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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide

for the Secondary 1 Test

Try this (page 8)
1 Sample answer: It is a tree with a very thick
Reading trunk and branches at the top.
2 on / planted/ his / grew / why / a / and / with
Chapter 1 Reading for global
meaning Chapter 3 Reading for detail
Practise (page 2) Practise (page 9)
1 C 1
The Antarctic is the southern polar area on Earth.
2 B In winter it is a very cold place. The temperature
3 B can drop to below -50°C and the winds can blow
up to 300 kilometres per hour. Amazingly, there
are animals that live in these harsh conditions.
Practise (page 3)
The emperor penguin is one such animal.
1 D
2 E Adapted to their environment
3 A Like other birds, Emperor penguins have feathers
to protect them from the weather. Emperors
4 F have several layers of feathers, like scales, that
5 C are not easily lifted in the wind. They have claws
6 B on their feet to grip the ice and there are special
fats in their feet which stop their feet from
freezing. They have layers of fat on their bodies
Try this (page 4) and short bills and wings (called flippers) which
1 a Scorpions in a matchbox help to conserve their body heat. These
b Inside a family home adaptations help Emperor penguins to survive
c How family members react when they see the extreme temperatures.
d Funny or scary Penguins also help each other to keep warm in
winter by huddling together in groups. The
2 a Scorpions penguins on the outside of the group shield the
b The scorpions escaped from the penguins in the middle of the group. When the
matchbox. penguins on the outside get too cold, they move
c She drooped a plate (because she was to the inside of the group and other penguins
frightened). move to the outside of the group.
d Margo
e Margo threw water over her; she was Penguin chicks
surprised and didn’t know what to do. Each pair of penguins produces one egg only each
year. The egg is kept warm under the abdomen of
one of the penguins until the chick hatches.
When the chick hatches, it has to be kept warm
Chapter 2 Reading with until it is stronger and the temperature is
confidence and enjoyment warmer. The parents take turns to keep the chick
warm under their abdomens. As soon as the chick
Try this (page 7) is old enough, they will teach it to swim, dive and
1 b A find its own food.

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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide
for the Secondary 1 Test

2 A
2 a Very cold (below –50 ˚C), with winds that 3 C
blow up to 300 km per hour 4 C
b Any two of: layers of feathers and fat,
5 Any one of: name of show, popularity of
claws in their feet, short bills and wings
c They do this to help each other keep
warm. They take turns to go into the 6 Sarah
middle where it is warmer. 7 Any one of: ‘people love to watch drama in
d The chicks stay under the abdomens of the lives of other people’; ‘it helps them
either the mother or the father. escape from their own lives’; ‘It’s fun to
watch other people making mistakes!’
e No, because they have very small wings
8 ‘Audiences like to get involved with the
participants and like to support their
Try this (page 11) favourites.’
2 a Africa
b The sand dunes, the ancient dead trees,
Practise (page 19)
how people and animals live
c Costa Rica 1 B
d You can see wildlife and you can get 2 C
involved as a volunteer in wildlife 3 C
e Tamara enjoys tourism that respects and
does not harm the environment.
Chapter 5 Reading and
understanding fiction
Practise (page 12)
A Review 3 Practise (page 20)
B Review 4 1 A
C Review 2 2 B
D Review 5 3 A
E Review 1 4 C
F Review 6
Try this (page 21)
Chapter 4 Reading and 1 C
understanding non- fiction 2 C
3 A
Practise (page 15) 4 B
1 C
2 A Try this (page 23)
3 C 2 a Owls that burrow under the ground
4 A b Some children
5 B c ‘Well, who else would it be?’
d C
Try this (page 17) e Earlier, Curly was asked how big the owls
1 B were and he replied, ‘Bout as tall as a

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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide
for the Secondary 1 Test

beer can.’ This indicates that he had seen d written

the owls. e across
f B f tomorrow
g ‘What owls?’ Curly knows about the owls g although
because he told Officer Delinko about h similar
them, but he will pretend that he doesn’t.
I February
J well-organised
Check your understanding (page 23)
1 Headings give us clues about the content of Try this (page 26)
the text.
At a music festival
2 Key words give us clues about the main ideas Last week I atended [attended] a music festival in
in a text: the characters, the setting or place our town. It was the holidays and I had some free
that will be described, dates and numbers. time. The tickets were quiet [quite] expensive,
3 Skimming gives us an overview of longer texts but we walked instead of taking a bus, to save
before we read the details. money. This was dificult [difficult] for my friend
who uses a wheelchair. It rained so things were
4 It is easier to understand a longer text if we
mudy [muddy] and wet! The music was good but
have an idea of what it is about before we
the catering wasnt [wasn’t]! There were no
read it in detail.
healthy snacks or meals – only junk food! We
5 Sample answer: I enjoy non-fiction because I finally decided to leave earli [early]. Not the best
like to learn about new things. festival in my opinnion [opinion].
6 Sample answer: I don’t really enjoy poetry
because I don’t always understand it. Living in space
7 Sample answer: I look for facts, names, dates Living is [in] space is not that simpal [simple]. In
and numbers first, and I write them down or fact, its [it’s] a chalenge [challenge]. First of all,
circle them with a pencil. there is no graviti [gravity] in space, so you float
everywere [everywhere]. This means that you
8 Students’ own answers need to be straped [strapped] into your bed to
9 It is used to get our attention and encourage sleep at nite [night]. And of course, as an
us to find out more. astronaut you also need to be fit. Exercising
10 The writer or speaker may use language or regularly is importand [important]. If you use a
expressions that imply certain meanings. treadmill, you need to strap yourself into that as
11 A text with unsupported arguments often has
12 The writer may want to introduce some Try this (page 26)
humour or may want to challenge the writer 1 vaccinated
to think. 2 bicycle
3 successful
Writing 4 tongue
5 filled
Chapter 1 Spelling
Practise (page 27)
Practise (page 25)
Prefix Meaning Examples
1 a friend
bi- two / twice bilingual / bicycle /
b believe biannual
c climbed

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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide
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dia- through / diagonal / diameter 5 ‘Have you read Michelle Obama’s

across / dialysis autobiography? It’s fascinating!’
ex- out / out of / expel / extract /
from exhale Try this (page 31)
kilo- times a kilogram / kilowatt / Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. I’m Hanna
thousand / kilometre and I’m twenty-one years old. I live in London,
one thousand where I moved with my family many years ago.
of When I first got here my English wasn’t so good,
multi- many multicoloured / but this blog has helped me to improve.
multistorey /
multitasking I love sharing my stories and ideas with you all –
out- greater / outdoors / and getting your wonderful responses! We can all
better/ further outnumber/ inspire and support each other in this way.
/ longer / outpatient
more than /
outside / away
Practise (page 31)
from Some people exercise regularly and so they think
they can eat anything they like. Not true! A
over- above / overhead /
healthy lifestyle involves exercising, eating a
excessive / too oversimplify /
healthy diet and getting enough sleep. You need
much / outer overcoat
to eat fresh food, which gives you proteins,
or covering
vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. ‘You
pre- before / prior premature /
mustn’t eat too much sugar,’ says my trainer,
to preheat / predate
‘and drink plenty of fresh clean water every day.’
sub- below / under subway /
subservient /
subtext Chapter 3 Proofreading
Practise (page 33)
Practise (page 28) Fire brakes [breaks] out at school!
1 decision A fire broke out at a prodigious [prestigious]
2 satisfied London school yesterday, after an end of term
[end-of-term] prank went bad. Seven leaners
3 disappointed [learners] were taken into custardy [custody]
4 independence after a smouldering wastebin caught fire. A
5 scholar / farmer representative of the school said, ‘We would of
[have] been able to put it out, but the hosepipe
was to [too] far away.’
Chapter 2 Punctuation
No charges have been layed [laid], but it is
Practise (page 30) understood that the seven leaners [learners] will
1 My name is Spencer X. That’s my professional be suspending [suspended] from classes until
name. I was born in New York. further investigsion [investigation] has been
2 She asked, ‘Please could we have more time carried out.
to complete the project?’
3 There are three-hundred-and-twenty-four Try this (page 33)
people on the aeroplane today! Sample answer:
4 Sarah said, ‘I’d like to study astrophysics. I Dear Principal,
don’t want to study music.’

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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide
for the Secondary 1 Test

Please excuse my son Joe from school today. He Speaking and Listening
has a bad headache and needs to rest in order to
get better. I will keep him at home today, but he
will be back at school tomorrow. I understand he Chapter 1 Listening for meaning
was due to take a maths test today. Would it be
possible for him to take the test at another time? Practise (page 39)
1 A
Yours sincerely, 2 C

Mrs Pratt 3 A

Chapter 5 Writing fiction Try this (page 40)

Check your understanding (page 38)
No of words: Key words: new / telescope /
1 Any four of: check if there are silent letters 8 expensive / build
that are not pronounced; if there are words
Sentence: The new telescope was very
that sound the same but have a different
expensive to build.
meaning; if the word ending is correct; if
there are consonants that need to be
doubled; if the word is a contraction and 2
needs an apostrophe. No of words: Key words: heard / mission /
2 Say the word out loud, and if it is long, say 9 Mars
each syllable as you write it. Sentence: Have you heard about the new
mission to Mars?
3 Prefixes and suffixes are added to a root
word. If you understand the root word, and
the meaning of the prefix or suffix, you can 3
work out the meaning of new words. No of words:10 Key words: launch / $2
4 Good punctuation helps the reader to million / tomorrow
understand the text. Sentence: The launch, which cost $2 million,
5 Any four of: check the grammar, the will take place tomorrow
vocabulary, the punctuation and the spelling;
make sure you are using the correct format 4
(e.g. for an email or letter); use the correct No of words: Key words: space vehicle /
register for the text. 12 landed / Moon / built / China
6 You should introduce the subject or event in Sentence: The space vehicle that landed on the
the first paragraph. Moon was built in China
7 You need to back up your opinion with factual
evidence that will persuade the reader to Let’s talk (page 41)
agree with you.
• Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos
8 You should use formal language, as it is a
formal letter. • They are presenting their space projects.
9 Begin by planning your story with a mind map • They are all involved in space exploration.
or a diagram.
10 Connectives join paragraphs and the pieces of Practise (page 41)
action in the story. 1 B
2 B

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3 C 3 B
4 A 4 C
5 A
Try this (page 42)
Billionaire Space craft One Chapter 3 Opinions
fact Practise (page 46)
Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Won’t tell 1 B
anyone the 2 A
price of his
space flights 3 C
Richard Virgin Charges 4 B
Branson Galactic $450,000 for a 5 Any one of: Don’t get upset with yourself /
seat on his rest when you are tired.
Elon Musk Space X Funded by
paying tourists
Practise (page 47)
1 C
2 A
1 A vanity project is something that is done in 3 B
order to get praise or approval, rather than
for reasons that are serious or good.
Try this (page 47)
2 Any three of: overcrowding, poverty, severe
1 A
weather events, lack of food
2 C
3 A
Chapter 2 Implied meaning
4 B
Practise (page 43)
2 a A Try this (page 48)
b B 2 a She gets angry, shouts and says nasty
c C things.
d B b She isn’t sure that her friends like her
e Mara really likes pizza. when she does this.
f Mario is hungry / he wants to eat c She should find someone who can help
something. her and provide her with support.
d Students’ own answers
Practise (page 44)
1 B Practise (page 49)
2 C 1 a Any two of: Suzanne Collins wrote the
3 B Hunger Games series; she is a best-selling
author; she has a new book called The
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; the story
Practise (page 45) has a character called Coriolanus Snow.
1 B
2 A

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b Any two of: exciting and thought-

provoking; you won’t be able to put this
Practise (page 55)
one down!
2 a A
2 a Any two of: coming soon; new video
game; create your own imaginary world in b A
space and explore it; play alone or with c B
friends; launching in September this year d C
b Any two of: fabulous adventure; graphics
like nothing you have ever seen before Try this (page 55)
Arguments for Arguments against
Try this (page 50) wearing a mask wearing a mask
1 a C • A mask protects • It infringes on
2 a The man is biased against big cities. He you from germs / you rights
thinks there are too many people and the keeps you safe • It marks you out
streets are full of cars and buses. • It protects other as a do-gooder
people from your • It’s up to the
b The woman is biased towards the
germs if you are individual to
countryside because she thinks it is quiet
sick decide, not the
and boring.
• Wearing a mask government
means you’re less • You can stay
Practise (page 51) likely to get a cold home if sick
1 B or flu • People should
• It is the be allowed to
2 A
government’s make their own
3 A right to make choices
4 C rules that protect
5 Students’ own answers people from harm

Try this (page 52) Practise (page 56)

1 A 1 B
2 C 2 C
3 B 3 A
4 B
5 Students’ own answers
Practise (page 57)
Speaker Problem Reasons for
Chapter 4 Recognise arguments problem
Jo 1 D
Practise (page 53)
1 A
Mika 2 A
2 A
3 C Raj 5 B
4 B
5 a Some rules are necessary. Priti 3 E
b Students’ own answers

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Cambridge Checkpoint World English Revision Guide
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John 4 C 7 believes / is
8 is
9 is
10 like / don’t
Check your understanding (page 58)
1 Look for clues before your listen. The title,
pictures and questions can all provide clues. Try this (page 59)
2 Key words help us to understand the main On Saturdays our family always eats lunch
ideas (the names, places, etc.). together. It is a family tradition. We do not make
a fuss about it – it is usually just bread and cheese
3 Listen to the speaker’s tone of voice and think and cold meats. My dad listens to classical music,
about their choice of words. and we sit outside on the balcony. We tell each
4 Use your voice to make some words sound other what happened that week. And often we
more important or more or less exciting for give unwanted advice, or everyone laughs at
example. Vary the tone and volume. what someone says. It is one of my favourite
5 Sample answers: Yes, I agree. I think so too! times of the week.
Me too! That’s good/great. No, I don’t agree.
I don’t think that … I disagree. Really / very / Practise (page 60)
quite / absolutely / rather / a bit / quite
1 walked / was
6 You can justify a point of view by providing
2 woke / had / set
detailed reasons to support it.
3 had
7 The main points of the argument.
4 went / stayed
8 A fact is something that can be proved, an
opinion is a point of view or belief. 5 finished / did
9 It means showing favour towards or against
something or someone. Try this (page 61)
10 It is language that is chosen to make you feel I had to bring a salad to the dinner party. I
a certain way (excited, angry, sad, etc.). decided to make an orange salad. I didn’t buy
only orange ingredients, so the selection included
11 Any one of: an introduction, detailed reasons
carrots, oranges and papaya. I thought about
to support the argument, a conclusion.
putting cheese curls on top, but I decided that
12 They help you to give a logical argument with may be a step too far!
opinions supported by reasons.

Practise (page 62)

Use of English 1 a are going to
b will buy
Chapter 1 Grammatical forms c starts / will be
d will do / will sing / will cut
Practise (page 59) e will have
1 do
2 a Will I design and build skyscrapers?
2 has b Doesn’t he think he will be successful?
3 is / likes c Will people know who I am?
4 reads d Will I be a world-famous movie star?
5 need e Will they travel around for two years?
6 go

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Practise (page 63)

2 a The telephone lines will be repaired next 2 a was visited
week. b was generated
b Everyone is required to have a c was caused
vaccination. d were taken
c The leaders of the gang were arrested. e were annoyed
d Spare equipment will be donated to the
project. Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers.
e Lifts are given to the children who don’t 3 a People admire the police for the work
have transport. that they do.
f Work was started late on the project. b The police made special arrangements to
prevent this kind of theft.
Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers.
c The thieves have spilled paint in the theft.
2 a The school board has decided that we d We can see several hand prints at the
have to wear a school uniform. scene of the crime.
b The government restored the villagers’ e The council employed inspectors to
water rights. investigate the matter.
c The teachers questioned some learners
about the incident.
Practise (page 66)
d Community leaders asked teachers to
take action to sort out the problem. 1 a is /are
e The workshop leaders encouraged b are
learners to help one another. c am
f The reporter interviewed twenty-five d are
schools for the article. e is
g They agreed that they would write about f am/ is
their experiences. 2 a is watching
h The head teacher commended the b are jumping / are climbing
learners on their actions.
c are breaking
d are trespassing
Try this (page 65) e are not hurting / they are only having
Thieves caught red-handed! Try this (page 66)
By staff writer Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers.
1 a is studying
The leaders of a gang of paint thieves were
arrested this afternoon. The headmaster of the b is trying
school from which paint tins were stolen was c is hoping
interviewed. “This was not a very intelligent d is studying / is working
bunch of thieves,” he was quoted as saying. e is still going
“Paint had been spilled in the theft, and several
hand prints were clearly visible.” Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers.
Several pupils were questioned, and special
2 a We are finding new solutions for plastic
arrangements were made to prevent this kind of
theft from happening in the future. Inspectors
b Why is the government making new
were employed to investigate the matter further.

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c Some cosmetics brands are not using 2 She has dyed her hair many times.
plastics anymore. 3 I have collected the parcel.
d The university is training him as a lawyer.
4 We have told them many times about the
e The security staff are escorting them off dangers.
the premises.

Practise (page 67) Practise (page 70)

1 were walking 1 a has been developing
b has been consulting
2 was not looking / was going
c have been advising
3 was hurting
d have been trying
4 was crying e have been wanting
5 was hugging 2 a Has she been studying ecology for many
6 were going years?
b Have they been looking for ages for a
Try this (page 68) solution?
c Have they been finding it difficult?
1 Dinner was being cooked when it happened.
d Have they been working on the prototype
2 A letter was being written at the table. for ages?
3 The phone was being stolen. 3 a People have not been donating toward
4 An action movie was being played on TV. the project.
5 Spaghetti was being made. b He has not been studying all week.
c You have not been leading the project
from the beginning.
Practise (page 69)
1 d We have not been worrying about the
Priti: I have grown vegetables since lockdown. outcome.
We have made lots of new dishes with my e They have not been listening to every bit
vegetables. of news on the television.
Massimo: I have learned Spanish on an app on f We have not been waiting by the door for
my phone. And I have done cooking lessons them to arrive!
Priti: Have you tried to cook Spanish meals?
Massimo: I have tried and I have succeeded!
Practise (page 72)
Everyone has raved about my food. 1 a had started
b has gone
2 a Have you done your homework? c had not rained
b Have there been many wildfires in d had had
California? e had left
c Have they never been to Spain? 2 a Had astronauts previously explored the
d Has the post arrived? surface of the moon?
e Has she written the report already? b Had they mapped its contours?
c Had NASA sent them all for training?
Try this (page 70) d Had you heard enough about space?
Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers. e Had I now finished with my space project?
1 We have eaten all the leftovers in the fridge.

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Try this (page 73) d Police will assist with the crowds.
1 Passive f A bus will transport people to the protest.
2 Passive
3 Active Try this (page 75)
4 Active 1 A
5 Passive 2 B
6 Active 3 A
7 Passive 4 A
8 Active 5 B

Practise (page 73) Practise (page 75)

1 How long had they been studying for the 1
test? If only I had met you earlier ... we would not have
missed the start of the movie.
They had been studying for two months. He would not have been so happy ... if he had
2 Had he been trying to fix his car for a long seen the state of his car.
time? If only I had read your text ... I would have
He has been trying to fix his car for five days. brought your homework book to class.
This breakfast would have been better... if the
3 How long had you been waiting for a visa?
milk hadn’t gone sour.
I have been waiting for three weeks. Our lives would have been easier ... if we had
4 For how long had she been studying English, moved to the city sooner.
before they moved to London? My exam would have gone much better ... if I had
bothered to study!
She had been studying English for two years.
5 Where had she been staying previously? 2
She had been staying in Paris previously. If only I had met you earlier ... we would not have
missed the start of the movie.
He would not have been so happy ... if he had
Practise (page 74) seen the state of his car.
1 a We will attend a protest march about If only I had read your text ... I would have
water rights: active brought your homework book to class.
b We will stay with members of the This breakfast would have been better... if the
volunteer group: active milk hadn’t gone sour.
c The route will be decided tomorrow: Our lives would have been easier ... if we had
passive moved to the city sooner.
My exam would have gone much better ... if I had
d The crowds will be assisted by the police:
bothered to study!
e We are practising our protest songs:
active Practise (page 77)
f People will be transported to the protest 1 a with
by bus: passive b in
c with
Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers. d to
2 c The organisers will decide the route e about
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f to e He said he would do it later because he

g about needed to finish his homework then.
h to
i to Try this (page 81)
j about 1
2 Ella was at the station, waiting for the train. Gran asked Daniel to show her how to use What’s
Sandy was also there, sitting on the bench. Up.
‘Where are you going to?’ he asked. Daniel said to his Gran that it is called WhatsApp.
Gran said, ‘That one, yes’ and asked if he could
‘Into the city. I’m getting off at the next
come over then.
Daniel said to Gran that he had school that day.
She took her bag out from under the bench Gran said, ‘Oh yes, of course’ and asked if he
and opened it up. could come over the next day.
‘Do you want an orange? I picked these from Daniel said he would see Gran the next day.
our tree.’ 2
They put the peel in the bin and chatted Dad said they were going to clean the whole
about friends they had in common, until the house that day.
train arrived at the platform. His son said dad had made them do that the
previous weekend.
Dad agreed that he had but explained that his
Practise (page 78) son had not done it.
1 a Met up with unexpectedly His son said he had thought his dad had given up
b Care for and that he had been safe.
c Didn’t work out
d Hear or see about Practise (page 82)
e Assist with 1 a let
b made
Practise (page 80) c got
d made
1 a She said she had a new Instagram
account. e lets
b He asked when she set it up. f have to
c She replied that she had set it up last g is getting
week / the previous week and she already 2 a get
had 300 followers. b having
d He said that that was impressive and c got
asked where he would find her posts. d let
e She said that that was her account there. e made
2 a He asked when she would post the next f got
day. g let
b She said that she usually posted about h get
c He said that that was great and that he
would look out for her post at lunchtime. Practise (page 83)
d She replied that he should look at that 1 should have started
day’s post too; it was quite funny. 2 would have gone
3 must have done
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4 can’t have happened Practise (page 86)

5 should have told 1 a for
6 might have caused b of
7 would have predicted c of
d in
e from
Try this (page 84)
f to
Dear Sam
How are you? I would have been at your party if I 2 a for
could have! But we were on a family holiday. b over
We had to leave at 6 in the morning. You know c for
I’m not a morning person so I would have slept d in
through the departure. But you should have seen e of
the waterfall when we finally arrived! It must
f for
have been 100 metres high! We dived right into
the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. 3 a talk about
That’s it from me! b focus on
c connect with
Practise (page 85) d look up
1 e upload / to
It’s a well-known fact that exercise can change f reflect on or focus on
your life and greatly improve your health. Social
media is full of posts and blogs from widely-
Practise (page 87)
recognised fitness coaches, like Joe Wicks. If I
could be half as fit as him, I’d be happy. But that 1 a Social media can be used to market
would mean getting up off my much-loved couch. products more quickly and efficiently than
My fitness regime starts with a five-minute traditional media.
attempt to push aside the enormous pile of pizza b It also means you can reach a much wider
boxes and fast-food containers and rise market, and more quickly too.
majestically from my warm and cosy cocoon. c You can work anywhere – you can just sit
2 a boring / shocking quietly at home, or work at an outside
b healthy-looking
d It’s so much easier to work this way!
c absolute
d world-class 2 a best
e total b cheapest / least
c better
d bigger
Try this (page 85)
3 a more than
1 twice as much
b quite a lot
2 half as much
c much more
3 better / better
4 good
Try this (page 88)
5 best My brother is by far the best at computer games.
He sits so quietly at his desk, but his hands move
very quickly on the games console. I’ve seen his
Chapter 2 Vocabulary

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for the Secondary 1 Test

friends play; they are much noisier than him. He’s digitally, and others use old-fashioned pen and
the really quiet ninja type. paper.
Practise (page 91)
Practise (page 88) 1 a While
Sample answers. Credit all acceptable answers. b because
1 a fear c although
b fun d because
c luck e so that
d aim f Unlike
e faith 2 a Take your mobile with you in case you
2 a Many people in our class are coming on need to call me.
the school camp. b Although he worked hard for the test, he
b We will travel to the campsite near the failed.
river. c Unlike my friends, I recycle everything.
c The other class will stay in the old d She prefers writing on computer because
wooden bungalows. it is faster.
d My friends Peter, James and Sanjay are e Despite the laws, animals are still being
going to be in our tent. caught.
e The indigenous forest near the river is a f Public protest is allowed although you
perfect spot for a picnic. need to get permission.
g It’s worth knowing local rules so that you
don’t break them by mistake.
Chapter 3 Sentence structures h Some people break rules like speeding or
using their phones while driving.
Practise (page 90)
1 a these Practise (page 92)
b that 1 a Children who eat vegetables are likely to
c Those / that be healthy.
d That b Athletes who break the rules may be
e That banned from running.
2 a some c Velcro, which was invented for space
b one travel, is one of the most useful
substances we have.
c any
d The training programme, which is very
d none
tough, is essential for astronauts going
e some into space.
f few e My aunt, whom you know from the gym,
once trained to be an astronaut.
Try this (page 90) 2 a People who are against space travel want
Not everyone knows what they want to do in the the focus to be on fixing Earth first.
future. Something you can do to focus your b Robots carry out research which humans
thoughts is build a dream board. Anyone can do would not be able to do.
this. Collect pictures, photographs and quotes c John Glenn, who was an astronaut, was
that mean something to you. Some do this one of the few people to land on the

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for the Secondary 1 Test

d Spacesuits, which are cleverly designed, b The route will be decided on (by the
allow astronauts to exit the spaceship. police) tomorrow.
e The Space Station, which astronauts live 4 a was watching / was burning
and work on, is in orbit around Earth. b were going
5 Students’ own answers
Try this (page 93) 6 a in
1 who b about
2 that c to

3 which 7 She said they would be leaving for Italy that

time the following week.
4 that
8 a would
5 who
b should
9 a the quickest
Practise (page 94) b better
1 c more
We are a family of many talents. My sister is a
10 Some like it hot, some like it cold. That
dancer. Dancing is her passion. My mother loves
applies to soup. Anyone can make soup, but
to bake and makes the best brownies ever. My
does it have to be hot? She believes a cold
dad is into sailing and has a 32-foot yacht. James,
soup is wonderful on a hot day.
my younger brother, can do any water sport,
swimming, diving or water polo. And me? Well, 11 I love playing chess, although my sister thinks
I’m good at sitting around and dreaming. it is too difficult.

2 a to run Practice test paper 1 Reading

b practising
and Use of English
c to join
d leaving
e to break Part 1
Questions 1–10 (page 97)
Try this (page 95) 1 out
1 to work 2 up
2 finding 3 down
3 to do 4 over
4 Graduating 5 Although
5 advertising 6 under
7 down
Check your understanding (page 96) 8 for
1 a is / likes / are 9 into
b are 10 on
2 are going
3 a The wires are being replaced (by the
council) next week. Part 2

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for the Secondary 1 Test

Questions 11–20 (page 97) 39 E

11 my 40 A (or one could allow F)
12 old
13 younger Part 6
14 us
Questions 41–45 (page 103)
15 our
41 B
16 we
42 B
17 My
43 C
18 we
44 B
19 your
45 C
20 me

Part 3 Practice test paper 2 Writing

Questions 21–25 (page 98)
Part 1
21 C
22 A Questions 1–5 (page 104)
23 E 1 scarf
24 B 2 tourist
25 G 3 kitchen
4 music
Part 4 5 vegetarian

Questions 26–35 (pages 98–101)

26 B Practice test paper 3 Listening
27 C
28 B Part 1
29 B
Questions 1–5 (page 106)
30 A
1 A
31 B
2 C
32 B
3 A
33 B
4 B
34 C
5 C
35 B

Part 2
Part 5
Questions 6–10 (page 107)
Questions 36–40 (page 102)
6 B
36 D
7 C
37 B (or one could allow F)
8 B
38 C
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for the Secondary 1 Test

9 A
10 A

Part 3
Questions 11–15 (page 108)
11 C
12 B
13 A
14 B
15 A

Part 4
Questions 16–20 (page 109)
16 B
17 A
18 C
19 B
20 A

Part 5
Questions 21–25 (page 110)
21 16.30
22 Mondays
23 online
24 jet
25 Free

Part 6
Questions 26–30 (page 110)
26 C
27 B
28 A
29 B
30 A

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