As Mad As A Hatter

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Idioms – some interesting meanings and histories

as mad as a hatter (Unit 5) hatchet job (Unit 56)

A hatchet is a small, light axe with a short handle, for
use with one hand. The term hatchet man originated in
the US, and referred to someone who was paid to kill
someone, originally using a hatchet for the purpose.
It is now used figuratively to refer to a journalist who
is employed to attack people’s reputations, and so a
hatchet job is a strong written attack on a person or
their work.

In Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland (published in

in the doghouse (Unit 57)
1865) a hat-maker, or hatter, holds a tea party, in which In North American English a doghouse is a small
he behaves in a very strange, or mad, way. Carroll was house or shelter for a dog; the British English word
referring to the effects of mercury poisoning sometimes is ‘kennel’. On both sides of the Atlantic, if you are
suffered in the past by hat-makers as a result of the in the doghouse you have done something that has
use of mercurous nitrate in the manufacture of felt made someone angry–
hats. Now, somebody who is eccentric or behaving the expression is used
in a strange way is described humorously as being humorously with
as mad as a hatter. reference to a badly
behaved dog that
close ranks (Units 8 and 31) has been shut in
its kennel.
When soldiers close ranks, they get closer together
so that it is difficult for the enemy to get past them.
Similarly, lines of policemen close ranks to control
a crowd. From this a figurative sense has developed:
when people close ranks, they join together to defend
something that is important to them or to protect each
other from criticism.

be as mad as a hatter!
Complete the sentences with the idioms above. You might raise money for a cancer charity! He must
have to change some of the words to make them fit. to eat nothing but cheese for a week to
It says here that some British guy is going 4.
1. Did you read that article about the government’s of pounds.
plans for the health service? ~ Yeah, the writer contracts rumoured to be worth millions
didn’t think much of their ideas, did he? It was a real they were involved in bribery over trade
. ranks over the latest allegations that
2. Ha ha! Dad’s because The company’s senior officials are closing 3.
he forgot mum’s birthday! forgot mum’s birthday!
Ha ha! Dad’s in the doghouse because he 2.
3. The company’s senior officials are job.
over the latest their ideas, did he? It was a real hatchet
allegations that they were involved in bribery over trade ~ Yeah, the writer didn’t think much of
contracts rumoured to be worth millions of pounds. government’s plans for the health service?
4. It says here that some British guy is going to eat nothing but Did you read that article about the 1.
cheese for a week to raise money for a cancer charity! He must Answers
be !

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