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Putovanje = travelling (putovati [infinitive] = to travel)

Ja putujem – I am traveling (present)

Ti putuješ (you .. sing.)

On putuje (he..)

Mi putjemo (we are travelilng)

Vi putujte (you are travelling)

Oni putuju (thy are traveling)

We can use present tense to express future as well

Ana putuje za Grcku pocetkom 1. Aprila.

Ona (she) putuje za Grcku 1. 04. (near future).

Qustion: Da li Ana putuje za ... ?

Da li ti putujes za Srbiju?

Ja hocu da naučim Srpski (jezik). Jezik = tongue

Da li ti imaš jezik?

Da li ti imaš usta? (mouth)

Ona ima crne oči.

Ona ima crnu kosu. Not to be confused with koza

Sta bi volela da jedeš? The infinitive “voleti” & “jesti” what would y ou
like to eat?

Sta bi volela za doručak? What would you like for breakfast

Sta bi volela za ručak (lunch)

Sta bi volela za večeru (dinner)

Dzejms je sebičan = James is selfish “sebi” = to yourself

Pomozi sebi = help yourself

Pomozi meni = help me

Pomozi njemu = help him

Pomozi njoj = help her

Pomozi nam = help us

Ana will be impressed = ana ce biti impresionirana. (ce biti = will be)



Kakav je hleb u Grckoj? What is bread like in G.?

Grcki gleb je tvrd = Greek bread is too crispy – hart to bite.

tvrd. == something that is hard to penetrate (tvrdo, tvrda ..)

Koliko imas godina? How old are you? (literally – how many years do
you have)

Ja imam cetrdeset dve godine.

Mogu ti reci da nisi mlad. (to a male)

Mogu ti reci da nisi mlada (to a female)

I can tell you that you are not young.

I may not be very young, but I am very good in bed.

Mozda nisam mlad, ali sam veoma dobar u krevetu.

Ali = but nisam = I’m not u krevetu = in bed

Veoma = very

Feelings = osecanja

Osecati = to feel

Ostariti = grow old

Ostariti zajedno = grow old together

Mi cemo ostariti zajedno (expressing a plan here)

We are gonna grow old together

Ja cu ostariti = I’ll grow old

Ti ces ostariti = you will ..

Ona ce ostariti

On ce ostariti

Mi cemo ostariti = we will grow old

Vi cete ostariti (you .plur. will grow old )

Puno Ukrajinaca je doslo u Grcku.

A lot of Ukrainians have arrived/have come to Greece.

“došlo” the infinitive doći = to come

Imperative -- dodji/dođi !!!! come here!!!

Dimitris to Risto Dođi u Grčku kad možeš. Come to greece when you

Kada Ana dolazi

Dimitris to Ana (she is sleeping in the kitchen) – inviting Anna to the


Ana dodji kod mene. Ana come here to me.

Ana dodji ovde= Ana dodji ovde.

Tamo --- there

Ja sam ovde, a ti si tamo.

I am here and you are there.

Tetka – mothers or father’s sister

Ujak – your mother’s brother

Stric – your father’s brother

Ja uzimam ovu knjigu (plan for near future – I’m taking this book)you are
just about do it.

Ja cu poneti ovu knjigu (sa sobom) (plan for futre) might take place in 15

Pita moj sin da li ti je tezak srpski jezik? -- ‘ti’ = tebi’ = to you

My son is asking whether the Serbian l. is difficult for you?

Snalazim se .. = I’m managing

Srpski je lagan – Serbian is easy lagan = easy/light

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