100 Marks Question (History)

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100 Marks Question(History)

Prepared by: Ganim Muhtasim

1) Write the meaning of the following Keywords: (2X10=20)

a) Renaissance

b) Church

c) Religion

d) Art

e) Pope

f) Building

g) Architecture

h) Reformation

i) Protestant

j) Catholic

2) Answer the following Questions: (40)

a) What do you know about Renaissance? Explain. (5)


b) Write the differences between the Renaissance and the Middle Ages. (5)


c) Write ten sentences explaining how the Renaissance occurred. (10)


d) Write five characteristics of Renaissance Buildings. (5)

e) Write five differences between Renaissance Buildings and Modern Building. (10)


f) Write five causes of the Reformation. (5)


3) Write true or false beside the statements. (10X1=10)

a) Renaissance means the Rebirth of Learning.

b) The Church took 2 out of 10 parts of the European's income as Church Tax.
c) The Reformation is the Alliance of The Catholic and Protestant Church.
d) Martin Luther was a Christian preacher.
e) The Reformation began in 1517.
f) The Church owned One-third of the land of Europe.
g) Martin Luther wrote 95 things that he thought the Church did wrong.
h) John Calvin made Martin Luther's Protestant Church rules less strict.
i) Perspectives made Paintings look more 3D and Realistic.
j) Martin Luther was a German Monk.

4) Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Words. (15X1=15)

a) The Renaissance started in the mid ________ Century.

b) John Calvin is from ______________________.
c) Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin to ________________.
d) Martin Luther’s Church is in ___________________, Germany.
e) In the 16th century, people thought that the Pardons were __________________.
f) The Europeans paid ___________________ of their income to the Church.
g) The astronomer __________________ proved the Earth moved around the sun.
h) Windmills are used for grinding ______________.
i) Furnaces are used for ____________________.
j) Expressions in painting made them more __________________________.
k) Most Renaissance artists were from the country _________________.
l) The Large Tuft of Grass was painted by ______________________.
m) The Agony in the Garden was painted by __________________________.
n) The painting Philosophy was painted by _________________.
o) Michelangelo was a famous ____________________.
p) The Louvre is situated in ___________________.

5) Match the following: (10X1=10)

a) Renaissance Artists i) Paris

b) Name of a Painting ii) California
c) Renaissance Buildings iii) Constantinople
d) The Louvre is in iv) Mid-15th Century
e) The Getty Museum is in v) About 1450
f) The Islamic Turks captured vi) Getty Museum, Louvre
g) A German invented the printing press in vii) 1974
h) The Renaissance started in viii) The 1940s
i) The Getty Museum was built in ix) Philosophy
j) The City Hall of Hong Kong was broken down x) Da Vinci, Michelangelo.

Answer the following Short Questions. (5X1=5)

a) What does Renaissance mean?


b) What did Martin Luther write on his Church's Door?


c) What is the Catholic Church?


d) What does Perspective mean?


e) Write the names of three famous Artists of the Renaissance.



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