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Muscles, vessels and nerves of

upper extremity

Muscles, vessels and nerves of

lower extremity
Upper Extremity
Superficial Back Muscles
• Connect upper limbs to trunk
• Control limb movements
• Act on upper limb
• Trapezius m receives
its motor fibers from CN XI,
the others from branches of
brachial plexus

 Trapezius
 Latissimus dorsi
 Levator scapulae
 Rhomboid major
 Rhomboid minor
Anterior aspect of shoulder
In the exam! Pectoral region
 The area on the anterolateral
aspect of the thoracic cavity
is the pectoral region
Pectoralis major
• Thick, fan shaped

Clavicular part
Sternocostal part
Abdominal part
Pectoralis minor
• Posterior to pectoralis major
• Thin, triangular m
Serratus anterior
Anterior aspect of arm
Muscles of anterior region of arm
 Biceps brachii
 Coracobrachialis
 Brachialis

Biceps brachii
• Large, fusiform m
 Long head
 Short head
Biceps brachii

• Primarily a powerful
flexor of the forearm at
the elbow joint and
• A powerful supinator in
the forearm
• Flexes the arm
• Main flexor of forearm
• Primarily responsible for
maintaining flexion
Posterior aspect of shoulder
Muscles of posterior aspect of shoulder

 Deltoid m.
 Supraspinatus m.
 Infraspinatus m.
 Subscapularis m.
 Teres major m.
Teres minor m.
Rotator cuff:
Ball and socket

• Supraspinatus m
• Infraspinatus m
• Subscapular m
• Teres minor m
In the exam! Which
one is not a rotator
cu muscle? Gibi
Posterior aspect of arm
Triceps brachii m
• Long head
• Lateral head
• Medial head
Triceps brachii m
 Main extensor of forearm
 Long head: Extensor and
adductor of arm

Nerve: Radial n.

All of them narrated

by radial nerve?
The anterior aspect of forearm &
cubital fossa

Superficial group mm
• Pronator teres m
• Flexor carpi radialis m
• Palmaris longus m
• Flexor carpi ulnaris m

Flexion yapabiliyorlar
o yüzden adı exor

Extension yapabilenler de extensor

Flexor retinaculum
Intermediate group mm

 Flexor digitorum
superficialis m
Deep group mm
• Flexor digitorum
• Flexor pollicis longus
• Pronator quadratus

We dont have to memorise

the full names.
Cubital fossa
Boundaries of Cubital fossa

• Base: Line joining medial

& lateral epicondyles of
• Medial border: Pronator
teres m
• Lateral border:
Brachioradialis m
Posterior aspect of forearm
Superficial group
• Brachioradialis
• Extensor carpi radialis longus
• Extensor carpi radialis brevis
• Extensor digitorum
• Extensor digiti minimi
• Extensor carpi ulnaris
Deep group muscles

• Supinator (pierced by radial n)

• Abductor pollicis longus
• Extensor pollicis brevis
• Extensor pollicis longus
• Extensor indicis

• Note: The names of all these

muscles summarize their functions
Fovea radialis (anatomical snuff box)
In the exam!!!!
Veins into 2 groups, super cial veins have special
Superficial vv names.

We use these veins as blood supply.

Superficial Palmar Arch
2 important super cial veins for the upper

• Cephalic vein
• Basilic vein

In addition to these deep veins, two large subcutaneous veins, the basilic vein and
the cephalic vein, are located in the arm
Median cubital v
Arteries and veins of the shoulder
region: Axillary a. v. First
Brachial a.


• Ö.H: A. brachialis dallarının seyri ve anastomozlarını sayar

Nerves: Radial n & posterior interosseous n

(N.İnterosseus posterior)
The Deep
Palmar Arch
Nerves of arm
• Median n
• Ulnar n
• Musculocutaneous n
• Radial n
• Axillary n
Nn of hand
• Median n
• Ulnar n
• Radial n
Gluteal region
• Gluteus maximus

• Gluteus medius
Lateral rotators of thigh
Lateral aspect of the thigh

Tensor fasciae latae m

Muscles of the posterior aspect of

• Hamstring mm
Semitendinosus m
Semimembranosus m
Biceps femoris m
• Common site of origin
(ischial tuberosity)
• Biceps femoris,
additional origin from
Muscles of the anterior compartment of

• Iliopsoas m
• Iliacus m
• Psoas major m
• Psoas minor m
• Sartorius m
• Quadriceps femoris m
• Pectineus m
• Tensor fasciae latae m
Flexion fuction of the thigh region
Iliacus m
Psoas major m
Psoas minor m
Sartorius m

Quadriceps femoris
Actions of quadriceps
femoris m
• Extension of leg
• Rectus femoris also
flexes thigh
Mm of medial fascial
compartment of thigh
• Adductor longus m
• Adductor brevis m
• Adductor magnus m
• Gracilis m
• Obturator externus m
• All medial compartment mm
are inervated by obturator n, Hangi nerve tarafından inervated old
except the adductor magnus bil yeter
(obturator and tibial nn)
Muscles of medial fascial compartment
of thigh

• Adductor longus m
• Adductor brevis m
• Adductor magnus m
• Gracilis m
• Obturator externus m
• All medial compartment mm
are inervated by obturator
n, except the adductor
magnus (obturator and tibial
Adductor longus m
Adductor brevis m
Adductor magnus m
Gracilis m
Superficial vessels
Popliteal v
• Small saphenous v
Femoral a
Femoral nerve
Largest nerve —sciatic nerve

Sciatic nerve
Tibial nerve
Common peroneal nerve
Lateral and Anterior Aspect
of the Leg
• Anterior compartment
• Tibialis anterior
• Extensor digitorum longus
• Peroneus (fibularis) tertius
• Extensor hallucis longus
• Lateral compartment
• Peroneus (fibularis) longus
• Peroneus (fibularis) brevis
• Anterior
• • Tibialis anterior
• • Extensor digitorum longus
• • Peroneus (fibularis) tertius
• • Extensor hallucis longus

© 2005 Elsevier
• Lateral compartment
Peroneus (fibularis) longus
Peroneus (fibularis) brevis
Sup & inf peroneal retinaculum
Posterior Aspect of the Leg
and fossa poplitea
Contents of posterior compartment of leg
Superficial group of muscles:
• Gastrocnemius
• Soleus
• Plantaris

Deep group of muscles

• Popliteus
• Flexor digitorum longus
• Flexor hallucis longus
• Tibialis posterior

Blood supply:
 Posterior tibial artery

Nerve supply:
 Tibial nerve
Gastrocnemius m
Soleus m


Flexor digitorum
longus m
Flexor hallucis
longus m
Tibalis posterior m
Flexor retinaculum
Posterior tibial artery
• Anterior tibial artery
• Fibular artery (Peroneal artery)
Femoral artery
***Profunda femoris artery (deep artery of thigh)

 Medial
femoral artery
 Lateral
femoral artery
 Perforating
arteries (3)
 Femoral
nutrient artery
Popliteal a
• Adductor hiatus –popliteus m
(inferior border)
• Runs close to articular
capsule of knee joint
• The common fibular nerve
passes anteriorly around the
fibular neck between the
attachments of the fibularis
longus to the fibular head and

© 2005 Elsevier
Common peroneal (fibular) nerve

• Most commonly injured

peripheral nerve
• Winds around the neck
of fibula (having a
superficial course)
peroneal n

Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve

• Innervates tibialis
anterior, extensor
digitorum longus,
extensor hallucis
longus & peroneus
tertius muscles
• Also gives articular
• Theweb space between the great
and second toes is supplied by the
deep fibular nerve

• The lateral side of the little toe is

supplied by the sural branch of the
tibial nerve
Nerves of foot

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