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Transition Density Function and

Partial Di¤erential Equations

In this lecture

Review of Taylor series

Generalised Functions - Dirac delta and heaviside

Invariant Scalings

Transition Density Function - Forward and Backward Kolmogorov Equa-


Similarity Reduction Method

Taylor for two Variables

Assuming that a function f (x; t) is di¤erentiable enough, near x = x0;

t = t0;

f (x; t) = f (x0; t0) + (x x0) fx (x0; t0) +

(t t ) ft (x0; t0)
20 2 3
(x x0) fxx (x0; t0)
16 7
+ 4 +2 (x x0) (t t0) fxt (x0; t0) 5 + ::::
+ (t t0)2 ftt (x0; t0)
That is,

f (x; t) = constant + linear + quadratic

The error in truncating this series after the second order terms tends to
zero faster than the included terms. This result is particularly important
for Itô’s lemma in Stochastic Calculus.

Suppose a function f = f (x; y ) and both x; y change by a small
amount, so x ! x + x and y ! y + y; then we can examine the
change in f using a two dimensional form of Taylor

f (x + x; y + y ) = f (x; y ) + fx x + fy y +
1 1
fxx x2 + fyy y 2 +
2 2
fxy x y + O x2; y 2 :
By taking f (x; y ) to the lhs, writing

df = f (x + x; y + y ) f (x; y )
and considering only linear terms, i.e.
@f @f
df = x+ y
@x @y
we obtain a formula for the di¤erential or total change in f:

The Dirac delta function
The delta function denoted (x) ; is a very useful ’object’ in applied
maths and more recently in quant …nance. It is the mathematical rep-
resentation of a point source e.g. force, payment. Although labelled a
function, it is more of a distribution or generalised function. Consider
the following de…nition for a piecewise function
x2 2; 2
f (x) =
0; otherwise

Now put the delta function equal to the above for the following limiting
(x) = lim f (x)
What is happening here? As decreases we note the ’hat’narrows whilst
becoming taller eventually becoming a spike. Due to the de…nition, the
area under the curve (i.e. rectangle) is …xed at 1, i.e. 1 ; which

is independent of the value of : So mathematically we can write in

integral terms
Z 1 Z Z Z 1
2 2
f (x) dx = f (x) dx + f (x) dx + f (x) dx
1 1 2 2
= = 1 for all :

Looking at what happens in the limit ! 0; the spike like (singular)
behaviour at the origin gives the following de…nition
1 x=0
(x) =
0 x 6= 0
with the property
Z 1
(x) dx = 1:

There are many ways to de…ne (x) : Consider the Gaussian/Normal
distribution with pdf
1 x2
G (x) = p exp 2
2 2
The function takes its highest value at x = 0; as jxj ! 1 there is
exponential decay away from the origin. If we stay at the origin, then as
decreases, G (x) exhibits the earlier spike (as it shoots up to in…nity),
lim G (x) = (x) :

The normalising constant p1 ensures that the area under the curve
will always be unity.

The graph below shows G (x) for values = 2:0 (royal blue); 1:0
(red); 0:5 (green); 0:25 (purple); 0:125 (turquoise); the Gaussian curve
becomes slimmer and more peaked as decreases.

G (x) is plotted for = 0:01

Now generalise this de…nition by centering the function f (x) at any

point x0: So
x x0 = lim f x x0
Z 1
x x0 dx = 1:

The …gure will be as before, except that now centered at x0 and not at
the origin as before. So we see two de…nitions of (x) : Another is the
Cauchy distribution
L (x) =
x2 + 2

So here
(x) = lim
!0 x2 + 2

Now suppose we have a smooth function g (x) and consider the following
integral problem
Z 1
g (x) (x x0) dx = g (x0)
This sifting property of the delta function is a very important one.

Heaviside Function

The Heaviside function, denoted by H (), is a discontinuous func-

tion whose value is zero for negative parameters and one for positive
1 x>0
H (x) =
0 x<0
Some de…nitions have
< 1
> x>0
H (x) = 1 x=0
: 2
0 x<0
1 x>0
H (x) =
0 x 0
It is an example of the general class of step functions.

Similarity Methods
f (x; y ) is homogeneous of degree t 0 if f ( x; y ) = tf (x; y ) :

1. f (x; y ) = x2 + y 2
rh i rh i
2 2
f ( x; y ) = ( x) + ( y ) = x2 + y2 = f (x; y )

2. g (x; y ) = x+y
x y then

g ( x; y ) = x+
x y
= 0 x+y = 0 g (x; y )
x y

3. h (x; y ) = x2 + y 3

h ( x; y ) = ( x)2 + ( y )3 = 2x2 + 3y 3 6= t x2 + y 3
for any t. So h is not homogeneous.

Consider the function
F (x; y ) = x2
x2 +y 2
If for any > 0 we write

x0 = x; y 0 = y
dy 0 dy x 2 x 02
= ; = 02 02 :
dx0 dx x2+y 2 x +y
We see that the equation is invariant under the change of variables. It
also makes sense to look for a solution which is also invariant under the
transformation. One choice is to write
y y0
v= = 0
x x
so write
y = vx:

De…nition The di¤erential equation = f (x; y ) is said to be homo-
geneous when f (x; y ) is homogeneous of degree t for some t:

Method of Solution

Put y = vx where v is some (as yet) unknown function. Hence we have

dy d dv dx
= (vx) = x +v
dx dx dx dx
= v 0x + v
f (x; y ) = f (x; vx)
Now f is homogeneous of degree t so

f (x; vx) = xtf (1; v )

The di¤erential equation now becomes

v 0x + v = xtf (1; v )
which is not always solvable - the method may not work. But when
t = 0 (homogeneous of degree zero) then xt = 1: Hence

v 0x + v = f (1; v )
x = f (1; v ) v
which is separable, i.e.
dv dx
= +c
f (1; v ) v x
and the method is guaranteed to work.

dy y x
dx y+x
First we check:
y x 0 y x
y+ x y+x
which is homogeneous of degree zero. So put y = vx
vx x v 1
v 0x + v = f (x; yx) = = = f (1; v )
vx + x v+1
v 1
v 0x = v
1 + v2

and the D.E is now separable
v+1 1
dv = dx
v +1 Z
v 1 1
dv + 2
dv = dx
v +1 v +1 x
ln 1 + v 2 + arctan v = ln x + c
ln x2 1 + v 2 + arctan v = c
Now we turn to the original problem, so put v =
1 y2 y
ln x2 1 + 2 + arctan =c
2 x x
which simpli…es to
1 2 2 y
ln x + y + arctan = c:
2 x

Probability Distributions
At the heart of modern …nance theory lies the uncertain movement of
…nancial quantities. For modelling purposes we are concerned with the
evolution of random events through time.

A di¤usion process is one that is continuous in space, while a random

walk is a process that is discrete. The random path followed by the
process is called a realization. Hence when referring to the path traced
out by a …nancial variable will be termed as an asset price realization.

The mathematics can be achieved by the concept of a transition density

function and is the connection between probability theory and di¤erential

Trinomial Random Walk

A trinomial random walk models the dynamics of a random variable,

with value y at time t: is a probability. y is the size of the move in

The Transition Probability Density Function
The transition pdf is denoted by
p y; t; y 0; t0
We can gain information such as the centre of the distribution, where
the random variable might be in the long run, etc. by studying its
probabilistic properties. So the density of particles di¤using from (y; t)
to y 0; t0 :

Think of (y; t) as current (or backward) variables and y 0; t0 as future


The more basic assistance it gives is with

Z b
P a < y 0 < b at t0 y at t = p y; t; y 0; t0 dy 0
i.e. the probability that the random variable y 0 lies in the interval a and
b;at a future time t0; given it started out at time t with value y:

p y; t; y 0; t0 satis…es two equations:

Forward equation involving derivatives with respect to the future state

y 0; t0 : Here (y; t) is a starting point and is ’…xed’.

Backward equation involving derivatives with respect to the current

state (y; t) : Here y 0; t0 is a future point and is ’…xed’. The backward
equation tells us the probability that we were at (y; t) given that we are
now at y 0; t0 ; which is …xed.

The mathematics: Start out at a point (y; t) : We want to answer the

question, what is the probability density function of the position y 0 of
the di¤usion at a later time t0?

This is known as the transition density function written p y; t; y 0; t0

and represents the density of particles di¤using from (y; t) to y 0; t0 : How
can we …nd p?

Forward Equation

Starting with a trinomial random walk which is discrete we can obtain a

continuous time process to obtain a partial di¤erential equation for the
transition probability density function (i.e. a time dependent PDF).

So the random variable can either rise or fall with equal probability
< 21 and remain at the same location with probability 1 2 :

Suppose we are at y 0; t0 ; how did we get there?

At the previous step time step we must have been at one of y 0 + y; t0 t
or y 0 y; t0 t or y 0; t0 t :

p y; t; y 0; t0 = p y; t; y 0 + y; t0 t + (1 2 ) p y; t; y 0; t0 t
+ p y; t; y 0 y; t0 t

Taylor series expansion gives (omit the dependence on (y; t) in your
working as they will not change)

@p @p 1 @ 2p 2
p y0 + y; t0 t = p y 0; t0 0
t+ 0 y+2 2 y + :::
@t @y @y 0
p y 0; t0 t = p y 0; t0 t + :::
@p @p @ 2p
p y0 y; t0 t = p y 0; t0 t y + 1 y 2 + :::
@t0 @y 0 2 2
@y 0
Substituting into the above
@p @p 1 @ 2p 2 +
p y 0; t0 = p y 0; t0 t + y + 2 2 y
@t0 @y 0 @y 0
0 0 @p
(1 2 ) p y ;t t+
@t0 !
@p @p 2
@ p 2
+ 0
p y ;t0 t y+2 1
2 y
@t0 @y 0 @y 0

@p @ 2p 2
0= t+ 2 y
@t0 @y 0

@p y 2 @ 2p
@t0 t @y 02
Now take limits. This only makes sense if is O (1) ; i.e.
t y2
O ( t) and letting y; t ! 0 gives the equation

@p @ 2p
= c 2
@t0 @y 0

where c2 = t: This is called the forward Kolmogorov equation.
Also called Fokker Planck equation.

It shows how the probability density of future states evolves, starting

from (y; t) :

Backward Equation
The backward equation tells us the probability that we are at y 0; t0
given that we were at an initial state (y; t) :

y 0; t0 are now …xed and (y; t) are variables.

So the probability of being at y 0; t0 given we are at y at t in the
past is linked to the probabilities of being at y + y; t + t; y 0; t0 ;
y; t + t; y 0; t0 and y y; t + t; y 0; t0 :

The backward equation is particularly important in the context of …-

nance, but also a source of much confusion. Illustrate with the ’real life’
example that Wilmott uses. Wilmott uses a Trinomial Random Walk:

So a concrete example!

At 7pm you are at the o¢ ce - this is the point (y; t)

At 8pm you will be at one of three places:

x The Pub - the point (y + y; t + t) ;

x Still at the o¢ ce - the point (y; t + t) ;

x Madame Jojo’s - the point (y y; t + t)

We are interested in the probability of being tucked up in bed at midnight

y 0; t0 ; given that we were at the o¢ ce at 7pm:

Remember p y; t; y 0; t0 represents the probability of being at the future
point y 0; t0 ; i.e. bed at midnight, given that you started at (y; t) ; the
o¢ ce at 7pm.

Looking at the earlier …gure, we can only get to bed at midnight via

the pub

the o¢ ce

Madame Jojo’s

at 8pm.

What happens after 8pm doesn’t matter - we don’t care, you may not
even remember! We are only concerned with being in bed at midnight.

The earlier …gure shows many di¤erent paths, only the ones ending up
in ’our’bed are of interest to us.

In words: The probability of going from the o¢ ce at 7pm to bed at
midnight is

the probability of going to the pub from the o¢ ce and then to bed
at midnight plus

the probability of staying in the o¢ ce and then going to bed at

midnight plus

the probability of going to Madame Jojo’s from the o¢ ce and then

to bed at midnight

p y; t; y 0; t0 = p y + y; t + t; y 0; t0 + (1 2 ) p y; t + t; y 0; t0 +
p y y; t + t; y 0; t0 :
Now since y 0; t0 do not change, drop these for the time being and
use a TSE on the right hand side

p (y; t) =
@p @p @ 2p
p (y; t) + t+ y + 12 2 y 2 + ::: +
@t @y @y
(1 2 ) p (y; t) + t + :::
@t !
@p @p 2
@ p
p (y; t) + t y + 12 2 y 2 + :::
@t @y @y
which simpli…es to
@p 1 y 2 @ 2p
0= +2 2:
@t t @y

Putting t = O (1) and taking limit gives the backward equation

@p 1 2 @ 2p
= 2c 2:
@t @y
or commonly written as
@p 1 2 @ 2p
+ c 2 = 0:
@t 2 @y

The above can be expressed mathematically as

p y; t; y 0; t0 = p y + y; t + t; y 0; t0 + (1 2 ) p y; t + t; y 0; t0 +
p y y; t + t; y 0; t0 :
Performing a Taylor expansion gives
@p 2 @ 2p
0= t + y + :::
@t @y 2
which becomes
@p y 2 @ 2p
0= + 2
+ :::
@t t @y
and letting t = c2 where c is non-zero and …nite as t; y ! 0;
we have
@p 2 @ 2p
+c 2
@t @y

Di¤usion Equation
The model equation is
@p 2 @ 2p
@t @y 02
for the unknown function p = p y 0; t0 : The idea is to obtain a solution
in terms of Gaussian curves. Let’s drop the primed notation.

We assume a solution of the following form exists:

p (y; t) = t f
where ; are constants to be determined. So put
which allows us to obtain the following derivatives
@ 1 @ 1
= ; = yt
@y t @t

we can now say
p (y; t) = t f ( )
@p @p @ 0 1
= = t f ( ): = t f0 ( )
@y @ @y t
@ 2p @ @p @
= = t f0 ( )
@y @y @y @y
@ @
= t f0 ( )
@y @
1 @ 0 2 f 00 (
= t f ( )=t )
t @
@p @
=t f ( ) + t 1f ( )
@t @t
we can use the chain rule to write
@ @f @ 1f 0 ( )
f( )= : = yt
@t @ @t

so we have
= t 1f ( ) yt 1f 0 ( )
and then substituting these expressions in to the pde gives

t 1f ( ) yt 1f 0 ( ) = c2 t 2 f 00 :

We know from that

hence the equation above becomes

t 1f ( ) t 1f 0 ( ) = c2 t 2 f 00 :

For the similarity solution to exist we require the equation to be inde-

pendent of t; i.e. 1= 2 =) = 1=2; therefore
1 0
f f = c2f 00

thus we have so far
p = t f py
which gives us a whole family of solutions dependent upon the choice
of :

We know that p represents a pdf, hence

p (y; t) dy = 1 = t f py dy
R R t
p p
change of variables u = y= t ! du = dy= t so the integral be-
Z 1
t +1=2 f (u) du = 1
which we need to normalize independent of time t: This is only possible
if = 1=2:

So the D.E becomes
f + f 0 = c2f 00:
We have an exact derivative on the lhs, i.e. ( f ) = f + f 0, hence
( f ) = c2f 00
and we can integrate once to get
( f ) = c2f 0 + K:
We set K = 0 in order to get the correct solution, i.e.
( f ) = c2 f 0
which can be solved as a simple …rst order variable separable equation:

f ( ) = A exp 1 2

A is a normalizing constant, so write
A exp 1 2 d = 1:
R 4c2
Now substitute x = =2c; so 2cdx = d
2cA exp x2 dx = 1;
|R {z
p }
which gives A = 1=2c : Returning to

p (y; t) = t 1=2f ( )
0 1
1 y0
p y 0; t0 = p exp @ A:
2c t0 4t0c2
This is a pdf for a variable y that is normally distributed with mean zero
and standard deviation c 2t; which we ascertained by the following

1 y0 1 (x )2
0 2
: 2
2 2t c 2
i.e. 0 and 2 2t0c2:

If the random variable y 0 has value y at time t then we can generalize

0 1
1 y0 y
p y; t; y 0; t0 = q exp @ A
2c (t0 t) 4c2 (t0 t)

At t0 = t this is now a Dirac delta function y 0 y : This particle is
known to start from q(y; t) and di¤uses out to y 0; t0 with mean y and
standard deviation c 2 (t0 t):


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