Czas Present Perfect

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 Zdania twierdzące
I …… We…..
You ….. You…..
She/he/it …… They ……


She + has + visited

Imiesłów czasu przeszłego: forma podstawowa + ed  played, arrived, looked
 Zdanie przeczące


She + has not (hasn’t) + visited

 Zdanie pytające


Has + she + visited?

 Czas Present Perfect stosujemy, aby wskazać związek między teraźniejszością i

przeszłością. Bardziej istotny jest jej rezultat niż sama czynność.
 Czynność lub sytuacja rozpoczęta w przeszłości, która jest kontynuowana w
teraźniejszości, na przykład:
I have lived in Bristol since 1984 (= Nadal tu mieszkam.)
She has worked in the bank for five years.
 Czynność wykonywaną w okresie czasu, który jeszcze się nie skończył.
She has been to the cinema twice this week (= Tydzień jeszcze się nie skończył.)
I have worked hard this year.
I have not seen Jack since May.
 Powtarzająca się czynność w niesprecyzowanym okresie czasu między przeszłością a
We have visited Portugal several times.
They have seen that film six times.
We have eaten at that restaurant many times.
 Czynność ukończoną w bardzo nieodległej przeszłości, wyrażoną za pomocą
przysłówka just.
I have just finished my work.
We have just seen her.
I’m not hungry. I have just eaten.
 Kiedy dokładny moment wykonania danej czynności jest nieistotny lub nieznany
Someone has eaten my soup!
Have you seen ‘Gone with the Wind’?
She’s studied Japanese, Russian, and English.
I have bought a car.
 Czynność wykonana w przeszłości, której efekty jest widoczny teraz.
I have lost my key (zgubiłem klucz i teraz nie mogę wejść do domu).
I have run five kilometres and I am tired now.
You have broken my hear, I’m extremely depressed at this moment.
 Sytuacje, które nie miały miejsca.
English classes hasn’t started yet.
Tomek has never had an accident.
 Kiedy mówimy o doświadczeniach.
She has been to Italy several times.
I have had a good day.
She has never been so scared.

Czasu present perferct używamy często z for i since.
Wyobraźmy sobie taką sytuację: Piotr mieszka w Londynie od 5 lat. Przeprowadził się tam w
2006 roku. Teraz powiedzmy to po angielsku:
Peter has lived in London for five years Piotr mieszka w Londynie od 5 lat.

Peter has lived in London since 2006. Piotr mieszka w Londynie od 2006 roku.

Tak więc for używamy, kiedy podajemy przedział czasu, a since – kiedy podajemy moment
rozpoczęcia czynności, np. konkretną datę.

I haven’t seen him since May. Nie widziałem się z nim od maja. (podajemy
konkretny moment)
I have had this car for a year. Mam ten samochód od roku.
She hasn’t walked since her accident. Ona nie chodzi od czasu swojego wypadku.
 Czasu Present Perfect używamy również ze słówkami:
o JUST – właśnie, dopiero co,
o ALREADY – już (wcześniej, niż się spodziewano),
o YET – już (w pytaniach), jeszcze (w przeczeniach)

JUST - Just używane jest do określenia czynności, która przed chwilą miała miejsce:
Is Mary at home? No, she has just left.
How about a cup of coffee? Thanks, buy I’ve just ha done.

ALREADY – Oznacza, że dana czynność już miała miejsce (zazwyczaj w sytuacji, gdy
czynność się zakończyła wcześniej, niż oczekiwano lub pytający nie wie, że coś się już
Mike, let me introduce you to Anna. Well, we know each other. We have already met.
Don’t forget to send your mum a postcard from Berlin. I have already sent one.

YET – Jest używane wyłącznie w pytaniach i przeczeniach i zazwyczaj stoi na końcu zdania.
Have you finished yet?
Have you paid the ticket yet?
We made it! The train hasn’y left yet.
I haven’y finished writing yet.

 Okoliczniki czasu:
before - wcześniej, już
ever - kiedykolwiek
never - nigdy
once/twice/three times - raz/dwa razy/trzy razy
recently/lately - ostatnio
Present perfect:
1. What time…………………… to bed? I bet it was late.
2. Where…………………… last night? …………………… to Mary's
3. My room is very tidy. I……………………..ust/clean it up and it looks much better
4. Oh, they are here! When……………………..they/arrive?
5. Shakespeare……………………..write many plays and they're all very well known.
6. I……………………..not /drink anything today, so I'm very thirsty. Can I ask you for
some water, please?
7. Is Monica here? No, she………………not/come home yet. She must still be on her
8. I…………………… at school for two years but I left because I got fed up with
9. The days…………………… very windy recently and some trees have been
10. Wha…………………… Could you repeat it, please?
11. I ……………………..not/see you since we met a year ago.
12. We……………………..not/pay the butcher for over three weeks.
13. I……………………..never/visit this museum before.
14. John……………………..just/leave.
15. I ……………………..have no time to tidy my room.
16. She……………………..not/finish her work yet.
17. Bob ……………………..already/tell me about his difficulties.
18. My mum ……………………..just/start a language course.
19. We …………………… here for as long as I can remember.
20. That book …………………….. be on the table for weeks.

Present perfect or past simple?

1. We……………………..finish our supper half an hour ago.
2. She……………………..not/have a holiday for four years and she's exhausted.
3. I ……………………..not/play the violin since I was a little boy.
4. They ……………………..visit Westminster Abbey a few days ago.
5. My brother ……………………..not/write to me for months. I'm worried about him.
6. My cleaner……………………..leave two weeks ago.
7. I…………………….. not/see you since we met a year ago.
8. My youngest brother……………………..get a new job last week.
9. We……………………..not/pay the cleaning lady for over three weeks.
10. She……………………..plan her trip to Egypt last summer.
11. We……………………..have this microwave for many years.
12. My sister…………………… three films this morning and then
she……………………..leave for work.
13. I……………………..never/see such a magnificent picture.
14. Their dishwasher ……………………..break down last month and
they……………………..not/use it since.
15. Martha……………………..have her car since she……………………..pass her driving
16. Our parents…………………… this painting at auction about fifty-five years ago.
17. I…………………… a lot of Italian dishes this week.
18. When I was in Greece, I…………………… only local food.
19. They say that somebody……………………..invent the wheel by chance.
20. John……………………..know me for many, many years.
21. My breath is fresh now because I……………………..just/brush my teeth.
22. What time…………………… your mother yesterday?
23. Mozart…………………… a great composer and people still love his symphonies.
24. I……………………..change my hairstyle and people say it really suits me.
25. My brother is a musician. He……………………..compose a lot of music.
26. She……………………..wake up, ……………………..have breakfast and
…………………… the paper.
27. -……………………..Jim/try my homemade wine yet? - Yes, he……………………..try
it three days ago.
28. Her sister is a famous dancer and she…………………… in big London
29. I ……………………..spend three years in Paris and then……………………..go to
London in 1990.
30. Ouch! I……………………..cut my thumb. It's bleeding.
Complete the sentences using YET, JUST or ALREADY.
1. Has Tom had lunch…………………….. ?
2. If only you'd called a minute earlier! Jack has……………………..gone out.
3. She hasn't learnt how to speak English ……………………...
4. What time is he coming? – I’ve ……………………..told you twice. He'll be here after
5. It's rather late, so Julie has……………………..gone to bed.
6. We haven't started tea …………………….. .
7. We've ……………………..met. You don't need to introduce me.
8. Don't hang up! Bill has……………………..come in. Hold on a minute.
9. Have you finished work……………………..?
10. I've……………………..eaten lunch and I'm so full
11. Do you fancy watching this movie? - No, I've……………………..seen it twice.
12. I haven't tried lobster……………………..
13. I don't want to go to France. I’ve …………………….. been there and didn't like the
14. Oh no! Our bus has……………………..left!
15. How's Chiara? Has she found a boyfriend……………………..?
16. You didn't miss much. The play has only……………………..started.
17. Haven't you done a bungee jump……………………..? You should have a go. I've
……………………..done one and I loved it.
18. We've……………………..begun the game, so you can join in if you like.
19. She's ……………………..been to Africa, so she knows how to prepare for the journey.
20. I haven't told her about our wedding……………………..

Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

1. The other day I……………………..our friend Chris. (meet)
2. She is very ill, she…………………… for two weeks. (not be)
3. My former teacher……………………..for London. (leave)
4. He…………………… Leeds last week. (go)
5. We …………………….. many new roads in Poland. (build)
6. The old woman…………………… she was crossing the street. (fall)
7. You (never) …………………… Paris? No, I (never) ……………………..there.
8. They…………………… for the last seven years. (live)
9. The doctor……………………..He is waiting for you in the next room. (come)
10. He……………………..the soldiers to battle. (lead)
11. They……………………..home after the concert last night. (go)
12. I……………………..him for three months. (not meet)
13. …………………… the papers this morning? (you / read)
14. They……………………..their way. (lose)
15. …………………… in Paris last spring? Yes, I……………………..there in
April. (be)
16. I…………………… him about it over and over again. (speak)
17. I…………………… him about it yesterday. (speak)
18. He…………………… Vienna several times. (be)
19. We……………………..a bad storm the day before yesterday. (have)
20. The Browns are not at home. I believe they just…………………….. (leave)
21. Up to the present time I never …………………….. this museum. (visit)
22. I…………………….. him just as he was running out. (catch)
23. Her husband is a very nice man. I……………………..him ever since
I……………………..him. (like / meet)
24. The workers…………………… brother as their deputy. (choose)
25. This house…………………… a rich women up to the present time. (belong)
26. I……………………..him to write this letter at once. (tell)
27. When the bell rang, all the children……………………..from their seats and ran out.
28. We…………………… for two hours. (sit)
29. When I last saw her she…………………… join her family in the USA. (decide)
30. She……………………..a sweater for her brother. (knit)

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