How Smart Shaming Holds Us Back I

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How Smart Shaming Holds Us Back I Marielle N abarete l TED x GED 2

Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Since I had learn what a world is, I always thought I was born to explore and tell stories. Now
let me tell you about this certain experiences of mine in which had opened my mind that there
are things in this world remain unaddressed because they appear uncommon.

It happens when I was in high school. In this certain class, there are few persons who had
obvious impressive intellect. Of these individual, there is this certin person who always has
answers to everything. Then at one moment, when the teacher poses a difficult question for
everyone, he raises his hand to answer, providing a strong, well-thought-out answer. Instead
of encouragement, it faces dismissive remarks and mocking whispers from the class. "Here
comes the teacher's pet again." and the worst I heard someone says, "Why is this person
always trying to show off?"

In that instant, I noticed that the pride he felt begins to crumble. On that day, his enthusiasm
starts to wane, and it seems that he hesitate to participate further. Perhaps the joy of learning
and expressing your ideas slowly fades away, replaced by a fear of judgment and ridicule.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am Marielle Nabarete, and today, I want to shed light on a pervasive
but often unnoticed issue: smart shaming. It is the subtle yet damaging practice of devaluing
or making someone feel less because of their intelligence.

Smart shaming, or anti-intellectualism, manifests in various forms. It is when we belittle,

mock, or ridicule someone for appearing smarter than others. We have all witnessed it—the
remarks that follow when someone displays a higher level of intelligence.

In Filipino culture, we have

Okay fine, edi ikaw na!
Ooo lage bright na ka, bogo na ko.
Wow di ma reaccch.

Those types of words and smart shaming itself, undermine and diminish the value of intellect.

Now as much as this topic is rarely talked, unfortunately, it truly exist. Much like body
shaming, smart shaming is not uncommon in our society. Even in normal conversation,
whether with your friends, family, or people you are acquainted with, it pervades. If you give a
strong opinion about whatever being discussed, you gets stares from across the table. If you
correct someone’s grammar, you are referred as ignorant or feeling bright. If you appear
smarter than the rest of the group, you will be mockingly called as “know-it-all”, ‘nerds, geeks.

But why does smart shaming exist, and how does it hold us back?

Smart shaming exists because, in some environments, mediocrity is valued over excellence. It
stems from insecurities about our own intelligence or knowledge. When people witness
someone displaying intelligence or expertise, this can trigger feelings of jealousy or
inadequacy, leading us to bring them down to our level.

Research shows that people who have been smart-shamed often suffer from decreased self-
esteem, anxiety, and even depression. It doesn't stop at schools; it seeps into our workplaces,
relationships, societal situations, or even just within the people you are acquainted with. In a
study conducted in the Philippines with 45 person being surveyed, 60% of individuals
admitted to feeling put off when someone confidently asserts their intelligence, while more
than half acknowledged their own intelligence but would never openly proclaim it due to fear
of criticism and shame.

Ladies and gentleman, smart shaming limits our growth. It hampers personal development, it
hinders creativity and new ideas, and prevents individuals from expressing themselves
Now I want you to imagine how many self-esteem have been killed, how many incredible
minds remain hidden in secrecy because of smart shaming.

Now may I ask, have you witnessed smart shaming? Or have you experienced it yourself?
How does it felt being smart shamed?

Ladies and gentleman, I stand before all of you today as a manifestation of change. I want you
to know that each and every one of us possesses unique talents, skills, and intelligence that
deserve to be celebrated, not to be shamed.

Imagine a world where we embrace and encourage intelligence in all its forms. A world where
no one would say feeling bright, nerds, geeks, or pabida, or referred someone as a person no
social life but studying just because they show higher level of knowledge or interest in

If we recognize that being smart is not something to be ashamed of, but a gift to be nurtured
and shared, we will see how intellectually vibrant the individuals are.

So I implore you all, today is the time to challenge the way things are. We need to break free
from smart shaming and create a culture that celebrates being curious, thinking critically, and
learning throughout our lives. Let us support one another in our pursuit of knowledge,
empower everyone around us, and never permit anyone to extinguish the radiant light of
brilliance that resides within every individual.

Together, let us create a world where smart shaming does not prevail, where inclusivity,
understanding, and respect flourish.Thank you, and let’s have a transformative world

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