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Complete the text with the following

verbs in the past simple.

Work ,make, sail(naviguer), be born, find,

invent, see, go, attend (assister), read,

Last month I ………………the biography of

Nikola Tesla. He …………………in 1856 in
Austria, Hungary. He ……………the
University of Graz where he …………………
the first Gramme dynamo. He first
……………….in a government telegraph
engineering office in Budapest where
he………………..his first invention, a
telephone repeater. In 1882 Tesla……………
to work in Paris where he ………………his
first induction motor. He ……………….to
America in 1884 and ……………….a job with
Thomas Edison in New Jersey.
In 1898 Tesla…………………his invention of a
teleautomatic boat guided by remote

B.Put the sentences in the negative form.

1. They were very shy and they stayed at

2. I spoke with Michael yesterday.
3. He was a great inventor. He created a
new car engine.
4. We asked him a lot of questions.
5. I met a celebrity yesterday.
C.Put the verbs in the past simple or
present perfect.

1. Saruman is a very evil wizard : he

(betray :)…………………all his friends .
2. In 2007, I (watch)……………..Fear Factor
on TV. It (be)……………a great show !
3. She (never see)……………….such a
wound(blessure) before !It’s awful !
4. ………….you (ever fight)…………………
With a sword ?
No, I …………………
5. The group of vampires (leave)
………………two days ago.
D.Linda se prépare à partir en expédition.
Dis ce qu’elle a DEJA fait (already) et ce
qui lui reste à faire (YET)

- Pack bag
- Take maps (done)
- Prepare food
- Buy new backpack(done)
- Find old sleeping bag

E.Lis les informations concernat David, un

candiat à un jeu de télé realié, Fear
Présetnte le héro et fais la liste de ses
exploits, puis des défits qu’il n’a pas
encore relevés.

Name : David
Qualities : strong, brave, generous
Achievements : eat grilled spiders, sleep
with snakes
Challenges : catch rats with bare hands
(mains nues), explore a fores tat night .

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