Assignment 6 (3) Answered

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wire gauze


conical flask

Pencil is made out of graphite which is carbon to prevent the baseline from getting dissolved in
the solvent

C contains the most soluble colouring because its spot has the highest Rf value

A and C contains the same coloring because they have the same distance travelled

1 +1

1 0

1/1840 -1


4 Some information about some substances is given below.

. In each case, state what type of structure and bonding it has.
(I) Giant ionic structure B,E, H
(II) Giant covalent structure F,J
(III) Giant metallic structure C,I
(IV) Simple molecular structure A,G

Substances Properties
Substance A melts at -210 C and does not conduct electricity both in solid
and molten states
Substance B can conduct electricity in molten state but not in solid state
Substance C is very malleable and ductile
Substance E is soluble in water but not in organic solvents
conduct electricity when it dissolves in water
Substance F cannot dissolve in both water and organic solvents
very high melting point and boiling point
usually brittle
Substance G A black solid which can easily change into a violet vapour (i.e,
very small amount of heat is needed to change solid to gas)
Substance H can conduct electricity in molten state but not in solid state
Substance I even it contains positive ions, its conduct electricity with
delocalized electrons
Substance J formed by the combination of a metal and a non-metal


Magnesium + Sulfur --------> Magnesium Sulfide

- Magnesium atom with the electronic configuration 2.8.2 loses 2 electrons to form Mg2+ ions with
the electronic configuration 2.8
- Sulfur atom with electronic configuration 2.8.6 gains 2 electrons to form S2- ions with the
electronic configuration 2.8.8

- Strong electrostatic forces of attraction between shared pair of electrons and nuclei of 2 atoms

There are weak intermolecular forces of attraction between particles so less thernmal energy is needed to
overcome the forces

There are seas of delocalised electrons moving freely throughout the whole structure to conduct

- There are strong electrostatic forces of attraction between metallic cations and delocalised
electrons so high amount of thermal energy is required to overcome the forces


they have the number of electrons and protons

they have different number of neutrons

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