Essay Structure

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Essay structure

1. Background statement: (paraphrase the topic)
2. Thesis statement:
Useful structure:
Advantages-Disadvantages: This trend could bring certain benefits but there are
also some drawbacks.
Advantages > Disadvantages: I am of the opinion that this trend brings about more
benefits compared to anynegative aspects it might bring.
Advantages < Disadvantages: While this development maybring about some
benefits, I would argue they are eclipsed/overshadowed/dwarfed by the drawbacks.
Body 1: (Advantages) On the one hand, certain merits can be offered by [topic]
Body 2: (Disadvanatges) On the other hand, some drawbacks from [topic] can be
Body 1: (Disdvantages) Admittedly, there are some minor drawbacks from [topic] .
Body 2: (Advantages) Despite the disadvantages above, I believe [topic] could
bring significant benefits.
Advantages <Disadvantages
Body 1: (Advantages) Admittedly, there are some basic benefits of [topic]
Body 2: (Disadvantages) Despite the advantages above, I believe [topic] could
result in serious drawbacks
Although [summarized disadvantages], [summarized advantages].
I believe that [summarized advantages] clearly overshadow any of the negligible
downsides that could result from [summarized disadvantages].
I believe that [summarized disadvantages] clearly outweigh/dwarf/overshadow any
of the minor benefits that could result from [summarized advantages].

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