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WEEK LESSON 27 (Non-Textbook-Based) FORM 1 Bestari


TOPIC Cleaning Up the School Compound TIME

THEME Health and environment

FOCUS vocabulary
21ST CENTURY LEARNING Think-Pair-Share and See appendix below
TECHNIQUE 9 (PAK 21) Class Discussion MATERIALS
Main: Complementary:
4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
Main: Complementary:
4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this a

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Write a short essay based on the question using the ideas discussed earlier in at least 100 words.
 Respond to their partner’s writing products by providing constructive comments.

CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENTS Environmental sustainability

1. Ask pupils to write down three reasons why it is important to keep their living place clean.
2. Choose two volunteers to read their responses aloud.

1. Pupils read the question and details.

2. Pupils and teacher discuss the writing task as a class.
3. In pairs, pupils brainstorm the important words / useful ideas to be employed in the writing task,
and then share them with the class.
DEVELOPMENT 4. Pupils and teacher discuss the vocabularies/ ideas brainstormed as a class.
5. Using the ideas discussed, pupils write the essay individually in at least 100 words.
6. Once pupils are done, divide them into pairs.
7. Pupils exchange their work products with their partner for proofreading.
8. Pupils edit their work in response to the feedback received from their partner.

POST-LESSON Pupils answer simple vocabulary questions on the “exit card”. Questions are based on today’s topic.

By amount of teacher’s support

Proficient pupils:
- Pupils complete the tasks(s) on their own
Less proficient pupils:
Pupils complete the tasks(s) with teacher’s guidance

_____ out of ______ pupils achieved the learning objectives.

REFLECTION _____ pupils were given remedial treatment.
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Recently, you and a few friends joined a gotong-royong to clean up the school compound.
In about 120 words, write an essay about your experience.
You may use the notes below to help you.

How did you feel? When?

for Cleaning Up
What activities did you the School Where was the place?
do? Compound

What did you see? With whom did you go?

For ONE YEAR OF LESSONS (112 LESSONS), find them on our Shopee shop. We offer detailed, high-
quality lesson plans for FORM 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Many teachers love our lesson plans. Visit our
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