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Unit 7: Problems at Work

 Record yourself and send to Teacher

- The workers, whose wages have not been increased since the plant opened five years
ago, could have called another strike. (Listening – News)
- I heard someone say that you were planning to leave. (Speaking – Quitting)

Unit 8: A helping hand

 Record yourself and send to Teacher

- If the establishment had taken steps to help these people, the situation would be
different today. (Listening – Call-In)
- Ma’am, do you need help lifting your stroller onto the bus? (Speaking – Do You Need

Unit 9: Going out

 Record yourself and send to Teacher

- Which upcoming musical event tops your list of recommendations today? (Listening –
Opera Review)
- Well, I've never even heard of the singers in that show, and I think if you've only got
one night out, you should play it safe. (Listening – Opera Review)

Unit 10: Restaurant review

 Record yourself and send to Teacher

- The food was fabulous; I never knew I had such a big appetite. (Listening – Family)
- Have you forgotten? Their recommendations are always terrible. (Speaking –

Unit 11: Ecotourism

Record yourself and send to Teacher

- The first eco-hotels were basically cabins located within natural areas, such as forests
and jungles. (Listening: An eco-hotel seminar)
- You can also install solar or wind energy systems, and water-saving toilets, faucets,
and showers. (Listening: An eco-hotel seminar)

Unit 12: Personality types

 Record yourself and send to Teacher

- Can you give us some examples of which jobs match best with the personality types
you mentioned? (Listening: An interview with a career advisor)
- I wonder if I’m in the right career for my personality type. (Listening: An interview with
a career advisor)

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