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National Teachers College

Graduate School of Teacher Education

629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

“Tanglaw nang kinabukasan” : An Autoethnography of the Lived

Experiences of a Novice Primary Teacher and Reading Leader

An Autoethnography
Presented to
The Faculty of the Graduate Program School of Teacher Education
The National Teachers College

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Masters of Arts in Education
Major in English


January 2024

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


This poetic auto-ethnographic paper presents my challenges and opportunities

as a novice primary teacher for one year and four months in teaching in a

small school. I am confronted with literacy hindrances namely poverty and

hunger and parental support of Grade 1 learners.

I came to a point where I have questioned my self-worth and teaching

competence as a novice educator and newly appointed reading leader. On

the flipped side, literacy opportunities emerged from new instructional strategies

are being applied. The holistic change process and solution fluency in teaching

had opened my eyes as a Reading Leader and Teacher by crafting my insights

through a poem entitled “Tanglaw nang kinabukasan” (Light of the future) .

The details presented are sole property of the researcher in her particular school.

The names of the internal and external stakeholders are anonymously taken for

privacy purposes.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


The looming learning poverty rate in the recent PISA result September 2022,

highlighted that 91 percent of Filipino learners who are in late primary are not

proficient readers (Sachiko Kataoka). This literacy impairment has opened my

eyes to the pressing issues of literacy in the Philippines. The educational system in

the Philippines are heavily influenced by the following factors such as: (1)

nutrition deficiency and financial difficulty, (2) inadequate parental support

,(Tomas et al., 2021)

and teachers suffered from (3) loss one’s worth, and (4) fear for the uncertain


The solution opted by the Department of Education "Catch-up Fridays" learning

intervention program aims to address low proficiency levels in reading through

morning reading intervention and enhancement activities, with the rest of the

day dedicated to values, health, and peace education. With this, the inclusion

of the National Reading Program. (Inquirer, 2024).

The Weekly Test , which is supposedly done every Friday has been replaced with

Reading and Mathematics Program, peace, and values formation.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

School staff had just two days to organize and get ready for the new program,

as stated by ACT Chair Vladimer Quetua, as the memorandum was issued on

January 10 and the program's implementation began on January 12. This has

led as teachers to be overwhelmed and in awe for doing a revised Class

Program and lesson plans. The mandate itself has no foundational structure in

doing so, the teachers are tasked to allocate personal resources given that the

mandate has no material provided for the Catch-Up Friday, that led teachers to

be bombarded. The trainings were later introduced here in Cavite this January.

The instructional capacity to create a reading intervention program and carry

out reading assessments accordingly has been put teachers in array of struggle.

The Catch Up hopefully aid the detrimental literacy concerns without neglecting

the crucial factors elevated rates of poverty with a 31.4% of living under the

poverty threshold for basic requirements, inadequate engagement and

assistance from parents or guardians have a detrimental effect on students'

growth in learning (Santillan,2023).

In addition, education is often seen as a solution to poverty, but inflation-driven

price increases prevent students from accessing high-quality education,

hindering their lives and contributing to the nation's development, impacting not

only individual lives but also the country's overall growth. Families are impacted

by inflation, which makes it difficult for them to maintain their children's

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

education. In certain situations, students may even decide to drop out of

school. (My Dream in a Shoebox, 2023).

I have been teaching primary for more than a year, and a reading coordination

for six months. However, the detrimental issues of financial difficulty and

malnutrition , and inadequate support from my students parents are the crucial

factor that hinders the development of their literacy skills. I have recently

observed from my Grade 1 learners that those who has the economic

advantage has a significantly higher literacy scores driven from the recent

reading assessment in CRLA compared to those who are economically


In this essay, I aim to elucidate the role I performed as a classroom adviser for

Grade 1 and reading coordinator in a small public elementary school in the light

of the rampant literacy decline for primary learners.

As a primary educator, I employed an autoethnography, where I used my own

experiences to depict more general notion, and circumstances that are societal

in nature (Rambo & Ellis, 2020).

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


I employed autoethnography, a process as much as a product. Utilizing

ethnography, it incorporates the author's life story. My experiences, ideas, and

feelings were able to be connected to broader sociocultural settings by means

of this design (Rambo & Ellis, 2020).

Through this autoethnography, I have represented an identity - a reading

coordinator and primary teacher adviser in the rise of the literacy decline in the


This evocative ethnographic writing make use of the researcher's subjective

viewpoints and perspectives while evoking images, meanings, symbols, and

emotions upon personal reflection and application concepts using the verses of

the poem;

a. Problem -focused approach which is exemplified on:

Verse 1: Financial difficulty

Verse 2: Malnutrition

Verse 3: Lacks Parental Support

Verse 4: Question one’s worth as a novice primary teacher

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

b. Strategies on managing change has been highlighted on:

Verse 6: Opportunities in developing change

Verse 7: Opportunities in instructional revision

c. Situational Leadership is emphasized on

Verse 8: Reading leader in the midst of the literacy decline

The researcher aims to apply a single leadership that she had observed

from her School Head ;

Verse 9: Servant Leadership

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


As a result of the introspection, I have categorized my thematic reflection as

challenges and opportunities.

Section I: Challenges in my teaching in the midst of the literacy decline

The 16 months journey being a novice primary teacher and reading leader,

situated in the demand of the inflation. I am confronted with the literacy decline

of my primary learners which are greatly rooted from (1) financial difficulties and

malnutrition, (2) lacks parental support, (3) loss one’s worth, and (4) fear for the

uncertain future

Verse 1 Financial difficulties

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan, Light of the future,

Paanong ang isipa’y tuluyang How can a mind be opened,
bubuksan, If the wallet is empty,
Kung kupita’y walang laman, The greatest desire is to have one's
Paghahagilap nang pangunahing basic needs met.
pangangailangan ang kailangan.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

Verse 2 Malnutrition

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan, Light of the future,

Paanong ang isipa’y tuluyang How can one fill their mind?
bubuksan, If the stomach is empty,
Kung ang sikmura’y laging In the event that the stomach is
kumakalam, empty,
Papasok sa paaralan sikmura at I walk into the room, my stomach
isipa’y walang laman. and mind are empty.

While education is a means of meeting needs, in this case, my pupils' top priority

is to take care of their basic necessities before coming to my class. In the worst

case scenario, they view schooling as more of a choice than a requirement.

These are the principal issues that I currently deal with as a primary teacher at

current school. The small school is situated in a barren area where bamboo and

woven wood make up the majority of dwellings. For pay that is below the

minimum wage, the parents are employed as construction laborers, fruit and fish

vendors, farmers, and fisherfolks. The children attend my class with empty bellies.

Though sometimes I noticed they had a five peso coin or a piece of bread, they

usually left empty-handed. My students hit the poverty line. This supports the

claim that community's high rate of malnutrition has a substantial impact on

pupils' cognitive and learning capacities (Santillan 2023).

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

In order to help a little with their hunger, I have thus designated eight of my kids

as recipients of the school feeding program at the beginning of the academic


I observed during our daily reading session, their retention is slower. So, I teach

them by chunks in reading the material. We will focus on 5 vocabulary words

each day. On the 5th day, we will read the words into a sentence. In this, my

students can read slowly.

Verse 3 Lacks parental support

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan,

Paanong ang isipa’y tuluyang Light of the future,
bubuksan, How can one fill their mind?
Kung paggabay ay If direction is disregarded,
napababayaan, Only to satisfy an empty stomach.
Mapupunan lamang kumakalam na

Students’ academic development is significantly impacted by parents’ and

guardians’ lack of involvement and support (My dream in a Shoebox, 2023).

Most of the parents are busy finding means for their own living, learning support

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

has been neglected as a result, most of my students are non-readers and

struggling readers.

I have a student who happened to struggle in reading due to the fact that she is

focused on selling fish in the market, and his son tend to shy away if she tried to

guide him how to read.

Another mother has a concern given that she admitted her attention is divided

among 5 of her children. She thus admitted that most of their children age 5

onwards leaving unattended without food. The student being addressed is one

of the struggling readers.

The mother of my student address, her struggle as she struggle to find money

and food on their table. One of her children is a good reader, while her sister is a

struggling reader. With this in mind, I render extra hours for reading during lunch

and after class. We had continuously devoted the Power It Up Sessions for

Reading every 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 3 to 4PM.

Before the end of the class from 10:30-11:00AM, the student will have to read a

single sentence before leaving class.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

Verse 4 Question one’s worth as a novice primary teacher

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan,

Paanong ang isipa’y tuluyang Light of the future,
bubuksan, How can one fill their mind?
Kung ang gurong siyang tanglaw ay When the one who provides light is
nagduda, uncertain,
Napapatanong kung kanyang If her efforts are worthwhile
pagsisikap ay may halaga.

Given that the teachers performance is based on the reading abilities of the

learners, this basis had put me in a pedestal. As 8 of my students out of 26 are

non – readers and frustration readers. I always have questioned myself if I have

done enough. I came to a point where I wanted to quit, due to this regard. I

tend to question if the teaching approach and concepts I have applied are

enough. But through faith, I unlearn and relearn approaches in teaching


Verse 5 Fear of the uncertain future

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan,

Mga isipan kaya’y mabubuksan, Light of the future,
Kung ang aklat at pangangailangan Will the minds still be opened?
ay salat, If there aren’t enough books and
Tanglaw, may kinabukasan pa ka essentials
yang masusulyapan? Is there still hope for the future, Light?

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

I vividly remember when I first came as a Grade 1 teacher , the name of school

has been mentioned, other administrators would tell them that “Ah, kapag

galing BPS, sigurado hindi yan nakababasa yan” (Ah, it came from BPS, for sure

that is a non- reader).The impression of giving a particular school a negative

connotation is quite degrading as novice primary teacher. The same pain and

struggles have been shared by my colleagues an adviser in Grade 2 and Grade

3. Given that the school has no library. The alternative area designated for

reading is a nipa hut known as Project KUBOOKS, where teachers have collated

reading materials from various resources. Despite its scarcity in the material

resources the teachers have stand firmly on improvising and innovating the

teaching approach.

The learners who are on the poverty line receives donation of school supplies

from private organizations.

Despite the limitation of resources, external and internal stakeholders had

voluntarily shared their effort to aid the lack of the resources of the school.

Indeed, hope will be seen in the eyes of the learners who are still in search of the

light in reading.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

Despite the unfortunate circumstance, I have trained my students to develop a

reading habit every 12:00 habit. I encourage parents on the reading approach

to adapt it at home. I have regular check up of their reading progress on a daily


Section 2: Opportunities in my teaching in the midst of the literacy decline

There is still a light in the uncertain future as new opportunities and plans have

been put into consideration such as (1) instructional revision and (2) developing

the change process.

Verse 6 Opportunities in developing change

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan, Light of the future,

Layon at misyon ay maasahan, The goal and the vision are evident,
Pagbasa ang tulay nang The future is achieved through
kinabukasan, reading.
At isipa’y unti -unting nabuksan. And now the minds have been

With the change process, the goal of our School Head is to monitor and update

the reading approach specifically for Grade 1. The ultimate goal of the School

Head is to minimize the struggling readers. His first initiative was to be the reading

leader for the learners. He individually listens and tracks the reading ability of the

learners if it matches with the reading report of the adviser.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

He then instructed me as the Reading Coordinator in SPARK to replace the

current reading project KUBOOOKS and I have crafted an action plan entitled


Verse 7 Opportunities in instructional revision

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan, Light of the future,

Panibagong instraksyun ay There is new instructional strategies
sinisimulan, are available.
Interbensyon ay nagiging daan, Intervention has made things
Isipa’y unti -unting nabuksan. possible,
for the opening of minds.
We have weekly meeting and sharing sessions and work closely on designing

plans on the next action to take in the guidance of our School Head.

The revised reading action plan I have crafted incorporated strategies to be

used in the classroom.

The first intervention was setting an one-on -reading with struggling readers. As I

have provided activities for my independent and instructional readers, I will be

seating on a separate space to read for 10 minutes. As form of motivation if he

read the material without making a mistake he will receive a gift either biscuits

or school supplies.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

I also incorporated fun and interactive activities such as Reading Wheel and

Anagram, Parade of Characters, Group Reading and Comic Strip competition,

and Spelling Bee Competition.

With my independent readers, I have assigned them as their Reading Buddy.

In my discussion, as much as possible, I have created stories that touches their

experiences, mainly their contexts.

Section 3: Reading leader in the midst of the literacy decline

In the heat of the literacy decline in my current school I have seen the practical

approach in leadership. The leadership that requires practical solution to issues

in the School. The leadership being practiced by the research such as myself is

Situational leadership.

Verse 8: Situational Leadership

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan, Light of the future,

Tutugon sa hinihingi ng responds in accordance with the
pagkakataon, circumstances,
Susulong kahit ano pang hamon, Will persevere in spite of difficulties,
Solusyon ay inaayon sa sitwasyon. Solution varies depending on the

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

Leaders need to modify their strategy, depending on the followers’ proficiency

and needs, guiding might shift to coaching, supporting, or delegating on the

degrees of dedication Hersey and Blanchard (1969, 1996).

The researcher believes that every decision is dependent on the situation. As a

situational reading leader, I have placed my students in competency-based

groups. Power It Up Reading Challenge is available for independent readers,

while Power It Up Reading Enhancement is available for struggling readers. The

reading materials' complexity ranges from easy to difficult. Situational leadership

allows for different approaches, levels, and degrees based on the learners'

literacy abilities.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


Section 4: An ideal leadership that I wanted to adapt

I came to realize that being an educational leader does not simply instruct

directions but rather sets the example for the learning community.

Verse 8: Servant Leadership

Tanglaw nang kinabukasan,

Pupunan kung ano ang kakulangan, Light of the future
Pakikinggan at gagawan ng Will make up for the gaps
paraan, Will look for ways and means
Tanglaw, tutugon sa kaayusan ng Light will adapt to the school’s
paaralan. demands.

The School Head leading my school right now is a doer. He paid attention and

followed the community's needs. He always makes sure to impart his knowledge

to his teachers. In running the school, he is actively involved. which I would like

to apply for in the succeeding year as a novice educational leader.( Servant

Leadership: Definition plus Benefits and Drawbacks. (n.d.)

The poem “Tanglaw nang kinabukasan”

The poem is the product of my lived experiences as a novice reading leader

and Grade 1 adviser in a small school. The term “ Tanglaw” represents teachers

who are in the midst of the battle of literacy decline mostly KS1 teacher who

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

sets the general foundation for future learners. “Kinabukasan” represents the

future of Philippine educational system. The poem encapsulates the painstaking

story of my Grade 1 students who are the economically disadvantaged and my

troubling journey of questioning my own competence.

The poem is segmented into concepts applied by Educational leadership

namely Problem -focused approach, Change process, Situational leadership

and Servant leadership, which has been interpreted creatively.

This poem is my therapy for the inner battles I’ve been through as a novice

reading leader and teacher.

The linguistic translation was made by its closest interpretation as possible.

The statements are purely driven from the subjective view of the researcher and

does not intend to degrade or belittle any institution or stakeholders addressed

in the poem.

The supporting evidences and pictures are of minimal number as the researcher

has minimal involvement to other school event.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila





National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


De Bruin, L. (2020, April 18). Hersey and Blanchard Situational leadership model:
Adapting the leadership style to the follower. B2U -

Inquirer, P. D. (2024, January 22). ‘Catch-up Fridays’ will fail if DepEd does not
stop mass promoting nonreaders.

My Dream in a Shoebox.(2023, November 16). How does inflation affect students

in the Philippines?

Rambo, C., & Ellis, C. (2007). Autoethnography. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of

Sociology, 1-3.

Reyes, D. (2024, January 16). ACT hits DepEd’s ‘abrupt’ ‘Catch-up Fridays’
memo | Inquirer News.

Servant Leadership: Definition plus Benefits and Drawbacks. (n.d.).

Taylor, B. M., Pearson, P. D., Clark, K., & Walpole, S. (2000). Effective Schools and
Accomplished Teachers: Lessons about Primary-Grade Reading Instruction in
Low-Income Schools. Elementary School Journal, 101(2), 121–165.

Tomas, M. J. L., Villaros, E. T., & Galman, S. M. A. (2021). The Perceived

Challenges in Reading of Learners: Basis for School Reading Programs. Open
Journal of Social Sciences, 09(05), 107–122.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila


Her educational background, interest in language and literature, and

admiration for reading inspired her to become a Secondary Teacher.

She received her Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in English from

Trece Martires City College.

JC is a licensed professional teacher who is presently enrolled in National

Teachers College's graduate program to obtain a degree in English.

She had been a Grade 11 Oral Communication teacher at Notre Dame of

Trece Martires. She started working as an assistant reading instructor at Kumon

Trece Martires in April and stayed until July.

She taught literature and communication as a part-time instructor at Cavite

State University in General Trias from August 2018 to April 2020.

She worked at Straive as an editorial support agent after leaving her position as

an Instructo,rfrom September 2020 to July 2021.

National Teachers College
Graduate School of Teacher Education
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila

She has been accepted as Teacher I at Priscilla G. Del Rosario Elementary School

(formerly Bunga Primary School).

She has been designated the following roles as Teacher I, a Reading Coordinator

for CRLA and Co- Coordinator for Power It Up in Priscilla G. Del Rosario Elementary


JC is a thinking introvert. She enjoys reading self- help books. She enjoys watching

The Chosen in strengthening her faith. She loves expressing her pain mostly

through poetry. She is fascinated with the beauty of literature.

She has foreseen a vision, of where her path would lead her to teach struggling

readers. The vision had led her to become a Grade I Teacher at Priscilla G. Del

Rosario Elementary School.


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