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FND03DLC – Digital Literacy and Communication Page 1 of 14



The module Digital Literacy and Communication will be assessed in the following manner:

# Assessment Title Responsibility Weightage

(% of module mark)
1 Mid-Semester Individual Assignment – LO1 & 4 Individual 50%
2 Group Case Study Presentation and Report – LO1, 2, 3 & 4 Group 50%

These assessments aim to achieve the following learning outcomes:

LO1 Learning, Analysis and Reflection: Find, evaluate, manage, curate, organize, analyze and
share digital information for academic purposes with due consideration given to copyright
referencing digital works appropriately in different contexts.
LO2 Learning and Application: Design and create new digital artefacts and materials such as
digital writing; digital imaging; digital audio and video, and web pages using a variety of digital
editing/presentation tools.
LO3 Learning and Communication: Communicate effectively in digital media and spaces such
as text-based forums, online video and audio, and social media, and collaborate effectively using
shared digital tools and media to produce formal reports and presentations.
LO4 Learning and Reflection: Participate in and benefit from digital learning opportunities
looking after personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital settings.
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Assessment: Mid- Semester Individual Assignment

Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 and LO4

Weighting: 50% of Overall Module Mark
Word Limit: 1000 words

For this individual assignment, you are expected to prepare a report that addresses the three elements
1. Examine the idea of ‘Digital Wellbeing’ and consider any 2 factors that help to maintain a
good balance between technology use and overall wellbeing.
(20 marks)
2. Track and evaluate your own wellbeing / digital habits while specifically monitoring only 2
areas (such as screen time, notifications, social media usage, privacy, app permissions etc.)
using a digital tool (or tools) of your choice and analyze the results of your experiment -
include any insights or challenges you encountered along the way while tracking your
(50 Marks)
3. Reflect upon your results and provide recommendations to your future-self on how you
could manage your wellbeing better based on the areas analyzed.
(20 marks)
4. References and Formatting
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Marking Criteria
Criterion Question Viewpoint Areas Covered Words Marks
Briefly explain the purpose of the
Third report
Introduction 100 10
Person Provide a definition and background
of digital wellbeing
Factors that help 1 Identification of 2 relevant factors
to maintain a good that can help individuals maintain a
balance between healthy relationship with technology 150 10
technology use Examples for each factor to support
and overall use the argument

Tracking and 2 Third Description of the app/tool/extension 10

evaluating your Person used and its main features
digital habits Analyze the data and highlight
significant findings and patterns
from both areas. Analysis can take
the form of:
 Mention your relevant statistics
you found (minutes, percentages 550
First 30
 Mention patterns or trends to
said statistics (Time of day
analysis, location-based analysis,
content consumption analysis
 Comparison of your statistic
with the relevant global average
statistic or peer statistic
Evidence of tracking and results
(screenshots, charts, graphs e.t.c) – 5

Minimum 2 required
First Discuss any challenges or limitations 5
Person encountered during the tracking
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Reflect upon results and describe
what you have learned about your

Reflection First digital wellbeing. You should talk 100 10

Person about the impact the particular
finding has had on your wellbeing
(productivity, mood, stress e.t.c.)
Provide specific recommendations
Recommendations 3 for both areas analyzed and how you 100 10
can improve your digital wellbeing.
Adhering to Harvard Referencing
Guidelines for References and In- 3
text Citations. Images need to be
properly cited as well.
Inclusion of at least 3 references in
the report along with their intext 3
References and
Formatting citations.
Consistent formatting across the
report (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5
line spacing, justified line 4
alignment). Table of Content and
Table of Images need to be included
as well.
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Assessment: Group Case Study Presentation and Report

Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3 & LO4
Weighting: 50% of Overall Module Mark
Word Limit: Report - 1000 words
Time Limit: Presentation – 10 minutes (Face-to-face)
Vlog – 5 minutes
4 -5 member groups.

You are expected to create a vlog highlighting a particular event (visiting a new restaurant, a
day at the mall), learning experiences (volunteering for a cause, joining a club to meet new
people, learning a new language) or any interests (hobbies such as gaming, baking etc.). The
vlog will span 5 minutes and all group members are supposed to be present in the video.

For the report, groups can write about how they managed the team, planned, communicated
and started the initial process with the aid of digital tools. In order to initiate said teambuilding
process, it is expected that digital tools which facilitate team collaboration, communication,
editing and productivity will be utilized. The report should highlight these tools the groups
have used and how they have used these tools to facilitate teamwork, communication and
overall productivity of the group.

The presentation will be for 10 minutes. For the presentation, groups are expected to present
what they have written in their reports. They are supposed to talk about the digital tools used
and how they have used them in the team. They can talk about the digital tools they’ve used
while working as a team, challenges they ran into, things that they have learnt while working as
a team etc.

The vlog should be authentic and genuine. Students should not use fake personas or try to be
someone they're not. The vlog should be creative and visually interesting. Students can use
images, music, and other multimedia elements to enhance their vlogs.

Your knowledge of the module will be assessed during the presentation and can affect your
overall mark.
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Marking Criteria

Areas Covered Mark Tota

Compone Allocatio l
nt n Mar
Clarity, creativity and
innovation in communicating
the chosen event, learning

Vlog experience or interest 30

Video quality, editing,
integration of music and 15
background sounds
Minimum of 2 tools should be
Description of the tool and its
main features 3

Appropriateness of each tool for

Comprehensiveness of digital its intended purpose (MS
tools used for collaboration, Teams for communication and
communication, and collaboration, Trello for 5
productivity productivity e.t.c.) along with a
justification of how the tool
Group fulfills its intended purpose
Effective utilization of tool and
how well the team has 5
leveraged its features.
Provide at least one
Depth of explanation of digital
examples/scenarios for each
tools used and how the team
tool and explain how the team 10
used it for the mentioned
has used the tool effectively for 15
its intended purpose
Overall structure and clarity of
the report
Presentatio Overall flow and effectiveness 20 40
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in highlighting key areas of the

Creativity and innovation in
visual aids and media used 10
n (slides, images e.t.c)
Confidence and preparedness of
team members
Overall professionalism and
teamwork demonstrated

Additional Comments
 For the group report, only the group leader needs to submit the report along with the
attached cover page. The cover page needs to include all the members’ names in it.
Group members need to submit only the cover page.
 The group report is not only about what the team has done for the vlog. Emphasis is on
the digital tools that were used between the team members for tasks related to the
 For the vlog, all members are required to be present in the video for a minimum of at
least 30 seconds. All members are required to speak. Group members who don’t appear in
the vlog or fail to provide their voice in the vlog will ultimately get their marks reduced.
 For the live presentation, all group members are required to be present. Each group will
be given 5 minutes to show their vlog as well as 10 minutes for the presentation. If a member
of the group fails to speak or show up for the presentation, that member will be awarded 0
 Groups are only supposed to submit their group report to the relevant link. There will not be
a link for the submission of the vlog or the presentation. The vlog and the presentation
will be marked on the presentation day allocated for each group.
 All members of the team will get the same mark for the report. However, the vlog and the
presentation will be individually marked based on above mentioned criteria.
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General Guidelines for the Assessment

Please take the following suggestions into consideration when writing your assignment:

 All sources of information cited in the text of the report should be acknowledged in the
list of references using the Staffordshire University Harvard referencing system.
 The assignment needs to be well-written, analytical, critical of the theories and concepts
where appropriate, well-researched, and showing clear linkages between theories, models
and literature to the issues being discussed. The emphasis of the assignment must be on
the application and reflection rather than on just describing the topic.
 A draft report can be shown prior to the submission date for feedback and guidance.
Please do not wait until the last minute. If you are unclear about any aspect of the
assignment, it is important that you clarify this from the lecturer early on in the course.
 You have a +/− 10% leeway on your word count. Please refer below to the word count
policy for further information.
 The Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty policy is strictly enforced. All submissions are
scanned for plagiarism on Turnitin, and a penalty will be imposed on submissions that are
flagged for plagiarism.

Word Count Policy

State the number of words used in your report on the cover page of your assignment. Your report
should not exceed the word limit of 1000 words. You may include diagrams, figures,
screenshots, images and list of references without word penalty; however, in-text citations and
tables will be counted towards the word count.

A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which
the limit has been exceeded. Utilizing 1000 words as the maximum allowed word count for this
assignment, the following applies:

1-10% Excess No penalty

11-20% Excess 10% reduction in the mark
21-30% Excess 25% reduction in the mark
31% + Excess The work will be capped at a pass, i.e. 40%
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NB. None of the above penalties will be used to change your mark which is above the pass mark
to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore, the maximum penalty for exceeding the word
limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.

Citations and References

 All sources of information used for the assignment should be presented in the slide deck
as in-text citations and a list of references using the Staffordshire University Harvard
referencing system (

 Ensure that each in-text citation has an accompanying entry in the reference list, and vice

 Numbering and bullets are not required for the reference list.

 References in the reference list need to be presented in ascending alphabetical order (i.e.,
from A to Z).

 Tables and diagrams need to be carefully referenced.

Reading Material
1. Lipschultz, J. (2020) Social media communication: concepts, practices, data, law and
ethics. 2nd edn. Abingdon: Routledge.

2. Hopkins D. & Reid, T. (2018) The Academic Skills Handbook: Your Guide to Success in
Writing, Thinking and Communicating at University. New York: SAGE Publications.

3. Gasiorek, J. (2018) Message Processing: The Science of Creating Understanding.

Minneapolis: Open Textbook Library.

Academic Misconduct and Submission Information

The Business School takes any cases of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, very
seriously. The penalties are severe and can, in some cases, result in a student not being allowed
to continue their studies. Plagiarism will be dealt with according to Staffordshire University’s
regulations on Academic Conduct.

The academic conduct procedure can be found at:
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What is plagiarism?
It is important to maintain academic integrity and take pride in your original work. Remember
that your ideas and efforts are valuable, and your unique perspective is what makes your work
stand out. By respecting the work of others and citing sources appropriately, you are
demonstrating your commitment to honesty and ethical behavior. Let's focus on doing the right
thing and producing work that we can be proud of, knowing that our accomplishments are truly
our own.

You will have committed plagiarism and may be caught, reported and punished (as described
below) if you:

 Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines,
journals, websites, for example) and submit the work as your own. It is acceptable to
refer to the work of others as long as you do not use too much and reference your sources
 Copy another student’s work and submit it for assessment under your own name.
 You allow another student to copy your work and they submit it for assessment under
their own name.

The last item is of particular importance. Few students seem to understand what it means. You
should be aware that if, for example, you allow another student to borrow your work and they
subsequently copy some of that work and present it as their own, you and they will both be
punished even though they copied your work.

What are the potential consequences if the situation arises?

Examination Boards may punish offending students in a number of ways. Typically,
punishments range from reducing grades, making students re-sit modules, through to failing
students on a module or an entire award. The University regards this form of cheating as a
serious offence.

Submission information
If you fail to submit any assessment for a module an N will be recorded (non-submission) (fail
due to non-submission) for that module and you will not have a guaranteed re-sit entitlement.
Any further attempt entitlement will be at the discretion of the Award Board.
Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments
can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances claim is made. In these circumstances
work may be submitted up to 5 working days late only (this is not automatic). If the extenuating
circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded as usual. If the claim is rejected and the
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work is of a pass grade, a maximum of a 40% will be awarded. If your work is submitted after
the 5 working days a 0 will be awarded.

Performance Criteria – Mid Semester Assignment

Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:

Grade Assessment Guidelines

0-39% No or very little explanation of the concept of digital wellbeing and its importance.
Limited or no analysis of the factors that affect digital wellbeing. No improvement has
been made at all during the two milestones. No digital tool has been used for tracking
wellbeing. Little to no reflection provided. No recommendations have been provided. No
sources have been acknowledged or referenced.
40-49% Limited understanding of the concept and its importance with little to no analysis of its
factors. Extremely limited progress made during the two milestones. Inadequate usage of
the digital tracking tool with limited analysis of the results. Some reflection has been
provided with little to no analysis of the insights and challenges encountered. No or very
few recommendations provided. Limited sources have been acknowledged and
50-59% A satisfactory understanding of the concept and its importance has been provided, along
with relevant literature. Adequate analysis of the factors that affect digital wellbeing with
usage of a digital tool to track wellbeing. Decent improvement shown during the
progress between the two milestones. Some analysis of the results obtained from the
tracking, but with limited understanding of the strengths and limitations of the tool used.
Appropriate reflection has been provided with some analysis of the insights and
challenges encountered. Some recommendations have been provided. Sources have been
acknowledged and referenced using Harvard referencing system.
60-69% A good understanding of the concept and its importance has been provided, along with
relevant literature. Good analysis of the factors that affect digital wellbeing with usage of
a digital tool to track wellbeing. Good improvement and understanding of concept was
shown during the two milestones. Sufficient analysis of the results obtained from the
tracking as well as a decent understanding of the strengths and limitations of the tool
used. Appropriate reflection has been provided along with some analysis of insights and
challenges. General recommendations have been provided to self. Sources have been
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acknowledged and referenced using Harvard referencing system.

70-79% An excellent understanding of the concept and its importance has been provided, along
with key literature. Detailed analysis of the factors that affect digital wellbeing with
usage of a digital tool to track wellbeing. Very good progress and improvements were
made during the two milestones. Thorough interpretation of the results obtained from the
tracking as well as a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and limitations of the
tool used. Proper reflection has been provided along with some analysis of insights and
challenges. Appropriate recommendations have been provided to self. Sources have been
acknowledged and referenced using Harvard referencing system.

80-89% An outstanding answer demonstrating a detailed understanding of the concept and its
importance, along with key literature. Thorough analysis of the factors that affect digital
wellbeing with proper usage of a digital tool to track wellbeing. Excellent progress and
improvements were made during the two milestones Outstanding interpretation of the
results obtained from the tracking as well as a good understanding of the strengths and
limitations of the tool used. Excellent reflection has been provided along with detailed
analysis of insights and challenges. Detailed recommendations have been provided to
self. Sources have been acknowledged and referenced using Harvard referencing system.

90-100% Exceptional answer demonstrating a highly detailed understanding of the concept and
importance. Excellent analysis of all the factors that ensure a good balance has been
provided with relevant examples and literature. Outstanding progress and improvements
were made during the two milestones. Has used one or more tools to track their digital
habits / personal wellbeing and has provided a detailed analysis of the results obtained
from the tracking. Demonstrated an excellent understanding of the strengths and
limitations of the digital tools used. Detailed reflection has been provided along with any
insights or challenges encountered while using the tool. Clear evidence-based
recommendations have been provided to improve personal digital wellbeing. Sources
have been acknowledged and referenced using Harvard referencing system.
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Performance Criteria – Group Case Study Presentation and Report

Grade Assessment Guidelines
0-39% The vlog does not effectively communicate the chosen event, learning experience, or
interest. The video quality is poor, with shaky camera work, bad lighting, and poor sound
quality. The editing is unprofessional, and music or background sounds are not well-
integrated. The report is poorly structured and does not effectively explain how the team
used digital tools for collaboration, communication, and productivity. There may be no
mention of digital tools at all. The presentation lacks flow, with disorganized information
and a lack of focus on key areas of the report. Team members appear unprepared and lack
confidence in their presentation.
40-49% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest, but with limited
creativity and clarity. The video quality is below average, with some issues in camera
work, lighting, or sound quality. The editing may be choppy, and music or background
sounds may be poorly integrated. The report is somewhat structured but may lack
important details about how the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication,
and productivity. Digital tools may be mentioned, but not effectively explained. The
presentation has some flow but may not effectively highlight key areas of the report or may
have some disorganized information. Team members appear somewhat prepared but may
lack confidence in their presentation.
50-59% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest with some
creativity and clarity. The video quality is average, with some issues in camera work,
lighting, or sound quality. The editing is passable, and music or background sounds are
somewhat integrated. The report is well-structured and provides some explanation of how
the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication, and productivity. Digital
tools are mentioned but may lack some detail or explanation. The presentation has some
flow and effectively highlights key areas of the report but may have some information that
is not effectively communicated. Team members appear somewhat confident and prepared
but may lack some polish in their presentation.
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60-69% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest clearly and
effectively, with some creativity or innovation. The video quality is good, with few issues
in camera work, lighting, or sound quality. The editing is well-done, and music or
background sounds are well-integrated. The report is well-structured and provides a
detailed explanation of how the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication,
and productivity. Digital tools are comprehensively mentioned but may lack some depth in
explanation. The presentation has good flow and effectively highlights key areas of the
report with some creative visuals. Team members appear confident and prepared, with only
minor areas for improvement.
70-79% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest with great
clarity, creativity, and innovation. The video quality is very good, with no issues in camera
work, lighting, or sound quality. The editing is excellent, and music or background sounds
are very well-integrated. The report is very well-structured and provides a comprehensive
explanation of how the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication, and
productivity. Digital tools are comprehensively mentioned and well-explained. The
presentation has outstanding flow, with key areas of the report highlighted effectively with
creative visuals and well-placed media. Team members appear highly confident and
prepared, with only minor areas for improvement.
80-89% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest with exceptional
clarity, creativity, and innovation. The video quality is excellent, with professional camera
work, lighting, and sound quality. The editing is superb, and music or background sounds
are seamlessly integrated. The report is exceptionally well-structured and provides an in-
depth explanation of how the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication, and
productivity. Digital tools are mentioned and explained in great detail. The presentation
has outstanding flow, with key areas of the report highlighted effectively with creative
visuals and well-placed media. Team members appear highly confident and prepared, with
only minor areas for improvement.
90-100% The vlog communicates the chosen event, learning experience, or interest with exceptional
clarity, creativity, and innovation, going above and beyond expectations. The video quality
is outstanding, with exceptional camera work, lighting, and sound quality. The editing is
flawless, and music or background sounds are masterfully integrated. The report is
exceptionally well-structured, comprehensive, and provides a detailed and insightful
explanation of how the team used digital tools for collaboration, communication, and
productivity. Digital tools are mentioned, explained, and analysed in great depth. The
presentation has exceptional flow, with key areas of the report highlighted in a highly
engaging and creative way with excellent use of media and visual aids. Team members
appear highly confident, professional, and prepared, demonstrating exceptional teamwork
and collaboration.

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