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Quite interesting article posted on the FB Life in Saudi Arabia page last Thursday (16/03). The
article tells how business competition in Saudi Arabia portrays.

It is said that a British manager was contracted by Bin Dawood (one of the leading department
stores in Saudi Arabia) as a regional manager for their branch in Makkah. This manager already
has a fairly high flying hours. Experienced as a shopping center manager in the U.K, Malaysia and

After living and working for some time in Saudi Arabia, he then shared how strange, unique and
inspiring it is how people do business in Saudi. Here are some examples he gave:

The first story...

In Makkah, opposite the Bin Dawood Superstore there is a company that also built a megastore. It is
only a few meters away from Bin Dawood. The new manager was uneasy, "Why don't they open
somewhere else?"

The owner of Bin Dawood wrinkled his face, a sign that he didn't like the words.

What did he do then?

He sent some of Bin Dawood's employees to the newly revamped shopping mall, delivered food and
tea and offered them what help they needed!

The manager from England was surprised to see the reaction of the owner of Bin Dawood.The owner
of Bin Dawood then said, "Our sustenance has been determined. They will not be able to take it even
one riyal if it is already declared, it belongs to us. So why don't we try to find rewards and help

Many people do not understand this simple concept, that our sustenance is fixed, it has been
established. No need to feel anxious about competition in business.

The second story concerns : the owner of the chicken farm Fakieh.
Fakieh Poultry Farms is the second largest chicken farm in Saudi Arabia after Al Watania as the first
largest farm.

In 2014 Fakieh Poultry produced 500,000 broiler chickens every day. The company has operated
more than 200 chicken farms spread throughout Saudi Arabia.

At one point, Fakieh Poultry's biggest rival, Al Watania, was in debt of more than one million riyals.
If not paid, it may be risky for their business. Assets can be confiscated.

What does Fakieh Poultry owner do?

He sent a cheque to help the Al Watania company pay its debts and said, "Pay your debts now,
and return them to me whenever you can return it."
Fakieh Poultry has a chance to eliminate its rivals and become number one. But instead, he helped
his struggling business rivals.

This is a picture of business in Saudi Arabia. Where business is run with a heart that is aware that
sustenance has been arranged by the Almighty. No need to be afraid of our sustenance being
usurped, or even to the point of doing dirty tricks and sabotage to bring down our rivals.

Hopefully this little bit can inspire business people in our country.

Jogja, on a sunny and mubaarakah Friday morning...


Wira Mandiri Bachrun.


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