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History of Religion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Article · August 2023

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Ali Safaa
University of Baghdad


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1 (vii) H/C
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Chapter - 1
Question 1) What do you understand by Judaism?
(a) Religion of Jews (b) Religion of Hindus (c) Religion of Turks
Question 2) Persecute refers to –
(a) to harras (b) tobold (c) to encourage
Question 3) Apostles were sent out to preach the message of –
(a) Christianity (b) Hindus (d) Muslims
Question 4) Franks refers to the Germanic people that entered the __________ empire –
(a) Roman (b) European (c) British
Question 5) Monasteries refers to the places where __________ live
(a) Monks (b) nuns (d) none of them
Question 6) _________ refers to a woman who has renounced his family and worthy persuits to lead a life
devoted to spirituality
(a) Nun (b) monk (c) teacher
Question 7) Jesus was born to a poor jewish family in Bethlehem
(a) True (b) False
Question 8) Jews followed Judaism.
(a) True (b) False
Question 9) _________ was the emperor when Jesus Christ took birth.
(a) Augustus (b) Pontius (c) Constantine
Question 10) _________ was accused of treason against the empire and of blasphemy against Judaism.
(a) Christ (b) Augustus (c) none of them
Question 11) Pontius was the _________ Governor.
(a) Roman (b) European (c) American
Question 12) __________ refers to put to death by nailing the hands and feet to a cross.
(a) Crucifixion (b) burial (c) none of them
Question 13) Missionaries belong to __________
(a) Hinduism (b) Islam (c) Christians
Question 14) Jesus died by being nailed onto the cross around _________ CE
(a) 33 (b) 43 (c) 53
Question 15) Jesus was a _________ by profession
(a) carpenter (b) teacher (c) doctor
Question 16) _________ was the father of Jesus
(a) Joseph (b) David (c) none of them
Question 17) Crusades were launched to rescue _________
(a) Jerusalem (b) Constantinople (c) none of them
Question 18) Crusades were fought for _________ years.
(a) 200 (b) 50 (c) 100
Question 19) From whom was the holy place for the Christians to be rescued in the form of crusades?
(a) Barbarians (b) Romans (c) Turks
Question 20) The Holy Roman Empire broke up into how many parts
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
Question 21) What was the ancient name for Constantinople?
(a) Byzantine (b) Jerusalem (c) Bethlehem
Question 22) Who ruled India when Christianity emerged in West Asia?
(a) Mauryas (b) Guptas (c) Sakas

Chapter – 2

Question 1) The period from 700 CE to about 1700 CE is described as the _________ period in Indian history.
(a) Ancient (b) medieval (c) modern
Question 2) Islam took birth in _________
(a) India (b) Arabia (c) America
Question 3) The tribal people led a _________ life.
(a) nomadic (b) settled (c) urban
Question 4) Two major towns were Mecca and Medina.
(a) True (b) False
Question 5) Bedouins is the tribal community of _________
(a) Arab (b) India (c) America
Question 6) Arabia was the _________ dominated country.
(a) male (b) female (c) none of them
Question 7) Prophet Mohammad, in the early years of seventh century CE founded _________
(a) Hinduism (b) Islam (c) Christianity
Question 8) Mohammad was born in __________ CE in Mecca
(a) 570 (b) 500 (c) 350
Question 9) Abdulla was the name of Mohammad’s father.
(a) true (b) false
2 (vii) H/C
Question 10) Mohammad’s mother died when he was __________ years old.
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 10
Question 11) Khadijia was the _________ of Mohammad
(a) wife (b) sister (c) mother
Question 12) Lakat refers charity to the poor.
(a) true (b) false
Question 13) The teachings of _________ are contained in the holy book Quran.
(a) Krishna (b) Merabai (c) Mohammad
Question 14) Muslim calendar is called. Hijri.
(a) true (b) false
Question 15) In _________ CE, Mohammad and his followers defeated the enemies in a series of battles and triumphantly
entered Mecca.
(a) 624 CE (b) 600 CE (c) 550 CE
Question 16) After Mohammad’s death, Abu Bakr became his successor.
(a) true (b) false
Question 17) Abu Bakr took the title of _________
(a) Allah (b) King (c) Caliph
Question 18) Abu Bakr ruled for _________ years
(a) two (b) one (c) three
Question 19) After Abu Bakr, Umar, Uman and Ali came into the power.
(a) true (b) false
Question 20) The Umayyad Dynasty was founded by
(a) Muawiyah (b) Ali (c) Caliph
Question 21) Muawiyah was the governor of _________
(a) Syria (b) Iraq (c) Iran
Question 22) In _________ CE, Mohammad Bin Qasim conquered sind
(a) 712 (b) 700 (c) 550
Question 23) Where was Mohammad born?
(a) Mecca (b) Medina (c) Baghdad
Question 24) What is pilgrimage to Mecca known as?
(a) Zakat (b) Hijri (c) Haj
Question 25) What is the meaning of Islam?
(a) Charity in the name of God (b) submission to the will of God (c) praying to God

Chapter – 3

Question 1) In _________ CE, the Arabs had attacked sind

(a) 712 (b) 700 (c) 650
Question 2) Raja Dahir Sen was the ruler of _________
(a) Sind (b) Mewar (c) Mathura
Question 3) Raja Dahir Sen was defeated by __________
(a) Mohd Bin Qasim (b) Ali (c) Caliph
Question 4) Turks established themselves in the 11th and 12 centuries
(a) true (b) fasle
Question 5) Sabukligin was the ruler of __________
(a) Ghazni (b) Ghor (c) Pakistan
Question 6) __________ was the first Turkish invader
(a) Mahmud (b) Mohammad Ghori (c) None of them
Question 7) Mahmud raided India ________ times.
(a) 17 (b) 27 (c) 10
Question 8) Mahmud first attacked Jaipal
(a) true (b) false
Question 9) Jaipal was defeated in ________ CE
(a) 1001 (b) 1000 (c) 2000
Question 10) Anandpal was the ruler of ________
(a) Multan (b) Mewar (c) none of them
Question 11) Mahmud never tried to build empire in India
(a) true (b) false
Question 12) Mahmud wanted to beautify _________
(a) Ghazni (b) Multan (c) farghana
Question 13) __________ was the ruler of Ghor.
(a) Mohd. Ghori (b) Mahmud (c) Prithviraj Chauhan
Question 14) In ________ CE, Ghori attacked Prithviraj Chauhan
(a) 1191 (b) 1000 (c) 1200
Question 15) Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first Battle of _________
(a) Tarain (b) Panipat (c) Mewar
Question 16) _________ appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as the governor of this province and returned to Ghor.
(a) Ghori (b) Mahmud (c) none of these
Question 17) Muhammad Ghori was murdered in _________ CE
(a) 1206 (b) 1200 (c) 1150
Question 18) Mohammad Ghori founded slave dynasty
(a) true (b) false
Question 19) Jaichandra was the powerful of __________
(a) Mathura (b) Agra (c) Kannauj
3 (vii) H/C
Question 20) The feudal system had weakened the Rajput rulers.
(a) true (b) false
Question 21) The caste system prevalent in the __________ society.
(a) Rajput (b) Islam (c) Christianity
Question 22) _________ was the duty of the kshatriyas.
(a) Defence (b) ruling (c) trade
Question 23) Muhammad GHori built up an empire in the country
(a) true (b) false
Question 24) _________ were Muslim king
(a) Raja (b) Sultan (c) Mahraj
Question 25) Who was the author of Shahnama?
(a) Al Beruni (b) Mahmud (c) Firdausi

Chapter – 4

Question 1) The period between 1206 CE and 1526 CE is known as the period of the _________
(a) Delhi Sultanate (b) Rajput dynasty (c) none of them
Question 2) Delhi was the capital of Delhi Sultanate
(a) true (b) false
Question 3) The __________ dynasty was called the Mamluk dynasty
(a) slave (b) Tugluq (c) Khalji
Question 4) Qutb-ud-din Aibak ruled for only about __________ years.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4
Question 5) __________ was known as Lakhbaksh
(a) Qutub ud din (b) Iltutmish (c) Mohd Tuglaq
Question 6) The Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque in Delhi is supposed to have been built on a Hindu temple
(a) true (b) false
Question 7) The construction of the famous _________ was commenced by Aibak.
(a) Qutb Minar (b) Jama Masjid (c) none of them
Question 8) Qutb-din Aibak died in _________ CE
(a) 1210 (b) 1200 (c) 1250
Question 9) Aram Shah was the son of _________
(a) Qutb-din Aibak (b) Iltutmish (c) Akbar
Question 10) Qutb-ud-din died after a fall from a horse while playing polo at Lahore.
(a) true (b) false
Question 11) Iltutmish ascended the throne in __________ CE.
(a) 1211 (b) 1200 (c) 976
Question 12) Nasir-ud-din Qabacha was the ruler of Multan.
(a) true (b) false
Question 13) Iltutmish formed a group of powerful Turkish nobles called _________
(a) Chalisa (b) twenty (c) none of these
Question 14) Ali Mardan was succeeded by Ghias-ud-din
(a) True (b) false
Question 15) Ghias-ud-din was defeated and killed by Iltutmish
(a) True (b) false
Question 16) Chengiz Khan was the leader of _________ tribe
(a) Mongol (b) Farghana (c) none of them
Question 17) Minhaj-us-Siraj is the author of _________
(a) Tabaqat-i-Nasiri (b) Shahnama (c) none of them
Question 18) He built a mosque in Badaun and his own tomb in red sand-stone in Delhi.
(a) True (b) false
Question 19) Itlutmish died in _________ CE
(a) 1236 (b) 1200 (c) 1150
Question 20) The empire was divided into many provinces called iqtas.
(a) True (b) false
Question 21) Who succeeded Raziya?
(a) The eldest son of Iltutmish (b) Altuniya (c) The youngest son of Iltutmish
Question 22) Whom did Balban appoint as the Governor of Bengal?
(a) Tughril Beg (b) Bughra Khan (c) Kaiqubad
Question 23) Who founded the Khalji Dynasty?
(a) Iltutmish (b) Jalal-ud-din Khalji (c) Kaiqubad
Question 24) Whose revolt did Balban suppress?
(a) Tughril Beg (b) Ali Mardan (c) Ghiyas-ud-din

Chapter – 5

Question 1) __________ was the founder of the Khalji Dynasty.

(a) Jalal-ud-din Khalji (b) Ala-ud-din Khalji (c) none of them
Question 2) Jalal-ud-din Khalji was murdered by Ala-ud-din Khalji.
(a) True (b) false
Question 3) The branding of horse was called dagh system.
(a) True (b) false
4 (vii) H/C
Question 4) Ala-ud-din Khalji implemented the __________ control policy.
(a) market (b) revenue (c) none of them
Question 5) Drinking wine in public was prohibited
(a) True (b) false
Question 6) Ala-ud-din Khalji conquered Gujrat and Malwa in _________ CE
(a) 1297 (b) 1298 (c) 1200
Question 7) Ala-ud-din was the first _________ Sultan to build an empire in India.
(a) Turkish (b) Europeon (c) none of them
Question 8) Malik Kafur the commander-in-chief in Ala-ud-din’s army
(a) Yes (b) no
Question 9) Ala-ud-din was the __________ Delhi Sultan to attempt the conquest of the Deccan.
(a) first (b) only (c) second
Question 10) Malik was the _________ of Ala-ud-din Khalji
(a) slave (b) son (c) master
Question 11) The system of maintain descriptive roles of soldiers was called
(a) Chehra (b) dagh (c) none of them
Question 12) __________ refers to the fertile land between the two rivers Ganga and Yamuna.
(a) Doab (b) delta (c) plain
Question 13) Jauhar was a Rajput custom of mass burning of the women of the royal household when the king was
(a) True (b) false
Question 14) Vassal refers to __________
(a) main (b) subordinate (c) none of them
Question 15) The Khalji dynasty came to an end in __________- CE
(a) 1316 (b) 1300 (c) 1400
Question 16) Ala-ud-din Khalji dreamt of establishing an all- India empire.
(a) True (b) false
Question 17) Ala-ud-din was very _________ towords the nobles.
(a) strict (b) kind (c) neutral
Question 18) Amir Khusrau was an architect.
(a) True (b) false
Question 19) Malik Kafur was a slave bought from Gujrat
(a) True (b) false
Question 20) Who carried on the Deccan expedition on behalf of Ala-ud-din Khalji?
(a) Malik Kafur (b) Ghazi Malik (c) Jalal-ud-din Khalji
Question 21) Who was Ghazi Malik?
(a) a slave of Ala-ud-din (b) the ruler of Kakatip dynasty (c) the governor of Dipalpur
Question 22) What musical instrument did Amir Khusrau invent?
(a) flute (b) veena (c) sitar
Question 23) What title did Ghazi Malik assume?
(a) Giyas-ud-din Balban (b) Giyas-ud-din Tuglaq (c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Question 24) Whose queen was Rani Padmini?
(a) Rana Amar Singh (b) Rana Pratap Singh (c) Rana Ratan Singh
Question 25) Ala-ud-din built the Chittorgarh fort.
(a) True (b) false

Chapter – 1 (Civics)

Question 1) India became a sovereign independent on _________ August, 1947

(a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17
Question 2) When did the constitution of India come into force?
(a) 15 August 1947 (b) 26 January 1948 (c) 26 January 1950
Question 3) A country free from outside control refers to _________
(a) sovereign (b) secular (c) none of them
Question 4) Fundamental rights are absolute.
(a) True (b) false
Question 5) The Indian constitution has provided the basis of political democracy by introducing _________
Or right to note.
(a) Universal Adult Franchise (b) Right to freedom (c) The Right to constitutional Remedies
Question 6) In a non- republican democracy, the head of the state is _________
(a) king (b) Prime minister (c) President
Question 7) How many rights are ensured by the constitution?
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7
Question 8) Right to freedom is a fundamental Right.
(a) True (b) false
Question 9) The right to vote is called -
(a) Adult franchise (b) Right to constitutional Remedies (c) none of them
Question 10) Discriminate refers to differentiate
(a) True (b) false
Question 11) __________ refers to spread or preach.
(a) Propagate (b) differentiate (c) none of them
Question 12) The unfair way of making use of other’s labour is called –
(a) exploitation (b) habitation (c) none of them
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Question 13) Sovereign refers to the freedom from outside control.
(a) True (b) false
Question 14) A group or community of people who are small in number is called –
(a) Majority (b) minority (c) none of them
Question 15) All the fundamental rights are justiciable.
(a) True (b) false
Question 16) Which fundamental Right protects all other fundamental Rights?
(a) Right to freedom (b) Right to Equality (c) Right to constitutional Remedies
Question 17) Which right allows freedom to all religious and linguistic communities in India to preserve their distinct
Culture, language and script?
(a) Right to freedom of Religion (b) Cultural and Educational Rights (c) Right to Equality
Question 18) When can the fundamental Right be withheld?
(a) during elections (b) during emergency (c) anytime
Question 19) The Preamble declares India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic secular Republic.
(a) True (b) false

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