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Quarter 3 – Module 7:
Biodiversity and Population
Science – Grade 10
Quarter 3 – Module 7: Biodiversity and Population
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 3 – Module 7:
Biodiversity and Population
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each
SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or
Thank you.

Let Us Learn!

Hello! Good day!

Welcome to Module 7: Biodiversity and Population!
In Module 6, you learned that natural selection could result in
biodiversity. Now, let us try to go deeper about biodiversity and its
relationship to the environment by examining the questions below.
How many species are there on Earth? Is having many kinds of
species important? Why?
Can an ecosystem support a rapidly growing population? Why?
How does COVID – 19 pandemic affect the human population?
Do not worry if you cannot answer at this point. You will soon realize
the answers once you have finished the following competencies in this
1. Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and
survival of organisms in changing environments. ​(S10LT-IIIh-41)​; and
2. Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying
capacity. ​(S10LT-IIIi-42)
Specifically, you will learn to:
a. Define species diversity;
b. Identify the factors that affects population growth;
c. Describe the population in terms of size, density, and growth;
d. Differentiate exponential and logistic growth;
e. Explain the effects of population density;
c. Explain the importance of species diversity in the species' survival and
maintaining the balance in the ecosystem in the changing environment; and
d. Explain the importance of population size in the species' survival and
maintaining the balance in the ecosystem in the changing environment;

Let Us Try!
Great job! You are now making your moves towards completing this
How well do you know about biodiversity and population?
Let us try to find out by honestly answering the following questions.
You may check the answers in the last part of this Module.
Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letter of your choice to your science notebook. Please do
not write anything in this Module.
1.What is species diversity?
a. the variety of living things
b. the different kinds of genes
c. the varied ecosystem
d. the different forms of life, genes, and ecosystem
2. Which is a population?
a. All the dogs in your neighborhood.
b. All the animals in the forest.
c. All the plants in the garden.
d. All of the above.
3. Is species diversity important?
a. It is of no concern to scientists.
b. It causes diseases to destroy populations.
c. It is found only in temperate forests.
d. It helps to keep ecosystems stable.
4. Why is movement and programs to protect habitats important?
a. There will not be any habitats left otherwise.
b. Protecting habitats maintain biodiversity.
c. We do not need the resources in those habitats.
d. There will not be any resources or food for us otherwise.
5. If a species becomes extinct before it is identified and studied, what other
losses, besides the loss of the species itself, might result?
a. Compounds useful in treating diseases might never be discovered.
b. Loss of genetic diversity may leave food crops susceptible to disease.
c. An entire ecosystem might be damaged because that species was essential
to the area's well-being.
d. All of the above.

6. What happens during exponential growth?

a. The larger the population becomes, the slower it grows.
b. Population growth eventually slows, and population size levels off.
c. An increase population size will increase the growth rate.
d. All of the above
7. Which of the ff. describe the carrying capacity of a population?
a. Is reached as resources become limited.
b. Is reached at the end of exponential growth.
c. Is reached in r-selected populations.
d. Is reached when the environment begins to be harmed.
8. Which of the following are examples of density-dependent factors?
a. food b. food and disease
c. food, disease and flood d. all of the correct
9. As a population grows, which is NOT a factor that slows or limits the
population's growth?
a. disease and parasitism b. immigration
c. competition for resources d. predation
10. Which among the following is not a density-independent factor affecting
the population?
a. Temperature b. Food
c. Competition d. Nutrients
11. The growth curve shown below is an example of:
a. logistic growth b. exponential growth
c. extinction d. a predator-prey relationship

12. The growth curve shown below is an example of:

a. a predator-prey relationship b. logistic growth
c. exponential growth d. extinction
13. Grasshoppers are small insects that feed on plant material.
Grasshoppers are a popular food source for Birds. How would Birds be
affected by drought?
a. The Bird population would not be affected by the drought.
b. The Bird population would increase because there would be fewer plants.
c. The Bird population would decrease because there would be fewer
d. The Bird population would decrease because there would be more aphids.
14. Plants’ survival is limited based on the resources available to everyone.
If in a garden, plants are limited by the space they have available to grow
and reproduce. What will be the effect of this in plants?
a. A plant without enough space will face increased predation from
b. A plant without enough space will not have as many parasites and
c. A plant without enough space will be more likely to be impacted by air
d. A plant without enough space will not be able to capture enough light to
15. The group of similar plants that breed freely among themselves
constitutes a
a. Species b. Family c. Order d. Genus

Let Us Study
Way to go! Let us level up!
4 into 1
Direction: Try to guess the common idea of the pictures and texts. Write
your answer in the blanks provided below the image.

___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____

What is biodiversity? Species diversity? Is species diversity important?

Biodiversity refers to the abundance of living things and their
processes. It comes from bio, meaning "life" and diversity "various".
Biodiversity has three levels: Species, Genetic, and Ecosystem Diversity.
This Module will only focus on Species Diversity.
Species diversity is the abundance of living things. The many kinds of
organisms, such as different kinds of animals, plants, and even
microorganisms such bacteria and protists, comprise this level. There are
already 8.7 million species identified by scientists ("Species Count Put At 8.7
Million" 2020). Yet, many more organisms are not discovered. And
according to ​Ambag 2020, the Philippines has about 52,177 species of
plants and animals.
The great diversity of species is important because it increases the
possibility of having at least some species survive if there are changes in the
4 into 1
Direction: Try to guess the common idea of the pictures. Write your
answer in the blanks provided below the image.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___
How many new individuals added to the human population, every
second, and every day? How many humans are there at present?
There are five babies born per second and 360,000 babies born per
day. And at present, we are already 7.3 billion people worldwide (Cumming
Besides the human population, another interesting fact is that the
bacteria populations are the fastest in any species' growth rates. They can
multiply from to millions in hours.
Population refers to a group of the same species living in an
environment. It includes populations of plants, animals, and bacteria. For
example, as of June 2020, City Government of Tagum has already listed
259, 444 humans residing in the city.
In this module, we will describe the population by its size, density,
growth, and carrying capacity.

Let Us Practice

Very good! You made it this far! Let us continue rolling!
After honestly answering the activities, you may check your answer in
the Answer Key Section. Please write your answer in your Science notebook.

Activity 1: Strength in Variety!

Species diversity is essential in maintaining the balance of the
ecosystem, in the continually changing environment. It is preferred to have
high species diversity than low to maintain the balance in an ecosystem
whenever drastic changes in the environment occur. High species diversity
tends to have survival tolerance and a greater probability of adapting to the
changes in the environment, thus maintaining the balance in its ecosystem.
1. Explain the importance of species diversity in the species' survival and
maintaining the balance in the ecosystem in the changing environment.
1. Read the selection and analyze Table 1.
2. Then answer the guide questions below.
In Barangay X, there are two banana plantations, Plantation A and
Plantation B. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the plantations.

Table 1. The Plantations

Plantation A Plantation B
5 hectares 5 hectares
5, 000 bananas 5, 000 bananas
1 variety: 5 varieties:
Cardava Cardava, Lakatan,
Senorita, Tundan,

A major banana disease “XYZ” has hit the barangay targeting only
those Cardava variety as its host. They are thereby killing it, assuming that
there is no cure for such a disease.
Guide Questions:
1. How many kinds of banana has Plantation A? Plantation B? Which has
higher species diversity?
2. What would happen to Plantation A? How about Plantation B?
3. Will Plantation A survive the disease? How about Plantation B? Why?
4. Is species diversity important in maintaining the balance in the
ecosystem? Why?

Activity 2: Strength in Numbers!

The Population Size is the total number of individuals. It affects the
species chance to survive or go extinct. For example, a population of dogs
may consist of 10 individuals or more. Species with a very small population
size has a higher chance of going extinct.
1. Explain the importance of population size in the species' survival and
maintaining the balance in the ecosystem in the changing environment.
1. Read the text below and analyze Table 2.
2. Then answer the guide questions below.
There are two bacterial cultures with different population sizes in the
two Petri dishes of the same 5ml culture mediums. A food poison technique
employed in both with an antibacterial agent.

Table 2. Bacterial Culture in Petri dishes

Culture A Culture B

100 bacteria 10 bacteria

5 ml culture medium 5 ml culture medium

Guide Questions:
1. How many bacteria are there at Culture A? Culture B? Compare the two
cultures in terms of population size.

2. Which culture has a higher chance of surviving the antibacterial agent
applied to the culture medium? Why?
3. Is the population size important in the survival of the species in a
changing environment? Why?

Activity 3: The Survivor Challenge!

The great diversity and population of species increase the possibility of
having at least some species survive if there are changes in the environment.
For example, having (A) five kinds of fishes ​(high species diversity​) is
better than (B) having only one kind of fish ​(low species diversity)​ in the
river. If the rivers' acidity suddenly increases that may cause death to the
fishes those (A) may have a high chance that one kind of fish will survive
than those of (B). So, (A) may be reduced in its kinds but still, the few
remaining had already adapted to the environment. Thereby, survived it and
will regain the ecosystems' state of balance, while (B) could be wiped out of
the ecosystem.
1. Explain the importance of population size and species diversity in species
survival and maintaining the balance in the ecosystem in the changing
1. Read the selection and analyze Figure 1.
2. Then answer the guide questions below.
Choose 1 set of (Species to Population Size) SPS Card from the choices
of cards (A, B, or C). Use your chosen card to solve and reach the bottom of
the maze in Figure 1. Your card will pass through different stages in the
maze. Each stage has an event or condition that may reduce the number of
species or population size of your card.
Your goal is to reach the bottom without having your number of
species or population size reduced to zero. Good luck!

Guide Questions:
1. Were you able to solve the maze? What card did you use?
2. How many species and population size has survived?
3. Is having many species only enough to survive the drastic changes in the
environment? Why?
4. Is the high population size alone enough to survive drastic changes in the
environment? Why?
5. What is needed for species and population to survive in the changing

Let Us Practice More

Activity 4: When Many is a Crowd!

The population size per unit area is defined as population density. For
example, populations of 10 dogs that live in an area of 10 (m2​ ​) square
meters have a density of 1 dog per square meter. If the same 20 population
lives in the same area, what is the density? Which is more crowded? How
might overcrowding affect the health of a population? The density is two
dogs per square meter, so the latter is more crowded. Overcrowding may
cause harmful effects in the population, such as competition for food, space,
1. Define population density.
2. Explain the effects of population density.
3. Cite the importance of population density.
1. Read the text below and analyze Table 3. Class Population Density.
In Tagum National High School, there are two classroom set-ups.
Class Rizal has 30 students, and Class Del Pilar has 60 students. Each
classroom has the same standard area of 60 m2​ ​.

Guide Questions:
1. Which has a higher population size? Population density?
2. What does it mean when population density is high? Low?

3. What might be the effect of overcrowding? Is it important to maintain just
enough population density in an area? Why?
4. What is population density?
5. According to, the Philippines' current human
population is 109, 579, 246, and its land area is 298, 170 km2​ ​. What is its
population density?

Activity 5: Be Trendy
Population Growth is the change in the population size. Population
size increases through births and immigration while decreases through
deaths and emigration.
Population Growth Rate (PGR) refers to how fast a population is
changing its size. It is affected by the birth rate (natality), the number of
individuals born in each time and death rate (mortality), and the number of
individuals who die each time. The number of individuals coming in the
population from other places (immigration) and individuals leaving out of
the population for another place (emigration) also affects the growth rate. It
is increasing if the natality is higher than mortality and if there is
immigration. While decreasing if the birth rate is lesser than the death rate
and emigration occur.
1. Define population growth rate;
2. Identify the factors that affect the population growth rate; and
3. Interpret the line graph.
1. Figure 2. Population Growth Rate of the Philippines shows the situation
of the country’s human population growth rate in percent from 1955 to the
2. Analyze the line graph and answer the guide questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the nearest estimate growth rate of the country in 1955? 2020?
2. How does the graph look? What does the graph indicate?
3. What does it mean when the population growth rate is increasing?
How about decreasing?
4. What could contribute to an increase in growth rate? A decrease in
growth rate?
5. What is the population growth? Population growth rate? If COVID -19
pandemic will continue, what will happen to our population growth?
Population growth rate?

Activity 6: Exponential vs Logistic Growth

The population has two patterns of growth. The conditions where the
population lives determine its growth pattern.
Exponential Growth usually occurs in an ideal environment when
there are few individuals and abundant resources at the start. Species
multiply at an exponential rate. The growth rate remains the same, while the
population size is increasing, making the population grow faster and more
abundant. In the graph, a J shape curve formed by an Exponential Growth.

The population, in the natural environment, is not living under ideal
conditions. Therefore, it does not grow exponentially. At some point, the
rapidly growing population may be limited by available resources. For
example, a population of species overgrows because of abundant resources.
If population becomes too large and crowded, it may start to run out of food.
Logistic Growth shows a slowing and leveling off population growth as the
population hits the carrying capacity. It shows an S-shaped pattern in a
1. Identify exponential and logistic growth;
2. Describe the exponential and logistic growth;
3. Differentiate exponential and logistic growth; and
1. Figure 3. Bread Mold and Philippine Tarsier Growth shows the changes
in the growth of its population size in a period. Bread Molds are
microorganisms, a fungus, found in decaying bread usually observed as
grayish hair-like outgrowth in bread’ surfaces.
2. Analyze the line graph and answer the guide questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the population size of bread mold at the 12th​ ​ generation?
Philippine Tarsier?
2. What happens to the population size of bread mold beyond the 22nd

generation? Philippine Tarsier?
3. How would you describe the growth of bread mold? Philippine Tarsier?
4. Which of the two graphs show an exponential growth pattern? Logistic
5. What is the difference between Exponential and Logistic Growth pattern?

Activity 7: Can You Still Carry Me?

The carrying capacity is the largest population size that an
environment can support for the long term without harming it. Carrying
capacity is limited by resources such as food, water, and nutrients. These
are the limiting factors in a population.
1. Define carrying capacity;
3. Identify factors that can affect the carrying capacity of a species; and
2. Explain why population sizes cannot increase forever.
1. Read the text A. Plot the data from Table 4. Catfish Population Growth in
Normal Condition in Figure 3. Regular Catfish Population Growth line
2. Read the text B. Plot the data from Table 5. ​Catfish Population Growth with
Invasive Species​ in Figure 4. Normal Catfish Population Growth line graph.
3. Analyze the line graph you created and answer the guide questions.
A. Catfish “hito" is a widespread staple fish in the city. It is found in rivers
throughout. It feeds on zooplankton and small fishes. Usually, the young
catfish predators are large fishes like salmon, tilapia, and even larger
Catfish. However, the river's resources can only support a limited number of
Catfishes. Table 4 shows its population growth in normal conditions. No
overfishing and not too many predator populations.

Table 4. Catfish Population Growth in Normal Condition
Generation Catfish
1 4
2 6
3 9
4 13
5 19
6 20
7 18
8 20
9 18
10 20

Guide Questions:
1. What kind of growth pattern is produced by the data?
2. Does the Catfish population continue to increase until the 10th​
generation? What limits the population to grow farther?
3. The carrying capacity of Catfish is 19. That is the number of Catfish that
the environment can support without destroying it. Draw a horizontal line at
19 to indicate the carrying capacity. How can you determine the carrying
capacity just by looking at the line graph?
4. Why does the population tend to fluctuate around the carrying capacity?
B. When Sailfin Catfish "Janitor Fish," an invasive species, escaped from
aquariums and reached the rivers, it began competing with the native
Catfish for zooplankton and other small fishes for food. It results in a
decrease of zooplankton and small fish population. Table 5 shows the
Catfish population in the presence of an invasive species.
Table 5. Catfish Population Growth with Invasive Species
Generation Catfish
1 4
2 6
3 9
4 10
5 8
6 10
7 8
8 10
9 8
10 10

5. How does the graph look like compared to Set A? Has the carrying
capacity of Catfish changed? What is the new carrying capacity?
6. Why did the carrying capacity of Catfish change?
7. What other changes in the environment that might lower the carrying
capacity of Catfish? How about in human population?

Activity 8: Am I at My Limit?
The limiting factors can be density-dependent or density-independent.
Density-dependent factors involve those affected by population density.
Usually, these are biotic factors, such as disease, competition, parasites,
and predators. For example, when the population becomes crowded,
organisms may compete for their food and space. In contrast,
density-independent factors are those in the environment that does not
depend on population density. Usually, these are abiotic factors like weather
events such as floods, drought, and typhoons. Human activities also
contribute to this factor; for example, humans' pollution makes resources
like air, water, and land limited to other populations.
1. Define limiting factors;
3. Identify limiting factors in a population of species; and
2. Explain why population sizes cannot increase forever.
1. Read the text A. Hija Forest Reserve below. Plot the data from Table 6.
Hija Forest Reserve in Figure 5. Philippine Monkey Population Growth.
3. Analyze the line graph you created and answer the guide questions.
A. Hija Forest Reserve
In 1985, the Hija Forest Preserve was established to repopulate the
area of Philippine Monkey. The forest had already been exploited by
overhunting and predator population dominance. As a result, the Philippine
Monkey population was very low, below its 1750 carrying capacity. Hunting
was banned, and predators eliminated to protect the monkey population. In
2003 the population size tremendously increased that the forest resources
like food and water could not support it. It was then that regulated hunting
was allowed, and predators were reintroduced.

Table 6. Hija Forest

Year Monkey
1985 150
1990 550
1995 1550
2000 4050
2004 6250
2005 3750
2006 2500
2008 2185
2009 1750
2011 1250
2019 625

Guide Questions:
1. What is the population size of Phil. Monkey in 2004? What is the reason
behind this increase?
2. What happens to the population after 2005? Why did this happen?
3. Is Phil. Monkey population growth pattern exponential or logistic?
What factor/s causes it to have this growth pattern?
4. Is predation a density-dependent limiting factor? Why? What kind of
limiting factor is overhunting? Can you think of environmental factors that
can limit Phil. Monkey population?
5. What is a limiting factor? Why does population size cannot grow forever?

Let Us Remember
Awesome! Now, let us gather what we have learned.
Let’s Mind Mapped it.
Direction: Thoroughly answer the question in Figure 6. Biodiversity and
Population Mindmap. You may use appropriate academic vocabulary and
clear and complete sentences. Please write your answer in your Science

Figure 6. Biodiversity and Population Mindmap

Let Us Assess
Superb! Just Superb! It is time to try the fruit of our journey!
Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letter of your choice to your science notebook. Please do
not write anything in this module.
1. The group of similar plants that breed freely among themselves
constitutes a
a. Species b. Family c. Order d. Genus
2. Why is species diversity important?
a. species interacts and has a function in its environment
b. species has no function
in its ecosystem
c. species minimally interacts and has a function in its environment
d. species does not perform functions though it interacts with the
3. As a population grows, which is NOT a factor that slows or limits the
population's growth?
a. disease and parasitism b. immigration
c. competition for resources d. predation
4. Which among the following is not a density independent-factor affecting
the population?
a. Temperature b. Food
c. Competition d. Nutrients
5. The growth curve shown is an example of:
a. logistic growth
b. exponential growth
c. extinction
d. a predator-prey relationship

6. What kind of growth curve shown above?
a. a predator-prey relationship
b. logistic growth
c. exponential growth
d. both logistic and exponential

7. Grasshoppers are small insects that feed on plant material. Grasshoppers

are a popular food source for Birds. How would Birds be affected by
a. The Bird population would not be affected by the drought.
b. The Bird population would increase because there would be fewer plants.
c. The Bird population would decrease because there would be fewer
d. The Bird population would decrease because there would be more aphids.
8. Plants’ survival is limited based on the resources available to everyone. If
in a garden, plants are limited by the space they have available to grow and
reproduce. What will be the effect of this in plants?
a. A plant without enough space will face increased predation from
b. A plant without enough space will not have as many parasites and
c. A plant without enough space will be more likely to be impacted by air
d. A plant without enough space will not be able to capture enough light to
9. What is species diversity?
a. the variety of living things b. the different kinds of genes
c. the varied ecosystem d. the different forms of life, genes, and ecosystem
10. Which is a population?
a. All the dogs in your neighborhood. b. All the animals in the forest.
c. All the plants in the garden. d. All of the above.
11. Why is movement and programs to protect habitats important?
a. There will not be any habitats left otherwise.
b. Protecting habitats maintain biodiversity.
c. We do not need the resources in those habitats.
d. There will not be any resources or food for us otherwise.
12. If a species becomes extinct before it is identified and studied, what
other losses, besides the loss of the species itself, might result?
a. Compounds useful in treating diseases might never be discovered.
b. Loss of genetic diversity may leave food crops susceptible to disease.
c. An entire ecosystem might be damaged because that species was essential
to the area's well-being.
d. all of the above
13. What happens during exponential growth?
a. the larger the population becomes, the slower it grows.
b. population growth eventually slows, and population size levels off.
c. as population size increases, the growth rate also increases.
d. all of the above
14. Which of the ff. describe the carrying capacity of a population?
a. is reached as resources become limited.
b. is reached at the end of exponential growth.
c. is reached in r-selected populations.
d. is reached when the environment begins to be harmed.
15. Which of the following are examples of density-dependent factors?
a. food b. food and disease
c. food, disease and flood d. food, disease, flood and temperature

Let Us Enhance
You are amazing! It would be easy, lemon squeezy!
Please write your answer in your science notebook.
Use It.​ ​Make a sentence from the given words.
Example: biodiversity – Biodiversity makes the ecosystem stable.
1. biodiversity - 2. species -
3. species diversity – 4. population –
5. population size – 6. population density –
7. population growth – 8. exponential growth rate –
9. carrying capacity - 10. limiting factors -
Show It.​ ​Give one word that comes into your mind when you hear or read
the terms below.
Example: biodiversity - various

1. biodiversity - 2. species -
3. species diversity – 4. population –
5. population size – 6. population density –
7. population growth – 8. exponential growth rate –
9. carrying capacity - 10. limiting factors -

Let Us Reflect
Congratulations! Might what to share your deep thought on this!
Performance Task
The EcoWin
Goal​ - Write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for
the survival of a species.
Role​ – You are a science writer in a Science Publishing Company. You are
assigned to write an article on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism
for the survival of a species presented during the National Environment Day
Audience​ – The readers are environment enthusiasts, clubs, and
Standard​ - Rubric will be used to rate your essay.
Points/ Title Quality Grammar and Usage
5 Expert The output is written in an No spelling, punctuation, or
extraordinary style. Very informative grammatical errors
and well-organized
4 Accomplished The output is written in an Minimal spelling and punctuation
interesting style. errors, minor grammatical errors
Somewhat informative and organized.
3 Capable Output had little style. Some spelling, punctuation or
Gives some new information but grammatical errors
poorly organized.
2 Developing Output had a very little style More spelling, punctuation and
grammatical errors that it
Gives very few information and very interferes with the meaning
poorly organized

1 Beginner Output had no style Much spelling, punctuation and

no new information and very poorly grammatical errors that it
organized interferes with the meaning
Product​- An essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the
survival of a species.

Answer key to Activities

Ambag, Rafael. 2020. "Wildlife In The Philippines: Our Glaring
Responsibility". ​Flipscience - Top Philippine Science News And Features For
The Inquisitive Filipino.​.
Brainard, Jean. 2012. CK-12 Biology. Ebook. CK-12 Foundation.
Cumming, Vivien. 2020. "How Many People Can Our Planet Really
Support?". ​Bbc.Com.​
"Demography – City Government Of Tagum". 2020. ​City Government Of
Tagum.​ ​​.
"Mind Map Free - Free Mind Mapping Software | Mindmeister". 2020.
Mindmeister.Com. ​​.
"Population And Carrying Capacity Worksheets - Learny Kids".
2020. ​Learnykids.Com​.
"Philippines Population (2020) - Worldometer". 2020. ​Worldometers.Info​.​
"Population Projection Statistics | Philippine Statistics Authority".
2020. ​Psa.Gov.Ph​.​
"Species Count Put At 8.7 Million". 2020. ​BBC News​.

.jpg​. Creative Commons
pulation.png​Creative Commons


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