Week 4 Assessment Preparation Workshop

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Week 4 WEL231

Lesson Aims

 Analyse and unpack the Assessment task

 Revisit basic essay writing strategies including
 Structuring the essay
 Structuring the paragraphs
 Writing to the rubric

 Referencing
The Task
 The assignment: For your first assignment in WEL231 you will critically analyse the importance of ‘place’ in your
life and how it influences your psychological wellbeing. Analysing ‘place’: Based on what you have read about
place and its importance to mental health I want you to explore and analyse a place that has importance for you.
I want you to put your place in the theoretical context of what you have read and reflect upon why and how
your place has a function in your life, remember this can be both a physical and/or a spiritual place. Below are
some questions that will help you get started:
 What does empirical research say about the connection between 'place' (could be physical and/or spiritual) and
mental health?
 What are the main theories associated with the human species' connection to place and which one has the
closest connection to your association to a 'place’?
 • Where is your space located?
 • Is it a physical, virtual and/or a spiritual place?
 • What role does this place play in your life, and how is it associated with and how does it influence, your
mental health?
 • Are there any potential threats to your place, and if so, what are the implications for your mental wellbeing?
 • In your view, is place something static or something that changes over time? Please justify the reason for
either answer.
In your answer I want you to put your critical analysis in the theoretical framework associated with the importance
of place, so you may be required to conduct a literature search to support your answers.
Breaking down the task

 Critically analyse the importance of ‘place’ in your life and how it influences your psychological
wellbeing. - What does critically analyse mean? It is more than description. Explore why ‘place’ is
important in your life. What is its significance? In what ways does it influence your Psychological
wellbeing? Define your terms - Explain what you mean by Psychological wellbeing.

 Analysing ‘place’: Based on what you have read about place and its importance to mental health I
want you to explore and analyse a place that has importance for you. - Where is your ‘place’ and
why is it important to you? What have you read? How is your reading relevant? How does your
‘place’ affect your own mental health?
 I want you to put your place in the theoretical context of what you have read What does the
academic literature have to say that is relevant to your place? (for example – if your ‘Place’ is Fiji,
then what does the scientific literature say about how Climate change will impact an island nation? How
is Fiji particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels, coastal erosion or extreme weather? What is being written
about on how climate change is already impacting the mental health and well being of Fijians?
 and reflect upon why and how your place has a function in your life, remember this can be both
a physical and/or a spiritual place. This is reflective and can be written in the first person. Explain
the function this place has in your life. Why does it have a function? How or when did it start? What
is its purpose?
Reflective writing – using the DIEP model

D • Describe

I Interpret

E Evaluate

P Plan
The structure of an essay
Tell them what
you are going to
say – e.g. points
1, 2 & 3.

Say it (all points

1, 2 & 3, in that

Tell them what

you said (Do not
add new points –
P.E.A method

What is P.E.A?
P.E.A stands for
 Point- Your opening sentence should be a topic sentence, making a precise point. It sets out what the
paragraph is about. It is a good way to structure an answer to make it clear, concise and
coherent. “There are three ways in which my ‘place’ influences my mental health and well being”.
 Evidence - You must then back up all claims with evidence. In this assessment you should be backing up
your anecdotal experience with what the literature says. “Firstly, I find it very calming to take time out
and sit near water. Removing myself from a stressful situation and going outside not only creates space
between me and the stressor it harnesses what Ghasemi et al. (2003) speak of as the beneficial
calming effects of white noise, such as that generated by water.
 Analysis – put critical thought into how your evidence links to your point. Could the experience of
calmness I receive when positioning myself near water stem from an intuitive desire to return to the
white noise and safe place in utero? Does the comfort I find from being near waters point to a deeper
knowledge held by First Nations peoples regarding how the environment is more than geography (Ward
& Wilson, 2023)?
The marking criteria and standards
General criteria: I will assess the following elements of your analysis:
1. Success with the Genre: Does your essay include the important features of your
place analysis? Do you make an analytical claim? Do you provide sufficient evidence to
support your claim? Remember, this essay is an analysis, not a description. You must
go beyond telling me about your place to explaining its significance for you, in a
mental health context.
2. Organisation: Is your essay logically organised? Do you include an introduction in
which you state your main point (your main analytical claim) and a brief summary of
key issues to be discussed? Do you have a strong conclusion that reflects what was
raised in the introduction? Are your paragraphs focused? Do they cover all the issues
raised in the introduction? Do you use transitions and topic sentences effectively?
3. Use of Primary Research: Do you effectively incorporate specific examples from
your field research to support your analysis? These examples should be specific,
referenced (using APA7 style) and detailed enough to provide evidence for the
claim(s) you are making.
4. Writing Style and Mechanics: Is your writing clear and understandable? Is it
concise? Is it well-edited and free from mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and word usage? Are you within the prescribed word limit?
The Rubric p.1
The Rubric p.2
The Rubric p.3 & 4
APA7 referencing


References (centred, bold)

 Adelman, D. S., & Legg, T. J. (2009). Disaster nursing: A handbook for practice. Jones and Bartlett. (Sentence punctuation)

 Best, O. (2018). The cultural safety journey: An Australian nursing context. In O. Best & B. Fredericks (Eds.), Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and
midwifery care (2nd ed., pp. 46 - 63). Cambridge University Press. (Location not required)

 Department of Health. (2010). Patients benefit from nurse practitioner's access to Medicare [Pamphlet]. Australian
Government. https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/work-nurse-pubs-prac (article title italicised)

 Hohol, A., Gilbert, J., & Johnston, M. (2016). Chronic obesity. In L. Deravin-Malone & J. Anderson (Eds.), Chronic care nursing: A framework for practice (pp. 210-225).
Cambridge. (Chapter in edited book NOT italicised. Book title italicised)

 McMurray, A., & Clendon, J. (2015). Community health and wellness: Primary health care in practice (5th ed.). Churchill Livingstone.

 MIMS. (2019a). Central nervous system - antipsychotic agents. In MIMS Online. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://www-mimsonline-com-

 MIMS. (2019b). Rivaroxaban. In MIMS Online. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://www-mimsonline-com-
(Similar to journal style The Journal title all key words in journal title are capitalised, and italicised but not the article title.

 NSW Government Department of Health. (2018). Medication handling in NSW public health facilities. http://www1.health.nsw.gov.au/pds/ActivePDSDocuments/PD2013_043.pdf

 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice. http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-
Statements/Professional-standards.aspx The title of the standard is not capitalised

 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Code of conduct for nurses. http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Professional-

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