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Kongsberg K-Pos

Track Line Mode

Operator Manual
Release 7.1

September 2010 © Kongsberg Maritime AS
Document history
Document number: 322305
This revision describes the operation of the Track Line mode for
Rev. A October 2008
the K-Pos system at basis software release 7.1.
This revision describes the operation of the Track Line mode for
Rev. B September 2010
the K-Pos system at basis software release 7.1.7.

The reader
This operator manual is intended as a reference manual for the system operator. This manual is based on
the assumption that the system operator is an experienced DP operator with a good understanding of basic
DP principles and general DP operation. If this is not the case, then the operator should first attend the
appropriate Kongsberg Maritime training courses.

The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No
part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information
contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel.
The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate
or work on the equipment.
Kongsberg Maritime disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation,
use or maintenance of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.

Kongsberg Maritime AS
Operator Manual

Table of contents

INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 5
Description ...............................................................................................................5
The track line............................................................................................................6
Changing track line course (normal turn).................................................................6
Altering a course change (turn-in-turn)....................................................................7
Heading control ........................................................................................................8
Speed control ............................................................................................................9
Thruster allocation modes ........................................................................................9
Rotation center .........................................................................................................9
Cross-track limits .....................................................................................................9
OPERATING PROCEDURES .............................................. 10
Preparing for Track Line mode ..............................................................................10
Running in Track Line mode.................................................................................. 11
Joystick speed control ............................................................................................12
Changing track line course .....................................................................................12
Stop on track...........................................................................................................13
USER INTERFACE ............................................................ 14
TrackLine menu......................................................................................................14
TrackLine Settings dialog box................................................................................15
TrackLine Control dialog box ................................................................................17
Heading Wheel panel .............................................................................................18
Changing track line course .......................................................................... 18
Changing the Distance to Turn..................................................................... 19
Changing the Rate Of Turn.......................................................................... 20
Changing the Turn Radius ........................................................................... 20
Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode..............................................................21
Steering gain...........................................................................................................28
Wind forces and thruster moment compensation ...................................................30
Alarm limits for cross-track error...........................................................................32
DISPLAY VIEWS.............................................................. 34
Performance area ....................................................................................................34
Conning view .........................................................................................................39
Main view .................................................................................................. 39
Orders and Thruster view ............................................................................ 43
Deviation view .......................................................................................................45
General view...........................................................................................................47
Posplot view ...........................................................................................................48

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Track Line Mode

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This section contains the following topics:

The track line .....................................................................................................................6
Changing track line course (normal turn) ..........................................................................6
Altering a course change (turn-in-turn) .............................................................................7
Heading control..................................................................................................................8
Speed control .....................................................................................................................9
Thruster allocation modes..................................................................................................9
Rotation center ...................................................................................................................9
Cross-track limits ...............................................................................................................9

The Track Line mode enables the vessel to follow a set straight track line (course line)
with a high degree of accuracy.
When entering Track Line mode, the vessel’s current Course Over Ground (COG) is
maintained, and the position and heading of the vessel is controlled by the system to
compensate for environmental conditions and to minimise deviation from the track.
The direction of the initial track line is defined by the vessel’s recent COG. If no COG
history is available, or at very low vessel speed, the vessel heading is used to set the
initial track line.
The Track Line mode controls strategies for both low speed operations (manoeuvring)
and high speed operations (sailing).
• When the vessel speed is low (manoeuvring), all the available thrusters are used to
provide full position and heading control. This gives high-accuracy position control
and allows full freedom in selecting the vessel heading. The transition between
control strategies occurs at a predefined speed which depends on the shape of the
vessel’s hull and the configuration of the propulsion system. (Typically 4 knots).
• When the vessel speed is high, the vessel heading is controlled to minimise the
cross-track error while maintaining the required speed. This is suitable at normal
cruising speeds where rudder and thruster azimuth control is used to steer the vessel.

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Track Line Mode

To achieve high accuracy, the Track Line mode requires a reliable position-reference
system, gyrocompass and wind sensor, and a satisfactory propulsion system. For high
speed operations, the Track Line mode also requires a reliable speed sensor.
The Track Line mode is designed for marine operations and is not intended for
navigation purposes.

The track line

The Track Line mode operates by automatically defining three waypoints which are
moved under way when a change of course is required. The track line and the three
waypoints are displayed on the Posplot view.

Figure 1 Track Line with waypoints and cross-track error limits

cross-track error vessel
alarm limits heading

crab angle
track line
waypoint 1 waypoint 2 waypoint 3
cross-track error
warning limits

Initially the vessel is placed on the track line between waypoint 2 and waypoint 3.
Waypoint 3 is placed a long distance away in the direction of the required COG.
As the vessel sails along the track, the positions of all three waypoints are moved such
that the vessel never reaches waypoint 3. The waypoints are moved when the vessel
reaches the midway point between waypoint 2 and waypoint 3.

Changing track line course (normal turn)

The track line course can be changed at any time, either using the heading wheel and its
associated buttons, or the screen dialog boxes.
In the following description, it is assumed that Track Line mode is selected and the vessel
is sailing along the track line on a course of 015° (see “Initial course” in Figure 2).

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Figure 2 Track line direction change (normal turn)

Adjusting the course from 015° to 090° causes the track line to curve and change as
shown in “New course set” in Figure 2. Waypoint 2 is moved ahead of the vessel such
that the track leg between waypoints 1 and 2 represents the previous course (015°).
Waypoint 3 is also moved such that the track leg between waypoint 2 and 3 represents
the new course (090°).
The Wheel Over Point (WOP), i.e. the position where the vessel will start to turn, is
defined by an operator-specified Distance to turn.
The sharpness of the turn is defined by an operator-specified or calculated Turn Radius.
The course change rate is limited to an operator defined Rate Of Turn (ROT) and the
transition to the new direction is programmed as a smooth curve.
When the course change is completed, the track line displayed on the Posplot view
changes back to a straight line (see “Turn completed” in Figure 2).

Altering a course change (turn-in-turn)

A course change may be altered, while the vessel is still in the process of changing
course, by entering another new course.
In the following description, it is assumed that Track Line mode is selected and the vessel
is in the process of changing course from 015° to 090°.
If a new course is set, the track line function fetches the current heading estimate (see
“New course set while turning” in Figure 3). It then uses the current heading to relocate
the three waypoints to suit the new course of 000° (see “Track change to match new
course” in Figure 3).

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Track Line Mode

The track leg between waypoints 1 and 2 represents the instantaneous vessel heading
at the time the course change was made, while the track leg between waypoints 2 and
3 represents the last new course (000°).
The distance placed in between each course change is defined by the specified Distance to

Figure 3 Modified turn: Altering a track line direction change (turn-in-turn)

heading waypoint 3
waypoint 3
waypoint 2 waypoint 3

wheel over
point turn turn
radius radius

wheel over waypoint 2


waypoint 2

heading distance
to turn
waypoint 1
waypoint 1
waypoint 1
New course set Track change to Turn
while turning match new course completed

When the latest course change is completed, the track line changes back to a straight
line (see “Turn completed” in Figure 3).
The same actions will be performed by the track line function, if the turn radius is
increased or decreased while the vessel is still in the process of changing course.

Heading control
When the vessel speed is low, the vessel heading can be changed by marking a new
heading on the Posplot view or by using the screen dialog boxes.
In Track Line mode, the Heading wheel and its associated buttons cannot be used to
adjust the vessel heading since it is used instead to adjust the track line course.

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When the vessel speed is high, the vessel heading is continuously calculated by the
system according to the vessel speed and the environmental forces to minimise the
cross-track error. The crab angle (the angle between the vessel heading and the track
line) will be continuously changing.

Speed control
The vessel speed can be controlled either automatically at an operator-specified speed or
manually using the joystick force demand.

Thruster allocation modes

When the vessel speed is low, a variable thruster allocation mode is used.
When the vessel speed is high, a “steering” allocation mode is used.

Rotation center
The rotation center is always set to Midships when you enter Track Line mode.

Cross-track limits
You can set warning and alarm limits for the distance between the vessel’s position
and the track line (cross-track error). A message is displayed if one of these limits is

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Track Line Mode

Operating procedures

This section contains the following topics:

Preparing for Track Line mode........................................................................................10
Running in Track Line mode ........................................................................................... 11
Joystick speed control ......................................................................................................12
Changing track line course...............................................................................................12
Stop on track ....................................................................................................................13

Preparing for Track Line mode

You can enter Track Line mode from Joystick mode, Auto Position mode or Autopilot
Before entering Track Line mode:
1 Ensure that the required gyrocompasses are enabled (see Gyrocompasses in the
relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
2 Ensure that the required wind sensors are enabled (see Wind sensors in the relevant
K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
3 Ensure that the required vertical reference sensors are enabled (see Vertical reference
sensors in the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
4 For running in high speed, ensure that at least one speed sensor is enabled (see
Speed sensors in the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
5 Ensure that the required position-reference systems are active and enabled (see
Enabling positioning-reference systems in the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator
6 Ensure that the required thrusters, main propulsion units and rudders are enabled
(see Enabling thrusters in the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
7 Use the TrackLine Settings dialog box to set the required options and operating
parameters for the Track Line mode.
8 For high speed operations, set the required steering parameters on the Steering page
of the Steering dialog box (see Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode on page 21).
9 For high speed operations, set the required gain parameters on the Gain page of the
Steering dialog box (see Steering gain on page 28).

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Operating procedures

10 If required, set warning and alarm limits for cross-track deviation (see Alarm limits
for cross-track error on page 32).
11 Set the vessel on the wanted initial course and to the wanted speed.
It is recommended, but not essential, to use Joystick mode to perform this step.

Running in Track Line mode

To enter and run in Track Line mode:
1 Ensure that you have carried out the procedures described in Preparing for Track
Line mode on page 10.
2 Press the TRACK LINE button twice within four seconds.
• The TRACK LINE button status lamp becomes lit.
• A track line that passes initially through the rotation center of the vessel symbol
is shown on the Posplot view.
• The vessel follows the track line.
• The vessel speed is controlled automatically.
3 If required, adjust the vessel speed using one of the following ways:
a The Speed Control options on the TrackLine Settings dialog box (see TrackLine
Settings dialog box on page 15).
b The TrackLine Control dialog box (see TrackLine Control dialog box on
page 17).
c The Speed Setpoint dialog box (refer to the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator
d The joystick (see Joystick speed control on page 12).
4 If required, adjust the vessel heading:
The possibility for manual adjustment of the vessel heading depends on whether the
vessel speed is above or below the predefined transition speed.

At low speed (below the predefined transition speed), the vessel heading is controlled
automatically and can be manually adjusted using one of the following ways:
a The Heading Control options on the TrackLine Settings dialog box (see
TrackLine Settings dialog box on page 15).
To use this method, the Heading Control - Operator option button must be

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Track Line Mode

b Marking the required heading on the Posplot view (see Changing the heading
setpoint in the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manuall).
At high speed (above the predefined transition speed), the vessel heading is
controlled automatically, according to the vessel speed and the environmental
forces, in order to minimise the cross-track error. In this situation:
• You cannot change the vessel heading.
• The crab angle (the angle between the vessel heading and the track line) is
displayed on the Posplot view and will be continuously changing.
5 If required, change the track line course (see Changing track line course on page 12).
The system remains in Track Line mode until you change to another mode.
For a description of the graphic displays that are provided in Track Line mode, see
Display views on page 34.

Joystick speed control

In Track Line mode you can deselect automatic control of the surge axis and use the
joystick to control the thrust and thereby the vessel speed in the alongships direction.
However, the Heading Control, Auto option button on the TrackLine Settings dialog box
must be selected (see TrackLine Settings dialog box on page 15) before you can disable
automatic surge control and use joystick speed control.
To control the vessel speed using the joystick:
1 Press the SURGE button twice within four seconds.
• The SURGE button status lamp becomes unlit.
2 Manually control the vessel’s speed using the joystick.
To return to automatic speed control, press the SURGE button twice within four seconds.
The SURGE button status lamp becomes lit when automatic speed control is activated.

Changing track line course

To change the track line Course:
1 Ensure that the following Line Definition values (see TrackLine Settings dialog
box on page 15) are as required:
a Distance to turn
b Turn radius or Rate of Turn, depending on which is selected.
2 Change the track line Course using one of the following methods:
a The Line Definition - Course value on the TrackLine Settings dialog box (see
TrackLine Settings dialog box on page 15).
b The Course value on the TrackLine Control dialog box (see TrackLine Control
dialog box on page 17).

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Operating procedures

c The Heading Wheel panel (see Heading Wheel panel on page 18).
When the Course change is activated:
• The resulting track line change complete with turn radius and WOP is shown on
the Posplot view.
• When the vessel reaches the WOP it starts to turn onto the new Course.
• When the vessel is on the new Course, the track line shown on the Posplot view
reverts to a straight line.

Stop on track
In Track Line mode you can, at any time, stop the vessel along the track.
To stop the vessel while in Track Line mode, press the STOP button twice within four
seconds. The STOP button status lamp becomes lit, and the vessel slows down, stops,
and then stays at this position.
To continue along the track, deselect the STOP button by pressing it twice within four
seconds. The STOP button status lamp becomes unlit and the vessel starts moving.

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Track Line Mode

User interface

This section contains the following topics:

TrackLine menu ...............................................................................................................14
TrackLine Settings dialog box .........................................................................................15
TrackLine Control dialog box..........................................................................................17
Heading Wheel panel.......................................................................................................18
Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode .......................................................................21
Steering gain ....................................................................................................................28
Wind forces and thruster moment compensation.............................................................30
Alarm limits for cross-track error ....................................................................................32

TrackLine menu
This section contains an overview of the TrackLine menu, and references to sections
where you can find more information about the menu entries.

Figure 4 TrackLine menu

Menu item Description

Settings... Displays the TrackLine Settings dialog box (see TrackLine Settings
dialog box on page 15).
Speed... Displays the Speed Setpoint dialog box (refer to the relevant K-Pos
(OS) Operator Manual).
Steering... Displays the Steering dialog box (see Rudder/azimuth limits and
steering mode on page 21).

14 322305/B
User interface

Gain... Displays the Gain dialog box (see Steering gain on page 28).
Alarm Limits... Displays the Position page of the Alarm Limits dialog box (see Alarm
limits for cross-track error on page 32).
Control... Displays the TrackLine Control dialog box (see TrackLine Control
dialog box on page 17).

TrackLine Settings dialog box

The features available in the Track Line mode are selected from the TrackLine Settings
dialog box.
To display this dialog box, select TrackLine →Settings.

Figure 5 TrackLine Settings dialog box

Heading Control
Auto / Operator
When the vessel speed is low, you can select either Auto or Operator heading
• If you select Auto, the vessel heading is set to the same as the track line course.

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Track Line Mode

• If the tracking operation allows a heading different from along the track, it may
be desirable to turn the vessel to a more favourable heading with respect to the
environmental forces. If you select Operator, you can specify the required
You can also change the heading using the Heading dialog box, or by marking
the required heading on the Posplot view (see Changing the heading setpoint in
the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
When the vessel speed is high, only Auto is available. The vessel heading is
controlled automatically, according to the vessel speed and the environmental
forces, in order to minimise the cross-track error. The crab angle (the angle
between the vessel heading and the track line) is displayed on the Posplot view and
will be continuously changing.
Crab Angle Alarm Limit
You can specify an alarm limit for the calculated crab angle setpoint. This feature
applies only for high speed operations. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm message
is issued. The crab angle alarm limit is displayed on the Posplot view (see Posplot
view on page 48).
Speed Control
In Track Line mode you can either specify the vessel speed or deselect automatic
control of the surge axis and use the joystick to control the thrust and thereby the
vessel speed in the alongships direction.
When automatic surge control is selected (the SURGE button status lamp is lit),
the Operator option is automatically selected and you can specify the vessel speed
You can also change the speed setpoint using the Track Line Control dialog box (see
TrackLine Control dialog box on page 17), the Speed Setpoint dialog or the Speed
page of the Position dialog box (refer to the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).
When automatic surge control is deselected (the SURGE button status lamp is not
lit), the Joystick/Lever option is automatically selected and you can use the joystick
or levers to control the thrust and thereby the vessel speed in the alongships
The Heading Control must be set to Auto before you can disable automatic surge
control and use joystick speed control. In higher speed Auto is automatically
Line Definition
Allows you to specify the track line course.
Distance to Turn
Allows you to set the distance from the vessel to the WOP on the track where a
course change turn is to start.

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User interface

Turn Radius
Allows you to set the radius of the turn for course changes. The amount that the
value can be increased and decreased depends on the current vessel speed and
the maximum allowed Rate of Turn.
Rate of Turn
Allows you to set the Rate of Turn for course changes. You should bear in mind
that a low rate of turn may result in a large turn radius at high vessel speed.

TrackLine Control dialog box

The TrackLine Control dialog box is useful in operations that require frequent changes of
track line course or speed setpoint.
To display this dialog box, select TrackLine →Control.

Figure 6 TrackLine Control dialog box

Either enter the required value or use the up and down arrows to adjust the setpoint.
The Speed control will only be available when the vessel speed is under automatic
control (the SURGE button status lamp is lit).

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Track Line Mode

Heading Wheel panel

In Track Line mode the Heading Wheel panel (see Figure 7) can be used for changing the
Course, the Distance to Turn, the Rate Of Turn and the Turn Radius.

Figure 7 Heading Wheel panel

Changing track line course

You can change the track line Course using the Heading Wheel and its COURSE buttons
(from left to right), DECREASE, ACTIVATE and INCREASE (see Figure 7).
To change the Course:
1 Ensure that the following Line Definition values (see TrackLine Settings dialog
box on page 15) are as required:
a Distance to turn
b Turn radius or Rate of Turn, depending on which is selected.
2 Press the DECREASE, ACTIVATE or INCREASE button once.
• The Course dialog box is displayed.

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User interface

3 With the Course dialog box displayed, rotate the Heading Wheel clockwise (to
increase) or counter-clockwise (to decrease) the Course, or use the DECREASE and
INCREASE buttons (typically 0.1 degree for each press).
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed, however, the dialog box can
also be closed by pressing the ACTIVATE button or any one of the Heading Wheel
panel buttons that are not associated with Course.
The Course dialog box must be displayed if rotation of the Heading Wheel is to
have an effect.

Changing the Distance to Turn

You can change the Distance to Turn using the DISTANCE TO TURN buttons on the
Heading Wheel panel, DECREASE (lower button), and INCREASE (upper button) (see
Figure 7).
1 Press the DECREASE or INCREASE button once.
• The Distance to Turn dialog box is displayed.
The value shown in the dialog box is the distance from the vessel to the WOP
on the track where a course change turn is to start.

2 With the Distance to Turn dialog box displayed, press the DECREASE or INCREASE
button to change the Distance to Turn (typically 10 metres for each press).
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed, however, the dialog box can
also be closed by pressing any one of the Heading Wheel panel buttons that are
not associated with Distance to Turn.
When a track line Course change is activated, e.g. the WOP is shown on the Posplot
view, the DECREASE and INCREASE buttons will have no effect on the distance to the
WOP until the Course change turn has been completed.

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Track Line Mode

Changing the Rate Of Turn

You can change the Rate Of Turn setpoint (provided that Rate of Turn is selected, see
TrackLine Settings dialog box on page 15) using the RATE OF TURN buttons on each side
of the Heading Wheel, DECREASE (left side) and INCREASE (right side) (see Figure 7).
To change the Rate Of Turn setpoint:
1 Press the DECREASE or INCREASE button once.
• The Rate Of Turn dialog box is displayed.

2 With the Rate Of Turn dialog box displayed, press the DECREASE or INCREASE
button to change the Rate Of Turn setpoint (typically 1 degree/minute for each
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed, however, the dialog box can
also be closed by pressing any one of the Heading Wheel panel buttons that are not
associated with Rate Of Turn.

Changing the Turn Radius

You can change the Turn Radius (provided that Turn Radius is selected, see TrackLine
Settings dialog box on page 15) using the TURN RADIUS buttons on each side of the
Heading Wheel, DECREASE (left side) and INCREASE (right side) (see Figure 7).
To change the Turn Radius:
1 Press the DECREASE or INCREASE button once.
• The Turn Radius dialog box is displayed.

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User interface

2 With the Turn Radius dialog box displayed, press the DECREASE or INCREASE
button to change the Turn Radius (typically 10 metres for each press).
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed, however, the dialog box can
also be closed by pressing any one of the Heading Wheel panel buttons that are not
associated with Turn Radius.

Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode

The Steering page of the Steering dialog box allows you to:
• Set angle limits for the rudders and/or azimuth thrusters within which the
rudders/azimuth thrusters are allowed to operate.
• Select which pre-configured steering group is to be used for steering the vessel.
• Select the steering mode which determines how the selected steering group is used
to steer the vessel.
• Set maximum steering and propulsion force.
To display the Steering page, select TrackLine→Steering (to display the Steering dialog
box) and, if necessary, click the Steering tab.

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Track Line Mode

Figure 8 Steering dialog box - Steering page

The vessel configuration determines the options that are available on this dialog box.

The system is pre-configured with:

• The thrusters available for steering (steering units).
• The thrusters to provide only alongships force (force units).
• The steering units grouping into steering groups.
The dialog box shown in Figure 8 would be displayed for the example vessel
configuration shown in Figure 9. This example vessel has three steering groups, each
comprising two steering units. These thrusters are also configured for use as force units.
The illustrations shown in the following pages are details of the Thruster Main view.

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User interface

Figure 9 Example vessel configuration. The thrusters are represented by numbers.

In high speed operations, the system will not turn the rudders/azimuth thrusters
beyond the specified limit. At high speeds, a relatively small limit such as five
degrees is often used.
If you try to enter angle values beyond predefined limits, a message instructing you
to correct the values will be displayed.
When the system is in high speed operation, manual limits are not applicable.
Steering Mode
This determines how the steering units within the active steering group are used
to steer the vessel, and is not available if there is only one steering unit. Steering
Group AUX is used in the examples shown (for a description of steering groups,
see Steering Group later in this section).

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Track Line Mode

Figure 10 Synchronous steering mode

Synchronous — Both steering units have the same azimuth angle and are used to generate
the directional force.

Figure 11 Asynchronous Auto steering mode

Asynchronous Auto — Only one steering unit is used to generate the directional force,
while the other is fixed alongships. The steering unit is selected automatically depending
on the turn direction.

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User interface

Figure 12 Asynchronous Starboard steering mode

Asynchronous Starboard — The starboard steering unit generates the directional force.
The port steering unit is fixed alongships.

Figure 13 Asynchronous Port steering mode

Asynchronous Port — The port steering unit generates the directional force. The
starboard steering unit is fixed alongships.

Figure 14 Fixed angle steering mode

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Track Line Mode

Fixed angle — The steering thrusters are at fixed angles. Changing RPM and pitch are
used to obtain moment demand.
Steering Group
In high speed operations, you can select the preconfigured steering group to be
used for steering the vessel. This option is not available if there is only one defined
steering group.
In the example shown in Figure 9, you can select between the Emergency, AUX
and Propeller steering groups.
The figures below show the effect of selecting these steering groups when the
Synchronous steering mode is also selected.
Steering units belonging to groups which are not selected for steering provide
only alongships force.
Steering group Emergency, demand to port.

Steering group AUX, demand to port.

Steering group Propeller, demand to port.

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User interface

MAX Force Limit

The system will first apply force using the steering units, before using the force
units. In this way, steering is prioritised over alongships propulsion.
The limit at which the system begins to apply force using the force units in addition
to the steering units is determined by the MAX Force Limit for Propulsion and the
MAX Force Limit for Steering entries.
MAX Force Limit for Propulsion cannot exceed MAX Force Limit for Steering. An
Illegal Value dialog box is displayed if you try to enter a higher value in the for
Propulsion spin box than in the for Steering spin box.
For the MAX Force Limit for Propulsion to apply, the MAX Force Limit for
Propulsion check box (see Figure 8) must be selected. When this check box is not
selected, the MAX Force Limit for Propulsion is 100 %.
If the vessel is configured with only one steering group and there are no additional
force units, these entries are not displayed on the dialog box.
In the following examples the MAX Force Limit for Propulsion is set to 60% and
the MAX Force Limit for Steering is set to 90%. The steering units are thrusters 7
and 8 (Steering Group AUX).
No thrust is applied using the force units
until the force demand reaches 90% on the
steering units.

When the force demand is equal to 90% on

the steering units, they are frozen at this
level until the force units reach 60%.

Above this level there are three possibilities. The system configuration determines the
one which applies:

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Track Line Mode

• The steering units will increase (if necessary) to 100%, while the force units are
still limited to 60%.
• The steering units are limited to 90% and the force units are limited to 60% even
though the force demand is higher.
• The force units are limited to 60% until the steering units reach 100%. The force
units then start increasing if necessary.

Steering gain
A gain level can be applied to the yaw axis in high speed operations using the Gain
page of the Steering dialog box.
The Counter Rudder and Auto Trim gain can also be set.
To display the Gain page, select TrackLine→Steering (to display the Steering dialog
box) and then click the Gain tab.

Figure 15 Steering dialog box - Gain page

Gain Level
Automatic gain is available in high speed operations. When this option is selected,
the system computes the appropriate gain level based on the vessel speed.
You must clear the Automatic check box before you can select the Gain level.

28 322305/B
User interface

Low Med. High

You can select one of three predefined controller gain levels: Low (50%), Med.
(Medium) (100%) or High (150%). The selected gain level applies to the yaw
axis in high speed operations.
(Operator defined)
The Gain Level can also be set in the complete range from 50% to 150% by clicking
the up/down arrows or typing in the required value.
Different gain factors for each of the three standard gain levels are defined to suit
the characteristics of the vessel. The deviations in heading and rate of turn are
multiplied by the selected gain factor to obtain the required force demand.
If a new mode is selected where Automatic gain is not allowed, the controller gain
level is automatically changed to the default value, and a warning is displayed in
the Event List window.
The most suitable gain level depends on the vessel characteristics, the weather
conditions and the required positioning accuracy. Operational experience therefore
plays a large part in determining the optimum gain level, but the following general
points should be noted:
• High gain provides the quickest vessel response and the most accurate
• Medium gain provides a slower vessel response than high gain.
• Low gain provides the slowest vessel response.
Refer to the Controller Mode and Gain Level selection section in the K-Pos (OS)
Operator Manual for further details.
Counter Rudder
This can be set in the range from 50 to 150%, with a default of 100%.
The Counter Rudder gives a smooth transition to a new heading after a major
course change.
If the Counter Rudder setting is too low, there may be an overshoot past the new
heading and it may take a long time before the new heading is stabilised.
If the Counter Rudder setting is too high, there may be an over-correction followed
by a small overshoot past the new heading, and the vessel may tend to oscillate
around the new heading. A typical symptom here is an over-active rudder.

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Track Line Mode

Figure 16 Effects of Counter Rudder settings

New course
Counter rudder setting too low ,
overshoot response.

New course
Counter rudder setting too high,
sluggish and creeping response.

New course
Correct setting of counter rudder ,
ideal response.


Auto Trim
This corrects for static heading deviation due to weather forces.
The Auto Trim can be set in the range from 50 to 150%, with a default of 100%.
A low Auto Trim setting (minimum 50%) results in a slower correction of static
heading deviation.
A high Auto Trim setting (maximum 150%) results in a faster correction of static
heading deviation.
When this button is clicked, Gain Level, Counter Rudder and Auto Trim are reset
to the default settings.

Wind forces and thruster moment

The Compensate page of the Steering dialog box is related to Track Line mode at high
speeds and can be used to enable or disable wind forces compensation and thruster
moment compensation.

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User interface

To display the Compensate page, select Track LineSteering on the menu (to display the
Steering dialog box) and then click the Compensate tab.

Figure 17 Steering dialog box - Compensate page

Environment Wind
Wind Forces compensation
This can be enabled/disabled by selecting/clearing the check box. When wind
force compensation is enabled, the vessel will react much more quickly to sudden
changes in wind speed and direction.
Moment compensation
When the vessel speed is controlled by manual levers and the vessel heading
is controlled by the K-Pos system, the K-Pos system normally compensates
automatically for the turning moment generated by the force thrusters. When the
Moment compensation check box is selected for a thruster, the system reads the
feedback signal from that thruster and takes account of the resulting turning force.
If there is known to be a fault situation where the feedback from a particular force
thruster is unreliable, you can clear the corresponding Moment compensation check
box. The K-Pos system will no longer compensate for the effect of this thruster.

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Track Line Mode

Alarm limits for cross-track error

The Alarm Limits dialog box enables the operator to set alarm and warning limits. Alarm
and warning limits for position deviation, heading deviation and cross-track error are
set on the Position page. Alarm and warning limits for pitch, roll and heave motion
are set on the VRS page.
This section describes alarm and warning limits for cross-track error. More information
about the Alarm Limits dialog box can be found in the K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual.
Select TrackLine→Alarm Limits. The Position page of the Alarm Limits dialog box is

Figure 18 Alarm Limits dialog box

To change the limits, either enter new values directly in the text boxes, or use the up and
down arrow buttons to increase or decrease the current values.
To activate Cross-track error limits, select the Cross - Active check box. You can activate
either the alarm limit only, or both the warning and alarm limits. You cannot activate
only a warning limit. If you click the Warning - Active check box, the corresponding
alarm limit is also activated.
Allows you to specify warning and alarm distances within which the vessel can
move on either side of the track.
When the vessel is in Track Line mode and moves away from the track by more
than the warning limit, a warning message is displayed. When the vessel moves
away from the track by more than the alarm limit, an audible signal sounds and
an alarm message is displayed.
These limits can be activated or changed at any time. However, the limits are
active only in Track Line mode.
When active, the cross-track limits are shown as solid lines in the Performance
area (see Performance area on page 34), in the General view (see General view
on page 47) and the Deviation view (see Deviation view on page 45). When
inactive, the cross-track limits are shown as dashed lines in the Performance area,

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User interface

in the General view and the Deviation view. The Numeric values of the cross-track
warning and alarm limits are shown in the Numeric view (refer to the relevant
K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual).

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Track Line Mode

Display views

This section contains the following topics:

Performance area .............................................................................................................34
Conning view ...................................................................................................................39
Deviation view .................................................................................................................45
General view ....................................................................................................................47
Posplot view.....................................................................................................................48

Performance area
The performance area shows important performance information to allow immediate
assessment of the situation. The content of this view cannot be altered by the operator,
but change automatically according to the selected main mode.
Several parts of the performance area are click-sensitive. At the same time as the cursor
image changes when it is moved over a click-sensitive object, a hotspot cursor text in a
yellow frame (the tooltip) is displayed for a few seconds. This text explains the use of
the click-sensitive object.

Figure 19 Performance area in Track Line mode (example)

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Display views

This shows status information for gyrocompasses, wind

sensors, VRSs, thrusters and position-reference systems.
The Gyro, Wind and VRS indicators (orange lamp and
text) are only shown when the gyrocompasses/sensors are
either disabled or not functioning correctly. The Thrusters
indicator (orange lamp and the text Thrust) is only shown
when one or more of the vessels three axis (surge sway
or yaw) are under automatic control and the thrust being
provided by the propulsion system is insufficient to
maintain automatic control.
Reference Systems shows the status for each
position-reference system or transponder. The information
displayed is similar to the reference system status
information in the Refsys view (refer to the relevant K-Pos
(OS) Operator Manual). In addition, the position Offset
during the last second is displayed as a bar graph (portion
of 10 m) for each reference system.
The Gyro/Wind/VRS and Reference Systems areas are
click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to a pointing
hand when positioned over these areas. Clicking the left
trackball button displays the relevant display view in the
working area: the Sensors view or the RefSys Status view.
This shows the consumed power for each
connect-switchboard in graphical form as a percentage of
available power.
The view is dynamically updated to always reflects the
current bus topology.
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking
the left trackball button displays the Power view in the
working area.

This shows numerical and graphical information relevant

for manual and automatic heading control functions. The
information changes automatically according to the selected
main mode.
In Track Line mode with automatic heading control:
The vessel heading is shown graphically against a rotating
compass rose and as a numeric value.
The displayed vessel heading is from the gyrocompass in
use. This is indicated by the name of the gyrocompass
being shown to the right of the heading value.

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Track Line Mode

If no gyrocompasses are enabled, or the gyrocompass

measurements are invalid, the vessel heading as estimated
by the Vessel Model, based on the last known measured
heading from the gyrocompass, is displayed. This is
indicated by the colour of the numeric value for the vessel
heading changing to red and the red text Model being shown
to the right of the heading value.
The heading setpoint is shown graphically on the compass
rose as a vertical purple line.
The left (pink) and right (pale green) arrows indicate the
direction in which the vessel is turning; Port (left pink
arrow) or Starboard (right pale green arrow).
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking
the left trackball button opens up the Sensors dialog box.
The vessel’s Rate Of Turn (ROT) is shown numerically
The heading deviation is shown both graphically
and numerically. The heading deviation is indicated
dynamically by a two-directional bar which represents the
deviation from the heading setpoint. The colour of the bar
changes in relation to the warning and alarm limits for
heading deviation (if active). If the deviation exceeds the
available display range, a plus (+) sign is displayed in the
An arrow symbol shows whether the estimated heading
is moving towards (decreasing deviation) or away from
(increasing deviation) the heading setpoint. This arrow
changes colour depending on increasing or decreasing
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking the
left trackball button opens up the Alarm Limits dialog box.
The cross-track error is indicated dynamically by a
two-directional bar which represents the deviation from
the track. The colour of the bar changes in relation to the
warning and alarm limits you have set for cross-track error
(if active) in the Alarm Limits dialog box. If the deviation
exceeds the available display range, a plus (+) sign is
displayed in the bar.
An arrow symbol shows whether the estimated position
is moving towards (decreasing deviation) or away from
(increasing deviation) the track and whether the present

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Display views

position lies to the left or to the right of the track. This

arrow also changes colour depending on increasing or
decreasing cross-track error.
When the warning and alarm limits are active, they are
shown as solid-drawn lines. When inactive, they are shown
as dashed lines.
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking
the left trackball button opens up the Alarm Limits dialog
box. The warning and alarm limits for the cross-track error
can be activated and changed on this page.
This is the present position and the present true speed
(relative to the ground) both forward/aft (surge axis) and
port/starboard (sway axis).

This is the Force Balance area.

The direction and magnitude of the thruster turning moment
is indicated by the green, two-directional bar located at the
top of the area.
If the yaw axis is under automatic control and the thruster
force being used to maintain the vessel on the wanted
heading exceeds predefined limit values for percentage of
available thruster force, the colour of the two-directional
bar changes (typical values):
• Orange — 60% to 80%.
• Red — 80% to 100%.
The direction of the thruster force, relative to the fore/aft
and port/starboard axes of the vessel is indicated by a green
arrowhead that points out from the centre of the vessel
symbol. The calculated magnitude of the thruster force
is represented by the shape and size (width) of the green
The direction the wind comes from, relative to the fore/aft
and port/starboard axes of the vessel is indicated by a

322305/B 37
Track Line Mode

rotating purple arrowhead that points in towards the centre

of the vessel symbol. The magnitude of the wind force is
represented by the shape and size (width) of the purple
The identification of the wind sensor in use is shown by
the number following the purple text Wind. If all of the
wind sensors are disabled or become unserviceable the
last known valid wind sensor measurement is used. The
identification number of the wind sensor in use is removed
and the word Manual (in blue) is displayed.

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Display views

The direction the sea current comes from, relative to the fore/aft and port/starboard axes
of the vessel is indicated by a rotating blue arrowhead that points in towards the centre of
the vessel symbol. The magnitude of the sea current force is represented by the shape
and size (width) of the blue arrowhead.
The Force Balance area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to a pointing
hand when positioned over this area. Clicking the left trackball button displays the
thruster main (Thr Main) view in the working area.

Conning view
The Conning view provides useful information in Track Line mode.
The Conning view is divided into two subviews, a Main view and an Orders and
Thruster view. To display both views simultaneously, press the CONNING button on
the Operator Panel.
Refer to the Selecting a display view section in the User Interface chapter of the relevant
K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual for a description of how to select display views.

Figure 20 Conning view (example with Track Line mode selected)

Main view
This part of the Conning view shows thruster layout, gyrocompass and speed sensor
status, vessel speed and cross-track error. You can also choose to display a selected
trend plot.

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Track Line Mode

Figure 21 Main view (example with Track Line mode selected)

The OK and Enab (Enabled) status for the

configured gyrocompasses is shown. The
number for the gyrocompass in use is shown
in black. This is a click sensitive area where
the ordinary cursor changes to a pointing
hand. Clicking the left trackball button
opens/closes the Sensors dialog box showing
the Gyro page.
When no gyrocompasses are in operation,
the colour of the text OK changes to red, and
the corresponding check boxes are cleared.
When no gyrocompasses are enabled, the
colour of the text Enab changes to red, and
the corresponding check boxes are cleared.

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Display views

Shows the cross-track error and the alarm

and warning limits (see Alarm limits for
cross-track error on page 32).
• XTE — Cross-track error
• XTL — Cross-track error alarm limit (if
• Wa — Cross-track error warning limit (if

Using the Conning Plot view control dialog

box, you can choose to display a selected
trend plot.

This view shows a graphic or numeric

presentation of azimuth and tunnel thrusters
as well as rudders. The graphic symbols
for azimuth and tunnel thrusters, propellers
and rudders contain setpoint (green) and
feedback (purple) information.
If you wish to inspect values of interest,
such as RPM or main propeller, click on
the Numeric button. The graphic symbols
are replaced with a numeric presentation.
Click the button again to return to graphic
If a thruster is not enabled, it will not be
displayed in the main view.
Speed “direction” is indicated green
(forwards/port) or pink (reverse/starboard)
arrows, in addition to a numerical
presentation. The letter G or W indicates
if the speed is shown relative to Ground or
On the left-hand side, you can see the speed
sensor in use. If you want to display a
different speed sensor, use the Conning view
control dialog box for view control.
The check box In use indicates if the
displayed sensor is enabled and in use. If
it is not in use, you can change this on the
Speed page on the Sensors dialog box which
can be displayed by a command on the
Sensors menu.

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Track Line Mode

Conning dialog box - view control

To display the view control dialog box:
1 Place the cursor anywhere in the Conning view and click the right trackball button.
• A shortcut menu is displayed.
2 Click View Control on this menu.
• The Conning dialog box is displayed, showing the view controls for the trend plot.

Figure 22 Conning view control dialog box - Trend plot controls

The trend plot to be displayed.
Time span
The time span for the trend plot.
Y axis Range...
Displays the Y-Axis Range dialog box (see Figure 23). This dialog box allows you
to set the upper and lower limits for the y-axis plot range manually, or to select
automatic scaling for the y-axis plot range.
Speed Log
Allows you to select among various speed logs to be displayed. It is also possible
to select speed values based on the controller’s estimate (Model).

Figure 23 Y-Axis Range dialog box

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Display views

Selecting this option will set the Y-axis range automatically.
Allows you to set the Upper and Lower Y-axis range limits manually.

Orders and Thruster view

This part of the Conning view shows orders information and thruster force setpoint
and feedback.
If the Orders and Thruster view is not displayed, position the cursor on the lower left
hand side of the display and click the right mouse button. Select Conn Order and Thr
from the menu. The Orders and Thruster view is displayed.
You can also press the CONNING button on the Operator Panel to display the Main view
and the Orders and Thruster view simultaneously.

Figure 24 Orders and Thruster view (example with Track Line mode selected)

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Track Line Mode

The turn radius is shown numerically

(applies only when the vessel is turning).
The speed setpoint value is shown
The course setpoint value is shown
The Rate Of Turn (ROT) setpoint value is
shown numerically (applies only when the
vessel is turning).

Shows Track Line waypoint information.

The vessel outline graphic shows the

direction of the force setpoint and feedback,
indicated by arrows.
The bar graphs and numerical values show
the setpoint and feedback thrust force in
alongships and athwartships direction, as
well as the moment.

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Display views

Deviation view
The Deviation view shows a combination of graphical and numerical performance data.
The information is displayed using large, clear text and graphical symbols.

Figure 25 Deviation view (example in Track Line mode)

Refer to the K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual for a detailed description of this view.
In Track Line mode, the cross-track error is shown both graphically and numerically.

The cross-track error is indicated dynamically by a two-directional bar which represents

the deviation from the track. The colour of the bar changes in relation to the warning and
alarm limits you have set for cross-track error (if active) in the Alarm Limits dialog box.
If the deviation exceeds the available display range, a plus (+) sign is displayed in the bar.

322305/B 45
Track Line Mode

An arrow symbol shows whether the estimated position is moving towards (decreasing
deviation) or away from (increasing deviation) the track and whether the present position
lies to the left or to the right of the track. This arrow also changes colour depending on
increasing or decreasing cross-track error.
When the warning and alarm limits are active, they are shown as solid-drawn lines.
When inactive, they are shown as dashed lines.
When placing the cursor above the cross-track error area, the cursor changes appearance
from an arrow to a pointing hand. Clicking the left trackball button with this hand
displayed opens up the Alarm Limits dialog box, displaying the Position page. The
warning and alarm limits for the cross-track error can be activated and changed on this

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Display views

General view
The General view shows a combination of graphical and numerical performance data.

Figure 26 General view (example in Track Line mode)

Refer to the K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual for a detailed description of this view.
In Track Line mode, the cross-track error is shown both graphically and numerically, in
the same way as on the Deviation view (see Deviation view on page 45).

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Track Line Mode

Posplot view
The track line is displayed on the Posplot view, provided the Track check box on the
Show page of the Posplot View Control dialog box is selected. For more information,
refer to Posplot view in the K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual.

Figure 27 Example track line display on Posplot view

In high speed operations, the calculated crab angle setpoint is displayed in the upper-left
corner of the Posplot view. The crab angle alarm limits are set using the TrackLine
Settings dialog box (see TrackLine Settings dialog box on page 15).

Figure 28 Crab angle setpoint display on Posplot view

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©2010 Kongsberg Maritime

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