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I. Define and explain the concepts of Actual Self, Ideal Self, and Self-Concept. Provide examples
and scenarios to illustrate each concept.
A. Actual Self - Real self: the one who reflects the individual true qualities, his aptitudes,
inclinations and characteristics.
B. Ideal Self - the person you want to be. This person has the attributes or qualities you are
either working toward or want to possess.
C. Self-Concept – WHO YOU ARE, Self-concept is made up of one's self-schemas, and interacts
with self-esteem, self-knowledge, and the social self to form the self as a whole.

II. True or False: Draw if the statement is true and if it is false.

TRUE 1. Feelings stem from our experiences and perspectives.
FALSE 2. Our thoughts are always positive.
FALSE 3. Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are one and the same
TRUE 4. Behaviors are the easiest to determine because it is observable.
TRUE 5. Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are necessary to work harmoniously to achieve your

III. Read the following situation, identify the aspect of holistic development it described. Write
Physiological, Psychological, Cognitive, Social or Spiritual in the blank.

PHYSIOLOGICAL 6. Ever since a young boy, Henry has been looking-up to his big bother,
sometimes people are having a hard time in recognizing him or his brother because he loves dressing
up and donning up like his big brother.
COGNITIVE 7. Liza enjoys experimenting different crafts and arts, she continuously looks for
something to do, yesterday she started taking up driving lesson.
PSYCHOLOGICAL 8. Ken began watching documentaries and clips about responsible used of
social media, he’s planning to make his own vlog that will present his personal views
and opinions about it.
SOCIAL 9. Sandra created a Facebook group with her friends inviting students from
neighboring school to make an outreach program for families affected by the
SPIRITUAL 10. Leo formed a cell group with his classmates, they usually hang out after school to
discuss Christian life.

IV. Identification.
SELF ACTUALIZATION 11. The concept that refers to the process by which an individual reaches his
or her full potential.
SELF CONCEPT 12. Refers to our personal knowledge of who we are, encompasses our thoughts
and feelings about ourselves physically, personally, and socially.
SELF ESTEEM 13. The value we place upon ourselves.
ACTUAL SELF 14. This is the way we see ourselves
IDEAL SELF 15. The self we would like to be.
BEHAVIOR 16. The actions generated from our thoughts and feelings
THOUGHTS 17. The intellectual functions of the mind
FEELINGS 18. The emotional response to thoughts and behaviors.
HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT 19. The process of self-actualization and learning that combines an
individual's cognitive, physiological, social, psychological, and spiritual growth.
COGNITIVE TRIANGLE 20. Refers to the development of how thinking, feeling, and behaving interact
and happen in a person
SOCIAL 21. Holistic domain/aspect that refers to how an individual interacts with other individuals or
groups of individuals.
SPIRITUAL 22. Holistic domain/aspect that refers to the attribute of a person’s consciousness and
beliefs, including the values and virtues.
EARLY, MIDDLE, LATE 23. Adolescence is one of the human developmental stages. It is divided into
three substages according to age and development tasks.
AUTISM DISORDER 24. is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person
perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The
disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior.
BIPOLAR DISORDER 25. Mental health illness that produces dramatic swings in mood. She/he may
alternate between periods of elevated mood or „mania‟ and period of depression or intense sadness.
DEPRESSION 26. A mental health challenge that makes a person feel very sad all the time and has
loss of interest.
POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 27. Mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying
event either experiencing or witnessing it and symptoms may include flashback nightmares and
severe anxiety.
SCHIZOPHRENIA 28. Mental health illness where the brain think it sees or hears things that don’t
BULIMIA 29. people might binge eat (eat to excess) and then try to compensate in extreme ways,
such as making themselves throw up or exercising all the time, to prevent weight gain.
ANOREXIA 30. People who have a real fear of weight gain and a distorted view of their body size and
shape. Many teens with anorexia restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise.

V. Enumeration

31-38. What are the developmental tasks according to developmental stage of adolescence?

• Achieving mature relations with both sexes

• Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
• Accepting one’s physique
• Achieving emotional independence of adults
• Preparing for marriage and family life
• Preparing for an economic career
• Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior
• Desiring and achieving socially responsibility behavior

39-42. Draw and enumerate the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs







43-45. How can you be capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult life?

46-50. Share the thing/s you have learned or found valuable from the lesson. How are you going to apply the
things you have learned?


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