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Dexa Sports & Accessories, a brand dealing in high quality has three outlets in the same
city. Their bags are for all age groups and have great demand because of the quality.
Children, young adults, tourists, office goers, sundry shoppers, all find them worth
buying. This category has next to nil complaints.
One fine evening a customer walks in and speaks to the salesperson about the bag he had
purchased. The customer informs that the bag was not up to mark, quality was not good as
the straps have ripped open in just one week.
Salesperson: Sir, I would like to help you for sure. Can you please share the invoice.
Customer: I ‘m not carrying it but the bag was purchased from your outlet.
Salesperson: I can help you by checking our records, if you can tell me the exact date
Customer: It was last Saturday, in the evening.
Salesperson: This information will help me a lot. You will have to give me some time. As I
have to ask someone to search the records.
Customer: See, I can’t wait too long. Kindly close it fast. Why don’t you just replace the bag.
Salesperson: Sir, for the replacement also, we need invoice because terms and conditions are
mentioned there. Also, the warranty card also has detailed measures of safety and instructions
of use. If the bag has been damaged due to any other factor, then there can be extra cost
Customer: So, you are going to charge me extra. I trusted your brand and now here I stand
with a damaged product a week after the purchase and you are telling me that I have to pay
Salesperson: Sir, I’m just reinforcing about the return/replacement policy as per company
rules. If you could wait I can help you understand it better through my store supervisor.
Customer: I need early solution to my problem. I’m not convinced with what you are saying.
(Meanwhile hearing the loud voice of the customer, store supervisor walks up to both of them
and first talks to the salesman)
Supervisor: What exactly is the issue, can you explain.
Salesperson: Yes sure. Sir had bought this bag from our outlet last Saturday evening, the
strap of the bag is ripped, he needs us to give a solution to him.
Supervisor: May I have a look at the invoice.
(Customer jumps into the conversation)
Customer : I don’t have the invoice right now but I told the exact date of purchase, you can
verify from your records, my mobile number is also listed in your records.
Supervisor: Sir, I’m sure we will have a solution to the problem but it will take some time. I
shall have some tea or coffee sent to you, while we get the records checked.

(Supervisor tells the salesperson to attend to the other customers and the salesperson moves
It was clear to the supervisor that the customer was not having the invoice and the bag was
damaged due to careless handling. The supervisor did not take the bag from the customer.
Customer: I have already been here for the last 15 minutes, why don’t you just replace this
bag with a new one.
Supervisor: Sir, allow me some time to help you better.
(the coffee arrives and the store boy offers to the customer)
Supervisor moves to the record section, gets the details and also asks for opinion of his store
Manger: what is the cost of the bag billed?
Supervisor: 3000/- INR
Manager: Any previous purchases from the same customer? I yes then what is the total
amount of purchase at least in the last one year?
Supervisor takes a few minutes gets back to the supervisor with all information
Supervisor: He is a valued customer, in the last one year he has purchase value is billed at
18000/- INR.
Manager: any discounts that were offered on any purchases?
Supervisor: Only on the festival purchase there was a discount of 10%.
Manager: He is indeed a valued customer he needs to be helped. The store has no refund
policy. Moreover, the bag was damaged due some mishandling or some accident and our
terms and conditions don’t allow for any replacement in such case.
We will not replace the bag, instead we can offer a gift voucher on any purchase in the this
year. It will bring harmony and trust back into the store.
Supervisor: What should be the gift voucher amount.
Manager: He is a premium category customer; he shouldn’t wean away from us. Market is
ripe with competition, what is your opinion? Let me hear from you.
Supervisor: If I consider the last three purchase profit to the store is 35%. I ‘am sure we can
give him 20% discount on any category of bags or shoes that he wants to buy in this year.
Manager: I’m happy with your decision. If you would have said 20% discount on any product
then it was difficult. Yes, we can afford this discount only on these two categories. You
proceed to talk and convince him now.
Supervisor moves away after thanking the manager. He approaches the customer with a

Supervisor: Sir, as you are in a hurry can you please leave the bag with us for two days, I
shall get it fixed on priority. Also…
Customer: I can’t come during the week days, why can’t you just replace it.
Supervisor: Sir, it’s not a manufacturing defect because the bags sold after it have not come
back with damage. It is a result of some mishandling which I’m sure is not by you. Also, you
trust our store and brand. I you can leave your address with us we shall get it dropped once it
is in shape.
Customer: (very reluctantly agrees) make sure it reaches me within three days. Though I need
a bag for every day use.
Supervisor: Sir, pleased accept this gift voucher of 20% discount on any future purchase in
this year on the bags and shoes section only.
Customer takes the voucher just nods while the supervisor smiles at him. (Customer leaves.)
Salesman approaches the supervisor
Salesman: Sir, I hope he is satisfied.
Supervisor: Customer is the bone marrow of our business. we need to treat them right.
Case is an outline and provides clear insight into the happenings. Now …
1. Create a ppt about this entire episode you can use your choice of colours
2. Keep only limited on the slide
3. Use pictures that are appropriate to the settings
4. Try to keep conversation crisp and short.

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