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Content Strategy

Monday : Meet the Team

Introduce members of your team, including
chefs, servers, and managers. Share fun facts
or stories about each person to humanize your

Tuesday : Customer Testimonials

Showcase positive customer reviews, testimonials,
or images shared by patrons. Encourage followers
to share their experiences.

Wednesday : Behind-the-Scenes
Take followers behind the scenes with a glimpse
into the kitchen, the chef's preparations, or the
staff. Humanize your brand.

Thursday : Throwback Thursday

Share nostalgic photos or memories related to the
restaurant's history, old menu items, or memorable
events. Engage followers by asking them to share
their own throwback photos. +91 6002047909

Friday : Foodie Friday
Post visually appealing images or videos of your most
photogenic dishes. Encourage followers to share their
favorite menu items.

Saturday : Specials Spotlight

Highlight weekend specials, promotions, or
unique offerings. Create a sense of exclusivity
for weekend patrons.

Sunday : Recipe Sharing

Share a simplified recipe for one of your popular
dishes or a signature drink. Encourage followers
to try it at home. +91 6002047909


Monday : Meet the Team

Identify team members to feature.

Collect fun facts or interesting stories about each

team member.

Create visually appealing graphics or images to

introduce the team.

Craft engaging captions to humanize the brand.

Schedule the post for optimal reach.

Tuesday : Customer Testimonials

Collect positive customer reviews and testimonials.

Obtain permission from customers to feature their


Create a collage or visually appealing layout for


Write captions encouraging followers to share their


Respond to comments and engage with customers. +91 6002047909

Wednesday: Behind-the-Scenes

Plan and schedule behind-the-scenes content.

Capture footage or images of the kitchen, chef's

preparations, or staff.

Use Instagram Stories, live streams, or regular posts

for variety.

Share interesting facts or stories about the behind-

the-scenes process.

Engage with followers through Q&A sessions during

live streams.

Thursday : Throwback Thursday

Gather nostalgic photos or memories related to the

restaurant's history.

Create visually appealing throwback graphics.

Craft engaging captions that prompt followers to

share their memories.

Monitor comments and encourage interaction with

the post.

Consider using relevant hashtags like

#ThrowbackThursday. +91 6002047909

Friday : Foodie Friday

Select visually appealing dishes for the Foodie

Friday feature.

Capture high-quality images or videos of the dishes.

Write engaging captions describing the featured


Encourage followers to share their favorite menu


Consider using food-related hashtags to increase


Saturday : Specials Spotlight

Identify and plan which specials or promotions to


Create visually appealing graphics or images for the


Craft captions that convey exclusivity and


Utilize Instagram Stories, posts, or other formats for


Monitor engagement and adjust future specials

based on feedback. +91 6002047909

Sunday: Recipe Sharing

Choose a popular dish or signature drink for the

recipe sharing.

Simplify the recipe for easy understanding.

Create engaging visuals, such as step-by-step

images or videos.

Encourage followers to try the recipe at home and

share their results.

Respond to comments and questions about the

recipe. +91 6002047909

Bonus Tips

Interactive Polls : Run polls asking followers to vote on

their favorite menu items, upcoming specials, or
potential new dishes.
Contest or Giveaway : Host a weekly contest or giveaway
where followers can win a gift card, free meal, or
exclusive dining experience by participating.
Behind-the-Scenes Cooking Demo : Share short videos
or live streams of your chef preparing a signature dish or
demonstrating a cooking technique.
Seasonal Highlights : Tailor your content to seasonal
ingredients, holidays, or events happening in your
community to stay relevant and timely.
User-Generated Content (UGC) : Encourage customers to
share photos of their meals with a specific hashtag.
Repost UGC to build a sense of community.
Events and Promotions : Announce upcoming events,
promotions, or themed nights to keep followers excited.
Local Partnerships : Collaborate with local businesses,
such as farmers or other eateries, and share content
related to these partnerships.
Format : Try and make the content in forms of Reels /
Shorts / tiktok i.e in vertical video format. +91 6002047909

Bonus Checklist

Interactive Polls :

Create engaging and visually appealing polls.

Clearly state the options for followers to

vote on.

Promote the poll across different social

media platforms.

Monitor and analyze the poll results.

Contest or Giveaway :
Decide on the type of contest or giveaway
(e.g., photo contest, trivia, etc.).

Establish clear entry rules and deadlines.

Create eye-catching graphics to promote the


Regularly update participants on the status

and winner.

Ensure you comply with social media platform

rules for contests. +91 6002047909

Behind-the-Scenes Cooking Demo :

Plan the schedule for cooking demos.

Prepare a list of signature dishes or

techniques to showcase.

Use high-quality video equipment for clear


Promote the demo in advance to build


Interact with viewers during live streams,

answering questions and comments.

Seasonal Highlights :
Develop a content calendar based on
seasonal changes, holidays, and local events.

Tailor menu highlights and promotions to

match the season.

Use relevant hashtags to connect with

trending topics.

Create visually appealing graphics or images

related to the season. +91 6002047909

User-Generated Content (UGC) :

Establish a unique hashtag for your brand.

Encourage customers to share their

experiences through photos.

Regularly check and engage with posts

using your hashtag.

Seek permission before reposting

customer content.

Give credit to users when sharing their


Events and Promotions:

Plan and schedule announcements for
upcoming events and promotions.

Create engaging content to build


Utilize both visual and text-based posts for


Monitor engagement and adjust strategies

based on the response.

Collaborate with influencers or local media

for increased reach. +91 6002047909

Local Partnerships :

Identify potential local partners (farmers,

other businesses, etc.).

Develop collaboration ideas and promotions.

Create content that highlights the partnership.

Cross-promote with your partner on social


Monitor the success of the partnership and

adjust as needed.

Formats :
Export content in vertical video format +91 6002047909

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