Intern Book Writing Gudielines For B.Sc. Students 2021

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BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology

(Department of Textile Engineering)

Format of Internship Report

General Instruction for the trainee

Duration : Two Months

Attendance : Every trainee must attend the mill regularly and
maintain the attendance schedule according to the
advice of the Mill Authority.
Data collection : Trainees are advised to maintain a “Diary” to
record their activities, observations etc.
Report writing & : At the end of the training every trainee must
presentation submit an internship report about his/her works
individually and present it to a board of
Evaluation : Performance will be assessed by the Mill
supervisor, academic supervisor, and examiner.

1. Cover page
See sample cover page

2. Title Page
See the sample title page

3. Declaration: Students are to declare that the information contained in the
Industrial Training Report is correct during the training period. This declaration page
must be signed by the student. Sample declaration. See the sample declaration


4. Scanned copy of the internship certificate (provided by the

Attach the scanned copy of your (original) Internship Completion certificate provided by
the organization.

5. Acknowledgment

In this section, you acknowledge the help and support of all the people who helped you in
completion of your internship and internship report, e.g. the library staff, course instructor,
family or any other person. (Write acknowledgment here. Use Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12, Font style: Regular, Alignment: Justified, Spacing: 1.5 line spaced). See
sample acknowledgment.


At first I would like to thank Almighty Allah to give me strength and ability to complete
the industrial training and to write this report.
A number of people have made significant contributions to make my training successful.
Their advie and suggestions helped me a lot.
Firstly, I am very much thankful to Professor Dr. S.M Mahfuzur Rahman, Vice
Chancellor, BUFT & Professor Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro Vice Chancellor, BUFT
for their encouragement and valuable suggestions for continual improvement of the report.
Special thanks go to Professor Dr. Engr. Abu Bakr Siddique, Dean, Faculty of Textile
Engineering, BUFT. Also, Special thanks goes to my enthusiastic supervisor “Supervisor
name, Designation” at BUFT, who has been an amazing experience and I thank him
wholeheartedly, not only for his tremendous academic support but also giving me so many
I would like to thank……………, GM at “Organization name” to his factory to complete
my internship.
Being involved with them is such a pleasure that I can’t express. I have not only earned
valuable knowledge but also inspired by their innovativeness, which helped me to enrich
my experience to a greater extent. I believe this report could not be finished if they did not
help me continuously.
I am also very much grateful to “Organization name” authority for giving me the
opportunity to do my internship work in their factory.
Finally, I want to give thanks for all the workers, supervisors who have assisted, helped &
inspired me to complete this report.

6. Executive Summary (word limit: maximum 500)

Executive summary previews every section of the report in a short form. It can be called as a
micro image of the report. It helps the reader to get a quick glance at the report before reading

it in detail. Everything important that you have done, discovered and concluded should be
mentioned, but briefly and concisely.

Use Font: Times New Roman Font size: 12, Font style: Normal, Alignment: Justified,
Spacing: 1.5 line spaced)

7. Table of contents

List the important headings and subheadings in the report with page numbers. Also make a
separate list of tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any. Use Font:
Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Font style: Normal, Alignment: Justified, Spacing:
1.5 line spaced). See Sample table of contents. See sample.

8. List of figures and Tables
Use Font: Times New Roman Font size: 12, Font style: Normal, Alignment: justified,
Spacing: 1.5 line spaced). see sample

9. Text formatting
a) Language: The Industrial project report must be written in acceptable and formal
b) Font and Spacing: All text should be written on white A4 paper on one side of each
Font size of text: 12
Font style: Times New Roman 12 pt fully justified
c) Heading style: Heading1: Times New Roman, bold font-style, size 16. For example,

Heading 2: Times New Roman, bold font-style, size 14 For example, (1.1)
Heading 3: Times New Roman, bold font-style, size 12 For example, (1.1.1)
d) Line spacing: 1.5 lines spacing between paragraphs.
e) Pagination:
 Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
 Page numbers placed at the top right-hand corner of the page, font size 12 pt,
numbering starts from the cover page but the page numbers are shown not
until the first page of the introduction chapter.
 All pages must be numbered in proper sequences from Introduction to the end
of the report, including pages on figures, tables and appendices.
 All front materials are numbered in small Roman Numerals (e.g. i, ii, iii).
 Page numbers appear by themselves and are not to be enclosed in parentheses,
hyphens, or other decorative symbols.
f) Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
g) Margin: The top, bottom, right and left margin should 1 inch. All paragraphs should
start from the left margin. For example: use normal margin of word application.
h) Save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word
10.Figure formatting:
Figure resolution and placement:
 Combination artwork should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
 All figures should be centrally aligned.

Figure caption:
 Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure
 Include the captions in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file.
 Figure caption must be place below the figure. Font size: 10, Font style: Times new
roman, regular.
 Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number,
also in bold type (For example: Fig.1)
Figure numbering:
 All figures are to be numbered using numerals.
 Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
 Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). (Fig.1 a)

Fig.1 Internship

11.Table formatting
 Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
 All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
 Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
 Tables caption must be placed above the figure. Font size: 10, Font style: Times new
roman, regular. (For example, Table 1)
 All tables should be centrally aligned with captions at the top.
 For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the

Table 1: Sample table

12. Formulas and equations

 When presenting mathematical material, the equation editor of the word processing
program should be used.
 The main font is Times new roman 12 pt, italics

13. Main body

Internship Training Report must cover following topics
1. Introduction
This chapter contains the background of internship, the objectives, and the significance, with
the following guidelines:
The Background of internship
This unit points out all the facts relevant to the internship problems, reasons (empirical,
technical) why the proposed problems are worth analyzing.
The objectives of Internship
This part states clearly and briefly the objectives (purposes) of the internship report. In some
ways, however, the objectives of the internship are also implied in the title of the internship.
General objectives
The general objectives indicate the objectives of the internship.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives imply those related to the topic (which is stated in the title of the
professional internship or thematic internship) to be analyzed.

2. General introduction of the mill

Brief and concise description of the company/organization in which the student is
undertaking the industrial training. The main items are:
 Name and type of the factory.
 Year of establishment.
 Owner/ sponsor of the mill.
 Location and site plan of factory.
 Lay out of the mill and its different sections.
 Vision, mission and objectives of organization.
 The number of employees.
 Introduction of all the departments.
 The market place.
 Annual production capacity.
 Total turnover.
 History of the mill development.
 Introduction to different departments.
 Remarks.

Note: In this section, students are expected to collect information from various sources, such
as interaction with the organization’s personnel (managers, internship supervisor, colleagues,
etc.) and company website, documents, brochures etc. but it is necessary to mention the
sources of information in report.

3. Manpower management
 Organogram.
 Manpower administration.
 Production.
 Others management system.
 Shift change.
 Responsibilities of production of officer.
 Job description (SPO, SR, PO).
 Others.

4. Product mix and their sequence of operation

It explains the condition of the company/institution in which the professional internship
program is conducted. The information for the professional internship consists of
 Name of the products/ services.

 Production target and actual production.
 Raw materials: Types, price, quality, annual requirement.
 Alternative raw materials used in the event of unavailability of common raw materials
and their mixing.
 Others.
5. Machine description
 Name of the machine
 Number of the machine
 Machine specifications
 Production capacity
 Special feature
 Machinery layout plan
 Others
6. Production planning & sequence & operation
 Production parameter (recipe, machine settings, etc.)
 Description of production process.
 Production flow chart.
 Production report (daily, monthly).
 Others.
7. Quality management system
 Quality management procedure (TQM).
 Quality standard (ISO, OKO tex etc.).
 Scope of quality control, quality assurance and testing.
 Lay out of lab.
 Lab machines/equipment, name, brand, and other specifications.
 Working principle.
 Flow diagram of online/in-process quality control for each product.
 Quality report.
 Others.
8. Maintenance
 Maintenance machinery.
 Maintenance schedule.

 Manpower set up for maintenance.
 Maintenance equipment.
 Maintenance procedure.
 Others.
9. Utility services
 Available utility facilities.
 Capacity and technical details.
 Source of utility.
 Consumption details.
 Cost of different utilities.
 Flow chart of utilities.
 Working principle of different utilities.
 Others.
10. Procurement/ Inventory Management
 Procurement system in detail (direct purchase, tender, LC, cash/credit, local/import).
 Inventory system.
 Details of raw material inventory.
 Details of finished material inventory.
 Inventory system of spares.
 Others.
11. Marketing activities
 Consumer of the products.
 Product label.
 Package size.
 Marketing strategy.
 Duties and responsibilities of marketing team.
 Others.
12. Social and environmental information
 Waste management system.
 Participation in social activities such as sponsorship of any cultural/health awareness/
blood donation / tree plantation.
 Sponsorship of contribution of Textile education.

13. Detail of internship experience
This section constitutes the core (substance) of the report. This section begins with the
assigned tasks and the settings during training.
 Planning of internship
It describes the work that a student has accomplished during his internship, the techniques he
has learned, the skills he has acquired, the contributions he has made, the responsibilities he
has assumed, the equipment he has used (if any), the safety procedures, Company SOP he has
followed and all other pertinent information.

A brief introduction of the branch/ area office of the organization where you
did your internship.
Starting and ending dates of your internship.
Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your

The record of the activities must be in the form of a table consisting of number, activity, and
day/date. By doing this, the student can describe his/her daily activities during the program in
the object of internship. As a result, their activities can be evaluated to see whether their
activities are relevant to the objectives stated in the internship proposal and give much
significance as expected. Below is the example of the table.
No. Activities Day

 Training Program

a. Detailed description of the operations/activities performed by the department(s) you

worked in.

b. Detailed description of the task(s) assigned to you.

 The implementation of internship
It is related to the experiences gained during the internship program in the object/spot of
internship. This section describes the reality of internship implementation, which comprises:
The student should decide and describe the problem(s), the reasons, the effects, the
alternative of problem solving, and the problem solving in detail. If any problems found
during the internship.
 Problems statement
Problems stated in this section are the obstacles met by the internship object/spot in trying to
achieve its goals or the potentials that have not been developed by the object/spot. To prove
that there is a problem or undeveloped potential in the internship object/spot, the student
needs to provide relevant data and/or information.
 Causes of the problems
Causes of the problems are reasons grounding the problems.
 Effects of the problems
The effects of the problems are the impact of unresolved problems.
 Solution of the problem
Problem solving is the actual steps taken to tackle the existing problems or to take advantage
of the undeveloped potentials by taking the object of internship into consideration.
This section contains all the crucial technical details, including illustrations, equations,
programs, software versions, graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, etc.
These should be clearly numbered and/or titled for easy reference. Units, scales, labeling of
the axes must be provided for easy understanding. The technical part may be presented in the
form of chapters, sections, or any other arrangement suitable to the nature of the technical
 SWOT Analysis
Clearly describe all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization
where you have done internship. Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal to the
organization and represent its culture, while opportunities and threats correspond to the
environment outside the organization.
Strengths are those qualities which distinguish or give an edge to the organization over other

The strength of the company’s operational practices This section focuses on the strengths of
practices conducted by the company/institution/social group observed by the internship
Weaknesses are the attributes of an organization that are harmful in achieving the objectives
of an organization.
The weakness of the company’s operational practices. This part describes any practices
performed by the company which is considered not effective enough.
Opportunities are the external factors that are helpful in achieving the objectives of the
Threats are the external factors which could damage the business performance of the

14. Conclusion and Recommendations

The conclusions of the report are summarized in this section. Any pertinent conclusion
concerning the internship, the work accomplished, the techniques learned, the importance and
merits of the internship program, its benefits and drawbacks, recommendations on how to
improve it and other constructive comments and suggestions should be included in this
section. A student’s feedback and comments regarding his academic internship, his

background, his technical preparation for launching his career and any related
recommendations should also be included here.


i. Complete all the required parts as mentioned in the format of Internship Report.
Remember, each part is essential, therefore, DO NOT skip any part as every part is
included in evaluation criteria.
ii. Internship Report should be submitted within the due date, as mentioned in the ‘Semester
Calendar’. Submissions made after due date shall not be considered.
iii. Students are required to submit their Internship Reports in hard form to Internship
Coordinator office. Internship Reports submitted via e-mail will not be accepted.


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