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Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. We could feel the tension in the room as we waited for our exam results.
A. strength B. high degree C. nervousness D. eagerness
2. My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.
A. easily annoyed B. talking too much C. very satisfied D. feeling embarrassed
3. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.
A. be related to B. be interested in C. express interest to D. pay all attention to
4. There was a long period without rain in the countryside last year so the harvest was poor.
A. a drought B. a flood C. an epidemic D. a famine
5. I made a blunder by getting his name wrong.
A. a commitment B. a mistake C. an injury D. an enemy
6. Luckily, the event was sponsored by several local businesses.
A. limited B. tested C. finished D. financed
7. Everyone in my community joined hands to help those impacted by the hurricane.
A. took hands B. gave a hand C. worked together D. shook hands
8. Let’s raise our awareness because this is going to be a challenging time for us all.
A. difficult B. easy C. curious D. uninspiring
9. He was asked to give a detailed chronology of the events of the past three days.
A. catastrophe B. discrepancy C. disaster D. time sequence
10. This particular stretch of coast is especially popular with hikers.
A. area B. valley C. land D. dune
11. The reporter says the two leaders had had candid talks about the current crisis.
A. casual B. sweet C. discreet D. frank
12. The government has recently overhauled the healthcare system.
A. appreciated B. improved C. established D. devalued
13. It is up to you. Do you want to eat out tonight?
A. replies on B. waits on C. depends on D. congratulates on
14. The divorce affected every aspect of her life.
A. annoyed B. touched C. moved D. influenced
15. The world has experienced the emergence of a new strain of virus.
A. simplicity B. urgency C. profitability D. appearance
16. I’ve had to shelve my plans to buy a new motorbike because I can’t afford it at the moment.
A. delay B. stop C. cancel D. disapprove
17. You are looking at the most advanced type of engine available.
A. traditional B. underdeveloped C. well-developed D. conventional
18. How do you stay up-to-date with technology without spending too much time on it?
A. update new status B. connect to the Internet all day
C. use social network daily D. get the latest information
19. The president said that his country was moving into a lasting peace epoch.
A. period B. episode C. story D. migration
20. The men in the truck came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
A. make over B. make out C. take over D. take away
21. He was accomplished in all the arts.
A. skillful B. famous C. modest D. perfect
22. We’ve had an awful lot of seafood and I don’t regret it.
A. a terrible thing B. a large amount C. a great desire D. a great pleasure
23. We were drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris.
A. of a busy suburb B. relating to a remote suburb
C. in an industrial city D. belonging to a big or capital city
24. Untreated anemia can result in physical complications that can lead to a de-creased life expectancy.
A. span B. prospect C. anticipation D. expectation
25. As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.
A. research B. collect C. identify D. calculate
26. The hotel offers a tranquil haven of peace and serenity, away from the bustle of the city.
A. joy B. sadness C. calmness D. melancholy
27. Congo’s presidential election is hoped to enable the country’s first peaceful, democratic transfer of power
since independence from Belgium in 1960.
A. transplant B. shift C. conversion D. removal
28. We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday. Remember not to give it away to her.
A. ask anyone to come B. go to the party
C. reveal the secret D. find out the secret
29. The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread criticism.
A. limited B. colossal C. scattered D. universal
30. Heart disease specialists advocate a diet low in cholesterol.
A. public say B. openly criticize C. publicly support D. strongly condemn
31. Skin eruption is common to many of US during times of stress.
A. hole B. rash C. erosion D. division
32. Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.
A. a goal B. a deterrent C. a stimulus to action D. a valuable thing
33. I have to go home early so I can get ready for our trip morrow.
A. go out B. get up C. prepare D. wake up
34. The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.
A. unrelated B. dreary C. distinguishable D. consistent
35. We really appreciate your help, without which we couldn’t have got our task done in time.
A. request B. are proud of C. feel thankful for D. depreciate
36. Some students find preparing for the entrance exam such a daunting process that they become depressed.
A. long-lasting B. comforting C. intriguing D. intimidating
37. If you have any queries about your treatment, the doctor will answer them.
A. complaints B. questions C. agreements D. reservations
38. We can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication.
A. spoken B. gesture C. posture D. facial expressions
39. We should find ways to improve our products in terms of quality and service.
A. for considering aspects B. in spite of
C. in regard to D. with a view to
40. Visitors to the hotel can enjoy a medieval banquet in an authentic setting.
A. formal party B. formal conference C. informal party D. enormous breakfast


Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Drugs can alter your perception of reality.
A. enlarge B. retain C. change D. design

2. Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.
A. outmoded B. incompetent C. trendy D. unattractive
3. The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.
A. popular B. specific C. economical D. expensive
4. She is feeling noticeably better after 2 weeks of using the new medicine.
A. unwaveringly B. wildly C. unpredictably D. invisibly
5. Incredibly sophisticated computers are being used in the search for international terrorists.
A. expensive B. complicated C. difficult to operate D. primitive
6. I’m profoundly grateful for all the support I’ve received.
A. unmistakably B. indisputably C. insignificantly D. inconsistently
7. I remain open-minded when the feedback starts coming in.
A. absent-minded B. small-minded C. narrow-minded D. broad-minded
8. Newspapers should not intrude on people’s private grief.
A. sadness B. joy C. sorrow D. trouble
9. He said the president should not be reelected, and the group of voters concurred.
A. agreed B. disagreed C. surrendered D. confessed
10. I’m tired of working in a team where I’m invisible in everyone’s eyes. I don’t want to be just a cog in the
A. an important person B. a necessary person
C. a large piece of equipment D. a person of small significance
11. I felt a deep humiliation and wanted the ground to swallow me up.
A. degradation B. creation C. honor D. fort
12. You can’t work continuously for six hours without a break!
A. endlessly B. sporadically C. incisively D. constantly
13. Your flight to Perth will leave from Terminal 4.
A. take off B. ascend C. land D. rise
14. Parents don’t want their children to go to mediocre schools.
A. lazy B. moronic C. average D. excellent
15. The boss doesn’t disapprove of our long lunches on Friday afternoons.
A. object B. support C. deny D. refuse
16. She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.
A. consider B. ignore C. study D. contemplate
17. The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial influence on the company as a whole.
A. harmless B. innocent C. crude D. detrimental

18. He showed enormous courage when he rescued his friend from the fire.
A. small B. very large C. unusual D. very common
19. The design was so complex that only the best architects and contractors could have carried it out.
A. put it in B. put it up C. put it off D. put it on
20. All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
A. rebel B. fidelity C. treachery D. reconnaissance
21. The resources available are quite insufficient for the task.
A. inadequate B. unsatisfactory C. dominant D. abundant
22. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
A. obstruct B. prolong C. support D. destroy
23. Nicky always spends an inordinate amount of time on her makeup.
A. abundant B. limited C. required D. excessive
24. By the time he decided to publish that book, he had thought that the book must sell like hotcakes, but in the
end, it turns out a flop.
A. record-breaker B. runner-up C. best-seller D. know-how
25. A well-behaved boy doesn’t go to bed after 10 p.m.
A. behaving correctly B. behaving cleverly
C. behaving nice D. behaving improperly
26. These missiles are capable of swatting enemy planes with deadly accuracy.
A. immortal B. alive C. lethal D. mortal
27. I’m doing a temporary job as a translator for big international conferences in which people discuss climate
A. concise B. transparent C. makeshift D. permanent
28. Many of these old cinemas have now vanished altogether.
A. disappeared B. attacked C. appeared D. devastated
29. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be smart B. be pessimistic C. be confident D. be optimistic
30. They are worried about rampant drug abuse and sexual immorality.
A. uprightness B. mortality C. divinity D. transience
31. It’s very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.
A. cooperate B. separate C. induce D. depreciate
32. I can’t stand the sight of blood. I could never be a doctor.
A. look down on B. give on to C. take away from D. put up with
33. The gunmen showed no mercy, killing innocent men and women.
A. guilty B. innovative C. naïve D. benevolent
34. I won’t be a quiet, submissive wife who would obey my husband’s every word.
A. obedient B. docile C. subdued D. rebellious
35. She was rushing around madly looking for her bag at the hospital yesterday.
A. running fast B. going quickly C. going leisurely D. attacking suddenly
36. My greatest desire is to live in a society based on equity and social justice.
A. amenity B. distinction C. singularity D. partiality
37. I wouldn’t work for them even if they paid me twice my current salary.
A. past B. existing C. first D. special
38. We are cutting down on our heating to conserve electricity.
A. protect B. pollute C. eliminate D. waste
39. The purpose of our new affiliation is to grow the business.
A. severance B. leadership C. ancestry D. commerce
40. Every religious and political belief should be respected equally.
A. doubt B. faith C. credence D. reliance

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