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Information Communication Technology (ICT)

on Palembang city government, Indonesia:
Performance measurement for great digital

Doris Febriyanti, Ida Widianingsih, Asep Sumaryana & Rd. Ahmad Buchari

To cite this article: Doris Febriyanti, Ida Widianingsih, Asep Sumaryana & Rd. Ahmad
Buchari (2023) Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Palembang city government,
Indonesia: Performance measurement for great digital governance, Cogent Social Sciences,
9:2, 2269710, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2269710

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Published online: 19 Oct 2023.

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Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710


Information Communication Technology (ICT) on
Palembang city government, Indonesia:
Performance measurement for great digital
Received: 27 July 2023 governance
Accepted: 06 October 2023
Doris Febriyanti1,2,3*, Ida Widianingsih1,3, Asep Sumaryana1 and Rd. Ahmad Buchari1,3
*Corresponding author: Doris
Febriyanti, Department of Public
Administration, Universitas
Abstract: Technology in government is increasing, where technology is used as
Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia; a tool to measure employee performance digitally. Local governments must adapt
Department of Government Science,
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, to all existing changes to develop the existing government system. The purpose of
Palembang, Indonesia; Center for this research is to determine the role of ICT in achieving outstanding digital govern­
Decentralization and Participatory
Development Research, Universitas ance as a sustainability strategy, such as managing the process of goal formulation
Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
E-mail: and reporting, developing stakeholder relationships, and assuring overall account­
ability. This research uses an exploratory qualitative method to investigate the
Reviewing editor:
Robert Read, Economics, University performance of civil servants in local government, Indonesia. Interactive analysis
of Lancaster, United Kingdom
techniques are used in this research method. According to the results of this study,
Additional information is available at there are benefits and limitations to using the e-Lapkin application. The benefits of
the end of the article
e-Lapkin-based performance measurement are easy accessibility, reduced opera­
tional costs, and performance reports that can be reported in real time. As well as
the benefits, there are barriers to using e-Lapkin, such as system failures and power
outages. Factors that also need to be considered in the implementation of e-Lapkin
include improving technological literacy and skills, as it is difficult for civil servants
to adapt to using the application. Theoretically, performance measurement systems


Doris Febriyanti is a graduate program in the Public Administration Department, at Universitas
Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, an assistant professor at Governmental and Cultural Sciences,
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Palembang, Indonesia, and an awardee of a doctoral scholarship
from the Domestic Postgraduate Education Scholarship (BPPDN), Ministry of Finance of the Republic
of Indonesia. Email: ORCHID:
Ida Widianingsih is a Professor at Public Administration Department and Vice Dean for Learning,
Student, and Research Affairs of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran,
Bandung, Indonesia. Her research interests relate to public administration and development issues,
inclusive development policy, and participatory governance. Email: ,
Asep Sumaryana is a lecturer at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia. His research is related to Public Administration,
Public Policy, and Public Management. Email:, Orcid:
Doris Febriyanti 0000-0003-0254-7387.
Rd Ahmad Buchari is a lecturer at the Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia. His research relates to Local Government,
Public Policy Leadership, and Disaster Management. Email:; Orcid:

© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribu­
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on
which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in
a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

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Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710

are developed and integrated into the Palembang city government for managerial
and accountability purposes. Empirically, this enriches the previous literature by
contributing evaluation materials in the implementation of e-Lapkin within the
Palembang City Government. In addition to encouraging technological innovation,
it also creates more effective and efficient governance sustainability.

Subjects: Development Policy; Urban Development; Regional Development

Keywords: digital government; e-government; e-performance; e-Lapkin; Indonesia

1. Introduction
The era of digitalization has become one of the trends of life for the progress of society (Abad
Segura et al., 2020; Putera et al., 2022). One of the advances in the digitalization era is using
technology to facilitate community affairs (Nayal et al., 2022). The use of technology has entered
the realm of government and business. This is done to streamline time, simplify services, increase
revenue, and increase employee performance and productivity (Widianingsih et al., 2022). One of
the technology utilizations carried out in the government sector is known as E-Governance.
E-governance is a term that refers to the internally focused use of information technology and
the Internet to manage organizational resources, such as capital, people, materials, and machin­
ery. E-governance also governs policies and procedures within the public and private sectors. The
telecommunication network that can be used to support e-governance is the Intranet, which is
a private network utilized only by employees of the organization.

The Indonesian government continues to provide excellent service to the community (Yuslaini et
al., 2023). The use of information technology to improve public services can offer enormous
opportunities for regional development. Incorporating information technology into regional opera­
tions facilitates the simplification of service processes, enables the showcasing of regional poten­
tial, and fosters enhanced interaction with the community and businesses. Moreover, the
integration of human resources with technology utilization represents an innovative approach to
monitoring employee performance in public agencies. The impact of using information technology
in the government sector is for transparency, better service, easier coordination, and can improve
the performance and welfare of government employees. This is conducted to realize the concept
of good governance in government. These administrative services must improve bureaucratic
performance through innovation and integrated technology adoption in accordance with
Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems to
realize effective, efficient, communicative local governance and governance. The combination of
government services from employees with technology-based is known as e-government.

Exceptional public services transcend mere adherence to global trends, and the primary focus
lies in attaining good governance, characterized by effective management, transparency, and
accountability in the governmental processes (Budi et al., 2018). The current technological era in
addition to demanding Good Governance also demands Great Governance, so the application of
information technology is also expected to provide effective and efficient services to the commu­
nity, in encouraging equitable development progress and sustainability (Ackerman et al., 2011;
Douglas, 2011; Sofyani et al., 2020a). The application of information technology is also expected to
provide effective and efficient services to the community (Sofyani et al., 2020b). However, its
implementation is by no means a straightforward task accomplished effortlessly and necessitates
a continuous, time-consuming, and staged process.

The goal of bureaucratic reform is to create a professional government bureaucracy with

adaptive characteristics, integrity, high performance, clean and free of Corruption, Collusion, and
Nepotism, capable of serving the public, neutral, prosperous, dedicated, and upholding the basic
values and code of ethics of the state apparatus. Furthermore, bureaucratic reform in Indonesia

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Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710

advances, and one of the key catalysts behind this acceleration is information technology. By
enabling transparency in governance and facilitating communication between the government
and society, information technology plays a crucial role. The public can effectively utilize technol­
ogy to monitor and supervise government performance, fostering a more accountable and respon­
sive system (Engin & Treleaven, 2018). The Government to Employee (G2E) model aims to improve
performance and efficiency, address processing issues, and increase employee satisfaction.

Electronic performance report or E-Lapkin is an application used to compile the annual perfor­
mance report of the civil servant of the Republic Indonesia (Algiffary & Sutabri, 2023). The legal
basis is the Circular Letter (Surat Edaran, SE) of the Head of the State Personnel Agency (Badan
Kepegawaian Nasional, BKN) Number: K.26–30/V.104–4/99 in point 3 which states that “Reporting
on the assessment of civil servants’ work performance starting in 2016 must use the E-Lapkin
application (Electronic Performance Report). The e-Lapkin application itself is intended for Central
Government Agencies and Local Government Agencies. The functions or advantages of e-Lapkin
include making it easier for State civil apparatus (Aparatur Sipil Negara, ASN) to submit annual
performance reports conducted by each agency and can see agency profiles, work achievements,
annual assessment comparison charts and employee status and achievements (BKPP Sumbawa,
2023). With the development of the e-Lapkin application, it is hoped that it will assist the duties of
BKN and Central/Regional agencies in carrying out performance reporting, to create national
performance power for civil servants.

The use of digital technologies in government processes and in what ways the state should be
more actively involved to maintain the progress made and continue to drive digital transformation.
Various trends in the digitalization of public administration systems, including the adoption of
digital technologies and working methods; the expansion of Internet access in many countries that
lag other “city-states”, the use of digital operations in public administration (such as e-govern­
ment), and the use of digital business models in healthcare, education, retail, and service delivery.

We used bibliometric analysis using the biblioshiny application (Studio-R) (Agnusdei & Coluccia,
2022; Moral-Muñoz et al., 2020) as a trend mapping of published research topics and to see the
position of this research from previous studies. Method steps in using biblioshiny: (1) Searching
data through the Scopus database by entering the keywords “Performance measurement” and
“E-Government”. The data found were about 59 articles; (2) Data Reduction and Network Matrix
Creation; (3) WordCloud and Country Scientific Production.

Based on data search through the Scopus database by entering the keywords “Performance
measurement” and “E-Government”. The data found is about 59 articles. Then the analysis was
carried out using the biblioshiny application. This application is used because it is considered
detailed, and the visualization data displayed is more varied (Wang et al., 2022). The data collected

Figure 1. Analysis biblioshiny

“WordCloud” performance
measurement and

Source: processed by
researchers with biblioshiny,

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Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710

Figure 2. Visualization of coun­

tries Scientific Production.

Source: processed by
researchers with biblioshiny,

was then analyzed using biblioshiny with the “WordCloud” analysis in Figure 1. The analysis shows
that the keywords that appear most often are discussing e-government by 14 percent, perfor­
mance measurement by 11 percent, and government data processing by 9 percent.

Then related to the author’s involvement activities when viewed from the country of origin, the
USA has the largest number of articles that discuss performance measurement and e-government,
which is around 25 documents, then the UK has as many as 17 documents. While Indonesia only
has three documents. The distribution of various countries can be seen in Figure 2 (visualization
from biblioshiny).

Firdaus and Zakiah (2021) examines performance measurement using an internal mobile appli­
cation that functions to exchange information, fill in daily attendance, apply for leave, and fill in
the daily work journal of Ministry of Law and Human Rights employees. Meanwhile, Sharma et al.
(2018), measures employee performance through citizen satisfaction and trust in government
organizations. Performance measurement was also examined in e-Government services in
Jordan using a quality approach (Alhyari et al., 2013). Morgeson (2011) discusses two types of
performance measurement, namely internal and external measurements, and emphasizes the
importance of community-centered external performance measures. Another research was also
conducted on public-sector commercial banks (Singh & Milan, 2020) to determine the relationship
between bank-specific determinants and public-sector bank performance.

The research on performance measurement focuses on evaluating employee performance in the

service sector through the utilization of a mobile system and it assesses the community’s feedback
and response to the services received. Various analyses discussed the role of e-Government in
improving the quality of employee performance. In addition, performance measurement is carried
out in different banking sectors using digital systems. The gap found in the results is that there is
still a lack of systems carried out in the local-level government sector using application or
technology. Performance measurement in government operations, facilitated by technology and
application for reporting, plays a pivotal role in enhancing transparency and motivating employees.

Therefore, this study will identify the use of technology and electronic performance report
applications (E-Lapkin) used by local governments to measure employee performance in all
regional work units (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah, OPD) of Palembang City. The results of this
study contribute to the reference of the use of technology in measuring employee performance.
In addition, the contribution facilitates the identification of the obstacles and challenges asso­
ciated with using technology in governance within the region. The research questions are How

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does ICT in the Palembang city government encourage the Great Digital Governance through
performance measurement?

2. Objectives
This research aims to determine the role of ICT in realizing great digital governance as
a sustainability strategy, such as managing the process of goal setting and reporting, strengthen­
ing relationships between stakeholders, and ensuring overall accountability. The research focus
includes: the extent of the use of applications and technology in measuring the performance of
Palembang city government employees and the benefits and constraints in the use of technology
and applications in measuring the performance of Palembang city government employees.

3. Methods

3.1. Research design

This research uses a type of qualitative-exploratory research with a narrative approach, which is an
approach in a study used to describe and understand the meaning that some individuals or groups
of people ascribe to social and humanitarian problems (Creswell, 2015). This research focuses on
the use of applications and technology in measuring the performance of Palembang city govern­
ment employees. This research uses the concept of employee performance measurement used as
an analytical knife. Employee performance measurement can help government agencies to
achieve the goals and objectives of work unit programs. Thus, public sector organizations will be
more effective and efficient in providing public services (Berman et al., 2021; Jumady & Lilla, 2021;
Lapuente & Van de Walle, 2020; Li & Shang, 2020). The locus of this research is the Palembang City
government which is the oldest city in Indonesia and is the center of the Srivijaya kingdom.

3.2. Data collection

Data and facts are obtained through library research, which is the study and reading of books,
journals, official documents, etc. of the Palembang City government, Palembang City Government
website and to produce quality research from other relevant data sources. This secondary data
was chosen because it is more appropriate to answer research problems about performance
measurement for great digital governance in the Palembang city government, Indonesia. because
this secondary data presents many evaluation results regarding performance measurement in
Palembang city, such as the data shown in Table 1.

3.3. Data analysis

Once obtained, the data were analyzed and interpreted as described by Miles et al. (2018) at the
stages of data collection, reduction, presentation, and verification. Conclusions are then drawn in
the form of new insights that are useful to the reader. Using the qualitative research tools NVivo 12
Pro, Woolf and Silver (2018) and Biblioshiny R version 4.3.1 was carried out in order to analyze the
problems encountered and draw the best conclusions. The analysis using NVivo 12 Pro was carried
out in the following stages (Figure 3): (1) data collection, (a) data import, (b) data processing, and
(c) data categorization. Then (2) interview data analysis was carried out with the following steps:
(a) data coding, (b) data analysis, (c) project map creation, (d) data visualization, and (3) observa­
tion data with the stages of (a) data coding, (b) data analysis, (c) project map creation, and (d)
data visualization.

4. Results

4.1. Performance condition of Palembang city government employees

Indonesia is implementing bureaucratic reform and implementing the 3rd period road map, 2020–
2024, in the road map, programs and activities are designed down to the work unit. There are eight
areas of change in bureaucratic reform, one of which is strengthening accountability. After the
inauguration of the Mayor of Palembang, the breakthrough was to improve the performance of
employees in Palembang City. The Head of the Palembang City Personnel and Human Resources

Page 5 of 21
Table 1. Types of data in this library research
No. Data Sources Coverage

1. Scientific Article ●

Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710


2. Media Online ●


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Table 1. (Continued)
No. Data Sources Coverage

3. Government Document ● Circular Letter Menpan RB Number B/2810/M.PAN-RB/08/2016 regarding the assessment of civil servants’ work perfor­
mance, it is stated that “The Central and Regional Personnel Supervisory Officers report the results of the Civil Servant
Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710

Work Performance Assessment to the National Civil Service Agency as an evaluation of the implementation of the work
performance assessment by the end of March of the following year.”
● Circular Letter (Surat Edaran, SE) of the Head of the State Personnel Agency (Badan Kepegawaian Nasional, BKN) Number:
K.26–30/V.104–4/99 in point 3 which states that “Reporting on the assessment of civil servants’ work performance
starting in 2016 must use the E-Lapkin application (Electronic Performance Report).
● [document] “Technical Guidelines for Reporting Civil Servant Work Performance Assessment (E-LAPKIN) Through SAPK
BKN RI Application for Government Agencies., Panduan Teknis Pelaporan Penilaian Prestasi Kerja PNS (E-LAPKIN) Melalui
Aplikasi SAPK BKN RI Bagi Instansi Pemerintah”.
● [document] “Performance Report Application user guide (Operator Edition), Panduan pengguna Aplikasi Laporan Kinerja
(Edisi Operator).
● [document] “Performance Report Application user guide (Employee Edition), Panduan pengguna Aplikasi Laporan Kinerja
(Edisi Pegawai).

4. Field Observation Field notes from researchers.

Source: processed by researchers, 2023.

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Agency rotated positions from echelon II, III, and IV (Pemprov Sumsel, 2019; Tobari, 2019). The
breakthrough to improve employee performance in Palembang City was to increase employee
benefits. Providing compensation has a positive impact because it motivated employee perfor­
mance (Chiat & Panatik, 2019). However, the initiative was protested by the community regarding
the increase in allowances to support the performance of officials in Palembang City, because this
was not consistent with the performance of services provided to the community (Led, 2019). This
proves that the community has a role in evaluating the performance of government employees.
The public also participated and contributed to monitoring and evaluating the performance of
government employees since the concept affected the level of public trust and satisfaction (Beeri
et al., 2018; Sagita, 2016).

Other factors that can affect employee performance were budget factors, and quality of human
resources (Davidescu et al., 2020; Lee, 2021)., Budget factors in supporting the performance of the
Palembang City government based on discussions with the Regional House of Representatives
approved the 2022 Regional Budget of the Palembang City Government of IDR.3.84 trillion (seldi­
naskominfo palembang, 2021). Meanwhile, the involvement of the Palembang City government in
financing development activities and services to the community was still low (Elviolita, 2020).
Public accountability also influences the performance of local government officials (Han & Hong,
2019). Budget target clarity and the managerial function of financial managers impacted the
performance of the local government apparatus (Muliyati et al., 2022).

Local government is one of the spearheads of public services that must innovate in improving
services (Sibarani & Pertiwi, 2022). Innovative public services enhance delivery, community
empowerment, economic expansion, and competitiveness (Trischler et al., 2019). High regional
competitiveness then improves people’s welfare (Fathia et al., 2020; Harianto et al., 2021). The
Palembang City Government has made various innovations to promote ease of service for the
community and improve performance because innovation is the key to increasing economic
growth, regional competitiveness, and community welfare (Anggraini, 2019; Royani, 2022;
Triansyah, 2022).

The obstacles faced are weak supervision and monitoring functions, limited budget allocations,
lack of management commitment, lack of quality and quantity of human resources that still do not
meet standards and meet predetermined work targets, and lack of coordination and innovation
(Sibarani & Pertiwi, 2022). In addition, employees of the Ilir Barat I sub-district office are respon­
sible for carrying out their duties not violating the rules but only carrying out tasks without
creativity and motivation to achieve excellent service (Wijaya, 2020). Based on this study, the
most important thing in measuring performance is to pay attention to budget factors, it is
necessary to pay attention to competent, professional, creative, and innovative human resources,
other factors need good working relationships between agencies in government. In terms of
technology, innovation is still relatively new and has not been implemented optimally in support­
ing the progress of the Palembang City government. Although the Palembang government survey
results were declared good, the performance achievement target has not been achieved (Reno,

Innovation is one of the instruments for accelerating the improvement of public service compe­
titiveness and quality of the Palembang City government (Henman, 2020). In improving employee
performance, the concept used electronic systems or technology (Aladwan & Alshami, 2021;
Cetindamar Kozanoglu & Abedin, 2021; de Araujo et al., 2018; Pynnönen et al., 2021). Employee
performance conditions have also decreased due to the impact of covid 19. The impact of the
pandemic weakens efforts to serve the community in the public sector, thereby reducing employee
performance (Bawole & Langnel, 2023; Harini et al., 2022; Sarwar et al., 2023). The presence
causes a spike in poverty, declining economic conditions, and public health (Avazov & Lee, 2022;
Suryahadi et al., 2020; Webster et al., 2020). Furthermore, the impact also affects the decline in
service performance of employees in the public sector (Narayanamurthy & Tortorella, 2021;

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Febriyanti et al., Cogent Social Sciences (2023), 9: 2269710

Figure 3. Technical analysis

data via NVivo 12 plus.

Source: processed by
researchers, 2023.

Schuster et al., 2020). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the central and regional governments
carried out budget reallocation and refocusing as a form of innovation (Putera et al., 2022).

The impact of the pandemic also affected employee performance in Palembang City.
Consequently, access to public services was conducted remotely through work-from-home
arrangements. This situation had a significant effect on employee performance throughout the
COVID-19 period (Setiawan & Fitrianto, 2021). Another effort was made to ensure that the impact
of the pandemic did not severely disrupt the public service process. To achieve this, the govern­
ment collaborated with the state Civil Apparatus Commission to provide guidance and conduct
bureaucratic restructuring in various Palembang City government offices. This initiative aimed to
maintain the continuity of essential services and streamline administrative procedures amid the
challenges posed by the pandemic. Furthermore, Setiawan and Fitrianto (2021) proves that work­
ing from home has a significant effect on employee performance (Narayanamurthy & Tortorella,

Employee performance in Palembang City was surveyed by the Institute for Social Studies (ISS),
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The results indicated that
there was satisfaction with the performance of the Mayor of Palembang. Therefore, further
strategies for performance improvement were deemed necessary (Mirna, 2021). This was based
on the performance improvement strategy pursued by the Office of the Personnel and Human
Resources Development Agency which issued e-performance to ensure the quality of public
services in Palembang City during the pandemic. Various applications were also used to determine
employee performance to be professional and accountable (sumsel news, 2022). Meanwhile, the
use of applications in agencies was related to the work assignment process, and performance
management (Duggan et al., 2020). Performance improvement requires transparent performance
appraisal, reward, punishment, and training (Agustini et al., 2022; Anggraini, 2019; Wuriasih et al.,

In socializing the policy of Government Regulation No. 30 of 2019 which regulates performance
appraisal, this policy is expected to harmonize performance. For 8 years, the achievement of the
Government Institution Performance Accountability (Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah,
AKIP) score of Palembang City has remained in the B position, while the AKIP achievement target
should be A (Reno, 2022). The performance report has not presented a complete comprehensive
analysis related to performance achievement and an analysis of the efficiency of using the
performance achievement budget. Palembang City achieved the highest score in the 2022 Public
Service Standard Compliance Predicate Award Category for Local Government Level in South
Sumatra (Pratama, 2023). Service standards are instruments used as guidelines for service delivery

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and as a reference for evaluating the quality of service to the community in the context of quality,
fast, simple, affordable, and measurable services (Agustini et al., 2022).

Therefore, the Palembang city government is very concerned about the performance of its
employees. Different efforts to improve employee performance include increasing the budget for
employees, increasing employee benefits, and utilizing technology and applications in monitoring
and reporting performance. During the pandemic, the public service process was disrupted, and
employee performance productivity experienced a reduction. However, the Palembang City
Government persevered and pursued innovation by leveraging technology in providing services.

4.2. Electronic based performance measurement (E-Lapkin) in Palembang

To achieve a competent and professional domestic government apparatus. For the development
and prosperity of a region, it is necessary to link technology-based products and services that are
central to a smart environment with e-government. The e-governance approach incorporates
online services, which enable the analysis and implementation of public services without delay
and with a higher degree of accuracy (Jayabaya et al., 2023). Meanwhile, measuring employee
performance is crucial to assess the extent of productivity and identify areas for improvement.
Agency leaders can also appropriately provide rewards and take corrective measures to enhance
employee performance within the public sector. This proactive approach promotes accountability
and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in public service delivery.

The Palembang City Government has introduced a pioneering initiative to enhance employee
performance reporting by implementing an electronic system known as e-Lapkin. This innovation is
founded on the guidelines outlined in the Electronic Letter of the Head of the State Personnel
Agency, bearing the reference number: K.26–30/V.104–4/99 in point 3. According to this directive,
the assessment of work performance for civil servants beginning in 2016 must be conducted
through the e-Lapkin application. In addition, every employee must use the application for
reporting their performance. As a component of the e-Government framework, e-Lapkin provides
a digital platform accessible through the Internet to facilitate efficient employee work reporting.
The primary objective is to monitor, evaluate, supervise, manage, and foster the professional
growth of employees. Additionally, e-Lapkin serves as a tool to gauge the daily work progress of
civil servants, contributing to the accumulation of overall work target assessment. The filling of
information is contingent on predetermined targets and actual achievements.

Table 2. Information, technology, and communication (ICT) in Palembang City government

good governance towards Great governance
No. Innovation Purpose
1. SIPD ( A system that records administers
and transforms regional
development data into information
presented to the public and used
as decision-making material in the
context of planning,
implementation, and evaluation of
local government performance.
2. SIPD ( It is an online SKP service for civil
servants in the Palembang city
government, so employees will
input SKP online and serve as SKP
archives for other personnel
service requirements.
3. LAPKIN (https://lapkin.bkpsdmpa The application used to compile the annual performance report of
( the Republic of Indonesia State
absen/SignIn) Civil Apparatus (ASN).
Source: processed by researchers, 2023.

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Table 2 shows that the Regional Employee Information System (Sistem Informasi Pegawai Daerah,
SIPD) accessed from the website is an information system built by Personnel and
Human Resources Development Agency (Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya
Manusia, BKPSDM) Palembang City to manage personnel data in the Palembang City government, in
other words, to assist employees in managing personnel administration electronically, such as digitizing
archives, applying for leave, administering promotions, transfer permits, checking attendance online,
and making Employee Work Objectives (Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai, SKP) online. While the latest Electronic
Performance Report (e-Lapkin) is an application initiated by BKPSDM Palembang City as an instrument
for recording the daily performance activities of every civil servant in the Palembang City Government.

This application is used to analyze certain needs, which are then used as a basis for assessing work
performance and providing performance allowances to ASN in Palembang city. The presence of the
E-Lapkin application can provide positive things towards a more precise measurement of employee
performance. So that leaders in the agency can provide ideal and fair compensation in accordance
with work performance. In addition, another positive thing with the presence of an employee perfor­
mance reporting system in Palembang City can also monitor employees whose performance has
decreased. So that public agency leaders can analyze what is the need of employees to be able to
improve their performance. In addition, the presence of performance reporting using an application
system can also provide clear rewards and punishments to employees.

The utilization of technology and applications in performance measurement can improve the
supervision of employee performance more strictly. E-Lapkin can show the performance of the
highest leadership level in stages according to the organizational structure. Meanwhile, assess­
ment and approval are conducted electronically. The display of the login menu on the performance
measurement system in Palembang City can be seen in Figure 4.

The link was access to fill in the daily performance report
(e-Lapkin) of Palembang City ASN. Enter the Username and password, then click Sign in, after
entering the front page, the employee performance goals appear; select the period; employee
review; daily activities; and employee benefits. Select the desired year. From the dashboard of the
performance report application, we can get statistics on employee performance targets. Through
the widget, you can see the performance targets of ASN employees by year. It was also possible to
view information on the number of subordinates whose performance targets have been verified,
yet to be verified, validated, and yet to be validated.

Figure 4. Login page of E-Lapkin


Sources: processed by authors,


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The period to be displayed was selected with the employee review through this widget. The
employee reviews were seen along with information on the number to be reviewed, who had been
reviewed, and those yet to be reviewed. In the daily activity statistics menu, the daily activities
were viewed by period using this widget. It also displayed information on all daily activities that
had been validated, yet to be validated, or rejected, as well as the number of subordinates whose
activities had been validated and yet to be validated. Regarding the performance allowance
percentage feature, users obtained details of the percentage value of the performance allowance
received based on the period selected.

Activities were reported by selecting the date and the limit for reporting was a maximum of one
week. After the deadline had passed, reporting activities were no longer possible. A status was
displayed, showing the number of reports approved, rejected, re-created, and waiting in the
supervisor’s validation queue. After reporting, the visible display showed the activity time, selected
activity, activity unit, activity description, and activity validation status. The reports were down­
loaded in Excel format by clicking the activity report button.

The activity validation section was used by superiors to validate or verify subordinates on each
approval in the Work Unit. The limit for validating subordinate activities was set to a maximum of
one week. Once this deadline had passed, the validation of subordinate activities became impos­
sible. In these cases, the system automatically validated the subordinate activities, and the
superiors were subject to deductions under the applicable regulations.

The purpose of using e-Lapkin is to easily monitor the productivity of employee work. Therefore,
the presence of e-Lapkin provided more supervision of employee monitoring. The presence of this
application also supported aspects of reward and punishment that were more targeted. The
number of employees across 29 Government Agencies was around 8,818 and were required to
report their activities while in the relevant agencies. The visualization related to the number of
employees and government agencies can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Visualization of the

number of agencies and
employees using E-Lapkin.

Source: processed by the

Researcher using NVivo 12 plus
“project map”, 2023.

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Based on SE Menpan RB Number B/2810/M.PAN-RB/08/2016 regarding the assessment of civil

servants’ work performance, it is stated that “The Central and Regional Personnel Supervisory
Officers report the results of the Civil Servant Work Performance Assessment to the National Civil
Service Agency as an evaluation of the implementation of the work performance assessment by the
end of March of the following year”. This is followed up by BKN through the Head of BKN Circular
Number: K.26–30/V.104–4/99 in point 3 where reporting of civil servant work performance assessment
starting in 2016 must use the e-Lapkin application (Electronic Performance Report). e-lapkin operates
by utilizing finger or face detection to register the presence of an individual with an ASN status. Absent
individuals will not have the authorization to input any data into the e-lapkin application. The process
of filling in can be carried out on the same day or within a maximum period of 7 (seven) days. However,
after the seventh day, access to the application will be restricted and the form is subjected to
validation by the direct supervisor before being finalized.

The results of the above research are not much different from some of the findings of previous
studies that discuss great digital governance in local government. Digital technology-based services in
local government. In line with Xiao, han and zhang’s (Xiao et al., 2022) regarding technological
readiness being a factor affecting sustainable government digital transformation for smart cities in
China. Likewise, according to Hong, Hyoung, and Kwon (Hong et al., 2022) the results of their research
that the Korean government uses new technology in transforming digital innovation services in the
public sector which focuses on new digital technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence, the
Internet of things, and augmented reality. The employee performance reporting system uses electro­
nic systems and digital governance. In line with research according to Park and Kim (2020) the use of
e-government can be used as an anti-corruption tool. According to Sifah et al. (2020) stated the
utilization of digital transformation of a decentralized employee evaluation system based on block­
chain. The application of ICT in Palembang City as the implementation of Great Digital Governance. The
use of ICT in implementing smart cities and collecting and delivering data, information, and knowl­
edge, affects daily life, as well as deeper citizen involvement in city governance and proactive roles
(Dameri & Dameri, 2017). Meer et al. (2014) in their research focused on how local governments
involve other urban actors in the design and implementation of ICT policies. Utilization of ICT (e-lapkin)
as an effort to improve employee performance and local governance. In line with Dameri and Dameri
(2017) performance allowances are given according to performance achievements for additional
income and work motivation based on performance targets and e-Lapkin. Dynamic capabilities are
needed to improve ICT utilization in the public sector, as well as to improve performance
(Panagiotopoulos et al., 2023). Based on previous research as described, the findings in this study
are in line and not much different in that ICT can be a sustainability strategy in local governance but
must pay attention to the involvement of each stakeholder, policy support, and infrastructure.

5. Discussion
Performance measurement is carried out to measure the extent of productivity of employees in
performing their duties. These efforts are implemented to maximize the services provided by
employees. One of the alternatives to measure performance is the utilization of technology, enabling
regular monitoring. In the case of the Palembang City Government, every employee is required to
use the e-Lapkin system, which enables continuous monitoring and reporting of their work results.

From Figure 6 above is a mapping of the impact of electronic-based performance measurement

in Palembang City, the red lines are constraints, and the blue lines are benefits. From the picture
there are more benefits than constraints. The benefits of e-Lapkin-based performance measure­
ment based on Figure 6 about (1) easy accessibility because accessing e-Lapkin can be done using
electronic devices that can access the internet. Making it easier for users to input employee
performance reports. The ease of access makes ASN Palembang City comfortable in using the
application. Applications with a high level of user convenience will usually be favored by many
users because they provide comfort (Darmawan et al., 2020; Hussain et al., 2019; Kumar et al.,
2020; Yu & Hongmei, 2023). To improve the quality of government services, a user-centered
perspective is integrated to improve the design of the application (Chang et al., 2020). Users are

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Figure 6. Matrix coding query

“benefits and constraints of

Source: processed by the

researcher with NVivo 12 plus,

satisfied and accept the e-Kinerja application as an information system that can help report and
calculate the performance of each employee (Hadisuwarno & Bisma, 2021).

A further benefit is (2) electronic performance measurement aims to reduce operational costs.
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence techniques in developing performance applications to minimize proces­
sing time and increase public satisfaction (Al-Mushayt, 2019). For effective and efficient government
performance, building an intelligent platform based on the Internet of Things (Qi et al., 2021). With
application technology, (3) can reduce the cost and time of public services, improve the quality of
services to be more effective and efficient, and increase the transparency and accountability of
government administration (Ariana et al., 2020; Defriani & Resmi, 2019). Cloud computing represents
a new paradigm shift for performance, as it enables the digital transformation of public authorities
using innovative and cost-effective models and services (Ioannis et al., 2017). The use of technology
applications in many public sector institutions for (4) effective and efficient services Darmawan et al.
(2020) and towards a paperless environment (Kayode et al., 2020). So, the presence of E-Lapkin in
measuring employee performance can contribute to saving the cost of manual reporting.

Performance reports (5) can be reported in real-time. With the development of mobile performance
applications, employees who are scattered in villages can easily report the activities they carry out
every day and report their work location in real-time through their Android smartphone facilities (Kaleb
et al., 2019; Rohmah et al., 2020; Wahyudi & Utomo, 2021). In the e-Lapkin process, employee
performance data is collected and analyzed automatically, allowing supervisors to provide real-time
feedback and monitor employee performance more effectively. Countries that implement good
e-government make government efficient, low corruption, higher citizen engagement, and faster
economic development (Androniceanu & Georgescu, 2022). E-Lapkin (6) can also help improve
transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in the performance appraisal process and facilitate decision-
making regarding promotions, salary increases, and career development. E-Lapkin is also (7) used to
analyze the needs of positions, the workload of positions; and the workload of SKPD units which will
later become an assessment or a basis for calculating work performance and providing Additional
Employee Income for civil servants in Palembang City, Indonesia.

From the seven benefits of e-Lapkin in Palembang City, the results achieved are that Palembang
City won the first rank in terms of the Regional Government Implementation Report in 2023 (Dinas
Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Palembang, 2023). The management goal setting in Palembang
city makes the government based on Great Digital Governance as outlined in the 2019 Palembang
City Bureaucratic Reform Road Map (Pemerintah Kota Palembang, 2019). There is support from
various external stakeholders such as the central government, in this case the Ministry of

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Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, provincial governments and agencies supporting
bureaucratic transformation as well as the application and utilization of ICT in the Palembang City
Government to realize great digital governance, by achieving achievements as Top 3 Regency/City
Governments in Indonesia in the governance of the One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services
Service (Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/DPMPTST) (MenPAN-RB, n.d.).

The use of technology in managing performance reports can cause problems such as system
errors, and power outages, causing employees to be unable to input into the e-Lapkin application.
The content in the E-Lapkin application features is standardized, so civil servants must choose the
sentence that is closest to the activities carried out. Web-based e-Government applications must
consider the needs by analyzing the diversity and interests of the stakeholders involved (Sánchez &
Macías, 2019). It is necessary to improve the level of website quality to achieve maximum
utilization (Oktarina et al., 2022). To be able to utilize digital technology, internet access, and
digital literacy are a must (Liu & Sukmariningsih, 2021). Network connectivity is the most crucial
challenge in e-performance implementation activities (Rizki & Siahaan, 2016).

One of the factors that must be considered in the implementation of E-Lapkin is improving
technological literacy and skills due to the difficulty of adaptation for ASN in using the application.
The importance of developing human resource competencies in facing the digital world
Nainggolan; Wibowo et al. (2020), (2023), as well as the need for self-efficacy support from civil
servants as application users (Sadiq et al., 2021; Silitonga, 2023). Civil Servants must be creative
and innovative in carrying out tasks, including knowledge of digital technology which is growing
rapidly (Ismawaty, 2022). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training for village
officials and cadres so that they can use technology in running the government (Nanda et al.,
2023; Praditya, 2014). The need for employee capabilities in the use of technology to perform
public services (Cahyarini & Samsara, 2021; Ekram et al., 2022). The digitization service model
requires ASN skills and abilities (Lukman et al., 2020). Employee competence affects employee
performance (Gusty et al., 2020; Nurhayati, 2017).

6. Implications
This research provides useful insights for theoretical and practical research on technological
innovation to measure the performance of local government employees.

6.1. Theoretical implications

This study offers significant implications for research and theory that contribute to the government
employee performance ICT development literature. The results of this study contribute to knowl­
edge in several ways. First, this study addresses the literature gap by offering valuable insights and
expanding the ICT literature (Hanelt et al., 2021). This research helps us to improve our under­
standing of local government employee performance with technology applications in developing
countries (David, 2016). Second, this study makes a valuable contribution regarding transformation
and sustainability in civil servant performance reporting with electronic systems (Engin &
Treleaven, 2018). Thus, it contributes to the concept of electronic government development that
leads to the development of electronic performance and performance management (Lips, 2019;
Pérez-Morote et al., 2020). Third, this study identifies the importance of government employees’
competencies to be able to use digital technology (Mehmood, 2021; Van Laar et al., 2020). Fourth,
the e-Lapkin application can improve the productivity and professionalism of government employ­
ees (Algiffary & Sutabri, 2023; Ramadhani, 2023).

6.2. Practical implications

Practically, the results of this study can contribute to the instructional design of effective e-Lapkin
in government performance applications. The findings of this study also have policy implications.
First, the government needs to convince the public of their commitment to work in a professional
and transparent (Kemper & Kolkman, 2019; Matheus & Janssen, 2020). Second, for future research,
the government should look at individual civil servants’ perspectives on e-Lapkin innovation. Thus,

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it can see a comparison of viewpoints between individuals and organizations. Third, future
research also needs to look at the extent to which this e-Lapkin application can provide compen­
sation and benefits for civil servants, career development, self-development, and talent manage­
ment Fourth, this research can play an important role in efforts to reduce the digital divide in
Indonesia as well as other developing countries.

7. Conclusions
Information communication and technology (ICT) enables transparency in governance and commu­
nication between the government and the public. Therefore, The Palembang city government’s efforts in
improving employee performance and monitoring employee performance, by making various innova­
tions. The innovation from the Palembang City Government is to innovate in reporting employee
performance with an electronic system (e-Lapkin). The e-Lapkin application is used to analyze the
needs, which are used as a basis for assessing work performance and providing performance allowances
to civil servants in Palembang city. The benefits of e-Lapkin-based performance measurement are (1)
easy accessibility because accessing e-Lapkin can be done using electronic devices that can access the
internet. Other benefits of electronic performance measurement (2) can reduce operational costs, and
(3) performance reports can be reported in real-time, (4) increased employee accountability, (5)
improved service quality, (6) employee job transparency, (7) proper giving punishment and reward.
Aside from the benefits, there are also obstacles to using e-Lapkin such as (1) system errors, (2) power
outages, and (3) Employee adaptation to Applications. From the 7 (seven) benefits of e-Lapkin in
Palembang City, the results achieved are that Palembang City won the first rank in terms of the
Regional Government Implementation Report in 2023. The management goal setting in Palembang
City makes the government based on Great Digital Governance as outlined in the 2019 Palembang City
Bureaucratic Reform Road Map. There is support from various external stakeholders such as the central
government, in this case the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, provincial
governments and agencies supporting bureaucratic transformation as well as the application and
utilization of ICT in the Palembang City Government to realize great digital governance, by achieving
achievements as Top 3 Regency/City Governments in Indonesia in the governance of the One-Stop
Investment and Integrated Services Service (Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/

The limitation of the research is that it does not discuss the issue of employee data security in utilizing
the e-Lapkin application as a performance measurement tool, to encourage great governance, so it is
hoped that further research can discuss data security issues in the use of ICT in local government.

Acknowledgments Disclosure statement

The authors are thankful to the Universitas Padjadjaran No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
for funding the APC and thank the anonymous reviewers
for their valuable reviews and suggestions. Author contributions
Conceptualization, D.F.; IW; methodology, D.F.; formal
Funding analysis, D.F.; investigation, D.F.; writing—original draft
The APC was funded by Universitas Padjajaran. preparation, D.F.; writing—review and editing, D.F. IW;
supervision, D.F., I.W., A.S., R.A.B; project administration, D.
Author details F., I.W., A.S., R.A.B. All authors have read and agreed to
Doris Febriyanti1,2,3 the published version of the manuscript.
ORCID ID: Citation information
Ida Widianingsih1,3 Cite this article as: Information Communication
ORCID ID: Technology (ICT) on Palembang city government,
Asep Sumaryana1 Indonesia: Performance measurement for great digital
ORCID ID: governance, Doris Febriyanti, Ida Widianingsih, Asep
Rd. Ahmad Buchari1,3 Sumaryana & Rd. Ahmad Buchari, Cogent Social Sciences
ORCID ID: (2023), 9: 2269710.
Department of Public Administration, Universitas
Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia. References
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