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Banksy is a famous, but anonymous artist whose identity is a secret.

His work is usually

spotted on buildings and the side of walls in public. Although he is extremely well known
and has many followers his actual identity has always remained a secret. His work is
usually recognised by the simplicity of the colour palette he uses. He restricts himself to
minimum amounts of colours as it is easier and quicker to get done secretly. When
Banksy started doing graffiti, he was always too slow and could never finish the art in the
one sitting. This is mentioned in his book, wall, and piece. He then thought of the idea of
making intricate stencils to cut down the time it took to create his pieces and to also
avoid overlapping the colours. Having a limited colour palette helps with this. He uses
stencils as it is quicker and cuts down the time in which it took him to complete his
artwork as a safe way to stay discrete when producing illicit street art. This lowered the
risk of detection as using a stencil was much easier and quicker to work with.
Beforehand he would draw and cut out the shapes he needed by hand then laid them
onto the surface that he was designing. He then proceeded to use spray paint over the
graffiti to create the graffiti before taking the stencil back off and getting away without
being spotted.

Banksy's style of art is known as street art. He is also known for his authoritarian art
which is often done in public places. The authoritarian culture means the power of one,
and in this culture, power remains high always. Banksy feels power in the meaning
behind all his paintings. Each one has a story to it. He likes to convey messages through
to the viewer with things about our society. This gets his message across in the form of
the paintings instead of them being changed. His pieces of art are extremely meaningful
and resale for an extremely high price due to this and the originality of them.

The main technique Banksy uses is stencils as it is a quick and efficient way to produce
his street art precisely and swiftly so he can stay discrete. Most of his designs take the
form of social and cultural meaning, striking and humorous images linked back to what
life is like for a whole range of different people and helping people understand further
about social issues.

Banksy's inspirations have come from many different places but one important one is
the French street artist called Blek Le Rat. He is considered one of the pioneers of street
art and one of Banksy's

This quote passes along a message that tells us how accustomed and reckless people
have become nowadays and how people don't always speak up and how they go against
rules similarly like Banksy feels that his street art is a way of expressing things that
people need to hear without his words being twisted or adapted. It gets his point across
to many people while staying discreet. It is also an away from him speaking up through
the images he creates.
This piece of artwork is called 'Flower Thrower'.
Banksy created this piece with mainly just using
black and white paint but then also gave the flowers
a bit of colour to add emphasis and show hope for
peaceful resolution to the many conflicts at the
time.The message behind the piece is to 'make
peace, not war'. This highlights the numerous
conflicts that divide the world. This image is
reminiscent of images from the 1930s campus and
street riots. The posture of the man in the photo
demonstrates the anger and frustration linking back
to all the horrible things going on at the time.

Both the pieces 'Flower thrower' and There is always hope' both portray different
messages but do still have some similarities between them. For example, they both
highlight the key message of holding onto hope and never giving up. They also prove
that life isn't always plain sailing and easy but there's some rough patches along the way
which you just have to push through and stay strong and don't give up.

Banksy's most famous piece of artwork is 'There is always

hope'. This is often seen as his most iconic piece of work
that he has created. The heart-shaped balloon shown in the
piece represents love, hope, innocence and childhood while
also linking back to self-confidence and the importance of
maintaining hope even in the dark times. Some people
believe that it shows the girl losing her innocence while
some people interpret it as the girl is setting the balloon
free.Banksy creates a metaphor here that can resonate with
most people who is struggling or has previously struggled in
the past and to always hold onto hope, even when it feels
out of reach. This was graffitied onto London's waterloo
Bridge in 2002 which was later removed by the council.

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