Muhammad Luqmanul Hakim - Tugas B Inggris Dokter

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Name : Muhammad Luqmanul Hakim

NIM : 2018662

Class : 2C Ankim

Praktice 1

In 1990 this was the situation of dentists

The first modern braces for teeth were made by Christophe-Francois Delabarre in 1819. True
teeth are covered by enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. Teeth are not free from a
variety of threatening damage. If you allow plaque to build up and harden, you may be at risk for
tartar. Tartar can wreak havoc on oral health and cause gum disease.

Plaque is a thin, sticky layer made of a buildup of bacteria, dirt, and food debris. Plaque
takes about 12 days to mature. Plaque comes from food debris that sticks to the surface of the teeth
after eating and drinking. However, small amounts of plaque over several hours are nothing to worry
about. Plaque can grow very quickly and produce acid over time.

Tartar is formed due to plaque that is not cleaned properly. When plaque is not removed
effectively in an oral hygiene routine, minerals from saliva will combine with plaque to form tartar.
Tartar has a rough texture and creates stains on teeth that are yellow, brown, to black. Usually this
stain will be seen along the gum line or neck of the tooth.

Cleaning tartar can also be done at home, the ingredients used are toothbrushes with baking
soda, white vinegar, coconut oil, aloe vera and glycerin. The American Dental Association (ADA)
recommends teething twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

The patient's name is Janelle Monae, a 40 year old male. Went to the dentist because he had
a problem with his teeth. Janelle is cared for by two sisters named Eula and Yanfei. The disease after
it was discovered was tartar that had settled and hardened a lot in the mouth, but it was known that
the two nurses could overcome it.

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