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IELTS Chan Truong

1. breathable (a) breathable 2. drenched/soaked/wet
clothing to the skin
3. glorious (a) glorious weather 4. torrential torrential rain/downpour
pleasant, hot, sunny for their wedding
5. clement (a) 6. misty (a)
7. scorching, boiling blistering, 8. overcast (a) overcast sky
9. behold (v) an incredible sight 10. breezy (a)
to behold  breeze (n,v)
11.favorable (a) favorable weather 12. drizzly (a)
 unfavorable (a) conditions  drizzle (n,v)
13.foul (a) /faʊl/ foul weather/ 14. miserable (a) miserable weather
15.heatwave (n) 16. cold snap (n)
17.chilly (a) a chilly day 18. wintry (a) Wintry conditions are
typical of the winter making roads hazardous
for drivers.


1. lush (a) lush green valleys 2. fertile (a) These plants need a moist fertile
3. sterile (a) barren 4. homegrown (a) homegrown vegetables

5. pot plant 6. balcony plant

7. climber 8. flowering plant
9. have a green have green fingers 10. wither (v) The flowers have withered
thumb become dry
11. flora and 12. animal lover
13. green belt (n) 14. Mother Nature
15. animal shelter 16. animal rights She campaigns for animal rights.
17. carnivore (n) lion 18. herbivore (n) deer
19. parasite (n) 20. omnivore (n) humans, dogs, pigs
21. have a horror have a horror of 22. petrified (a) I stood petrified as the most
IELTS Chan Truong
of sth worms /ˈpet.rə.faɪd/ enormous dog I've ever seen came
bounding up to me.
She's petrified of being on her own
in the house at night.
23. all shapes and Dogs come in all 24. glossy (a) a dog with a glossy coat
sizes shapes and sizes.
 it leaves a behind a venomous toxin that can cause pain and other symptoms
 you may experience temporary sharp pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and itching at
the sting site
 life-threatening
 remove the stinger immediately  curb the amount of toxins released into your skin
 Wash the sting site with soap and water. Icing the sting site is the most effective way
to reduce venom absorption. It also can help reduce swelling.
 dog owner
 faithful/ well-behaved/ cuddly
 come to heel
 savage sb/sth
 sniff round my heels
 prick up its ears
 dogs bite – be scared/ startled/ feel threatened/ overexcited
 professional medical attention/ see a doctor within 8 hours of a dog bite
 toad/ naked mole rat
 lions- tigers: charismatic megafauna
 adorable/lovely/loveable/angelic
 unattractive animal
 encourage environmental awareness (offer educational programs)
Zoos also teach families about the importance of conservation and animal care.
Some zoos take in animals that are sick, elderly, abandoned, abused or injured.
offer a structured, fun and hands-on learning environment - stories, songs, crafts and
activities. These multi-sensory based learning programs are perfect for instilling knowledge
about animals.
 promote family bonding
 Pets give unconditional love
comfort, give support, listen without judgment
Children who are emotionally and physically injured and abused have no voice, and often
are emotionally and physically paralyzed, unable to express themselves.
 Teach empathy and responsibility
care for a pet
learn to read your pet’s needs
 Increase verbal skills
chatter away with their pets  practice talking, socializing with another being

IELTS Chan Truong
1. Get into your stride After a nervous start, he finally got into his stride in the
second set.
2. Let nature take its course
3. an act of God
4. Out of the blue The decision came out of the blue
5. second nature I used to hate computers, but using them is second nature
to me now.
1. Is your voice the same nowadays compared to when you were younger?
I suppose voice is a not permanent trait. Everyone’s voice changes with time, especially
after puberty and I’m no exception. I have to add that my voice used to be much higher
and thinner but now it has become deeper and thicker.
2. Does your voice sound the same as other family members?
Whenever I pick up the phone, everyone will mistake me for my sister. I guess the main
similarity in our voice lies in the pitch, and perhaps we inherit this vocal feature from
my mother.
3. Do you like to hear your own voice on a recording?
To be honest, I don’t possess a sonorous or soft-spoken voice. What’s worse, I realize
that I have quite a strong accent, so listening to my own voice on a recording can make
me blush with embarrassment, especially when I listen to my recordings speaking
4. How does your voice change in different situations?
Well, you know sometimes I have to adjust my voice according to different
circumstances, considering the person I communicate with and the nature of the
appointment or event. For example, when I deliver a formal presentation, it’s essential
to pay careful attention to enunciation and accentuation.
1. penetrating (a) 2. deep (a)
3. sonorous (a) 4. soothing (a)
deep, pleasant
5. soft-spoken 6. accent (n)
7. accentuation 8. enunciate (v)
pronounce clearly
9. elocution (n) a course in elocution 10. mistake sb for sb People often mistake me
careful public for my sister on the phone.

IELTS Chan Truong
1. hear sb out 2. let it slide

3. attribute (n) 4. chew sb

5. make a scene 6. virtue (n)

make a fuss
7. reciprocate (v) 8. stay the course
9. the timing is 10.get on my nerves
11.give sb a piece it quits
of my mind
13.rational (a) 14.keep/lose sb’s
1. splurge (v) I feel like splurging 2. Money doesn't My mother often tells me
(out) on a new grow on trees that money doesn't grow on
dress. trees
3. a penny saved 4. installment plan
is a money

5. impulsive buyer 6. retail therapy

7. split the bill 8. pay your way
1. pay tribute to 2. invader well-armed invader
foreign invader
3. destitute (a) 4. give birth to
destitution (n)

5. allied forces 6. a page in/of The signing of the peace

/əˈlaɪd/ history treaty will be seen as a
glorious page in our
country's history.
7. ancestor (n) 8. dynasty (n)
9. troops (n) The troops advanced 10. withdraw (v)
IELTS Chan Truong
on the city.
1. admission admission to 2. overwhelming (a)
medical schools is
3. breeze through breeze through tests 4. line of work
5. 6.
7. 8.
1. feast on sth 2. lounge
3. the more the 4. split the costs/
merrier the bills
5. metropolis 6. up to my ears in
/məˈtrɑːpəlɪs/ sth
7. destination of 8.
1. prominent 2. be in the
3. A-lister It's not unusual to 4. make a name for make a name for myself as a
see an A-lister on yourself highly-qualified teacher
the street in London,
Paris, or New York.
5. make a splash 6. pry into sth

7. be in sb’s He's in Melanie's 8.

good/bad books bad books because
he arrived two hours
1. compatible My mother and I 2. on the same My ex-boyfriend and I were
aren’t compatible. wavelength not on the same wavelength.
IELTS Chan Truong
3. flesh and blood After all, family is my 4.
flesh and blood.
6. 7.
1. timepiece 2. wristwatch

3. digital watch 4. watchstrap/

5. analog watch 6. hybrid watch
7. lend/add visual 8. a symbol of
interest to your status
9. project sth 10.high-end
IELTS Chan Truong
Where you Live
1. Have you lived for a long time in your current city?
Since I was born, I have always been living in my hometown, which I suppose is a
favorable living environment for those who love a slow pace of living and serenity.
But for those who favor the allures of metropolises, Hue is definitely not for them
2. What kind of a home are you living in?
I’m living in a single-story detached house, located in the heart of the city, so it’s
easy to move around and reach public amenities. The most significant feature of my
house is it has a lush garden where I often go for a stroll in the early morning.
3. How could your living area be improved?
I suppose there are a few things that could help to enhance the standard of living in
Hue. The first transformation that I would like to see is public transport of higher
quality, which could encourage more commuters to use. This change in the means of
commuting could also do wonders for the local environment as public transit is
believed to be more environmentally friendly than private vehicles.
4. Where do you live at the moment?
5. What do you like about your neighborhood?
I suppose the most feature of my neighboring area is there are plenty of green
spaces – many lines of shady trees, numerous lush gardens and a green park. So the
environment is incredibly fresh and clean.
6. Are there any parks where you live?
In the vicinity of my house, there is a spacious green park, which is a popular mecca
for children and elderly people who often go there for getting engaged in outdoor
activities or playing spots.
1. How much work do you do in a week?
I reckon that the volume of work I have on a weekly basis is definitely not as high as
people in medical fields but greater than normal office workers. I work 7-9 hours per day
on average, 7 days a week. I used to be overwhelmed by this workload but I eventually
get accustomed to it.
2. Do you have to work on weekends as well?
Due to the essence of my employment, I work unsocial hours. That’s to say I do not have
days off at weekends. The main problem is that it’s hard to get round to seeing my
friends to catch up.
3. Do you work or study?
I have been working as an English teacher for two years. The first thing I would like to
talk about my occupation is though it is not as intense as some professions like IT or
medical related jobs, it requires a high level of endurance and a burning passion. You
IELTS Chan Truong
know as teachers, we have to repeat things over and over again. So it’s crucial that we
do not lose our interest in what we do.
4. Why did you choose your job?
Becoming an English teacher is a dream that I have harbored since I was a little girl. I
guess this could be due to the great honor and significance attached to this job. I mean
many people feel great reverence for teachers, so I find this line of work highly alluring.
5. Do you like the place where you work?
I used to work for some English teaching centers in Hue but after all I made up my mind
to become a self-employed teacher. And right now I’m enjoying it to the fullest. It
enables me to arrange my schedule and design the lessons at will. You know utmost
freedom is something I favor.
6. What would make your work more interesting?
I reckon that if the students were more determined, my teaching career would be more
rewarding. You know, foreign language learners sometimes give up half-way through
since they are discouraged by the complexity of the language. This happens to some of
my students too and I can’t help but feel miserable in these circumstances.
1. Do you go places on foot a lot?
I used to walk to school on a daily basis from grade 1 to grade 9. Since then I have opted
for motor vehicles like an electric bike or a scooter instead for convenience. Now I just
from time to time go for a stroll when the weather is glorious.
2. Did you walk more when you were younger?
Yes. I used to walk on a daily basis while now I have given up this habit. I guess the main
cause is the overwhelming prevalence of motor vehicles.
3. Why do some people prefer walking to driving a car?
Although now motor means of transport reign supreme, numerous people still favor
walking because they are health-conscious. They are conscious of the health benefits of
walking. What’s more, they want to reduce carbon footprint for the sake of the
4. Do people in your country walk a lot?
Well, it’s hard to generalize. From what I have seen, the elderly and children are more
inclined to walk on a regular basis, for health and for pleasure I suppose. In contrast,
people in working age prefer motor vehicles as usually they have a hectic schedule and
want to cut down on commuting time.
Film/Movie Star
1. Who is your favourite film star?
My perennial actor is Kim So Huyn, a prominent Korean A-lister, who has starred in
numerous massive hits. I guess the very first reason why I revere him is because he has
IELTS Chan Truong
an untarnished reputation, not getting involved in any scandals like other celebrities his
2. Would you like to be a film star?
Well, despite knowing that being a film star could earn me a lucrative income and public
recognition, I suspect that I do not have what it takes to make a name for myself as an
actress. You know this line of work requires extraordinary aptitude for acting and
gorgeous appearance to make yourself stand out. I definitely lack these qualities.
3. Have you ever met a film star in person?
I have always wished to meet a film star in person but sadly it’s still a dream. I suppose
meeting a renowned actor would help me to get to know more about the life of public
figures, the obstacles that they confront.
4. Are film stars popular in your country?
Film stars always enjoy the spotlight in Vietnam. People in my country, especially the young
always care about every respect of film stars’ lives. Film stars always leave their mark in
many aspects. For example, the fashion items or cosmetic products that acclaimed actors
and actresses use are often sold like hotcakes, becoming a prevailing trend.
1. How often do you meet your family?
When I was living with my family, I used to meet them on a daily basis but now I’ve moved
out of the old house, so we just have family gatherings at weekends. I have to say that the
less quality time I have with my beloved people, the more I treasure them.
2. How do you spend time with your family?
During family gatherings, we often spend time cooking,
3. Do you want to live with your family in the future?
What activities do your family like doing together?
Are you close to any of your family members?
How has your family influenced you?
Do you want to be married or to be single in the future?
1. Do you like travelling?
Well, I would consider myself a wanderlust, always having itchy feet, especially during
vacations. I suppose the most important reason is I derive great enjoyment from exploring a
new land with novel cultures and distinct way of living.
2. What is the most beautiful country you have visited?
I’ve set foot in several countries and the one leaving me with the most long-lasting
impression is Japan, which is blessed with incredible natural beauty. What amazes me the
most about this country is that despite numerous constructions for accommodation and
public amenities, it can still retain many of its pristine natural states.
3. Would you like to have a job that demands travelling to other countries?
IELTS Chan Truong
Despite the fact that travelling never ceases to fascinate me, I would say no to an
occupation involving regular travelling like a flight attendant or businessman because
this may inevitably lead to jet lag, which would adversely affect my productivity. Another
problem that I might experience is I would have less quality time for my family and
honestly speaking, I would never sacrifice my family for my job.
4. What problems can occur when travelling?
There are certain risks associated with travelling. The most common one is some health-
related problems, which could be put down to sudden changes in the weather. For
example, some of my friends come down with a flu when they travel to Korean in the
winter because it’s freezing there. An additional issue has something to do with personal
safety as it is possible that robbers often target at travelers. For this reason,
holidaymakers need to keep a close eye on their belongings.
Public Transportation
1. Do old or young people use public transportation more?
Well I guess that the elderly are more inclined to favor public transit for the reason that this
means of transport provides them with comfort and a sense of safety. You know they can
feel at ease during commuting time without having to be worried about controlling their
vehicle. As the elderly tend to be slower at responding to unexpected problems on the
streets, they prefer not to be behind the wheel.
2. What are the drawbacks of private vehicles?
Private means of transport are often closely associated with traffic congestion and
severe damage to the environment. The more private vehicles, the more clogged the
streets get, which could drive drivers insane. Another demerit is the emissions from
these vehicles could accelerate air pollution.
3. How could public transportation be improved?
I reckon that public transit needs to be upgraded by adding more amenities and increasing
frequency. The first change is related to the facilities. For example, air conditioning needs to
be installed in every bus. Anther improvement is public means of transport need to run at a
higher frequency.
4. Should city planners consider public transport when designing cities?
Well I think it’s something that city planners need to take into great account when designing
a specific urban area. For example, designing a subway route is believed to be much of a
harder challenge once the city has been fully designed and built. In other words, planning
ahead helps to save time and money.
5. What can the government do to improve public transport outside of urban areas?
1. Do you like perfume?
2. Do you use perfume?
3. Would you ever give perfume as a gift?
IELTS Chan Truong
4. Do people in your country often wear perfume?
1. Do you often go to the cinema?
2. What kinds of movies do you like to watch?
3. Did you like to go to the cinema when you were a child?
4. Do you prefer to go alone or with friends?
Countryside (NEW BOOKLET)
1. Do you like going to the countryside?
2. What do you like to do there?
3. Have you ever lived in the countryside?
4. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.
You should say:
 What this person is
 What this person encouraged you to do
 What this person helped
 And explain why this encouragement has helped you to achieve the goal
When it comes to a supportive person, the very first idea popping up in my mind is my elder
sister. She is now in her late 30s. Despite the big age gap between us, we are kind of like
two peas in a pod because I take after her in every respect, both personality and
appearance. The best thing is we have been always on the same wavelength and I suppose
she is a prime role model for any girls my age, being a high-achiever and making a lucrative
Regarding what I could achieve me thanks to my sister’s encouragement, it happened a
couple of years ago when I was preparing for the university entrance exam, which is a
significant milestone for any students in Vietnam and my aim was to achieve awe-inspiring
results. Unfortunately, at that time my family was undergoing severe financial hardship as
an aftermath of my father’s business bankruptcy. I have to admit that this was more or less
like a blow to my morale. But thanks to my sister’s support, I managed to get focused and
stay motivated. She often drove me to and picked me up from extra classes and cooked me
wholesome food. What I appreciate the most is she always told me soothing words to
reassure me.
Eventually, our efforts paid off when I passed the exam with flying colors, which was also
music to my parents’ ears. Now in retrospect, I guess without her support, I would have not
achieved such a considerable accomplishment.
You should say
 What it is
 How you would learn it
IELTS Chan Truong
 Where you would learn it
 And why you want to learn the language
What it comes to a foreign language I would like to dive into, the very first thing popping up
in my mind is French, which has been described as smooth, flowing, elegant and
aesthetically pleasing. If my memory serves me well, when I first listened to a legendary
French song titled La vie en rose, I was immediately struck by the melodious sound and
intonation of the language. Since then, I have always harbored a dream of taking up this
Regarding how I would learn French, I suppose the most effective way for learning a
language from scratch is to register for a course in a French teaching center. I guess this
could create a favorable learning environment with support of the teacher and
opportunities to practice with partners, which is far superior to learning by myself. You
know, I might give up half-way through if I studied alone, getting puzzled by complicated
grammatical structures or lacking chances to practice speaking skills. Of course after each
lesson, I would also continually revise the vocabulary and knowledge I have learnt at home
to reinforce knowledge.
Now, with regard to the reasons for my interest in learning French, for one thing, I have to
say that French is such a charismatic language spoken by millions of people all over the
world. On top of that, France is also my destination of choice, so with a good grasp of this
language, I could easily communicate with not only the French, but also francophones from
other countries.
1. Can learning a language help you understand more about a culture?
Well I suppose the acquisition of a language could greatly promote our understanding of a
culture. This could be put down to the fact that language is the most direct connection to
other cultures. Being able to communicate in another language exposes us to and fosters an
appreciation for the traditions, religions, arts, and history of the people associated with that
language. Greater understanding could translate into greater tolerance, empathy, and
acceptance of others. According to some studies, children who have studied another
language are more open toward and express more positive attitudes toward the culture
associated with that language.
2. What can people do to learn a second language?
There are numerous methods that can facilitate second language acquisition. One of the
most popular ways is to register for a course which could provide learners with systematic
knowledge and a constructive and supportive environment to practice and hone their
language skills. Another approach is to take advantage of web-based materials like videos,
movies or short stories. But most importantly, the key is to get exposed to the target
language as much as possible.
3. Is it popular to learn English in your country?
IELTS Chan Truong
Learning English is gaining in great popularity in Vietnam and this trend could be put down
to a host of reasons. First, an increasing number of students harbor a dream of studying
abroad, so learning English and gain internationally-recognized English certificates are of
utmost significance. In addition, a good level of English also guarantees graduates with
wider employment opportunities, especially occupations with a lucrative income. That’s why
now the majority of Vietnamese adolescents take up some courses to brush up on English
4. Why is it so difficult to learn a new language?
Well I suppose foreign language learners could encounter a number of obstacles due to
several reasons. The first thing is due to distinct distinctions between their mother tongue
and the second language. An example for this is the difference between Vietnamese and
Japanese. The absence of word stress and intonation in the Vietnamese language is a major
problem. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for Vietnamese native speakers to
easily grasp the English language as they more often than not mispronounce some words.
The lack of opportunities for practice also acts as a deterrent. In actual fact, to enhance
speaking skills, for example, requires more than just self-discipline as it needs a favorable
environment – I mean a partner or a tutor (especially indispensable to elementary level
5. How will language learning change in the future?
6. Should governments invest more in second language learning in schools?
7. What are the benefits of learning another language for your country?
Describe someone who is famous in your country (Or describe a famous person who you
You should say:
Who the person is
Why he/she is famous
Why you admire this person
What you would do if you met this person
When it comes to my perennial favorite celebrity, the very first person popping up in my
mind is Lea Michele, a versatile artist who has made a name for herself as an actress and a
singer. Regarding her acting career, she made a splash after starring as the main female
character in the renowned series named Glee due to her excellent acting skills. However,
actually I first came to know her after listening to her cover song Jars of heart, which I found
highly emotional, melodious and relatable. With her sweet yet mournful singing voice, the
song really touched my heart, provoking deep feelings and thoughts about love, betrayal
and forgiveness.
With the regard to the reasons why I revere this talented artist, I guess the very first thing is
related to her charity activities. You may probably know that Michele is a highly active
philanthropist, supporting an organization fight against AIDS. She has also got involved in
campaigning for animal rights and LGBT community. So I guess she is really a paragon of
virtue, a prime role model to look up to.
IELTS Chan Truong
Now, moving on to the last point of what I would do if I had a chance to meet Michele in
person. I think I would feel in cloud nine if she live performed the song Jars of heart, and
then I would ask her to snap a photo with me to capture and save the moment. Well, it
sounds like a perfect scenario, I guess it would be forever just a pipe dream.

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