ELL308 - Foreign Language Teaching Materials - EN

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İstinye University

Course Syllabus

Faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department English Language and Literature
Code ELL308
Name Foreign Language Teaching Materials
Type Compulsory
Semester Spring
Medium of Instruction English
Day / Time Thursday 9:40 – 12:100
Pre-requisite NA
Method Face to Face
Name-Surname Dr. Mohammad Shah Zaki
E-mail mshah.zaki@istinye.edu.tr
Office Number 23 FLED Hall
Office Hours
Assistant’s Name-
Assistant’s e-mail
Assistant’s office

Course Content This course aims to familiarize the students with the definition
of ELT materials, historical approaches, principles of ELT
material development, factors affecting ELT material
development, ELT material evaluation criteria development,
ELT material selection, ELT material adaptation, ELT material
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce prospective foreign language
teachers to theoretical issues in materials evaluation, adaptation
and preparation. In addition, students are required to evaluate,
adapt, and develop ELT materials for a specific group of
learners. More specifically, students will
a. Gain insights into ELT materials and understand
fundamental concept and principles about them.
b. Evaluate ELT materials
c. Adapt ELT materials considering the given context
d. Develop materials considering the micro and macro

Course Outcomes a. Students will evaluate materials

b. Students will adapt materials
c. Students will prepare blueprint of a unit
d. Students will develop a unit

Required Course  Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (2011). Materials development in

Materials language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
 McDonough, J., & Shaw, C. (2013). Materials and Methods
in ELT. John Wiley & Sons.
 Byrd, P. (2001). Textbooks: Evaluation and selection and
analysis for implementation. In Celce-Murcia, M. (Ed.)
Teaching English as a second or foreign language, 3rd ed.
Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
 Graves, K. (Ed.). (1996). Teachers as course developers (p.
224). Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
 Graves, K., & Xu, S. (2000). Designing language courses: A
guide for teachers (No. 428 G7.). Boston, MA: Heinle &
 Harwood, N. (Ed.). (2010). English language teaching
materials. Ernst Klett Sprachen.
 Işık. A. Yabancı Dil Nasıl Öğrenilmez, Nsıl Öğrenilir. Elma.
 Long, M. H., & Doughty, C. J. (Eds.). (2011). The handbook
of language teaching (Vol. 63). John Wiley & Sons.
 Macalister, J., & Nation, I. S. P. (2019). Language
curriculum design. Routledge.
 Tomlinson, B. (2009). Principles and procedures of materials
development for language learning. Metodologias e
Materiais para o ensino do Português como Língua Não
Materna, 45-54.

Suggested Course
Materials -
Pen & Paper
Assessment and Assessment
Evaluation Specifications of the Exams:
Alternative Attendance: 10%
Assessment Materials Evaluation Project:15%
Materials Adaptation Project: 15%
Materials Development Project: 40%
Specifications of the Assignment:
You will prepare a group project that will involve evaluating a
coursebook for a specific group of learners. This project
involves preparing evaluation criteria (check list) of your own
exploiting variety of resources. The project is to include all the
 Diagnostic profile of a hypothetical class
 Evaluation criteria
 Evaluation report referring to the coursebook

Due Date: Week 7


You will prepare a group project that will involve adapting a
unit in the coursebook you have evaluated for the first project.
Keep the same specific group of learners in your mind while
adapting the unit. The project is to include all the following:
 Diagnostic profile of a hypothetical class
 Rationale for unit adaptation
 Adapted unit

Due Date: Week 10


You will prepare a group project that will involve developing a
coursebook for a specific group of learners.This project
involves preparing an integrated unit. For this project you are to
start with a unit blueprint.
Unit Blueprint:
Think about a hypothetical group of learners considering their
age, linguistic and cognitive level, needs, and interests; goal,
length and frequency of the course. Then design a blueprint
(course outline)
Due Date: Final- Week 14
Attendance Madatory

Week/Date Content
1st Week Introduction
Nation and Macalister, 2019, Chapter I
2nd Week Introduction
Graves, 2013, Chapter 2
3rd Week Syllabus and ELT Materials
Long and Doughty, 2011, Chapter 17
McDonough & Shaw, 2005, Chapter 4
4th Week Materials Evaluation
Işık, 2018
Tomlinson, 2011, Chapter 1
5th Week Materials Evaluation
Tomlinson, 2011, Chapter 8
Işık, 2011
6th Week Materials Evaluation
Işık, 2013
7th Week Materials Adaptation
Materials Evaluation Project
Graves, 2000, Chapter 9
8th Week Materials Adaptation
McDonough & Shaw, 2005, Chapter 5
9 Week Materials Development
Graves, 2000, Chapter 4
Tomlinson, 2009
10th Week Materials Development
Materials Adaptation Project
Graves, 2000, Chapter 8
McDonough & Shaw, 2005, Chapter 3
11th Week Materials Development
Tomlinson, 2011, Introduction
Harwood, 2010, Chapter 4
12th Week Materials Development
Long and Doughty, 2011, Chapter 18
Long and Doughty, 2011, Chapter 19
13th Week Harwood, 2010, Chapter 3
14th Week Materials Development Project
Long and Doughty, 2011, Chapter 20
Tomlinson, 2011, Chapter 5

Important Note:

Academic dignity (honesty): Academic dignity is one of the indispensable values of Istinye
University and higher education. Therefore, cheating, plagiarism (scientific theft) and
falsification (tampering) will not go unpunished. In such a case, the right to give a failing
grade to the exam/assignment grade or the course grade, or to discipline the person doing it is

What is plagiarism?
To give the impression that the information, ideas and opinions belonging to another person
are revealed and written by him / her without any necessary attribution means stealing of
ideas and information - in other words - plagiarism. For example, writing the exact ideas,
opinions and information without attribution, copying from the internet or other sources and
making facsimiles (internet downloads) are within the scope of the abuse and plagiarism of
ideas and information.

Types of Plagiarism:

Reproduction Method: Taking someone else's work directly and showing it as your
own work.
Copying Method: Copying some part of another work directly and adding them to
your own work.
Copy / Change Method: Copying the text from another source and inserting it in your
own text with minor changes.
Mosaic Method: Preparing a new study by combining studies from multiple sources.
Self-Plagiarism: Copying from a work of his / her own that he / she had done before.”

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