Alimert Keskin Lab Report Calculating Gravity

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Calculating Gravity(g) by Using a String

Name and Partner Name: Alimert Keskin and Mert Dündar

Date: 2/27/2024

Research Question: How does the change in the mass of an object which is connected to
a string with the help of a hook effects the change in the extension(m) of a spring vertically
and period of its 15 oscillations with constant spring?

Hypothesis: From this experiment, it is possible to expect that the extension(m) of the
spring caused by the mass on the hook is going to have direct proportionality with the squared
value of oscillations period ( s2) since acceleration caused by gravity is (m s−2 ) by dividing
gravitational constant ( g=9.81¿ by 4 π 2: ( 2 ). Therefore, the graph of period squared(s2 )

and extension(m) is going to have a linear relationship and by multiplying the slope by 4 π 2,
gravitational acceleration is going to be found.


Variables in the Experiment Type of Variable Explanation

Mass(kg) Independent variable To change extension and period

of the oscillations, using different
masses have a crucial role since
force of gravity is affected by the
mass change. In this experiment,
there are 8 different masses
g to have reliable data.
Extension (m) Dependent Variable The extensions of the spring get
affected by the mass change since
there is more force exerted on the
spring. By measuring the length
difference of stable and stretched
spring, it is possible to find the
Period (s) Dependent variable The period is going to get longer
as the mass increases. Therefore,
to measure the time for period, 15
oscillations are measured with a
chronometer for each mass 5
times and the result from the
chronometer is divided by 15 to
find 1 period. It is repeated for 5
times to reduce the uncertainty.
Spring Controlled variable Spring’s have different spring
constants (k) so it is crucial to use
the same spring to have reliable
results. If different springs are
used the extension and periods of
the masses are not going to have
values which are proportional to
each other.
Number of Oscillations Controlled variable If a different number of
oscillations are made the total
time for oscillations is going to be
absurd when compared to other
values. Therefore, it is important
to use same number of
oscillations for each mass and
each trial.

Materials Used in The Experiment

1. Chronometer with uncertainty ± 0.01 s

2. Seven steel masses each 100g ± 1 %and one hook with 100g ± 1 % mass
3. Long ruler which ranges to 1-meter, analogue tool so uncertainty is
0.5 mmx 2=± 1 mm=± 0.001 m
4. String
5. Metal bar
6. Fork Clamp
7. Normal Clamp
8. G-clamp
9. Pointer

Rules for The Safety

Safety Rule Harm which can be done Precaution
Careful usage of the If the masses fell The oscillations are going
masses accidentally from a high to be made minimum
ground, it can cause force to prevent the
damage on the ground weights from falling and
even on a person’s foot. masses are going to be
attached to the string
carefully. While making
the oscillations people are
going to away from the
Stability of the setup If the attachments made to All the clamps are going
the setup or not strict to be attached with
enough setup may fall caution to prevent the
causing damage to people, setup from falling and
ground, and materials. increasing the stability of
Usage of the spring Spring’s elasticity may get To have oscillations the
broken if not used force exerted on the
properly. masses is going to be
minimized. If the spring is
loaded with a lot of mass,
it could also damage the
Photo of the Setup



Masses and

Clamp 4.String


5.Metal bar



1. Use the G-clamp given by the teachers to stabilize the setup to the table.
2. Put the metal rod inside the G-clamp and tighten it as much as possible to have a
safe environment to experiment.
3. Put a normal clamp at the top of the metal rod.
4. Put the fork clamp between the normal clamp a G-clamp (make it closer to the
normal clamp) to create space for extension of spring.
5. Put the long ruler in the fork clamp and tighten it as much as possible so that the
setup doesn’t move in an unwanted way.
6. Attach the string to the clamp used on the top of the metal rod, try to put them in a
way which the string is close to the ruler to make easier measurements.
7. Put the hook on the string.
8. Start doing oscillations by the targeted mass measure 15 oscillations with a
chronometer and start the oscillations by touching gently on the mass pushing it
9. Measure 15 oscillations for 5 different times to reduce uncertainty.
10. Do this process for every mass targeted.
11. Write the results on the data table sheet given by the teachers.
Experimental Report
Raw Data Table
 The initial length of spring is 10cm without any mass.

Mass(g) Extension(cm)
1%± cm 0.1 ± Time for 15 Oscillations(s 0.02 ±)
- - T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
100 11.0 9.03 8.60 9.16 8.78 8.97
200 20.0 12.56 12.43 12.44 12.62 12.75
300 30.0 15.06 14.82 15.31 15.97 15.28
400 39.0 17.47 17.63 17.53 17.53 17.65
500 48.0 19.28 19.47 19.59 19.47 19.63
600 57.0 21.65 21.31 21.40 21.57 21.15
700 66.0 23.31 22.72 23.25 22.97 22.84
800 75.0 24.56 24.44 24.19 24.37 24.19

The accuracy of the masses is known from the manufacturer. Therefore, there isn’t any
calculation finding the uncertainties of the masses. The ruler is an analogue tool used
Smallest Division on the ruler
in the experiment to find its uncertainty a formula - x 2-
0.1 cm
is used so the uncertainty of the ruler is x 2=0.1 cm± . For the chronometer, the
smallest value it can measure is 0.01s. Since the chronometer is clicked for 2 times
(One click for starting the chronometer and the other one for stopping it) the
uncertainty of the chronometer is 0.02 ±.

Data Processing

In this part of the lab report, the raw data are used to process it into a processed data which
includes information about extension(m), period(s) and period squared ( s2), they are written
with their uncertainties. From the processed data, the graph extension versus period squared is
formed to find linear relationship between them and the gravitational acceleration by dividing
the slope with 4 π 2: 2.

Sample Calculations

 The first set of data is used for the examples.

1. Mass: Already given by the manufacturer 100 g 1% ±

2. Initial Length: There isn’t any calculation, there is just the measurement of the spring
with the ruler: 10 cm 0.1±

3. Extension: It is found by subtracting the stretched value from the initial length of the
spring. 21−10=11.0cm=0.11m. (In the raw data, there are already calculated values
of extension.)

4. Period: It is possible to calculate period by the measurements made since the data of
15 oscillations are found by the measurements 1 period means 1 oscillation. Therefore,
by dividing measured time for 15 oscillations with 15.
9.03 ± 0.02 s ÷ 15=0.602± 0.001 3 ≈ 0.60 ± 0.0013 s

5. Max period: T 3= 0.611 s (Rounded)

6. Min period: T 2= 0.573 s (Rounded)
7. Uncertainty of the period: It is found by subtracting max period from min period and
Max Period−Min Period
dividing it by 2. (It is going to be done for each row.)
=± 0.0187 s (Uncertainty for the first set of data)
8. Average Period: Found by calculating every period on the row and dividing it by 5.
T 1 +T 2+T 3 +T 4 +T 5 0.602+0.573+0.611+0.585+0.598
= =0.594 ≈ 0.59 s (While
5 5
making the calculations unrounded values are used.)
9. Average period uncertainty is already found on the 7 th step so to find the max value
uncertainty is added and for the min value uncertainty is subtracted.

10. Average Period Max: 0.59 + 0.0187 = 0.6087≈ 0.61

11. Average Period Min: 0.59 – 0.0187 =0.5713≈ 0.57
12. Max Period 2 = Average period max 2 = 0.612 = 0.37 s2
13. Min Period 2= Average period min 2 = 0.57 2 = 0.32 s2
2 2
Max Period −i Min Period 0.37−0.32=0.05→ 0.05 =¿
14. Uncertainty of Period 2 = =
2 2
0.025≈ 0.03 s2
15. Square of Average Period: Just need to square the average period 0.592=0.35 s 2

Processed Data Table 1

 The values are rounded.

Mass Extension Period

(kg) (m) (s)
±1% ± 0.001 m ±(Labeled∈ Data Table 2 for each row )
- - T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
0.1 0.110 0.602 0.573 0.611 0.585 0.598
0.2 0.200 0.837 0.829 0.829 0.841 0.850
0.3 0.300 1.0040 0.988 1.02 1.06 1.02
0.4 0.390 1.16 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.18
0.5 0.480 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.30 1.31
0.6 0.570 1.44 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.41
0.7 0.660 1.55 1.51 1.55 1.53 1.52
0.8 0.750 1.64 1.63 1.61 1.62 1.61

Processed Data Table 2

Max Period Min Period Period Average Period
(s) (s) Uncertainty (s)
0.611 0.573 0.0187 0.59
0.850 0.829 0.0107 0.84
1.06 0.988 0.0036 1.02
1.18 1.16 0.0060 1.17
1.31 1.29 0.0117 1.30
1.44 1.41 0.0167 1.43
1.55 1.51 0.0197 1.53
1.64 1.61 0.0123 1.62

Processed Data Table 3

Average Average Max Min Period Average
2 2 2
Period Period Period Period Uncertainty Period
Max Min 2
(s )
(s) (s) 2
(s ) 2
(s ) (s )

0.61 0.57 0.37 0.32 0.03 0.35

0.85 0.83 0.72 0.69 0.02 0.71
1.06 0.98 1.12 0.96 0.08 1.04
1.18 1.16 1.40 1.35 0.03 1.37
1.32 1.28 1.74 1.64 0.05 1.69
1.45 1.41 2.10 1.99 0.06 2.04
1.55 1.51 2.40 2.28 0.06 2.34
1.63 1.61 2.70 2.59 0.06 2.62
In the graph above, extension(m) v Period 2 uncertainty of the ruler is ± 0.001 m so for
each of the extension values error bars have the same length. Period squared values
have different uncertainties caused by the different values of max period and min
period. The values calculated for uncertainties can be seen in processed data table 3.

Slope of the Graph and y-intercepts

1. Slope values are already given by the app LoggerPro so to find the uncertainties
the equation: (Max slope – Min slope)/2 is used.
Max Slope Value: 0.2941 m s−2
Slope Value: 0.2805 m s−2
Min Slope Value: 0.2698 m s−2
0.2941−0.2698 −2
=0.01215 ≈± 0.012 m s = ∆ Slope
The slope is between 0.27 and 0.29 m s−2.

2. Same process is going to be made for y-intercepts to find its uncertainty.

Min y-intercept is found by looking at max slope while max y-intercept is found
by looking at min slope.
Max y-intercept:0.02739
y-intercept: 0.006112
Min y-intercept: -0.003999
0.02739−(−0.003999 )
=0.015695 ≈ ± 0.016 m = ∆ y −intercept
The possible values y-intercept can get is between Min and Max y-intercept so
−0.003999 ≤ y−intercept ≤ 0.02739

Conclusion and Justification

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the relationship between extension of the spring
and oscillations period with different masses to find the direct proportionality between these

values and gravitational acceleration(g). The equation used in the experiment ( T =2 π

√ e
) to

find gravitational acceleration was provided by the Koç IB physics department. Also, all the
materials used in the experiment are provided by the Koç IB physics department too.

When the graph extension versus period2 plotted there is a linear relationship between points
with different masses which suggests that my hypothesis is supported. The slope of graph is
0.2805 ± 0.012 m s and it shows the ratio between extension and period squared: 2 .
Through the slope value it is possible to calculate the gravitational acceleration of earth.

Calculations for Finding Gravitational Acceleration

1. By using the equation T =2 π

→T 2=4 π 2 →
e T2
g ex 4 π 2 g
1 eX 4 π 2

=g. Therefore,

dividing both sides with4 π 2 the result of the slope is achieved. 2 = 2 .

T 4π
e 2
2 = Slope, slope x 4 π = gravitational acceleration

2. 0.2805 x 4 π 2 = 11.0737 ≈ 11.1 m s−2 = experimental value of gravitational acceleration

3. Range of g experimental is between 10.7 and 11.6 m s−2.
11.6−10.7 −2
4. Value of ∆ g= =± 0.45 m s

Percentage Error
|Experimental value−Real Value|
1. x 100
Real Value
2. Experimental Value: 11.1 m s−2
3. Real Value: 9.81 m s−2
4. =0.13.1498 x100= 13.1498≈ 13.1 %

Percentage Uncertainty

∆ g experimental
1. x 100
g experimental
2. x 100=4.05405≈ 4.1 %

Explanation of Calculations and Graph

At the end of the experiment, it is possible to infer that there are both random errors and
systematic errors that happened through the process of data collection. The experimental
value that I found is 11.1 m s−2 which clearly indicates the mistakes happened in the
experiment since the real value of gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m s−2. Percentage
uncertainty with 4.1 percent and percentage error with 13.1 percent also proves the mistakes
happened in the experiment. From the graph and percentages, it is possible to infer those
random errors had less significance than systematic errors. All the error bars in my graph pass
through the uncertainty bars which increases the reliability of the experiment. Proof for
systematic errors happening in the experiment can be shown by the best fit line which does
not pass through the origin. Both errors had an influence on the experiment, but systematic
errors had affected the values more than random errors with 13.1 percent to 4.1 percent.

Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement

In the experiment, it is possibly making measurement mistakes caused by uncertainties of the

tools. The tools which had their uncertainties are masses hung on the hook, long ruler, and
chronometer. The long ruler had an uncertainty of 0.001m, the chronometer had an
uncertainty of ± 0.01 since the least scale on the chronometer is 0.01. Lastly, the uncertainty of
the masses used do not need any calculation to be found since it is given by the manufacturer
which ± 1 %.

Instead of the errors caused by the tools used there are many other factors which affect the
reliability of the experiment like imperfect human nature, air resistance and wrong
measurements caused again caused by human nature. It is better to focus on solving the
systematic errors since they had more influence, but this does not mean that random errors in
the experiment do not have an effect. Therefore, both errors should be solved as much as
possible to better results.

Systematic Errors

Error Assumption Effect on the result

Air resistance All of oscillations happen at Air resistance actually has a
same time since there isn’t effect on the time for
any external force on the oscillations but since the
mass. influence of the air
resistance is really low. In
this experiment it is
neglected but it doesn’t
mean that air resistance
doesn’t affect the
Ignored mass of pointer Mass of the pointer is The pointer is attached to the
neglected. string like other masses.
Therefore, it influences the
extension and time for
oscillations. Neglecting the
mass of the pointer is going
to cause measuring values
higher than the expected
since more mass means
more extension and longer
time for oscillations.
Ignored mass of string Mass of the string is ignored. It has the same effect as the
pointer. Even though it has a
small effect on the overall
mass, still mass of string
caused to have values which
are higher than expected.

Random Errors

Error Impact on the Result

Imperfect nature of humans Since it is impossible for humans to stop time
at the precise rate. There are going to be
single shifts in time caused by the imperfect
nature of humans’ reaction time. This
imperfectness in the reaction time is going to
cause different time oscillations than
Wrong measurements caused by the pointer The pointer in the experiment is not stable.
Therefore, while measuring the extension
values human force was needed to precisely
measure the correct the value but it is not
possible for humans to precisely make the
correct measurements so there could be
random errors.
External forces on the table which the setup is The environment which the experiment is
on. made had a lot of people moving doing their
own experiments while doing that a lot of
people accidentally hit to the table which
affected oscillations of the mass since there is
a small external force caused by the force
made on the table. Because of this external
force oscillations were not a hundred percent
vertical affecting the time for one oscillation.
Suggestions for Improvement
There are many errors happened in the experiment which effected the uncertainty of the
experiment, systematic errors effected more than random errors so it is a better choice to solve
problems caused by systematic errors .Ignored mass of the pointer and string is a problem in
the experiment to solve it. The mass of these objects could be measured before measuring the
extension and period. Even though they are much lighter than masses supplied by the
manufacturer, they still influence the total mass which causes the string to extent. Air
resistance is one of the problems which is hard to solve since it is hard to find the materials to
create a vacuum atmosphere. This could maybe done with the help of a machine which sucks
the air from the environment to create a vacuum atmosphere. Even though random errors did
not have a major effect, it is still important to improve the techniques used to increase the
accuracy of the experiment. Human reaction time can be solved by using a technological
device to prevent mistakes caused by the imperfect human nature. A more stable pointer could
be used to prevent the movement of the pointer. The pointer could be stable with a clamp to
have better results so it will not rotate around itself. Lastly, to prevent any accidental external
forces on the table which the setup is on. The experiment can be made in a wider space for
humans to move more freely or it can be done in a calm space with few humans. All of these
suggestions if applied would cause the experiment to have better results, graphs and
proportionally between extension and time for oscillations compared to the experiment done
by me and my partner.

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