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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________ Score: _________________

Seatwork #1

Encircle the correct word that would complete the statement.

1. (DN A/ RN A) can leave the nucleus.

2. m RN A is m ad e d uring (transcrip tio n/ translatio n).

3. m RN A is m ad e in the (cyto p lasm / nucleus).

4. DN A is lo cated in the (nucleus/ cyto p lasm )

5. (Translatio n/ Transcrip tio n) co nverts DN A into m RN A.

6. (m RN A/ rRN A) is used to carry the genetic co d e fro m DN A to the ribo so m es.

7. (tRN A/ rRN A) m akes up the ribo so m e. Lo o k in the bo o k fo r this.

8. (DN A/ RN A) uses uracil instead o f thym ine.

9. (RN A/ am ino ) acid s m ake up a p ro tein.

11. Transcrip tio n takes p lace in the (nucleus/ cyto p lasm ).

12. tRN A is used in (translatio n / transcrip tio n).

13. tRN A uses (antico d o ns/ co d o ns) to m atch to the m RN A.

14. Pro teins are m ad e at the (nucleus/ ribo so m e).

15. (tRN A/ m RN A) attaches the am ino acid s into a chain.

16. tRN A is fo und in the (nucleus/ cyto p lasm ).

17. (Translatio n/ Transcrip tio n) co nverts m RN A into a p ro tein.

18. Translatio n takes p lace in the (cyto p lasm / nucleus).

Fill the Diagram In


m RN A


Am ino
Acid s
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: ___________________________ Score: _________________

Seatwork #2


Guide Questions:

1. The letters “DNA” stand for _____________________________________.

2. DNA is composed of smaller subunits know as ________________________.

3. The three parts of a nucleotide are _________________, _____________________, and ____________.

4. The four nitrogen bases that are found in DNA are ______________, ______________, ____________ and

5. Two of the nitrogen bases are single ring structures known as __________________. These two bases

are _______________ and _______________.

6. The other two bases are double ring structures known as ___________________. These two bases are

___________________ and ____________________.

7. _________________ and _________________ are the two scientists that discovered the structure of the

DNA molecule.

8. DNA looks like a ladder twisted into a shape known as a ___________________.

9. The two molecules that make up the sides of the ladder or the side portion of a DNA molecule are

________________ and _________________.

10. The molecules that meet across the middle, forming the steps of the “ladder’” are known as


11. Which nitrogen bases always pair with one another?

12. The type of sugar found in DNA is ________________________.

13. If the sequence on the right hand side of the DNA molecule was TAGGCTCA, the complimentary side would have a
sequence of _______________________.

14. What is the primary function of DNA?

15. Why is it so important that the DNA molecule be able to make copies of itself?

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