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Crochet Brainy Smurf Glasses Holder

May 17, 2017

One of the latest crochet trends are muppet eye glass holders. If you don’t know what I’m
talking about you need to check out Bert, Ernie, Animal, Grover and the whole crew!
My oldest son wears prescription glasses and so does my husband so I couldn’t resist
coming up with my own version: a Crochet Brainy Smurf Glasses Holder! We’ve already

lost two pairs of very expensive glasses in this house so this crochet glasses holder will
hopefully keep them from running away Brainy Smurf was a perfect fit for this project
because his character already wears glasses! The picture above features fun plastic

glasses that are classic Brainy Smurf style, but the picture below shows him
wearing/holding my husbands glasses What yarn comes in that perfect smurf blue
color you ask?! It’s Bernat Super Value in Hot Blue!!! The same color I used in THIS

PROJECT. So be sure to stock up because you know this isn’t the last time I will be using

– Bernat Super Value yarn in Hot Blue and White (one skein of each). Find yarn at
– Size H Crochet Hook
– Polyfil Fiber Stuffing
– Giant Safety Eyes (24mm). I got mine HERE. This part is optional. Feel free to crochet
a small black circle for the pupil of the eye.
– Tapestry needle

Smurf Pattern:

With blue yarn
Magic ring, chain 1 and make 12 SC in ring, join to first SC, chain 1
Round 2: 2 SC in first, SC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1 (18 SC)
Round 3: 2 SC in first, SC in next 2, repeat around, join, chain 1 (24 SC)
Round 4: 2 SC in first, SC in next 3, repeat around, join, chain 1 (30 SC)
Round 5: 2 SC in first, SC in next 4, repeat around, join, chain 1 (36 SC)
Round 6: 2 SC in first, SC in next 5, repeat around, join, chain 1 (42 SC)
Round 7: 2 SC in first, SC in next 6, repeat around, join, chain 1 (48 SC)
Round 8: 2 SC in first, SC in next 7, repeat around, join, chain 1 (54 SC)
Round 9: 2 SC in first, SC in next 8, repeat around, join, chain 1 (60 SC)

Round 10-18: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (60)
Round 19: SC decrease, SC in next 8, repeat around, join, chain 1
Round 20: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 21: SC decrease, SC in next 7, repeat around, join, chain 1
Round 22: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 23: SC decrease, SC in next 6, repeat around, join, chain 1
Round 24: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 25: SC decrease, SC in next 5, repeat around, join, chain 1
Round 26: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 17: SC decrease, SC in next 4, repeat around, join, chain 1
Leave top open and sew on eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
Then stuff with polyfil. TIP: add 3 golf balls to the bottom of the head to weigh it down!
You can either leave top of head open (the hat will cover it) or you can close it by
continuing decrease rounds.

with blue
Magic ring, chain 1 and make 6 SC in ring, join to first SC, chain 1
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 3-6: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 7: SC decrease, SC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1
Stuff with polyfil
Round 8: SC decrease until closed.
Nose should be attached longways.

Ears: make 2
with blue
Magic ring, chain 1 and make 10 SC in ring, join to first SC, chain 1
Round 2: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1 (15 SC)
Round 3: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (15 SC)
Round 4: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 2, repeat around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)
Round 5: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)
Round 6: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 3, repeat around, join, chain 1 (25 SC)
Round 7-9: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (25 SC)
Round 10: SC decrease, SC in next 3 stitches, join, chain 1
Round 11: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1
Round 12: SC decrease, SC in next 2, repeat around, join, chain 1
stuff lightly with polyfil, molding the ear as you stuff it.
Round 13: SC decrease until closed.

When attaching ear to head, make a small stitch with yarn and tapestry needle in the
upper middle part of the ear, pull tight to allow an indent.

Eyes: make 2
With white
Magic ring, chain 1 and make 8 SC in ring, join, chain 1
Round 2: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1 (12 SC)
Round 3: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 2, repeat around, join, chain 1 (16 SC)
Round 4: SC in first, HDC in next, 2 DC in next 4, HDC, SC in last 9, join to first SC,
fasten off leaving long tail to sew onto head.

Be sure the eyes are overlapping when you stitch them on.
Add safety eyes.

With white
Magic ring, chain 1 and make 10 SC in ring, join, chain 1
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)
Round 3: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)
Round 4: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1 (30 SC)

Round 5-12: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (30 SC)
Round 13: [2 SC in first stitch, SC in next ] do this 4 times, SC in next 12, [2 SC, SC in
next] do this 5 times, join, chain 1 (39 SC)
Round 14: SC in each stitch around (39 SC)
Round 15: 2 SC in first 9, SC in next 21, 2 SC in last 9, join, chain 1 (57 SC)
Round 16- 26: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (57 SC)
Fasten off leaving long tail.

Stuff top of hat.

Fold brim over, stuff lightly and sew brim closed.

Sew hat onto top of head.

The smile is long piece of yarn loosely stitched in with a tapestry needle and then
carefully (with just a dab) glued down into place.

I love a cute and functional crochet project! This one is Smurftastic!

*** You may make and sell products from my patterns but if you do I ask that you link
back to my post. Please do not copy and post this pattern and claim it as your own.
Please do not re-publish photos as your own.***

Want more free patterns? Keep in touch on my Repeat Crafter Me Facebook Page for
new pattern sneak peeks and when they will be available on my blog! And feel free to
post pictures of your finished hats and/or links to your shops on my Facebook wall so all
can see. Be sure to also follow me on my Repeat Crafter Me INSTAGRAM account!


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