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Idioms – some interesting meanings and histories

bite the bullet (Units 2 and 31) step or move up a gear (Unit 14)
In the days before anaesthetics or painkillers, soldiers The gears in a car create and change the speed
were given a bullet to bite on during medical operations. and power with which the car is moving. If you
Now the idiom means to face up to something difficult move up a gear, you enable the car to go faster.
with courage. Figuratively, if you step or move up a gear, you start
working more effectively or faster.
have a bee in your bonnet (Unit 43)
A bonnet was a woman’s or baby’s hat, with ribbons
tied under the chin. If a bee got into your bonnet, it
would have buzzed noisily and been very troublesome.
The idiom is used figuratively to suggest that someone
cannot stop thinking about something, and talks about it
too much.

propose a toast to somebody (Unit 23)

In the past people sometimes placed a small piece of
toast, perhaps sweetened or spiced, in a glass of wine or
other drink to add flavour. From this developed the idea
that the name of a beautiful or popular woman would
add sweetness to a drink, and so people would raise
their glasses and call her name before drinking.
Now, if you propose a toast to somebody, you ask
the people at a party to wish somebody happiness and
success by lifting their glasses and drinking.

propose a toast to somebody

Complete the sentences with the idioms above. You might
have to change some of the words to make them fit.
can they?
1. This new ad campaign shows we are a raise. They can’t fire me just for asking,
– our competitors 4. I’ve just got to bite the bullet and ask for
better watch out! hasn’t she?
2. Ladies and gentlemen, quiet please! I would like to got a bee in her bonnet about them,
the very happy, very her noisy neighbours. ~ Yes, she’ really
lucky bride and groom! 3. I can’t believe Carol is still talking about
happy, very lucky bride and groom!
3. I can’t believe Carol is still talking about her noisy neighbours. would like to propose a toast to the very
~ Yes, she’ really got 2. Ladies and gentlemen, quiet please! I
about them, hasn’t she? competitors better watch out!
4. I’ve just got to and are stepping/moving up a gear–our
ask for a raise. They can’t fire me just for asking, can they? 1. This new ad campaign shows we

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