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Author Message
asha Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:52 pm Post subject: NEWJOBZ REFUND , DOES IT HAPPEN??



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jeneral Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:49 pm Post subject: NewJobz
Hi Asha,

Joined: 09 May 2005 I just recently submitted my POS to them but before hand after more than a month of just being associate
Posts: 4 member they had contacted me offering a job but we declined it because of it's salary and lower position for my
husband who is an engineer here in Dubai.

They have not asked yet for the membership so we have not paid it yet.

May I know what is your line of career? Who your dealing with NewJobz?

Just take it easy sure you will get your money back.

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len Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:38 pm Post subject:


Joined: 29 Aug 2005 I was a member of Newjobz way back but I had my membership withdrawn later and just took the EOI path. I
Posts: 62 was able to get back
my money which was around NZ$3000 but less the banking charges which was only about $30 or so.

I think it will just take some time but they will refund you the money.


len aka pinoy

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jraposas Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:56 pm Post subject:


Joined: 13 Jul 2005 You entered the member core on April 2005 and NewJobz wasn't able to find you a job. How many days
Posts: 20 specified in your contract? What is your work experience and date availability declared to NewJobz? I am
asking you this because I want to relate the same scenario that happened to my friend who sucessfully entered
NZ thru NewJobz and it goes like this:

He entered the member core last Nov. 2004 and was given 120 days contract for the job search. Unfortunately
no job offer during those months but NewJobz asked him if he wants to continue for another 120 days and in the
month of March 2005 he was interviewed by a propective employer and agreed with all the benefits offered.
They processed the medical and police clearance in Riyadh thru Saudi Police and Phil. Embassy and finally he
is in Christchurch since July 17. A week prior to their departure he was in perfect contact with NewJobz taking
all necessary actions prior to their arrival in Ch airport because being part of NewJobz services they will be
fethced by their staff and bring them to a hotel for temporary settlement.

Kongting tyaga lang kasi not all the 12 months ay hiring season according to my source in NZ. Kaya weder-
weder lang yan sana you must have negotiated for another contract. But for sure your money will be refunded I
believed on the promises of NewJobz.

Good luck to your refund request.

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asha Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:48 am Post subject:

Hey all,
thanks for the replies. i am a product development officer in the IT/Telecom field for 3yrs with a BSc in
Joined: 20 Sep 2005 Computing and Information systems. I was dealing with Luan but then they changed the manager to Andrea.
Posts: 5 Sorry I had the dates wrong, I became a core member in Feb 2005 and NZJOBZ worked to find a job for me for
120days.Having had no success they enforced that I should extend the contract and we did that till mid July
when I asked them for a refund. Somehow it seemed that whenever I contacted them, I was not abke to get a
feedback quick enough and then half the time the employment managers were out/sick and my case was not
being attended to.They kept enforcing that I should extend but I had made up my mind so they told me that

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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:
there processing for refund only begins once in a month, only on the 20th. They started my refund processing
on the 20th of Aug 2005 and said that they cannot give an exact date as to when will the money be refunded.
Not having heard from them I called them after 2 weeks of processing time and talked to Debbie who wasn't
nice at all, she went on about the 1000s of clients they have and they cannot update everyone with the progress
etc ctec. Anyway since it has been about 5 weeks of waiting, my sister who is in Christchurch gave Luan a call
yesterday and she was supposed to talk to the person who is in the accounts dept., and then give us a reply
Most of the time they make it a point to be really friendly and try to refrain from the matter in q??....they have
told us that the refund will happen but don't know when!!. It is a simple transfer into a nz bank a/c.
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asha Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:48 am Post subject: NEWJOBZ REFUND , DOES IT HAPPEN??
hi len,
how long did it take for you to get the refund?(days, weeks or months). Good to know they do refund in the end.
Joined: 20 Sep 2005 I have taken up the EOI path and I was selected on sept 14th 2005, hope all goes well in the next months.
Posts: 5 cheers

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len Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:38 pm Post subject:

It took them more than a month din, pero
Joined: 29 Aug 2005 I had no hassle dealing with them. I understand
Posts: 62 naman kc company policy nila na every 20th of the month ang procesing ng refund and from that magbibilang
ka pa ng at least one month. Pero syempre
I understand your situation, that was what I felt too when almost a month wala pang refund. I was only relieved
when I got the money. I even wrote them a thank you note after that coz I found them nice, after all.

Don't worry baka these few days you'll get your money back. I wish you good luck sa EOI mo, sana swertehin
tayo lahat.

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PhilH Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:24 am Post subject: Newjobz Refund
Hi Asha

Joined: 25 Nov 2005 Yes I am also having major problems with Newjobz attempting to get my refund.
Posts: 1 I have been with Newjobz as a member for nearly a year looking for work as an IT administrator in which time
communication with managers have been very poor unless pushed.
So in August I requested a refund as per the contract, I was told I’d missed the 20th of the month deadline and
would have to wait till the following month which I did only to be told there is a delay in the credit dept.
I have emailed them regularly weekly for 3 months now, they won't give a date.

I can only assume they are in financial difficulties and have cash flow problems.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else is having similar problems.

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vgrigor Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:43 am Post subject: I was client of newjobZ -not fair company, as I
can inform.
I was client of newjobZ -not fair company, as I can inform.
Joined: 12 Dec 2005
Posts: 2 this company use psychology manipulations and smart contract conditions to move client to full unreliable
conditions -deceive them by some smart steps:

Initially this company supplies very good advertising attracting client of money back guarantee condition - that
must characterize company as supplying reliable - and not bad service without
bad practices .

So I was thinking when first seen their proposal in advertising.

After pay for "association" you immediately receive anketa

"for real work" in which at lowest string
you can gather if you are lawer that signing it you reject "money back".

So any advertising has real sense,

and once you follow just human logic of declared condition - you loose that condition that you was attracted by,
due to either can not detect it,
or by next smart steps:

from initial contact you asked many times how keen you are to move to new Zeeland ?
And you answer many times freely that you keen to do it -
(once you do it and this not takes money).

But thing some smarter:

if you disagree with some controversial conditions of loose money back immediately after work begin due to this
is not logic to advertise proposal,

you receive messages that you will be considered as not keen, and with low priorities - means receive nothing.

Thus - either you follow human logics or follow letters of contract you tried to be manipulated and loose
worth condition.

that first time shows company as not fair.

secondly reading contract you see hat you must pay 2500$ + 2500$ (USD),
and this money can be made not paid- by
opinion of every they worker that hi was listen some agreement on some job condition,
that can be any.
no guarantee of success of this work is supplied - take into attention - ALL RISKS MOVED ON YOU.
due to you are not experienced - it is high risk,
and their professionalism - is not understood is need for what.

Also any condition "by their opinion" (by contract) follows to fact that you loosed money.

If their declarations was reflecting this practice openly - I would doubt that is is not based,

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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:
but declaring full reliability of money return and that appearing smart inverse conditions
on every step - I see that this company is manipulative and deceiving.

that means
they can deceive on every else step,
once this is common strategy.

But this is all under contract,

so you can go to court with that.
have a lawyer for battles!

so I was involved into this, and after first disagree to pay all,
all, received reject of return money and that is all.

Vladimir Grigoriev

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Myrna Gonzales Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:11 am Post subject:
to vg rigor,

Joined: 14 Jun 2005

Posts: 107 mg

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Mohsen Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:50 pm Post subject: BEWARE
dear all,

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 BEWARE!!! if anyone of you is going to pay newjobz, beware if they do not find a job for you, do not refund .
Posts: 11
Location: SGS Iran Ltd I had a 4 months contract with their office to find me a job, it's 3 months since it has been expired and although
they didn't find me a job, they have not yet pay back my membership fee (NZ$2999)and even do not answer my
emails properly. (



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tagaisla Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:10 am Post subject: NewjobZ Refund
I had been a member and they have many delaying tactics to delay the refund which I never recieve until now.
Beware of this company!!!!!!
Joined: 23 Feb 2006
Posts: 2

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ladywilms Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:56 am Post subject:

I registered at Newjobz sometime in November 2006. They sent me a CD and a letter acknowledging my
membersship as an associate. But after receiving this, i got no response anymore. After a few months, they
Joined: 12 Apr 2008 have changed the name of the company. I sent email messages to Mr. Keith Lightfoot regarding the status of
Posts: 1 my membership since they have changed the company's name, but i got no reply. I have trusted Newjobz but i
guess, they dont deliver the way they said they will. I didnt even get a letter saying "sorry,
"sorry, we found no job for
you here in NZ. Better luck next time." It's now 2008, and still, i have not heard anything from them.

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jraposas Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:22 pm Post subject:

Sad to know that you were also a victim of NewJobz. Yes the company was closed sometime in 2006 (guess).
Huwag ka na lang umasa na may magandang process pang idudulot ng ng NewJobz...nalahu na
Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 20

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New Zealand > New Zealand Immigration and Living In New Zealand > Working in New Zealand > Agents who guarantee jobs in NZ

11th December 2006, 04:11 PM
Very timely article, Jo, with so many agent questions coming up. What a sad situation. :(

11th December 2006, 06:51 PM
"We don't feel in any way we have done anything wrong except we understand we wrote a contract which we did not honour"

ing wrong except not honoring their contracts. Uhm...that is a pretty hefty "except". :mad:

12th December 2006, 12:11 AM
Never one to have any luck at all, it seems that I've borrowed someone else's - OH almost signed us up to this service :uh
:uhoh but as I'm tighter than a
ducks wossisname, we decided not to bother.

Feel sorry for those that signed up though,


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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:
12th December 2006, 01:32 AM
I am not trying to sound mean but if someone offered me a guaranteed job without knowing much about me and a "risk free" trial (money refund), I
would be very suspicious of the offer. If it is too good to be true, then IT USUALLY IS. NZ, Canada or USA, you will find these scums everywhere. The
interesting thing is, you will still find this con man flourish under the new name.

13th December 2006, 08:39 AM
When I was first thinking of NZ, I paid these people about USD100 for what I think these people called 'Associate membership'. :no

Basically, they sent me a DVD saying how wonderful their company was, and how good New Zealand is to live in. Then the told me their fees.

I bought the New Zealand bit, and I'm arriving next month, but fortunately I didn't pay them $3000. :yes

Of course, I don't have job yet :roll

5th January 2007, 04:21 PM
....and I still had faith in them a few months ago. :mad: :mad:
Though their last email was not very encouraging...I quote:

"Please do not keep writing to us or phoning us for updates, we will not be using our team to answer the telephone and send emails to you, we would
rather use that time to help you move to New Zealand."

I tried to email and call in spite of their threats, since before they ceased trading as Newjobz they said they would arrange some interviews for me,
since I am visiting new zealand on february. And they answered with the same stupid on earth does that help me move to New Zealand??

I didn't have to pay $3000 though, I paid $2000 (not that is less hurting). Anyway, I'm not letting a bunch of brainless people who can't do bussiness
ruin my I just decided to go on by myself, I've already got my plane ticket and I am talking directly to the companies to get my
interviews when I arrive.

And at least there will be tesimony that they are a joke, hopefully less people will fall in their net.

See you in a while!!! :raebanana

5th January 2007, 05:05 PM
These guys threatened another forum owner after some negative threads about how they were "rip-off merchants" !! How time tells us all a lesson:no

I really wonder how they will attract any business under their new name ?

Sorry for all of you that lost money.


6th January 2007, 10:27 AM
Sorry for anyone out there that has lost money.

It is a very stressful time emigrating, and you seem to face so many hurdels you can think it will be easier paying these people money to sort it out -
but in the long run you are better keeping the money and doing the work yourself - the same goes for using agents for the EOI/PR process -it may
seem daunting at first but its well worth the DIY route!

6th January 2007, 11:51 AM
when you do it yourself you at least have the knowledge of where things are at.
The other thing I feel, perhaps a bit harsh, but nobody is going to hold your hand when you get here and lead you along so the sooner you take
control yourself the better. This is something I often feel when some questions are asked when a few minutes search on this forum would supply the
answers. its always worth doing a search before posing a question. I can't help thinking that those who expect to be spoonfed are less likely to make
a go of it.
Backpack New Zealand > Forum > Immigration & Working

Newjobz and Skills NZ

Author Message
buxfizz Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:31 am Post subject: Newjobz and Skills NZ
Hi there

Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Further to my comments last week about Newjobz, I have sunsequently learned that the directors of Newjobz
Posts: 3 have started a new immigration company called Skills NZ. These directors, Stu Macann and Keith Lightfoot, are
Location: New Plymouth reported to owe 229 potential migrants about $600k after reneging on their refund policy [ see article on ]. Talking about their so-called refund policy, Lightfoot is reported to have said that he felt that
they hadn't done anything wrong except that they understood that they had written a contract which they did not
honour and that was that. Well duh, when you're owed thousands of dollars how wrong is that ??? Hmmm, he
actually goes on to say that he felt that they also hadn't let the side down. Of course, that depends on whose
side you are on hey.
So, if you are planning to migrate to NZ, there are two lessons to learn from this. Be careful, very careful about
who you give your hard earned cash to. Not everyone is as nice and upfront as they pretend to be. And
secondly, with just a little effort on your part, you can actually do the immigration process by yourself. It's not
that difficult.
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piko Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:33 pm Post subject:

Good observation on Stu Macann and Keith Lightfoot - infact they tried wooing me but some how God took me
out of their trap. Now how can anyone get to NZ without going through employment agency. If you have please
Joined: 28 Jan 2007 let us know.
Posts: 2

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Author Message
iceserran Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:23 pm Post subject: NewJobz
Hi Guyz,

Joined: 19 Jul 2005 Just want to know if anyone of you tried NewJobz? or do you know anyone who successfully got to NZ through
Posts: 3 NewJobz?

How much will I have to pay for EOI?

Regards to all
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shiemarie Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:27 pm Post subject:

hi, you can check the thread of jraposas in this forum..i believe he already registered to Newjobz and he has a
friend who made it to NZ thru that company.
Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 142

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iceserran Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:42 pm Post subject:

Hi shiemarie,

Joined: 19 Jul 2005 Thanks for your reply. I'll check jraposas' trend.
Posts: 3
Tnx much.

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jraposas Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:26 pm Post subject:

Yes, as of July 5 I paid my initial member fee amounting to NZ$ 2997 but as per my status shown on the
NewJobz Member Site still "To be reviewed". According to the assigned consultant of NewJobz during my
Joined: 13 Jul 2005 follow-up (by phone) they are making some database filing to enter all necessary details including my CV (NZ
Posts: 20 Format) and job certifications then after making all these things they will start to "market" into different
prospected employers, that is according to my qualification. As per thier advertisement that it would take 20
days before they will start the job searching.

Three of my closed friends have been in NZ thru this firm (NewJobz) and per my last communication with them
newjobz promises are satisfaction guaranteed. So far natuwa daw siya dahil noong dumating sila doon
(Christchurch) ay NewJobz ang nag-ayos lahat ng kanilang temporary settlement including tarsnpo from the
airport. I myself believe in NewJobz I don't know if some people experienced bad situation with them.
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jazzyjayt Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:19 pm Post subject:


Joined: 18 Apr 2005 hi! may i ask, what are the occupations of your friends who are happy with newjobz' services?
Posts: 32
Location: manila, i'm thinking kasi na newjobz' "mixed" success record might be dependent on the applicant's qualifications. is it
philippines possible na successful lang sila with applicants whose jobs are in the shortage list?


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Ed Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:28 pm Post subject: Refund

Mine was a terrible experience...

Joined: 23 Mar 2005 In case you don't want to extend your contract after the 120 day period, file your request 1 week before the
Posts: 12 contract ends and be persistent about it.

The contract clearly states that refunds are paid to members on the 20th of the month but in actuality, the refund
process will start on the 20th, not paid. I asked them how long does this process normally takes and I haven't
got a straight answer until now.

I became a member on February 17 this year and I formally filed a refund request before June 14. Unfortunately
for me, they overlooked my request and I was made to pay the consequences by waiting for another month
(they said sorry naman though).
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jraposas Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:38 pm Post subject:

To Jazzyjat & Ed

Joined: 13 Jul 2005 Sorry to hear about NewJobz failure particularly on the refund processing.
Posts: 20
All those people I know & moved to NZ thru NewJobz are technical in profession. Two of them are Xerox Copier
Service Engineers. They're hired by Konika NZ. Also I know 2 of the members who are currently in Riyadh been
in the Member Core for more than 3 months but NewJobz keep on coordinating with them that their profession
as Accountant is quite hard to find a position. But there are job offers for them according to one of the member
but he refused to accept because he want a better position that is why he didn't withdraw his member fee yet.

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Ed: Have you finally get your refund? How many days to be exact they processed?

In fact I tried with NewJobz to make it parallel with my EOI, which comes first... Hopefully by Oct. 2005 I would
have the ITA from NZIS Beijing then I will ask for refund from NewJobz then.

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jrivero Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:48 am Post subject:

Hi jraposas,

Joined: 28 Jun 2005 I am also considering newjobz. How much will it totally cost to become a member until you get a job? I think it
Posts: 63 will be worth it if they can get you a respectable job rather than starting from scratch.

I am in IT management and already short in hands on technical skills.

I hope they can find me a good position.

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jraposas Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:52 pm Post subject:


Joined: 13 Jul 2005 The breakdown of our fees is as follows. All are compulsory components of our full fee structure:
Posts: 20
You pay US$ 297 to become an Associate

You pay NZ$ 2997 (first part) to become a member – active job search will start

You pay NZ$ 3000 (last part) when we have secured a job that you accept

The second payment after the visa processing.

You pay NZ$ 69 per week for 12 months after you arrive in New Zealand and start working. The start date for
deductions will be worked out with you after you arrive.

This includes your whole family processing.

Part of their service is to find you a temporary settlement. During your arrival at NZ airport NewJobz will come
and transport you to the temp. settlement accommodation, arrange your hired car, assist you on your children
enrollment and to give further assistance processing your Residence VISA. Though I haven't yet experienced
this myself, but with the guarantee of my firends (not only one) who step into NZ thru NewJobz they were able
to move and adjust environmentally and financially during thier first month in NZ.

Nothing to lost since the member fee is refundable after 180 days if they could not find a suitable job for you or
you may want to roll another contract term for another luck to come.
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iceisme Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:32 pm Post subject:

Hi jraposas,

Joined: 08 Aug 2005 May I just ask your status now with NewJobz. I already paid the associate pack, received the CD and now
Posts: 8 thinking if I'll continue with Newjobz or not.
Location: Makati,
Philippines My brother is 1-1/2 year in NZ, pero direct hire sya. He's in Auckland. Won't you mind if you could send me your
friends contact numbers in NZ so my brother can call them, kung ok lang? My email address is (Sana ok lang)



jraposas wrote:
Yes, as of July 5 I paid my initial member fee amounting to NZ$ 2997 but as per my status shown
on the NewJobz Member Site still "To be reviewed". According to the assigned consultant of
NewJobz during my follow-up (by phone) they are making some database filing to enter all
necessary details including my CV (NZ Format) and job certifications then after making all these
things they will start to "market" into different prospected employers, that is according to my
qualification. As per thier advertisement that it would take 20 days before they will start the job

Three of my closed friends have been in NZ thru this firm (NewJobz) and per my last
communication with them newjobz promises are satisfaction guaranteed. So far natuwa daw siya
dahil noong dumating sila doon (Christchurch) ay NewJobz ang nag-ayos lahat ng kanilang
temporary settlement including tarsnpo from the airport. I myself believe in NewJobz I don't know if
some people experienced bad situation with them.

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Mohsen Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:33 pm Post subject: newjobz
Dear all,

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 I am sorry for distrubting you but I have a problem of which I though you may help me to find the way out.
Posts: 11 I had a 4 months contract with the NewJobZ company, ( to find me a job in NZ, it's 3
Location: SGS Iran Ltd months since the contract has been expired. The company had promised to refund my whole membership fee
(NZ$2999) in case of negative outcome. Now, although they didn't find me a job, they have not yet pay back my
money after 3 months. Always I ask them the reason, or send they an email, they either do not reply or say that
the refund is under process.
In this situation, I feel defrauded and I want to claim them somehow.
Is there any office in NZ for claiming such companies which are working with overseas applicants? could you
link me with them?

I am looking forward for your kind info.

With my sincerest regards,

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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:


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Mohsen Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:34 pm Post subject: :( newjobz
Dear all,

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 I am sorry for distrubting you but I have a problem of which I though you may help me to find the way out.
Posts: 11 I had a 4 months contract with the NewJobZ company, ( to find me a job in NZ, it's 3
Location: SGS Iran Ltd months since the contract has been expired. The company had promised to refund my whole membership fee
(NZ$2999) in case of negative outcome. Now, although
although they didn't find me a job, they have not yet pay back my
money after 3 months. Always I ask them the reason, or send they an email, they either do not reply or say that
the refund is under process.
In this situation, I feel defrauded and I want to claim
claim them somehow.
Is there any office in NZ for claiming such companies which are working with overseas applicants? could you
link me with them?

I am looking forward for your kind info.

With my sincerest regards,



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Mohsen Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:38 pm Post subject:

dear all,

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 BEWARE!!! if anyone in going to pay newjobz, beware if they do not find a job for you, and you are not from a
Posts: 11 major country, they do not refund your money although they promised it.
Location: SGS Iran Ltd
I had a 4 months contract with their office to find me a job, it's 3 months since it has expired and although they
didn't find me a job, they have not yet pay back my membership fee (NZ$2999)and even do not answer my
emails. (



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News Flash: NewJobz le

aves migrants short of $600,000 (
I knew something wasn't right about this company when I wrote about it in this blog. See Bagong Raket ni Kaloy.
Kaloy When I wrote
about it, nag-re
refund pa sila ng mga ibinayad ng mga members. Ngayon, sorry daw sa mga nagbayad. Wala ng refund.


• I knew it!!!

By Anonymous
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM, December 05, 2006

• that's really sad, $3000 might not be nothing in NZ but it represents a year salary na in India, really sad.
By analyse,, at 3:04 AM, December 06, 2006

• Never ever use NewJobZ or Skills NZ to immigrate or to find a job in New Zealand

I entered a cont
ract with NewJobZ / Stu Macann & Associates Limited / Skill NZ (claims to be “employment and immigration
consultant”) in April, 2006. The contract stated that, I have to pay a fee of NZD$3000.00 + 175.00 (GST) in order for them to
find me a suitable full ttime
ime job in New Zealand. The contract states that if they (NewJobZ) are not able to find me a job in 180
days, they will refund me NZD$2000.00. The fact is that they failed to find me a job; in fact I didn’t even receive an interv
call through them.

ter 180 days, I contacted them for refund of NZD$2000.00, but they refused to repay me back, saying that the Company's
goodwill and intellectual property including the trade name NewJobZ has been bought by Skills New Zealand Limited. They also
informed me that, Skills New Zealand Limited does not and will not accept any obligation in respect of the amount owing to you
by NewJobZ (Stu Macann & Associates Limited).

So I contacted Citizen Advice Bureau. Their investigation found that both these companies were owned by the same people and
that Skills NZ was registered in November. I came to New Zealand as a student and when I made the payment to NewJobZ, I
had to borrow it from my friends. So I would like to get back the money (NZD$2000.00) that NewJobZ owes meme.
By Anonymous
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM, December 13, 2006

• It is really a sad thing when we hear people's unfortunate experience with the agency as posted from various topics on the

Since the old agency is already out of operation, we should be wary and on the lookout for the new "revamped" agency, which
was mentioned in the article (since we are unaware of libel/defamation laws here in new zealand, i will decline to mention
either the name of the old agency and its new agency).

The thing that made my hackles rise (while reading the article) was this statement from one of the consultants of the old

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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:
agency, and quoted directly:

"x x x told The Press the original company was facing liquidation, because of financial troubles, and it had taken legal advice on
how it should proceed.

The refund policy had undermined the company, and made it unsustainable, he said.

"We said we'll get you a job or your money back, which was a fantastically charitable thing to say, looking back. But we did,
and we have been very successful in placing a lot of people into New Zealand.

"Eight months ago we realised the policy was causing us some problems, because people were taking advantage of it. We were
paying out money to people who had used our services for 18 months. They used our time, our energy, our job-searching
programme, and then asked for a refund," he said."

In my opinion, that was a very unfair thing to say. Do the people at the agency know how much NZ 3000 dollars is worth in
philippine peso?! That is almost 100,000 pesos.

People did not get their services to take adavantage of the agency's "charity" and "goodwill." Normally, people will avoid forking
3,000.00 nz dollars just to look for a job, but a majority of people used the agency's services as their last resort- when they
looked for a nz job on their own, a lot of people realized that no nz employer would hire them, let alone grant them an
interview or even give a cursory scan to their CVs/resumes.

People parted with their life's savings and even loaned (with very high interest)to pay the 3,000.00 nz dollars (excluding GST, if
i may stress that), thinking that the agency is the ticket into getting here. People who used their services have, literally, felt
they have exhausted all other measures in getting into nz legally and this agency seemed a beacon of light to them. They did
not use their services to make a quick buck or use their "valuable assets." Those clients wouldn't make a profit since they will
not receive a 100% refund. Also, whatever "valuable assets and information" this agency have in securing a job has been, in
my opinion, a hit and miss operation.

On the other hand, (in my opinion) this agency might not have forseen the surge of clients from third world countries, and let
us be frank - there are still those who are "reluctant" to hire us for various reasons, some reasonable (employers prefer those
alrealy legally staying in nz, lack of communication skills especially verbal and written english, mismatched skills or lack of
resources to make a background check on skills and work experience acquired at another country) and some are not so
By Anonymous, at 9:35 AM, December 14, 2006

• I started renting the service of new jobs last july 2006.I paid mu full memberhip fee that year and after 3 months they invited
me to become a gold member wherin that i have a big chance to seek my epmloyer on my behalf.So i decided then to pay my
full gold member last november 2006.On that time,miss andrea sent me on monthly email regarding my applications untill the
such time that miss andrea resigned as an general manger of new jobs but last november,it brought by skills new zealand but
same poeple was operating.
Last june 2007,thats the only month sent me an information about my application and i worried that last july,no
communications was sent to my email and i worried to much then untill the such time that i called up their phone but it doesn't
work any more.
So please inform me if the skills new zea zealand still operating or not .I sacrificed everything just to pay the big amount since
before applying that company,presently i'm working in taiwan untill i went home in philippines,i'm still diappointing for what
Please call me or email me if there are some poeple who rendered their services but unfortunately,it doesn't work it.
Please email me at
By Anonymous, at 10:16 PM, January 15, 2008

• anonymous,
sorry about what happened. i'm afraid it's bad news as i really don't know anyone personally who were able to successfully find
a job thru NewJobz or able to refund their money. it seems like you just have to charge this to experience. next time mag-
research ka munang mabuti tungkol sa agency bago mo sila bayaran ng fee.
By Ka Uro, at 7:55 AM, January 16, 2008

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Toni Kuzman, Skopje, Macedonia - Please visit: Email:

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