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ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

Prospect of Essential Oil Industrial Waste as Energy

Resources for Essential Oil Production Process

S E Agustina* and L S Kholifah

Dept. of Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering &

Technology IPB University, Indonesia


Abstract: Essential oil production produces huge amount of solid waste. This un-utilized
waste potentially causing environmental problems. Converting the waste into biomass
briquettes (bio briquette) is one of the prosperous solutions since the briquettes can be used as
energy source for the production activities in those industry. The objective of this study is
converting the solid waste of essential oil production from nutmeg and clove stems into bio-
briquette form, and to analyze the potency of those bio-briquette to fulfill energy demand for
essential oil production process itself. Several various compositions have been taken to get
best performance of the bio-briquettes as fuel. The ratio of mass and adhesive were 1:0.625 ;
1:0.75 ; 1:1 ; 1:1.25 for nutmeg cakes, 1:0.75 ; 1:0.825 ; 1:1 ; 1:1.25 for nutmeg shell charcoal,
and 1:0,5 ; 1:0.625 ; 1:0.75 ; 1:1 for clove stem charcoal. The best results was performed by
nutmeg shell charcoal briquettes with composition of 1: 1. This briquette has moisture content
of 6.64%, ash content of 3.31%, and a calorific value of 5497 cal/gram. Those specification
meets the requirements of SNI 1/6235/2000 regarding briquettes as a fuel. Based on energy
demand calculation, implementation of those briquettes as fuel will reduce annually solid fuel
consumption around 30%. The reduction will help to reduce essential oil production cost, and
help the product to get “green product” label, which is very important for all products in the
global market.

1. Introduction
Indonesia has a lot of commodities which huge potency as essential oil raw material, such as clove,
patchouli (nilam), cinnamon, vetiver (akar wangi), fragant lemongrass, nutmeg, sandal wood, roses,
jasmine, and many others. Indonesia is one of essential oil producer in the world, and the position is
included in the 10th biggest exporter. All essential oil production produces huge of solid waste, for
example, production of nutmeg and clove essential oil produce waste for about 88% – 94 % of its raw
material processed [4]. In fact, most of the waste has not been utilized well and causing environmental
problem. In the other side, the production activity needs high input of energy for material heating
treatment before vapor distillation process. Converting the waste into biomass briquettes (bio
briquette) is one of the prosperous solutions since the briquettes can be used as energy source for the
production activities in those industry [1,2]. This research aims to looking for the possibility of using
the waste as energy source by converting the waste into bio-briquette, which can be used as energy
source in the industry itself. Utilization the waste as energy source for the industry itself will be create

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ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

double impact, there are reducing production cost and produce greener product. Figure 1 present an
illustration of essential oil production process.

Destilation Essential oil

Boiler &
unit Solid waste

Figure 1. Essential oil production process

The study conducted in a small-scale essential oil industry in Bogor regency, which is using nutmeg
and clove stems as their raw material as shown in Figure 2a and Figure 2c below. While Figure 2b and
Figure 2d are the waste which produced after distillation processing. Those waste will be processed as
briquetting material in this study. This research consist of several stages, namely early investigation of
the raw material, briquetting process, and briquette quality test or evaluation, as presented in the
Figure 3

(a).Nutmeg (b). Nutmeg seed waste (c) Clove stems (d) Clove stems waste

Figure 2. Raw material and the waste produced in essential oil production process.

Table 1. Briquette composition

Material code Material Adhesive agent % Adh.agent
Nutmeg seed waste A1 1 0.625 38.46
A2 1 0.750 42.86
A3 1 1 50,00
A4 1 1.125 52.94
Nutmeg shell charcoal B1 1 0.750 42.86
B2 1 0.875 46.67
B3 1 1 50.00
B4 1 1.125 52.94
Clove stem charcoal C1 1 0.5 33333
C2 1 0.625 38.46
C3 1 0.750 42,86
C4 1 1 50,00

Early investigation should be done before briquetting process, since we must know well about
material characteristics before decides briquetting method should be applied. Briquetting method is
included of material pre-handling, composition, and the apparatus (machine/tools) for the densification

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

process [5]. Based on the early investigation result, the clove stem and nutmeg shell are available to
carbonized before briquetting, to improve their quality as fuel and for better handling purposes.
Since the raw material has been carbonized, adhesive agent should be added in the briquetting
(densification) process, and cool densification method will be applied [1]. In this study, adhesive agent
made from tapioca starch processed as glue with composition of 75 gr starch in 1 liter water. Table 1
presents briquette composition for each kind of material. For briquetting (densification process), a
simple manual pressing tools has been used (Figure 4).


early investigation

Material preparation & briquette


Briquetting process

Briquette no
quality test
& analysis



Figure 3. Research stages.

Figure 4. Simple manual pressing (cold densification)

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

After densified, briquettes dried by sun drying process until the moisture content around 10 % -15
% for ease combustion condition. Then the briquettes will be investigated about its quality as fuel,
there are briquettes density (gr/cm3), moisture content (MC, %), energy content (LHV, kcal/kg),
firmness (strengthness), ash content, and combustion performance. Combustion performance
parameters are ignition time (minutes), combustion rate (gr/min), amount of smoke, and smelt/odor
produced while combustion process.

3.Result and Discussion

Waste produced in essential oil production process using nutmeg material, consist of about 30%
nutmeg shell and about 70% seed residue in the form of cakes. The cakes which has been used in this
study having MC 8% and density 0.38 gr/cm3. While clove stems waste which has been used in this
study having MC 8.8% and density 0.22 gr/cm3.
As described before, nutmeg shell and clove stems are carbonized before densified.
Carbonization of nutmeg shell produce 24% yield, but carbonization of clove stems only produces
18% yield due to its characteristic (small size, low MC, and less hard than nutmeg shell). Briquetting
result of each kind of material with several composition as described in the method above, can be seen
in Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7. While result of briquette quality investigation are shown in the
Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.

composition A1 1 : 0,625 composition A2 1:0,75

composition A3 1:1 composition A4 1:1,25

Figure 5. Briquettes made of nutmeg cake

composition B1 1:0,75 Composition B2


composition B3 1:1 composition B4 1:1,25

Figure 6. Briquettes made of nutmeg shell charcoal

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

composition C1 1:0,5 composition C2 1:0,625

composition C3 1:0,75 composition C4 1:1

Figure 7. Briquettes made of clove stems charcoal

Table 2. Result of “nutmeg cakes” briquettes quality investigation

Parameter Briquette’s code
A1 A2 A3 A4
Composition (raw material:adhesive agent) 1 : 0.625 1 : 0.75 1:1 1 : 1.125
Moisture content (MC, %) 13.45 13.38 18.48 15.48
Ash content (%) 3.18 3.37 9.44 9.74
Energy content (LHV, kcal/kg) 4470 4476 3813 3939
Density (gram/cm ) 0.48 0.46 0.49 0.46
Strengthness (kgf/cm ) 3.062 5.018 6.3 2.784
Ignition time (sec) 60 62 86 77
Av. combustion rate (gr/min) 0.32 0.35 0.62 0.41
Smoke *) 2 2 2 2
Smelt **) fair fair Fair fair
*) value range : 1 – 3 ; **) classification: good/fair/bad.

Table 3. Result of ‘nutmeg shell charcoal” briquettes quality investigation

Parameter Briquette’s code
B1 B2 B3 B4
Composition (raw material: adhesive agent) 1 : 0.75 1 : 0.875 1 : 1 1 : 1.125
Moisture content (MC, %) 8.36 8.33 6.64 6.68
Ash content (%) 3.84 2.96 2.57 3.31
Energy content (LHV, kcal/kg) 5426 5405 5497 5445
Density (gram/cm3) 0.48 0.5 0.5 0.53
Strengthness (kgf/cm2) 1.546 1,578 1.599 1.706
Ignition time (sec) 68 85 94 103
Av. combustion rate (gr/min) 0.25 0.32 0.27 0.23
Smoke *) 1 1 1 1
Smelt **) Fair fair fair fair
*) value range : 1 – 3 ; **) classification: good/fair/bad.

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

Table 4. Result of clove stems charcoal briquettes quality investigation

Parameter Briquette’s code
A1 A2 A3 A4
Composition (raw material: adhesive agent) 1 : 0.5 1 : 0.625 1 : 0.75 1:1
Moisture content (MC, %) 11.15 11.12 11.33 12,04
Ash content (%) 17.2 16.06 17.84 13.58
Energy content (LHV, kcal/kg) 4350 4302 4286 4245
Density (gram/cm ) 0.367 0.352 0.340 0.399
Strengthness (kgf/cm ) 2.101 3.395 4.696 5.594
Ignition time (sec) 67 100 69 57
Av. combustion rate (gr/min) 0.42 0.32 0.35 0.32
Smoke *) 1 1 1 1
Smelt **) fair fair fair fair
*) value range : 1 – 3 ; **) classification: good/fair/bad.

Based on those result, comparing with National Indonesian Standard of quality (SNI no.
1/6235/2000), especially on MC (should be less than 8%), ash content (should be less than 8%), and
energy content (should be higher than 5000 kcal/kg), all briquettes made of nutmeg cakes are not
match with the standard briquettes quality, even though still can be used as fuel since the briquettes
produce not too much smoke and fair smelt while combustion process occurred.
For nutmeg shell charcoal, all of briquette basically matching with SNI. Based on the data,
briquette B1 and B2 having MC more than 8% which is not match with SNI, but this condition easy to
improve by more longer drying time to get MC less than 8%. The best performance of briquette made
of nutmeg shell charcoal is performed by briquette B3 (composition 1:1). Briquette B3 has energy
content 5497 kcal/kg on 6.64% MC, with density 0.5 gr/cm3, strengthness 1.6 kgf/cm2, and ash
content only 2.6 %.

Table 5. Comparation of each kind of briquette quality with Indonesia Standard (SNI)

Composition Parameter
Moisture Ash content Energy
Raw material
content (MC) (%) content
(%) (kcal/kg)
A1 13,45 3,18 4470
A2 13,38 3,37 4476
Nutmeg cakes
A3 18,48 9,44 3813
A4 15,48 9,74 3939
B1 8,36 3,84 5426
Nutmeg shell charcoal B2 8,33 2,96 5405
B3 6,64 2,57 5497
B4 6,68 3,31 5445
C1 11,15 17,10 4350
C2 11,12 16,06 4302
Clove stem charcoal
C3 11,33 17,84 4286
C4 12,04 13,54 4245
SNI No.1/6235/2000 ≤8 ≤8 ≥5000

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

All of briquette made of clove stem charcoal has poor quality as fuel, indicated by the very high
ash content and MC, and also having energy content less than 5000 kcal/kg. But the best result among
the briquette of this material is performed by briquette C4 (composition 1:1) which has energy content
4245 kcal/kg on 12% MC , density almost 0.4 gr/cm3, strengthness almost 5.6 kgf/cm2, and ash
content 13.58%.
Table 5 below showing comparation of quality between the briquettes with Indonesia standard
(SNI no 1/6235/2000). Based on the data, we can see that not all of the waste having good potency as
energy resources for the industry itself, even though still potential as energy source for other purposes
such as for household or small scale industries which are using small stove/furnace and short time
operation. Essential oil industry usually using boiler system which operates long time, so beside
energy content, ash content in the fuel is very important in order to minimizing maintenance cost.
Comparation of quality performance among the briquettes presented in the Table 6.

Table 6. Comparation of quality among the briquettes

Parameter Briquette of Briquette of Briquette of clove
nutmeg cakes nutmeg shell stem charcoal
Energy content (kcal/kg) 3813 – 4476 5405 – 5497 4245 – 4350
Ignition time (sec) 53 – 97 61 – 105 32 – 75
Av.Combustion rate (gr/min) 0.30 – 0.65 0.21 – 0.33 0.30 – 0.43
Ash content (%) 3.18 – 9.74 2.57 – 3.84 13.54 – 17.84
Moisture content (%) 13.38 – 18.48 6.64 – 8.36 11.12 – 12.04
Smoke *) 2 1 1
Smelt **) fair fair fair
*) value range : 1 – 3 ; **) classification : good/fair/bad

Potency of the briquette as energy source indicated by briquette energy content. Based on the data
in Table 5 and Table 6 above, it can be seen that briquette made from nutmeg shell charcoal has better
compare to other materials, and the best quality was performed by briquette B3 (composition 1:1). So,
analysis about the waste potency as energy source has done based on the briquette B3 characteristic.
Table 7 below is showing comparation energy content of briquette B3 with other energy sources.

Table 7. Comparation of briquette energy content with other energy sources

Fuel (energy source) Energy content (kcal/kg)

Nutmeg cakes briquette 4476
Nutmeg shell charcoal briquette 5497
Clove stem charcoal briquette 4350
Corn cobs briquette a) 3679
Jathropa cakes briquette (Tracon Ind) b) 3973
Bagasse briquette 4216
Sengon wood charcoalc) 5868
Fuel wood (acasia mangium) b) 4128
LPGb) 11254
Source : a) Agustina 2020 b) lecture notes c) Arifin et. al.2018

Small scale essential oil industry with capacity of 1 ton raw material will be produce solid waste
around 750 kg nutmeg waste and around 895 kg clove stem waste. 30% of nutmeg waste is nutmeg
shell. Processing of 1 ton nutmeg needs around 4 m3 of fuel wood, while for 1 ton clove stem needs
only 2 m3 fuel wood. By using data of fuel wood in Table 7, energy needs for processing 1 ton nutmeg
and 1 ton clove stem is 11.145 x 106 kcal. By using data on Table 7, if all of the waste successfully

ICATES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1116 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1116/1/012039

converted as bio-briquette, by using boiler system with the same level efficiency, the waste has
potency to substitute 30% of total energy needed for essential oil production process. The substitution
will be reduce production cost by reducing the energy cost. Even though the substitution will be needs
a little bit modification in the furnace feeding system and operation, using waste as energy source for
production activities will be help the industry to get “green product label” which is very important in
the global market.

Based on the data and analysis, we can conclude that:
1. Essential oil industry produce huge of solid waste, and for nutmeg and clove stem commodity the
waste is around 80 – 90 % of raw material, which can be converted into bio-briquette for fuel of
boiler system in the processing plant.
2. Before densified, carbonization was applied to nutmeg shell and clove stem in order to improve
their quality as fuel, and easier to be densified.
3. Briquettes of nutmeg shell charcoal better than briquette made of nutmeg cakes and clove stem,
and the quality was match with Indonesian National Standar (ISN) no 1/6235/2000. While
briquette made of nutmeg cakes and clove stem charcoal were not match with those standard.
The best quality performed by briquette B3, which was made of nutmeg shell charcoal with
composition of raw material and adhesive agent was 1:1. The briquette has energy content of
5497 kcal/kg on 6.64% MC, density 0.5 gr/cm3, strengthness 1.6 kgf/cm2, and ash content 2.6 %.
4. Calculation based on production capacity of 1 ton nutmeg and 1 ton clove stem raw material,
showing that “if all the waste successfully converted into bio-briquette, the briquette has potential
to substitute 30% of fuel wood they used to be”.
5. Utilization the waste by converting into bio-briquette and using it as energy source for
production activities will be giving double impact for those industry, there are reducing energy
cost and produce greener product. Both of these impacts are very important in the global market.

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[thesis]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor

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