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FONBUENA, Kate Ashley C.

SAS 13


How equipped do you feel as a student nurse to effectively support patients experiencing spiritual
distress, and what resources or training do you believe would enhance your preparedness in
addressing their spiritual needs?

As a student nurse, my ability to effectively support patients experiencing spiritual distress is

influenced by both my academic training and personal understanding of diverse spiritual perspectives.
While my education provides a foundation in holistic care, I recognize the importance of ongoing
learning and exposure to various spiritual beliefs. To enhance my preparedness, I would benefit from
additional resources such as workshops, seminars, and literature that delve into the intersection of
healthcare and spirituality. Exposure to chaplaincy services, spiritual care teams, and mentorship from
experienced healthcare professionals who excel in addressing spiritual needs would also be invaluable.
Cultivating cultural competence and sensitivity towards diverse spiritual practices is crucial, and
incorporating this into my nursing education would further strengthen my ability to provide
comprehensive and patient-centered care for individuals facing spiritual distress.

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