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Name : Joyhelga Condoleezza Maramis

NIM : 23101097

Course subject : Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Lecturer : Mike A. K. Lovihan, S.Psi., M.A


What do you know about Value, attitude, and job satisfaction?
 Values are the beliefs and principles that are important to an individual in
determining their behavior and decisions. Values can encompass various
aspects, such as ethics, morality, honesty, integrity, or social responbility.
Values play a significant role in shaping a person’s identify, guiding their
behavior, and determining life priorities. They serve as a moral compass,
influencing how individuals interact with other people and navigate various
situations in their personal and professional lives.
 Attitude refers to an individual’s mental evaluation or judgment of a specific
object, person, or situation, which can be positive, negative, or neutral.
Attitude includes aspects such as feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, that
contribute to responses to specific stimuli. Positive attitudes can enhance
performance, motivation, and social interactions, while negative attitudes can
hinder progress and job satisfaction.
 Job Satisfaction is the level of contentment and happiness and individuals
feels towards their job, including various aspects such as the work
environment, compensation, interpersonal relationships, and recognition. Job
satisfaction impacts motivation, productivity, employee retention, and mental
well-being. Factors such as engagement, work-life balance, recognition of
achievements, and opportunities for development can influence an individual’s
level of job satisfaction.
Values, attitudes and job satisfaction are important elements in understanding individuals
behavior in organizations. Values are an individual’s belief about what is right and wrong,
good and bad, which will influence his or her behavior at work. Attitude is an individual’s
tendency to behave in a certain, way towards certain objects, people or situations is an
individual’s positive or negative feelings towards their job.

I Will explain the value related to my personal life and there are 3 of each:

 Empathy

When I know that my friends is facing emotional problems, I take the initiative to reach out
to her directly. I invite her to meet or send a message to offer support and listen attentively.
When we meet, I also express empathy by stating that I care and understand her feelings. I
also express empathy by stating that I care and understand that she is going through a difficult
time. In addition, I also offer help such as accompanying her to seek professional help or
doing activities that can help distract from her problems. With my empathy and support, I
want my friend to feel that she supported and not alone in dealing with her problems.

 Responsibility

As a student with personal responsibilities, I will take concrete steps to overcome the
challenges I face. For example, if I am experiencing financial difficulties, I might make a
budged plan and look for ways to manage the expenses more wisely so that I can be frugal
and survive to be able to eat or save for urgent matters. Or if I am feeling emotionally
distressed, I might seek help from friends or relatives for support and advice. By taking
responsibility for my personal problems, I should also demonstrate maturity and fortitude in
facing life’s challenges.

 Enthusiasm

I am a student who shows great enthusiasm in everything he does. I exhibit great enthusiasm
in exploring her interests and talents, both in academics and outside academics. For example,
I have tremendous enthusiasm in pursuing academic studies, diligently attending lectures,
participating in discussions, and doing assignments with vigor. In addition, I showed great
enthusiasm in taking on new challenges and opportunities that arose in life, with appositive
attitude and openness to learn and grow personally. Her all-around enthusiasm helps to keep
her motivated and excited about achieving the goals she sets, and creates a meaningful and
fulfilling experience during her college years. This behavior reflects her passion for living
passionately and taking advantage of every opportunity to grow and develop as a better

I Will explain the Attitude related to my personal life and there are 3 of each:

 Patience

When I am patient in the face of difficult or unexpected situations, I tend to be better able to
manage stress. By not being rushed or irritable, we can take better care of my mental and
physical health. And attitude of patience help build good relationships with others. When I
am willing to listen patiently, give others time to speak, and understand their perspective, I
create stronger bonds and mutual understanding. Patience helps me stay focused and
persevere when facing challenges or obstacles. By staying calm and patient, I can maintain
the quality of my work and achieve my goals more effectively. When I am patient in the face
of problems or obstacles, I tend to be more open to different solutions and creative ideas.
Patience helps me see situations from different perspectives and find new ways to tackle

 Discipline

I adhere to wake-up schedule to start the day productively and not be late for various
activities and of course I maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of my living space by
regularly cleaning and tidying up my belongings. I also make a budged and adhere to a
monthly spending plan to manage finances wisely and avoid wastage, as well as carry out
college assignments according to the specified schedule and take time to learn and develop
new skills, such as reading books or practicing hobbies.

 Have a sense of Gratitude

First and foremost, I should be grateful that because of the love and mercy of God, I am still
given the opportunity to do good things in this world. I always express my gratitude to others
for the help, support, or gift received, whether it is an person or through messages or words. I
am also very grateful for the health and well-being of my body, and take a good care of it
through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest. I am grateful for the opportunities
and changes I am given in life, such as the chance to study, work, or develop personally and
professionally. I am grateful for the presence of the closest people in my life, such as my
family, friends and partner, and cherish the bonds and relationships I have with them. I am
grateful for my achievements and successes, both small and large, and celebrate them as the
result or hard work and dedication.

And the last is when I feel satisfied with my job satisfaction:

When I get feedback from someone or appreciate me by giving a reward, I feel satisfied
because where I feel appreciated the reward is not about objects or anything that is enough
with the words “Good I agree with your opinion” or just simply I like your efforts good job
and so on. Because it will be a reinforcement for me personally not that I want to be
appreciated. I feel satisfied when I feel happy and energized when I go to work every day,
enjoy each task assigned and feel satisfied after completing it, feel valued and recognized for
my contribution, enjoy interacting with friends and feel socially connected in the campus
environment, feel I have a balance between class time and free time to do things I like outside
of work, feel safe and comfortable in a social environment that supports physical and mental
well-being. Overall, values, attitude and job satisfaction are important elements in shaping an
individual’s experience at work and life as a whole. A person’s values guide behavior and
decision, while a positive attitude creates a pleasant and supportive work atmosphere. Job
satisfaction, as a subjective evaluation of work experiences, plays a key role in an
individual’s well-being and happiness at work. By having appropriate values, a positive
attitude, and a high level of job satisfaction, a person tends to be a more motivated, high-
performing, and satisfied with their life. This not only impacts individual work performance,
but also the quality of interpersonal relationships, work atmosphere, and overall emotional
well-being. Therefore, it is important for individuals and organizations to recognize the
important role that values, attitudes, and job satisfaction play in creating a healthy,
productive, and satisfying work environment. By understanding and paying attention to these
elements, individuals and organizations can work together to create a positive and supportive
work culture, which in turn will result in greater satisfaction and success for all parties

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