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Lesson 7

Good Soil
Bible passage:
Mathew 13:1-9
1.To understand that the ‘Word is Lord Jesus Christ .
2.To have a heart with complete humble ness,submission,obedience ,prayer
and full faith with no doubts. Of the Lord Jesus and His Word. To establish His
Parable terms meaning :
a)Seeds that fall on the road:
The hearts whicb::
 Believe that Gospel is a myth.
 Believing that God doesn’t exist.
 Not interested to take pain in understanding Lord Jesus and His Kingdom.
In such situations the understanding of our Savior will be zero because Satan
will blind us by snatching away the words.
b)Seeds that fall on the shallow soil on the rock:
The hearts which:
 Recently believed Jesus but still have doubts in His power(little faith)
 Just believes Jesus for getting things done and miracles.
The above they will be shortly excited to receive the Word of God but when
difficulties come they fall and doesn't continue to believe.
C)Seeds that fell among the thorns and grew..
choked .
The hearts which:
 Count as a life- style ,standards of richness and as a ritual so that the
society says good about them.
Such people when the losing of wealth or obstructions in their bad desires of
the world causes them to loose forever the kingdom of Fod.
d)Seeds that fall in good soil,...the turned ,broken and loose soil,
Before seeding there is a treatment for the soil so that it is easy to put seeds
and later the roots can go deep and be firm.
 Like that the heart initially has to humble to accept all the disciplines the
Lords gives as He wills.
 Have full faith in the Word.
 There is no place for the doubts about Lord Jesus and His Kingdom and
applies the principles practically in life
Such Hearts bears fruit of the Holy spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control.(Gal 5:22-
Answer the following Questions
Q1)What happened to the grains which fell on the road?
A)The grains that fell on the road were eaten by the birds.
Q2)Why didn't the seeds that fell on the rock grow?
A)The seeds that fell on the rock didn’t grow because the soil was
shallow .Therefore they sprang up quickly but when the sun came up, the
plants withers because they had no roots.
Q3)What happened to the grains which fell among the thorns?
A)The grown plants amongst the thorns were choked by them and fallen away.
Q4)Where did the farmer get the income from?
A)The farmer got income from the field that gave hundreds, sixty or thirty
times fruits that sown with seeds in good soil.
Q5)How should we prepare our heart to receive God's Word?
A)Our heart should receive the word of God:
 With humbleness
 With repentance and brokenness
 Complete obedience
 Full faith in Lord Jesus Christ...with full understanding.
State true or false:
1)The seed didnt grow in the thorns.
2)The seeds were eaten by the lizards.
3)A crop produced hundreds, thirties and sixty times yield when fell in good
4)John the disciple said the ‘Farmer sowing the seed parable.

Memory Verse:
Mathew 13:8,9
"Still other seed fell on good soil,where it produced a crop- a hundred, sixty
or thirty times what was sown,whoever has ears, let them hear.”


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