Muktsar (Punjab)
Meaning of Renaissance
Renaissance means ‘rebirth’, French word firstly used by a scholar from switzerland
Jacob Burchkardt in the year 1860. In the 14th to 17th centuries, a new humanist culture
developed that man is an individual. It began in Italy followed by Rome, Venice and
Florence. Earlier Italian universities were centres of legal studies.
Renaisance Man
The person having many interests and skills refer to Renaissance Man. They belongs to
differnet disciplines i.e. Scholar, Diplomat, theologina, Artist cobined in one. The people
are affected socially,Economically and politically by the process of Renaissance.
Causes of Renaissance
 Contact of East and West
 Crusades
 Decline of Feudalism
 Rise of new towns & Trade centres
 Rise of nation state
 Rise of new middle class
 Fall of Constantinopole to the Ottoman Turks
Effects of Renaissance era
Start of Modern Age/Period
Humanism : In 14th century this movement was started in Italy. Italian universities wer
centres of legal cities.
Francesco Petrarch --------- Father of Humanism
Humanism term firstly used by Roman lawyer and essayist Cicero.
Different Period used by Humanist
5-9 Century The dark age
9-11 Century The early middle age
11-14 Century The late middle age
5-14 Century The middle age
15th Century onwards The modern age
Humanistic Art: Dante Aligheri a famous poet and Giotto an artist recognised as
Renaissance men in 15th century. Dante known for his classic work ‘The Divine Comedy’
and Giotto who painted life like portarits. Italy was the centere of artistic activity during
this era.
Humanistic Literature: Humanistic term used for those masters who taught grammar,
poetry, hsitory, moral philosophy in 15 the century. these subjects were not connected
with religion, and emphsasised skills developed by individuals through discussion and
debate. Padua and Bologne universities had been centre of legal studies,through
humanistic approach the idea of humaistic spread out from
Italy in other European countries.
Revival of Italian Cities: From the 14th to the end of 17th century towns were growing
in many countries of Europe. The ports on the Italian costs were revived. An Urban
Culture was developed in the city of Florence, Venice and Rome and these cities were
the centre of art & leraning.
Printing Technology
The invention of printing is the turning point in the history of middle age in europe and its
impact is seen on whole world. With the inevention of printing books and other reading
materials made easily navailabe to many people. A sense of Histroy also developed in
Europe. Johannes Gutenberg inevented the printin press in 1455 and he published 150
copies of Bible in his printing workshop. The invention of printing press incresed the
volume of books and it also helped in the spread of education.
The Arab’s Contribution in Literature
Arabs translated ancient Greek and Roman texts. They called Plato as ‘Aflatun’ and
Aristotle ‘Aristu’ in Arabic. Muslim writers during this time were Ibn Sina known as
Avicenna in Latin and Ibn Rush as Averroes in Latin. Alamagest on astronomy was wrote
by Ptolemy in Greek. Muslim Were regarded as men of wisdom in the Italian world.
Rationalist Art
The realism idelogy introduced in this period and Italian art reached at its zenith. The
admiration of the figures of men and women sculpted so many centuries ago. Scientist
helped in work of artist and vice versa. The artist went to the laboratories of medical
schools. The subject anatomy, geometry, physics gave new quality to Italian art.
Rationalist Literature
The greatest revolution in the 16th century of Europe was the mastery of technology of
printing. The earliest printing was started by chinese and this technique transfered from
china to other countries through foreign travellers visits to the courts. Firearms, the
compass and the abascus travelled from Europe to other countries.Three dimensional
quality pictures made with the help of geometry
Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution was the main characteristics of this era. People have more scientific
and rational approach life of mankind during the period of Renaissance movement. In this
era scientist used experimentaion, observation and new thoughts which was opposite of
church beliefs. Church’s beliefs was overturned by scientists.
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Issac Newton developed the new scientific discoveries
and changes the view of world. Copernicus discoverd that the earth rotaates around the
sun. The sun is the part of the sun centred system was made popular by Kepler’s
Cosmographical Mystery and Galileo gave the Theory of Motion. The revolution in
science reached at its climax with Newton’s Theory of gravitaion.
Dontalleo associated with the work of life like statues and Vesalius, a BElgian professor
of mediceine introduced modern human physiology and to dissect the human body.
Leonardo da Vinci had divergent creative person, he had an interest of botany, anatomy,
art and mathematics. He painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.

Mona Lisa Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo Buonarroti painted the Sistine chapel and made the sculpture of the Pieta
and the Dome of St. Peter’s church.

Pieta Dome
Role of Women:
Men from aristocratic families dominated public life and were the decision makers in their
families. Some Women were also intellecually very cerative and aware about the
humanisic education. Some women played vital role in trade and business. The women
from merchant families palyed big role in public life after the death of merchant like wise
some women had engaed to run the shops.
Religious /Reformation Movement
Religious /Reformation movement was a protest movent that took place in the 16th
century against the church and pope. Martin Luther a young German monk launched a
campaign against the Catholic church. The main work done by Martin Luther is as follows:
1. To ask people for complete faith in God, for faith alone could guide them to the the
right them to the right life and entry into heaven.
2. He wrote Ninety Five theses in 1517 to challenge teh authority of church and pope.
This movement is known as protestant movement.
Outcomes of Renaissance
1. The private and public spheres life of people began. The private sphere
included the family and personal religion. the individual had a private as well as
a public role.
2. The different regions of Europe started to have their separate sense of identity
based on language.
The Main Events of 14th,15th,16th & 17th Centuries
1300 Humanism taught at Padua university
1349 University established in Florence
1453 Ottoman Turks defeat the Byzantine ruler of Constantinople
1454 Gutenberg prints the Bible with moveable type
1492 Columbus reaches America
1495 Leonardo da Vinci paints The Last Supper
1512 Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel ceiling
1516 Thomas More’s Utopia published
1517 Martin Luther writes the Ninety Five theses
1522 Luther translate teh Bible in Germany
1543 Andres Vesalius writes on Anatomy
1582 Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
1673 Academy of sciences set up in Paris
1687 Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematicia published

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